public function filter_dashboard_dates() { $data = $_POST; $dash = new Dashboard(); $resp = new ajax_response($data['action'], true); if ($data['dashboard_date_count'] != '') { $resp->set_status(true); $resp->set_data(array('dashboard_dates' => $dash->get_dashboard_data((int) $data['dashboard_date_count']))); } echo $resp->encode_response(); die; }
public function update_rates() { $data = $_POST; $resp = new ajax_response($data['action'], true); if ($data['hotel_id'] != null) { $hotel = new Hotel((int) $data['hotel_id']); if ($hotel instanceof Hotel) { $result = $hotel->save_rate_data($data); $result ? $resp->set_status(true) : ''; } } echo $resp->encode_response(); die; }
public function user_register() { global $wpdb; $data = $_POST; $login_data = array(); $resp = new ajax_response($data['action'], true); $code_data = $wpdb->get_results('SELECT * FROM ' . $wpdb->register_codes . ' WHERE 1=1 AND register_code == ' . $wpdb->escape($data['sec_code'])); if ($code_data->register_code_used == 0) { $username = $wpdb->escape($data['user_name']); $exists = username_exists($username); if (!$exists) { $user_id = wp_create_user($username, wp_generate_password($length = 12, $include_standard_special_chars = false), $username); wp_new_user_notification($user_id, null, true); if (!is_wp_error($user_id)) { $user = get_user_by('id', $user_id); $wpdb->update($wpdb->register_codes, array('register_code_used' => 1, 'register_code_used_by' => $user->data->user_login), array('register_code' => $wpdb->escape($data['sec_code']))); $resp->set_status(true); $resp->set_message($user->data->user_login . ' is successfully registered. Please switch to the login tab to login.'); } else { foreach ($user_id->errors as $k => $error) { $resp->set_message(array($error[0])); } } } else { $resp->set_message('User already exists. Please use a different email address.'); } } else { $resp->set_message('Security token not recognized. Could not register you without a valid security token.'); } echo $resp->encode_response(); die; }
public function load_hotels_async() { $data = $_POST; $hotel = new Hotel(); $resp = new ajax_response($data['action'], true); $resp->set_status(true); $resp->set_data(array('loadable_content' => $hotel->get_all_hotels($args))); echo $resp->encode_response(); die; }
public function delete_reservation() { $data = $_POST; $resp = new ajax_response($data['action']); check_ajax_referer('delete_reservation'); echo $resp->encode_response(); die; }