예제 #1
 function admin_bar_menu()
     global $wp_admin_bar, $aioseop_admin_menu, $aioseop_options, $post;
     $toggle = '';
     if (isset($_POST['aiosp_use_original_title']) && isset($_POST['aiosp_admin_bar'])) {
         $toggle = 'on';
     if (isset($_POST['aiosp_use_original_title']) && !isset($_POST['aiosp_admin_bar'])) {
         $toggle = 'off';
     if (!empty($aioseop_options['aiosp_admin_bar']) && $toggle != 'off' || isset($_POST['aiosp_admin_bar'])) {
         $menu_slug = plugin_basename(__FILE__);
         $url = '';
         if (function_exists('menu_page_url')) {
             $url = menu_page_url($menu_slug, 0);
         if (empty($url)) {
             $url = esc_url(admin_url('admin.php?page=' . $menu_slug));
         $wp_admin_bar->add_menu(array('id' => AIOSEOP_PLUGIN_DIRNAME, 'title' => __('SEO', 'all-in-one-seo-pack'), 'href' => $url));
         if (current_user_can('update_plugins') && !AIOSEOPPRO) {
             $wp_admin_bar->add_menu(array('parent' => AIOSEOP_PLUGIN_DIRNAME, 'title' => __('Upgrade To Pro', 'all-in-one-seo-pack'), 'id' => 'aioseop-pro-upgrade', 'href' => 'http://semperplugins.com/plugins/all-in-one-seo-pack-pro-version/?loc=menu', 'meta' => array('target' => '_blank')));
             // add_action( 'admin_bar_menu', array( $this, 'admin_bar_upgrade_menu' ), 1101 );
         $aioseop_admin_menu = 1;
         if (!is_admin() && !empty($post)) {
             $blog_page = aiosp_common::get_blog_page($post);
             if (!empty($blog_page)) {
                 $post = $blog_page;
             $wp_admin_bar->add_menu(array('id' => 'aiosp_edit_' . $post->ID, 'parent' => AIOSEOP_PLUGIN_DIRNAME, 'title' => __('Edit SEO', 'all-in-one-seo-pack'), 'href' => get_edit_post_link($post->ID) . '#aiosp'));
    static function display_extra_metaboxes($add, $meta)
        echo "<div class='aioseop_metabox_wrapper' >";
        switch ($meta['id']) {
            case "aioseop-about":
<div class="aioseop_metabox_text">
							<p><h2 style="display:inline;"><?php 
                echo AIOSEOP_PLUGIN_NAME;
                sprintf(__("by %s of %s.", 'all-in-one-seo-pack'), 'Michael Torbert', '<a target="_blank" title="Semper Fi Web Design"
							href="http://semperfiwebdesign.com/">Semper Fi Web Design</a>');
                global $current_user;
                $user_id = $current_user->ID;
                $ignore = get_user_meta($user_id, 'aioseop_ignore_notice');
                if (!empty($ignore)) {
                    $qa = array();
                    wp_parse_str($_SERVER["QUERY_STRING"], $qa);
                    $qa['aioseop_reset_notices'] = 1;
                    $url = '?' . build_query($qa);
                    echo '<p><a href="' . $url . '">' . __("Reset Dismissed Notices", 'all-in-one-seo-pack') . '</a></p>';
                if (!AIOSEOPPRO) {
                    echo aiosp_common::get_upgrade_hyperlink('side', __('Pro Version', 'all-in-one-seo-pack'), __('UPGRADE TO PRO VERSION', 'all-in-one-seo-pack'), '_blank');
            case "aioseop-donate":

                if (!AIOSEOPPRO) {
					<div class="aioseop_metabox_text">
						<p>If you like this plugin and find it useful, help keep this plugin free and actively developed by clicking the <a 				href="https://www.paypal.com/cgi-bin/webscr?cmd=_donations&business=mrtorbert%40gmail%2ecom&item_name=All%20In%20One%20SEO%20Pack&item_number=Support%20Open%20Source&no_shipping=0&no_note=1&tax=0&currency_code=USD&lc=US&bn=PP%2dDonationsBF&charset=UTF%2d8"
							target="_blank"><strong>donate</strong></a> button or send me a gift from my <a
							href="https://www.amazon.com/wishlist/1NFQ133FNCOOA/ref=wl_web" target="_blank">
							<strong>Amazon wishlist</strong></a>.  Also, don't forget to follow me on <a
							href="http://twitter.com/michaeltorbert/" target="_blank"><strong>Twitter</strong></a>.

