public function memberToAtom($userID) { if (!is_int($userID)) { throw new Exception("userID must be an integer (was " . gettype($userID) . ")"); } if (!$this->loaded) { $this->load(); } $groupUserData = $this->getUserData($userID); if (!$groupUserData) { throw new Exception("User {$userID} is not a member of group {$this->id}", Z_ERROR_USER_NOT_GROUP_MEMBER); } $xml = new SimpleXMLElement('<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>' . '<entry xmlns="' . Zotero_Atom::$nsAtom . '" ' . 'xmlns:zapi="' . Zotero_Atom::$nsZoteroAPI . '" ' . 'xmlns:xfer="' . Zotero_Atom::$nsZoteroTransfer . '"/>'); // If we know the username, provide that // TODO: get and cache full names if (Zotero_Users::exists($userID)) { $title = Zotero_Users::getUsername($userID); } else { $title = "User {$userID}"; } $xml->title = $title; $author = $xml->addChild('author'); $author->name = "Zotero"; $author->uri = ""; $xml->id = Zotero_URI::getGroupUserURI($this, $userID); $xml->published = Zotero_Date::sqlToISO8601($groupUserData['joined']); $xml->updated = Zotero_Date::sqlToISO8601($groupUserData['lastUpdated']); $link = $xml->addChild("link"); $link['rel'] = "self"; $link['type'] = "application/atom+xml"; $link['href'] = Zotero_API::getGroupUserURI($this, $userID); $link = $xml->addChild('link'); $link['rel'] = 'alternate'; $link['type'] = 'text/html'; $link['href'] = Zotero_URI::getGroupUserURI($this, $userID); $xml->content['type'] = 'application/xml'; $userXML = new SimpleXMLElement('<user xmlns="' . Zotero_Atom::$nsZoteroTransfer . '"/>'); // This method of adding the element seems to be necessary to get the // namespace prefix to show up $fNode = dom_import_simplexml($xml->content); $subNode = dom_import_simplexml($userXML); $importedNode = $fNode->ownerDocument->importNode($subNode, true); $fNode->appendChild($importedNode); $xml->content->user['id'] = $userID; $xml->content->user['role'] = $groupUserData['role']; return $xml; }