예제 #1
  * Overload the setBaseURL method.
 public function setBaseURL($base = null)
     // First get the config object
     $registry = Zmax_Bootstrap::getRegistry();
     $zmax_context = $registry->get("zmax_context");
     $config = $zmax_context->config;
     // Remove the trailing '/'
예제 #2
// Load the controller that makes a few initialisations
// so that V1 functions remain compatible with V2 functions
require_once "myreview_v1/Constant.php";
require_once "myreview_v1/Myreview_Controller_Action.php";
require_once "myreview_v1/Myreview_Controller_Action_Auth.php";
require_once "myreview_v1/BD.class.php";
require_once "myreview_v1/Codes.class.php";
require_once "myreview_v1/Tableau.class.php";
require_once "myreview_v1/Formulaire.class.php";
require_once "myreview_v1/IhmBD.class.php";
// Get the codes of the application (V1).
$CODES = new Codes("Codes.xml");
// This system might potentially reach the memory
// limit of PHP. Check that this does not happen
if (function_exists("memory_get_usage")) {
    // The following instruction can raise the memory limit
    ini_set("memory_limit", "100M");
    ini_set("max_execution_time", "300");
    // 5 mns
if (isset($_GET["zmax_init_failed"])) {
    // The Boostrap initialization failed.
} else {
    try {
        // Init and run the Zmax application
        Zmax_Bootstrap::init($root, $configDir);
    } catch (Zmax_Exception $e) {
        echo "Unable to initialize the MyReview environment.<br/>" . "<b>Message:</b> " . $e->getMessage() . " in " . $e->getFile() . " at line " . $e->getLine() . "<br/>";
예제 #3
  * This function is executed when a Paper object is instantiated. We
  * look for the associated object if this is an existing paper.
 function init()
     $this->_authors = array();
     $this->_answers = array();
     $this->_abstract = array();
     $this->_hideAuthors = false;
     if (!empty($this->id)) {
         $authorTbl = new Author();
         $authors = $authorTbl->fetchAll("id_paper='{$this->id}'", 'position ASC');
         $i = 0;
         foreach ($authors as $author) {
             $user = $author->findParentUser();
             if (!is_object($user)) {
                 echo "Unkown user in {$this->id}<br/>";
             } else {
                 $this->_authors[] = $user;
                 if ($this->emailContact == $user->email) {
                     $this->_contactAuthor = $i;
         // Fetch the answers
         if (self::$loadAnswers) {
             $answers = $this->findPaperAnswer();
             foreach ($answers as $answer) {
                 $this->_answers[$answer->id_question] = $answer;
         // Fetch the abstract
         if (self::$loadAbstracts) {
             $this->_abstract = $this->initAbstracts();
     // get the default number of authors
     $registry = Zmax_Bootstrap::getRegistry();
     $zmax_context = $registry->get("zmax_context");
     $config = $zmax_context->config;
     $defaultNbAuthorsInform = $config->app->nb_authors_in_form;
     // Set the file path
     $this->_filePath = $config->app->upload_path;
     // NB: the nb of authors shown is at least $defaultNbAuthorsInform, or the current number of authors
     // if the latter is greater.
     $this->nb_authors_in_form = max($defaultNbAuthorsInform, $this->nbAuthors());
예제 #4
  * Authenticate a user
 private function authenticate()
     // Check the authentication method
     switch ($this->auth_method) {
         case "cas":
             // Attempt authentication, saving the result
             $result = $this->auth->authenticate($this->adapter);
             if ($result->isValid()) {
                 // Gets the user
             return $result->isValid();
             // Default authentication: digest
             if ($this->getRequest()->getParam("submit_login")) {
                 // Attempt authentication, saving the result
                 $result = $this->auth->authenticate($this->adapter);
                 if (!$result->isValid()) {
                     // Authentication failed; print the reasons why
                     $this->auth_messages .= "<b>Error during authentication :</b> ";
                     foreach ($result->getMessages() as $message) {
                         $this->auth_messages .= "{$message}<br/>\n";
                     return false;
                 } else {
                     // Gets the user
                     return true;
     return false;
예제 #5
 public static function setupFrontController()
     $zmax_context = self::getRegistry()->get("zmax_context");
     $config = $zmax_context->config;
     $app_dir = self::getRoot() . 'application' . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR;
     self::$frontController = Zmax_Controller_Front::getInstance();
     // Keep the front controller from sending exceptions
     // This tells where the controllers code can be found
     self::$frontController->setControllerDirectory(array('default' => $app_dir . 'controllers' . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR, 'admin' => $app_dir . 'admin' . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'controllers' . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR));
     // Set the error handler
     // PR: does not work, because it shows a warning when used
     // with Zend View and Zend_Layout ....
     if ($config->view->zmax_view_system == "phplib") {
         set_error_handler(array(self::$frontController, "errorHandler"));
     // Change the error handler plugin, to forward exceptions
     // to the 'stalled' action of the index controller
     $eh = new Zend_Controller_Plugin_ErrorHandler();
     // Remove all automatic escaping
     // Set the base url