					<div class="aioseop_metabox_feature">

                if (!AIOSEOPPRO) {
								<a target="_blank" title="<?php 
                    _e('Donate', 'all-in-one-seo-pack');
					<img src="<?php 
                    echo AIOSEOP_PLUGIN_URL;
images/donate.jpg" alt="<?php 
                    _e('Donate with Paypal', 'all-in-one-seo-pack');
" />	</a>
					<a target="_blank" title="Amazon Wish List" href="https://www.amazon.com/wishlist/1NFQ133FNCOOA/ref=wl_web">
					<img src="<?php 
                    echo AIOSEOP_PLUGIN_URL;
images/amazon.jpg" alt="<?php 
                    _e('My Amazon Wish List', 'all-in-one-seo-pack');
" /> </a>

					<a target="_blank" title="<?php 
                _e('Follow us on Facebook', 'all-in-one-seo-pack');
" href="http://www.facebook.com/pages/Semper-Fi-Web-Design/121878784498475"><span class="aioseop_follow_button aioseop_facebook_follow"></span></a>
					<a target="_blank" title="<?php 
                _e('Follow us on Twitter', 'all-in-one-seo-pack');
" href="http://twitter.com/semperfidev/"><span class="aioseop_follow_button aioseop_twitter_follow"></span></a>
                if (get_locale() != 'en_US') {
					<a target="_blank" title="translate" href="https://translate.wordpress.org/projects/wp-plugins/all-in-one-seo-pack">
                    _e('We need your help translating All in One SEO Pack into your language! Click Here to help make the translation complete and fix any errors.', 'all-in-one-seo-pack');
            case "aioseop-list":
				<div class="aioseop_metabox_text">
						<form action="http://semperfiwebdesign.us1.list-manage.com/subscribe/post?u=794674d3d54fdd912f961ef14&amp;id=af0a96d3d9"
						method="post" id="mc-embedded-subscribe-form" name="mc-embedded-subscribe-form" class="validate" target="_blank">
                _e('Join our mailing list for tips, tricks, and WordPress secrets.', 'all-in-one-seo-pack');
                _e('Sign up today and receive a free copy of the e-book 5 SEO Tips for WordPress ($39 value).', 'all-in-one-seo-pack');
						<p><input type="text" value="" name="EMAIL" class="required email" id="mce-EMAIL" placeholder="Email Address">
							<input type="submit" value="Subscribe" name="subscribe" id="mc-embedded-subscribe" class="btn"></p>
            case "aioseop-support":
<div class="aioseop_metabox_text">
				<p><div class="aioseop_icon aioseop_file_icon"></div><a target="_blank" href="http://semperplugins.com/documentation/"><?php 
                _e('Read the All in One SEO Pack user guide', 'all-in-one-seo-pack');
				<p><div class="aioseop_icon aioseop_support_icon"></div><a target="_blank" title="<?php 
                _e('All in One SEO Pro Plugin Support Forum', 'all-in-one-seo-pack');
                _e('Access our Premium Support Forums', 'all-in-one-seo-pack');
				<p><div class="aioseop_icon aioseop_cog_icon"></div><a target="_blank" title="<?php 
                _e('All in One SEO Pro Plugin Changelog', 'all-in-one-seo-pack');
                if (AIOSEOPPRO) {
                    echo 'http://semperplugins.com/documentation/all-in-one-seo-pack-pro-changelog/';
                } else {
                    echo 'http://semperfiwebdesign.com/blog/all-in-one-seo-pack/all-in-one-seo-pack-release-history/';
                _e('View the Changelog', 'all-in-one-seo-pack');
				<p><div class="aioseop_icon aioseop_youtube_icon"></div><a target="_blank" href="http://semperplugins.com/doc-type/video/"><?php 
                _e('Watch video tutorials', 'all-in-one-seo-pack');
				<p><div class="aioseop_icon aioseop_book_icon"></div><a target="_blank" href="http://semperplugins.com/documentation/quick-start-guide/"><?php 
                _e('Getting started? Read the Beginners Guide', 'all-in-one-seo-pack');
        echo "</div>";
    public function insert_meta_tags()
        global $webdados_fb, $wp_query;
        //Also set Title Tag? - Needed??
