예제 #1
  * Preapares data for saving of subscriber
  * Add the line for rapidmail status
  * @param  Mage_Newsletter_Model_Subscriber $subscriber
  * @return array
 protected function _prepareSave(Mage_Newsletter_Model_Subscriber $subscriber)
     $data = array();
     $data['customer_id'] = $subscriber->getCustomerId();
     $data['store_id'] = $subscriber->getStoreId() ? $subscriber->getStoreId() : 0;
     $data['subscriber_status'] = $subscriber->getStatus();
     $data['subscriber_email'] = $subscriber->getEmail();
     $data['subscriber_confirm_code'] = $subscriber->getCode();
     $data['rapidmail_status'] = $subscriber->getRapidmailStatus();
     if ($subscriber->getIsStatusChanged()) {
         $data['change_status_at'] = Mage::getSingleton('core/date')->gmtDate();
     $validators = array('subscriber_email' => 'EmailAddress');
     $filters = array();
     $input = new Zend_Filter_Input($filters, $validators, $data);
     $session = Mage::getSingleton($this->_messagesScope);
     if ($input->hasInvalid() || $input->hasMissing()) {
         foreach ($input->getMessages() as $message) {
             if (is_array($message)) {
                 foreach ($message as $error) {
             } else {
         Mage::throwException(Mage::helper('newsletter')->__('Form was filled incorrectly'));
     return $data;
예제 #2
 protected function _filterInputIdentify($parameters)
     $input = new Zend_Filter_Input(array('*' => 'StripTags', 'username' => 'StringTrim'), array('username' => array(), 'password' => array(), 'uri' => array('allowEmpty' => true)), $parameters, array('presence' => 'required'));
     if ($input->hasInvalid() or $input->hasMissing()) {
         throw new Vtx_UserException($this->messageErrorEmpty);
     return $input;
예제 #3
 protected function _filterInputServiceArea($params)
     $input = new Zend_Filter_Input(array(), array('regional_id' => array('NotEmpty', 'presence' => 'required'), 'StateId' => array('allowEmpty' => true), 'CityId' => array('allowEmpty' => true), 'NeighborhoodId' => array('allowEmpty' => true)), $params);
     if ($input->hasInvalid() || $input->hasMissing()) {
         throw new Vtx_UserException(Model_ErrorMessage::getFirstMessage($input->getMessages()));
     return $input;
예제 #4
 protected function _filterInputEnterpriseProgramaRank($params)
     $input = new Zend_Filter_Input(array('*' => array('StripTags', 'StringTrim')), array('enterprise_id_key' => array('allowEmpty' => true), 'user_id' => array('allowEmpty' => true), 'programa_id' => array('allowEmpty' => true), 'classificar' => array('allowEmpty' => true), 'desclassificar' => array('allowEmpty' => true), 'justificativa' => array('allowEmpty' => true), 'classificado_verificacao' => array('allowEmpty' => true), 'desclassificado_verificacao' => array('allowEmpty' => true), 'motivo_desclassificado_verificacao' => array('allowEmpty' => true), 'classificado_ouro' => array('allowEmpty' => true), 'classificado_prata' => array('allowEmpty' => true), 'classificado_bronze' => array('allowEmpty' => true), 'desclassificado_final' => array('allowEmpty' => true), 'motivo_desclassificado_final' => array('allowEmpty' => true), 'classificar_nacional' => array('allowEmpty' => true), 'desclassificar_nacional' => array('allowEmpty' => true), 'motivo_desclassificado_nacional' => array('allowEmpty' => true), 'classificar_fase2_nacional' => array('allowEmpty' => true), 'desclassificar_fase2_nacional' => array('allowEmpty' => true), 'motivo_desclassificado_fase2_nacional' => array('allowEmpty' => true), 'classificado_ouro_nacional' => array('allowEmpty' => true), 'classificado_prata_nacional' => array('allowEmpty' => true), 'classificado_bronze_nacional' => array('allowEmpty' => true), 'classificar_fase3_nacional' => array('allowEmpty' => true), 'desclassificar_fase3_nacional' => array('allowEmpty' => true), 'motivo_desclassificado_fase3_nacional' => array('allowEmpty' => true)), $params);
