///Display Moodle page header
print_header('Soap test client', 'Soap test client' . ":", true);
/// check that webservices are enable into your Moodle
/// WARNING: it makes sens here only because this client runs on the same machine as the
///          server, if you change the WSDL url, please comment the following if statement
if (!webservice_lib::display_webservices_availability("soap")) {
    echo "<br/><br/>";
    echo "Please fix the previous problem(s), the testing session has been interupted.";
/// authenticate => get a conversation token from the server
/// You need a wsuser/wspassword user in the remote Moodle
$client = new Zend_Soap_Client($CFG->wwwroot . "/webservice/soap/server.php?wsdl");
try {
    $token = $client->get_token(array('username' => "wsuser", 'password' => "wspassword"));
    print "<pre>\n";
    print "<br><br><strong>Token: </strong>" . $token;
    print "</pre>";
} catch (exception $exception) {
    print "<br><br><strong>An exception occured during authentication: \n</strong>";
    print "<pre>\n";
    print $exception;
    print "</pre>";
/// Following some code in order to print the WSDL into the end of the source code page
/// Change the classpath to get specific service
   $client = new Zend_Http_Client($CFG->wwwroot."/webservice/soap/server.php?token=".$token."&classpath=user&wsdl", array(
       'maxredirects' => 0,