        $fb_set_title_tag = 0;
        //Init values
        $fb_locale = '';
        $fb_title = '';
        $fb_url = '';
        $fb_desc = '';
        $fb_image = '';
        $fb_type = 'article';
        $fb_author = '';
        $fb_author_meta = '';
        $fb_author_linkrelgp = '';
        $fb_author_twitter = '';
        $fb_article_pub_date = '';
        $fb_article_mod_date = '';
        $fb_image_additional = array();
        $fb_additional_tags = array('name' => array(), 'property' => array());
        $fb_publisher = trim($this->options['fb_publisher']);
        $fb_publisher_schema = trim($this->options['fb_publisher_schema']);
        $fb_publisher_twitteruser = trim($this->options['fb_publisher_twitteruser']);
        //Homepage Description
        switch ($this->options['fb_desc_homepage']) {
            case 'custom':
                $fb_desc_homepage = $this->options['fb_desc_homepage_customtext'];
                if ($webdados_fb->is_wpml_active()) {
                    global $sitepress;
                    if (ICL_LANGUAGE_CODE != $sitepress->get_default_language()) {
                        $fb_desc_homepage = icl_t('wd-fb-og', 'wd_fb_og_desc_homepage_customtext', $fb_desc_homepage);
                $fb_desc_homepage = get_bloginfo('description');
        //Open tag
        $html = '
        if (is_singular()) {
            global $post;
            // Title
            //It's a Post or a Page or an attachment page - It can also be the homepage if it's set as a page
            $fb_title = esc_attr(wp_strip_all_tags(stripslashes($post->post_title), true));
            if (isset($this->options['fb_show_subheading']) && intval($this->options['fb_show_subheading']) == 1 && $webdados_fb->is_subheading_plugin_active()) {
                if (isset($this->options['fb_subheading_position']) && $this->options['fb_subheading_position'] == 'before') {
                    $fb_title = trim(trim(get_the_subheading()) . ' - ' . trim($fb_title), ' -');
                } else {
                    $fb_title = trim(trim($fb_title) . ' - ' . trim(get_the_subheading()), ' -');
            // URL
            $fb_url = get_permalink();
            // Type if it's a homepage page
            if (is_front_page()) {
                /* Fix homepage type when it's a static page */
                $fb_url = get_option('home') . (intval($this->options['fb_url_add_trailing']) == 1 ? '/' : '');
                $fb_type = trim($this->options['fb_type_homepage'] == '' ? 'website' : $this->options['fb_type_homepage']);
            // Description
            if (trim($post->post_excerpt) != '') {
                //If there's an excerpt that's what we'll use
                $fb_desc = trim($post->post_excerpt);
            } else {
                //If not we grab it from the content
                $fb_desc = trim($post->post_content);
            // Image
            if (intval($this->options['fb_image_show']) == 1 || intval($this->options['fb_image_show_schema']) == 1 || intval($this->options['fb_image_show_twitter']) == 1) {
                $fb_image = $this->get_post_image();
            // Author
            $author_id = $post->post_author;
            if ($author_id > 0 && !(is_page() && intval($this->options['fb_author_hide_on_pages']) == 1)) {
                $fb_author = get_the_author_meta('facebook', $author_id);
                $fb_author_meta = get_the_author_meta('display_name', $author_id);
                $fb_author_linkrelgp = get_the_author_meta('googleplus', $author_id);
                $fb_author_twitter = get_the_author_meta('twitter', $author_id);
            //Published and Modified time - We should check this out and maybe have it for any kind of post...