     if ($input->hasInvalid() || $input->hasMissing()) {
         throw new Vtx_UserException(Model_ErrorMessage::getFirstMessage($input->getMessages()));
     return $input;
예제 #5
 protected function _filterInputAnnualResultData($params)
     $input = new Zend_Filter_Input(array('*' => array('StripTags', 'StringTrim'), 'value' => array(array('Alnum', array('allowwhitespace' => true))), 'Year' => array(array('Digits', array('allowwhitespace' => true)))), array('annual_result_id' => array('NotEmpty'), 'year' => array('allowEmpty' => true), 'value' => array('allowEmpty' => true)), $params, array('presence' => 'required'));
     if ($input->hasInvalid() || $input->hasMissing()) {
         throw new Vtx_UserException(Model_ErrorMessage::getFirstMessage($input->getMessages()));
     return $input;
예제 #6
 protected function _filterInputLogCadastroEmpresa($params)
     $input = new Zend_Filter_Input(array(), array('user_id_log' => array('NotEmpty', 'presence' => 'required'), 'enterprise_id' => array('NotEmpty', 'messages' => array('Erro ao cadastrar empresa.'), 'presence' => 'required'), 'programa_id' => array('NotEmpty', 'messages' => array('Erro ao cadastrar empresa.'), 'presence' => 'required'), 'acao' => array('NotEmpty', 'messages' => array('Erro ao cadastrar empresa.'), 'presence' => 'required')), $params, array());
     if ($input->hasInvalid() || $input->hasMissing()) {
         throw new Vtx_UserException(Model_ErrorMessage::getFirstMessage($input->getMessages()));
     return $input;
예제 #7
 protected function _filterInputUserLocality($params)
     $input = new Zend_Filter_Input(array(), array('user_id' => array('NotEmpty', 'presence' => 'required'), 'enterprise_id' => array('allowEmpty' => true), 'regional_id' => array('allowEmpty' => true)), $params);
     if ($input->hasInvalid() || $input->hasMissing()) {
         throw new Vtx_UserException(Model_ErrorMessage::getFirstMessage($input->getMessages()));
     return $input;
예제 #8
 protected function _filterInputAnnualResult($params)
     $input = new Zend_Filter_Input(array('*' => array('StringTrim'), 'value' => array()), array('question_id' => array(), 'mask' => array('NotEmpty', 'messages' => array('Escolha a máscara do Resultado Anual.')), 'value' => array('NotEmpty', 'messages' => array('Escolha o nome do Resultado Anual.'))), $params, array('presence' => 'required'));
     if ($input->hasInvalid() || $input->hasMissing()) {
         throw new Vtx_UserException(Model_ErrorMessage::getFirstMessage($input->getMessages()));
     return $input;
예제 #9
 protected function _filterInputEmailQueue($params)
     $input = new Zend_Filter_Input(array('*' => array('StripTags', 'StringTrim'), 'answer_value' => array(array('Alnum', array('allowwhitespace' => true)))), array('alternative_id' => array('NotEmpty'), 'answer_value' => array('allowEmpty' => true), 'start_time' => array('allowEmpty' => true), 'end_time' => array('allowEmpty' => true), 'answer_date' => array('allowEmpty' => true), 'user_id' => array('NotEmpty'), 'logged_user_id' => array('NotEmpty')), $params, array('presence' => 'required'));
     if ($input->hasInvalid() || $input->hasMissing()) {
         throw new Vtx_UserException(Model_ErrorMessage::getFirstMessage($input->getMessages()));
     return $input;
예제 #10
 protected function _filterInputAddressPresident($params)
