function gtext_front() { parent::abstract_front(); $this->text_array = array(); $this->text_string = ''; $this->text_ids_array = array(); }
function check_collection() { extract(tep_load('defs')); $result = false; if (!$cDefs->abstract_id) { return $result; } $cAbstract = new abstract_front(); $zone_class = $cAbstract->get_zone_class($cDefs->abstract_id); switch ($zone_class) { case 'generic_zones': if (!$this->options['text_collections']) { return $result; } $result = $zone_class; break; case 'image_zones': if (!$this->options['image_collections']) { return $result; } $result = $zone_class; break; default: break; } return $result; }
function super_front() { parent::abstract_front(); }
function get_super_css_tree($zones_array) { $final_string = "\n"; $index = 0; $total = count($zones_array); $cAbstract = new abstract_front(); foreach ($zones_array as $id => $zone) { $index++; if (!$cAbstract->get_entries($id)) { continue; } $zone_data = $cAbstract->get_zone_data($id, true); if (empty($zone_data)) { continue; } $zone_class = $cAbstract->get_zone_class($id); $script = FILENAME_COLLECTIONS; switch ($zone_class) { case 'image_zones': $process_function = 'get_image_css_tree'; break; case 'super_zones': $process_function = 'get_mixed_css_tree'; break; default: $process_function = 'get_text_css_tree'; break; } $value2 = strtoupper($zone_data['abstract_zone_name']); $awidth = tep_string_length($value2) * 9 + 16; $value2 = htmlspecialchars(stripslashes($value2)); //$value2 = str_replace(' ', ' ', $value2 ); $final_string .= '<div class="css_top floater calign"><a href="' . tep_href_link($script, 'abz_id=' . $id) . '" style="width:' . $awidth . 'px">' . $value2 . '</a>' . "\n"; $tmp_drop = $this->options['max_drop']; $max_width = $this->options['max_width']; $tmp_array = $this->{$process_function}($id, $tmp_drop, $max_width); if (!empty($tmp_array)) { $extra_style = ' style="width: ' . $max_width . 'px"'; for ($i = 1, $width = 0; $i <= $this->options['max_cols']; $i++) { if ((int) ($tmp_drop / $i) <= $this->options['max_drop']) { break; } $width = $i; } if ($i > 1) { if ($width > $this->options['max_cols']) { $width = $this->options['max_cols']; } $extra_style = ' style="width: ' . $width * ($max_width + $this->options['border_width']) . 'px;"'; } if ($tmp_drop != $this->options['max_drop']) { $tmp_array = array_slice($tmp_array, 0, $this->options['max_drop'] * $this->options['max_cols']); $tmp_string = '<div class="css_sub hideflow"'; if ($i > 1) { $tmp_string .= ' style="width: ' . $max_width . 'px"'; } $tmp_string .= '><a href="' . tep_href_link($script, 'abz_id=' . $id) . '">' . TEXT_SEE_ALL . '</a></div>'; $tmp_array[] = $tmp_string; } $tmp_string = implode(' ', $tmp_array); $max_width_string = ''; if ($i > 1) { $max_width_string = ' style="width: ' . $max_width . 'px;"'; } $contents_array = array('MAX_WIDTH' => $max_width_string); $tmp_string = tep_templates_replace_entities($tmp_string, $contents_array); $final_string .= ' <div class="css_section"' . $extra_style . '>' . "\n" . $tmp_string . ' </div>' . "\n"; } $final_string .= '</div>' . "\n"; if ($index < $total) { $last_sep = ' <div class="css_sep hideflow">' . tep_image($this->web_template_path . 'words_space.gif') . '</div>' . "\n"; $final_string .= $last_sep; } } return $final_string; }
function image_front() { parent::abstract_front(); $this->entries_array = array(); $this->entries_string = ''; }
// I-Metrics CMS //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Script is intended to be used with: // osCommerce, Open Source E-Commerce Solutions // // Copyright (c) 2003 osCommerce //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Released under the GNU General Public License //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ define('DEFAULT_COLUMN_SUPER_SPLIT', 2); require 'includes/application_top.php'; if (!$current_abstract_id) { tep_redirect(); } $cAbstract = new abstract_front(); if (!$cAbstract->is_zone_type($current_abstract_id, 'super_zones')) { tep_redirect(); } $cSuper = new super_front(); $abstract_array = $cSuper->get_zone_data($current_abstract_id); $breadcrumb->add($abstract_array['abstract_zone_name'], tep_href_link($g_script, 'abz_id=' . $current_abstract_id)); require 'includes/objects/html_start_sub1.php'; require 'includes/objects/html_start_sub2.php'; $heading_row = true; require 'includes/objects/html_body_header.php'; $cSuper = new super_front(); $abstract_array = $cSuper->get_zone_data($current_abstract_id); ?> <div><h1><?php echo $abstract_array['abstract_zone_name'];
//---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Released under the GNU General Public License //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ require 'includes/application_top.php'; if (!$current_abstract_id) { tep_redirect(); } $abstract_query = $g_db->fly("select abstract_zone_id, abstract_zone_name, abstract_zone_desc from " . TABLE_ABSTRACT_ZONES . " where abstract_zone_id='" . (int) $current_abstract_id . "'"); $abstract_array = $g_db->fetch_array($abstract_query); $g_breadcrumb->add($abstract_array['abstract_zone_name'], tep_href_link($g_script, 'abz_id=' . $current_abstract_id)); require DIR_FS_OBJECTS . 'html_start_sub1.php'; require DIR_FS_OBJECTS . 'html_start_sub2.php'; $heading_row = true; require DIR_FS_OBJECTS . 'html_body_header.php'; $cAbstract = new abstract_front(); $class = $cAbstract->get_zone_class($current_abstract_id); $template_file = DIR_FS_TEMPLATE . 'html_' . $class . '.tpl'; if (is_file($template_file)) { include $template_file; } else { ?> <div><h1><?php echo TEXT_INVALID_COLLECTION; ?> </h1></div> <div><?php echo TEXT_INVALID_COLLECTION_INFO; ?> </div> <?php