            if (is_singular('post')) {
                $fb_article_pub_date = get_the_date('c');
                $fb_article_mod_date = get_the_modified_date('c');
            } else {
                //Reset dates show because we're not on posts
                $this->options['fb_article_dates_show'] = 0;
            if (is_singular('post')) {
                $cats = get_the_category();
                if (!is_wp_error($cats) && (is_array($cats) && count($cats) > 0)) {
                    $fb_sections = array();
                    foreach ($cats as $cat) {
                        $fb_sections[] = $cat->name;
            } else {
                $this->options['fb_article_sections_show'] = 0;
            // Business Directory Plugin
            if (isset($this->options['fb_show_businessdirectoryplugin']) && $webdados_fb->is_business_directory_active()) {
                global $wpbdp;
                $bdp_action = wpbdp_current_action();
                $bdp_disable_cpt = wpbdp_get_option('disable-cpt');
                $current_view_object = $wpbdp->dispatcher->current_view_object();
                switch ($bdp_action) {
                    case 'show_listing':
                        $fb_title = trim(esc_attr(wp_strip_all_tags(stripslashes($this->post->post_title), true)) . ' - ' . $fb_title, ' -');
                        $fb_set_title_tag = 1;
                        $fb_url = get_permalink($this->post->ID);
                        if (trim($this->post->post_excerpt) != '') {
                            //If there's an excerpt that's what we'll use
                            $fb_desc = trim($this->post->post_excerpt);
                        } else {
                            //If not we grab it from the content
                            $fb_desc = trim($this->post->post_content);
                        if (intval($this->options['fb_image_show']) == 1 || intval($this->options['fb_image_show_schema']) == 1 || intval($this->options['fb_image_show_twitter']) == 1) {
                            $thumbdone = false;
                            if (intval($this->options['fb_image_use_featured']) == 1) {
                                if ($id_attachment = get_post_thumbnail_id($this->post->ID)) {
                                    //There's a featured/thumbnail image for this listing
                                    $fb_image = wp_get_attachment_url($id_attachment, false);
                                    $thumbdone = true;
                                } else {
                            if (!$thumbdone) {
                                //Main image loaded
                                if ($thumbnail_id = wpbdp_listings_api()->get_thumbnail_id($this->post->ID)) {
                                    $fb_image = wp_get_attachment_url($thumbnail_id, false);
                                    $thumbdone = true;
            // WooCommerce
            if ($webdados_fb->is_woocommerce_active() && is_product()) {
                $fb_type = 'product';
                $product = new WC_Product($post->ID);
                $fb_additional_tags['property']['og_price_amount'] = array($product->get_price_including_tax());
                if (function_exists('get_woocommerce_currency')) {
                    $fb_additional_tags['property']['og_price_currency'] = array(get_woocommerce_currency());
                $fb_additional_tags['name']['twitter_label1'] = array(__('Price', 'wd-fb-og'));
                if (function_exists('get_woocommerce_currency')) {
                    $fb_additional_tags['name']['twitter_data1'] = array($product->get_price_including_tax() . ' ' . get_woocommerce_currency());
                //Additional product images?
                if (intval($this->options['fb_image_show']) == 1 && $this->options['fb_wc_useproductgallery'] == 1) {
                    if ($attachment_ids = $product->get_gallery_attachment_ids()) {
                        foreach ($attachment_ids as $attachment_id) {
                            if ($image_link = wp_get_attachment_url($attachment_id)) {
                                if (trim($image_link) != '') {
                                    $fb_image_additional[] = array('fb_image' => trim($image_link), 'png_overlay' => intval($this->options['fb_wc_usepg_png_overlay']) ? true : false);
        } else {
            //Other pages - Defaults
            $fb_title = esc_attr(wp_strip_all_tags(stripslashes(get_bloginfo('name')), true));
            $fb_url = (!empty($_SERVER['HTTPS']) && $_SERVER['HTTPS'] == 'on' ? 'https://' : 'http://') . $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'] . $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'];
            //Not really canonical but will work for now
            $fb_image = trim($this->options['fb_image']);
            $this->options['fb_article_sections_show'] = 0;
            $this->options['fb_article_dates_show'] = 0;
            $this->options['fb_author_show'] = 0;
            $this->options['fb_author_show_meta'] = 0;
            $this->options['fb_author_show_linkrelgp'] = 0;
            $this->options['fb_author_show_twitter'] = 0;
            $this->options['fb_author_show_twitter'] = 0;
            if (is_category()) {
                $fb_title = esc_attr(wp_strip_all_tags(stripslashes(single_cat_title('', false)), true));
                $term = $wp_query->get_queried_object();
                $fb_url = get_term_link($term, $term->taxonomy);
                $cat_desc = trim(esc_attr(wp_strip_all_tags(stripslashes(category_description()), true)));