     $input = new Zend_Filter_Input(array('cep' => array(array('Alnum', array('allowwhitespace' => true)), array('StripTags', 'StringTrim')), 'street_name_full' => array(array('Alnum', array('allowwhitespace' => true)), array('StripTags', 'StringTrim'))), array('address_id' => array('allowEmpty' => true), 'president_id' => array('NotEmpty', 'presence' => 'required'), 'cep' => array('NotEmpty', 'messages' => array('Digite apenas números no CEP da candidata.'), 'presence' => 'required'), 'state_id' => array('NotEmpty', 'messages' => array('Escolha o estado da candidata.')), 'city_id' => array('NotEmpty', 'messages' => array('Escolha a cidade da candidata.')), 'neighborhood_id' => array('NotEmpty', 'messages' => array('Escolha o bairro da candidata.')), 'name_full_log' => array('NotEmpty', 'messages' => array('Digite o nome da Rua da candidata.')), 'street_number' => array('NotEmpty', 'messages' => array('Digite o Número da Rua da candidata.')), 'street_completion' => array('allowEmpty' => true)), $params);
     if ($input->hasInvalid() || $input->hasMissing()) {
         throw new Vtx_UserException(Model_ErrorMessage::getFirstMessage($input->getMessages()));
     return $input;
예제 #11
파일: Block.php 프로젝트: Lazaro-Gallo/psmn
 protected function _filterInputBlock($params)
     $input = new Zend_Filter_Input(array('*' => array('StripTags', 'StringTrim'), 'value' => array(array('Alnum', array('allowwhitespace' => true))), 'long_description' => array(), 'conclusion_text' => array(array('Alnum', array('allowwhitespace' => true)))), array('questionnaire_id' => array('NotEmpty'), 'designation' => array('allowEmpty' => true), 'value' => array('NotEmpty', 'messages' => array('O nome do bloco não pode ser vazio.')), 'long_description' => array('allowEmpty' => true), 'conclusion_text' => array('allowEmpty' => true)), $params, array('presence' => 'required'));
     if ($input->hasInvalid() || $input->hasMissing()) {
         throw new Vtx_UserException(Model_ErrorMessage::getFirstMessage($input->getMessages()));
     return $input;
예제 #12
 protected function _filterInputRoleQuestionnaire($params)
     $input = new Zend_Filter_Input(array(), array('role_id' => array('NotEmpty', 'messages' => array('Escolha o Papel (perfil)')), 'questionnaire_id' => array('NotEmpty', 'messages' => array('Escolha o questionário')), 'start_date' => array('NotEmpty', new Zend_Validate_Date('dd/MM/yyyy')), 'end_date' => array('NotEmpty', new Zend_Validate_Date('dd/MM/yyyy'))), $params, array('presence' => 'required'));
     if ($input->hasInvalid() || $input->hasMissing()) {
         throw new Vtx_UserException(Model_ErrorMessage::getFirstMessage($input->getMessages()));
     return $input;
예제 #13
 protected function _filterInputAnswerFeedbackImprove($params)
     $input = new Zend_Filter_Input(array('*' => array('StripTags', 'StringTrim')), array('user_id' => array('NotEmpty'), 'answer_id' => array('NotEmpty'), 'feedback_improve' => array('NotEmpty')), $params, array('presence' => 'required'));
     if ($input->hasInvalid() || $input->hasMissing()) {
         throw new Vtx_UserException(Model_ErrorMessage::getFirstMessage($input->getMessages()));
     return $input;
예제 #14
 protected function _filterInputPresident($params)
     $input = new Zend_Filter_Input(array('*' => array('StripTags', 'StringTrim'), 'name' => array(), 'cpf' => array('Digits')), array('enterprise_id' => array('NotEmpty', 'presence' => 'required'), 'education_id' => array('NotEmpty', 'messages' => array('Escolha o Nivel de Escolaridade.'), 'presence' => 'required'), 'position_id' => array('NotEmpty', 'messages' => array('Escolha o Cargo.'), 'presence' => 'required'), 'find_us_id' => array('NotEmpty', 'messages' => array('Selecione o item como nos conheceu.'), 'presence' => 'required'), 'name' => array('NotEmpty', 'messages' => array('Digite o Nome da candidata.'), 'presence' => 'required'), 'nick_name' => array('allowEmpty' => true), 'cpf' => array('NotEmpty', 'messages' => array('Digite o CPF.'), new Vtx_Validate_Cpf()), 'email' => array('allowEmpty' => true), 'phone' => array('allowEmpty' => true), 'cellphone' => array('allowEmpty' => true), 'born_date' => array('NotEmpty', 'messages' => array('Digite a Data de Nascimento.'), 'presence' => 'required', new Zend_Validate_Date('dd/MM/yyyy')), 'gender' => array('allowEmpty' => true), 'newsletter_email' => array('allowEmpty' => true), 'newsletter_mail' => array('allowEmpty' => true), 'newsletter_sms' => array('allowEmpty' => true), 'agree' => array('NotEmpty', 'messages' => array('É necessário aceitar o regulamento'), 'presence' => 'required'), 'created' => array('allowEmpty' => true)), $params, array());
