예제 #1
 * Creates a recurring event on the authenticated user's default calendar with
 * the specified event details.  
 * @param  Zend_Http_Client $client    The authenticated client object
 * @param  string           $title     The event title
 * @param  string           $desc      The detailed description of the event
 * @param  string           $recurData The iCalendar recurring event syntax (RFC2445)
 * @return void
function createRecurringEvent(Zend_Http_Client $client, $title = 'Tennis with Beth', $desc = 'Meet for a quick lesson', $where = 'On the courts', $recurData = null)
    $gc = new Zend_Gdata_Calendar($client);
    $newEntry = $gc->newEventEntry();
    $newEntry->title = $gc->newTitle(trim($title));
    $newEntry->where = array($gc->newWhere($where));
    $newEntry->content = $gc->newContent($desc);
    $newEntry->content->type = 'text';
     * Due to the length of this recurrence syntax, we did not specify
     * it as a default parameter value directly
    if ($recurData == null) {
        $recurData = "DTSTART;VALUE=DATE:20070501\r\n" . "DTEND;VALUE=DATE:20070502\r\n" . "RRULE:FREQ=WEEKLY;BYDAY=Tu;UNTIL=20070904\r\n";
    $newEntry->recurrence = $gc->newRecurrence($recurData);