                if (trim($cat_desc) != '') {
                    $fb_desc = $cat_desc;
            } else {
                if (is_tag()) {
                    $fb_title = esc_attr(wp_strip_all_tags(stripslashes(single_tag_title('', false)), true));
                    $term = $wp_query->get_queried_object();
                    $fb_url = get_term_link($term, $term->taxonomy);
                    $tag_desc = trim(esc_attr(wp_strip_all_tags(stripslashes(tag_description()), true)));
                    if (trim($tag_desc) != '') {
                        $fb_desc = $tag_desc;
                } else {
                    if (is_tax()) {
                        $fb_title = esc_attr(wp_strip_all_tags(stripslashes(single_term_title('', false)), true));
                        $term = $wp_query->get_queried_object();
                        $fb_url = get_term_link($term, $term->taxonomy);
                        $tax_desc = trim(esc_attr(wp_strip_all_tags(stripslashes(term_description()), true)));
                        if (trim($tax_desc) != '') {
                            $fb_desc = $tag_desc;
                        if ($webdados_fb->is_woocommerce_active() && intval($this->options['fb_wc_usecategthumb']) == 1 && is_product_category()) {
                            if (intval($this->options['fb_image_show']) == 1 || intval($this->options['fb_image_show_schema']) == 1 || intval($this->options['fb_image_show_twitter']) == 1) {
                                if ($thumbnail_id = get_woocommerce_term_meta($term->term_id, 'thumbnail_id', true)) {
                                    if ($image = wp_get_attachment_url($thumbnail_id)) {
                                        $fb_image = $image;
                    } else {
                        if (is_search()) {
                            $fb_title = esc_attr(wp_strip_all_tags(stripslashes(__('Search for', 'wd-fb-og') . ' "' . get_search_query() . '"'), true));
                            $fb_url = get_search_link();
                        } else {
                            if (is_author()) {
                                $fb_title = esc_attr(wp_strip_all_tags(stripslashes(get_the_author_meta('display_name', get_query_var('author'))), true));
                                $fb_url = get_author_posts_url(get_query_var('author'), get_query_var('author_name'));
                            } else {
                                if (is_archive()) {
                                    if (is_day()) {
                                        $fb_title = esc_attr(wp_strip_all_tags(stripslashes(get_query_var('day') . ' ' . single_month_title(' ', false) . ' ' . __('Archives', 'wd-fb-og')), true));
                                        $fb_url = get_day_link(get_query_var('year'), get_query_var('monthnum'), get_query_var('day'));
                                    } else {
                                        if (is_month()) {
                                            $fb_title = esc_attr(wp_strip_all_tags(stripslashes(single_month_title(' ', false) . ' ' . __('Archives', 'wd-fb-og')), true));
                                            $fb_url = get_month_link(get_query_var('year'), get_query_var('monthnum'));
                                        } else {
                                            if (is_year()) {
                                                $fb_title = esc_attr(wp_strip_all_tags(stripslashes(get_query_var('year') . ' ' . __('Archives', 'wd-fb-og')), true));
                                                $fb_url = get_year_link(get_query_var('year'));
                                } else {
                                    if (is_front_page()) {
                                        $fb_url = get_option('home') . (intval($this->options['fb_url_add_trailing']) == 1 ? '/' : '');
                                        $fb_type = trim($this->options['fb_type_homepage'] == '' ? 'website' : $this->options['fb_type_homepage']);
                                        $fb_desc = $fb_desc_homepage;
                                    } else {
                                        //Others... Defaults already set up there
        //og:type for WPML root page?
        if ($webdados_fb->is_wpml_active()) {
            if (class_exists('WPML_Root_Page')) {
                if (WPML_Root_Page::is_current_request_root()) {
                    $fb_type = trim($this->options['fb_type_homepage'] == '' ? 'website' : $this->options['fb_type_homepage']);
        //Default description, if empty until now
        if (trim($fb_desc) == '') {
            switch ($this->options['fb_desc_default_option']) {
                case 'custom':
                    $fb_desc = $this->options['fb_desc_default'];
                    if ($webdados_fb->is_wpml_active()) {
                        global $sitepress;
                        if (ICL_LANGUAGE_CODE != $sitepress->get_default_language()) {
                            $fb_desc = icl_t('wd-fb-og', 'wd_fb_og_fb_desc_default', $fb_desc);
                    $fb_desc = $fb_desc_homepage;
        //Trim description
        $fb_desc = trim(str_replace('&nbsp;', ' ', $fb_desc));
        //Non-breaking spaces are usefull on a meta description. We'll just convert them to normal spaces to really trim it
        $fb_desc = trim(intval($this->options['fb_desc_chars']) > 0 ? mb_substr(wp_strip_all_tags(strip_shortcodes(stripslashes($fb_desc), true)), 0, intval($this->options['fb_desc_chars'])) : wp_strip_all_tags(strip_shortcodes(stripslashes($fb_desc), true)));
        //YOAST SEO?