     if ($input->hasInvalid() || $input->hasMissing()) {
         throw new Vtx_UserException(Model_ErrorMessage::getFirstMessage($input->getMessages()));
     return $input;
예제 #15
파일: Group.php 프로젝트: Lazaro-Gallo/psmn
 protected function _filterInputGroup($params)
     $input = new Zend_Filter_Input(array('name' => array(), 'description' => array()), array('name' => array('NotEmpty', 'messages' => array('O Nome não pode ser vazio.')), 'description' => array('NotEmpty', 'messages' => array('A Descrição não pode ser vazia.'))), $params, array('presence' => 'required'));
     if ($input->hasInvalid() || $input->hasMissing()) {
         throw new Vtx_UserException(Model_ErrorMessage::getFirstMessage($input->getMessages()));
     return $input;
예제 #16
 protected function _filterInputQuestion($params)
     $input = new Zend_Filter_Input(array('*' => array('StripTags', 'StringTrim'), 'term' => array(array('Alnum', array('allowwhitespace' => true))), 'description' => array(array('HtmlEntities'))), array('term' => array('NotEmpty'), 'description' => array('NotEmpty')), $params, array('presence' => 'required'));
     if ($input->hasInvalid() || $input->hasMissing()) {
         throw new Vtx_UserException(Model_ErrorMessage::getFirstMessage($input->getMessages()));
     return $input;
예제 #17
 protected function _filterInputConfiguration($params)
     $input = new Zend_Filter_Input(array('*' => array('StripTags', 'StringTrim')), array(), $params, array('presence' => 'required'));
     if ($input->hasInvalid() || $input->hasMissing()) {
         throw new Vtx_UserException(Model_ErrorMessage::getFirstMessage($input->getMessages()));
     return $input;
 protected function _filterInputECAC($params)
     $input = new Zend_Filter_Input(array('*' => array('StripTags', 'StringTrim')), array('enterprise_id' => array('NotEmpty', 'messages' => array('Erro ao cadastrar empresa'), 'presence' => 'required'), 'competition_id' => array('NotEmpty', 'messages' => array('Erro ao cadastrar empresa'), 'presence' => 'required'), 'category_award_id' => array('NotEmpty', 'messages' => array('Escolha a categoria do premio'), 'presence' => 'required'), 'token' => array('allowEmpty' => true)), $params);
     if ($input->hasInvalid() || $input->hasMissing()) {
         throw new Vtx_UserException(Model_ErrorMessage::getFirstMessage($input->getMessages()));
     return $input;
예제 #19
 public function filterAnswerForm($parameters)
     $filters = array('*' => 'StripTags', 'question_id' => 'StringTrim', 'alternative_id' => 'StringTrim', 'start_time' => 'StringTrim');
     $validator = array('question_id' => array('NotEmpty', 'messages' => $this->_messagesError['AnswerFormError'] . 'Questão'), 'alternative_id' => array('NotEmpty', 'messages' => $this->_messagesError['AnswerFormError'] . 'Alternativa'), 'answer_value' => array('allowEmpty' => true), 'start_time' => array('NotEmpty', new Zend_Validate_Date('H:i:s')));
     $options = array('presence' => 'required');
     $input = new Zend_Filter_Input($filters, $validator, $parameters, $options);
     if ($input->hasInvalid() || $input->hasMissing()) {
         throw new Vtx_UserException(Model_ErrorMessage::getFirstMessage($input->getMessages()));
     return $input;
예제 #20
 protected function _filterInputQuestion($params)