        if ($this->options['fb_show_wpseoyoast'] == 1) {
            if ($webdados_fb->is_yoast_seo_active()) {
                $wpseo = WPSEO_Frontend::get_instance();
                $fb_title_temp = $wpseo->title(false);
                $fb_title = wp_strip_all_tags(trim($fb_title_temp) != '' ? trim($fb_title_temp) : $fb_title, true);
                //Title - SubHeading plugin
                if ($fb_title_temp != '' && $this->options['fb_show_subheading'] == 1) {
                    if ($webdados_fb->is_subheading_plugin_active()) {
                        if (isset($this->options['fb_subheading_position']) && $this->options['fb_subheading_position'] == 'before') {
                            $fb_title = trim(trim(get_the_subheading()) . ' - ' . trim($fb_title), ' -');
                        } else {
                            $fb_title = trim(trim($fb_title) . ' - ' . trim(get_the_subheading()), ' -');
                $fb_url_temp = $wpseo->canonical(false);
                $fb_url = wp_strip_all_tags(trim($fb_url_temp) != '' ? trim($fb_url_temp) : $fb_url, true);
                $fb_desc_temp = $wpseo->metadesc(false);
                $fb_desc = wp_strip_all_tags(trim($fb_desc_temp) != '' ? trim($fb_desc_temp) : $fb_desc, true);
        //All in One SEO Pack?
        if ($this->options['fb_show_aioseop'] == 1) {
            if ($webdados_fb->is_aioseop_active()) {
                global $aiosp;
                //Title - Why are we getting the first post title on archives and homepage...?!?
                $fb_title_temp = $aiosp->orig_title;
                $fb_title = wp_strip_all_tags(trim($fb_title_temp) != '' ? trim($fb_title_temp) : $fb_title, true);
                //Title - SubHeading plugin
                if ($fb_title_temp != '' && $this->options['fb_show_subheading'] == 1) {
                    if ($webdados_fb->is_subheading_plugin_active()) {
                        if (isset($this->options['fb_subheading_position']) && $this->options['fb_subheading_position'] == 'before') {
                            $fb_title = trim(trim(get_the_subheading()) . ' - ' . trim($fb_title), ' -');
                        } else {
                            $fb_title = trim(trim($fb_title) . ' - ' . trim(get_the_subheading()), ' -');
                //URL - See aioseop_class.php 3898 - We have a problem because wp_query is not the same right now
                /*$fb_url_temp = '';
                				$aioseop_options = get_option( 'aioseop_options' );
                				$opts = $aiosp->meta_opts;
                				$show_page = true;
                				if ( ! empty( $aioseop_options['aiosp_no_paged_canonical_links'] ) ) {
                					$show_page = false;
                				if ( $aioseop_options['aiosp_can'] ) {
                					if ( ! empty( $aioseop_options['aiosp_customize_canonical_links'] ) && ! empty( $opts['aiosp_custom_link'] ) ) {
                						$fb_url_temp = $opts['aiosp_custom_link'];
                					if ( empty( $url ) ) {
                						$fb_url_temp = $aiosp->aiosp_mrt_get_url( $wp_query, $show_page );
                					$fb_url_temp = $aiosp->validate_url_scheme( $fb_url_temp );
                					$fb_url_temp = apply_filters( 'aioseop_canonical_url', $fb_url_temp );
                				$fb_url = wp_strip_all_tags( trim($fb_url_temp)!='' ? trim($fb_url_temp) : $fb_url, true);*/
                //Description - Why are we getting the first post description on archives and homepage...?!?
                if (is_home() && !is_front_page()) {
                    $post = aiosp_common::get_blog_page();
                } else {
                    $post = $aiosp->get_queried_object();
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                    //Already fetched
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                } else {
                    $fb_image_size = $this->get_open_graph_image_size($fb_image);
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            $this->options['fb_image_show'] = 0;
        //Image overlay - Single?
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                            $fb_image_additional[$key]['fb_image'] = $temp_fb_image_overlay['fb_image'];
        //No spaces on URLs
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        //If there's still no description let's just add the title as a last resort
        if (trim($fb_desc) == '') {
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        // Facebook
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            //Image Size - We only show the image size if we only have one image
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        // SEO
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            //Does nothing so far. We try to create the <title> tag but it's too late now
            //We should use wp_title(), but do we want to? This is only because Business Directory Plugin and they seem to have it covered by now...
        if (intval($this->options['fb_url_canonical']) == 1) {
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            $html .= '  <meta name="publisher" content="' . trim(esc_attr(get_bloginfo('name'))) . '"/>
        // SEO
        $html .= ' <!-- Misc. tags -->
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        //Close tag
        $html .= '<!-- END - ' . WEBDADOS_FB_PLUGIN_NAME . ' ' . WEBDADOS_FB_VERSION . ' -->

        echo $html;