     $input = new Zend_Filter_Input(array('*' => array('StripTags', 'StringTrim'), 'question_type_id' => array(array('Alnum', array('allowwhitespace' => true))), 'parent_id' => array(array('Alnum', array('allowwhitespace' => true))), 'designation' => array(array('Alnum', array('allowwhitespace' => true))), 'supporting_text' => array(), 'value' => array(), 'version' => array(), 'status' => array(array('Alnum', array('allowwhitespace' => true)))), array('question_type_id' => array('NotEmpty'), 'parent_id' => array('NotEmpty'), 'designation' => array('NotEmpty'), 'supporting_text' => array('allowEmpty' => true), 'value' => array('NotEmpty', 'messages' => array('O nome da questão não pode ser vazia.')), 'version' => array(), 'status' => array('NotEmpty')), $params, array('presence' => 'required'));
     if ($input->hasInvalid() || $input->hasMissing()) {
         throw new Vtx_UserException(Model_ErrorMessage::getFirstMessage($input->getMessages()));
     return $input;
예제 #21
파일: Acl.php 프로젝트: Lazaro-Gallo/psmn
 protected function _filterInputRole($params)
     $input = new Zend_Filter_Input(array('*' => array('StripTags', 'StringTrim'), 'roleName' => array('Alpha', array('StringToLower', 'encoding' => 'UTF-8'), new Vtx_Filter_Transliterate())), array('longDescription' => array('NotEmpty'), 'roleName' => array('NotEmpty', 'messages' => $this->_messagesError['roleNameExists'])), $params, array('presence' => 'required'));
     if ($input->hasInvalid() || $input->hasMissing()) {
         throw new Vtx_UserException(Model_ErrorMessage::getFirstMessage($input->getMessages()));
     return $input;
예제 #22
 protected function _filterInputEnterprise($params)
     $input = new Zend_Filter_Input(array('*' => array('StripTags', 'StringTrim'), 'cnpj' => array(array('Digits')), 'employees_quantity' => array(array('Digits'))), array('social_name' => array('NotEmpty', 'messages' => array('Digite a Razão Social'), 'presence' => 'required'), 'fantasy_name' => array('NotEmpty', 'messages' => array('Digite o Nome Fantasia'), 'presence' => 'required'), 'status' => array('allowEmpty' => true), 'cnpj' => array('allowEmpty' => true, new Vtx_Validate_Cnpj()), 'creation_date' => array('NotEmpty', new Zend_Validate_Date('dd/MM/yyyy')), 'employees_quantity' => array('NotEmpty', 'messages' => array('Número de colaboradores: Digite apenas números.'), 'Digits'), 'annual_revenue' => array('NotEmpty', 'messages' => array('Escolha o Porte da Empresa.'), 'presence' => 'required'), 'cnae' => array('allowEmpty' => true), 'email_default' => array('allowEmpty' => true), 'phone' => array('NotEmpty', 'messages' => array('Digite o telefone.'), 'presence' => 'required'), 'site' => array('allowEmpty' => true), 'company_history' => array('NotEmpty', 'messages' => array('Digite o Resumo da empresa.'), 'presence' => 'required'), 'category_sector_id' => array('NotEmpty', 'messages' => array('Escolha a Categoria setorial.'), 'presence' => 'required'), 'category_award_id' => array('NotEmpty', 'messages' => array('Escolha a Categoria do Premio.'), 'presence' => 'required'), 'state_registration' => array('allowEmpty' => true), 'dap' => array('allowEmpty' => true), 'register_ministry_fisher' => array('allowEmpty' => true), 'nirf' => array('allowEmpty' => true), 'farm_size' => array('allowEmpty' => true), 'register_ministry_fisher' => array('allowEmpty' => true), 'hasnt_email' => array('allowEmpty' => true)), $params);
     if ($input->hasInvalid() || $input->hasMissing()) {
         throw new Vtx_UserException(Model_ErrorMessage::getFirstMessage($input->getMessages()));
     return $input;
예제 #23
  * @group ZF-3736
 public function testTranslateNotEmptyMessagesByUsingRegistry()
     require_once 'Zend/Translate/Adapter/Array.php';
     $translator = new Zend_Translate_Adapter_Array(array('missingMessage' => 'Still missing'), 'en');
     require_once 'Zend/Registry.php';
     Zend_Registry::set('Zend_Translate', $translator);
     $validators = array('rule1' => array('presence' => 'required', 'fields' => array('field1', 'field2'), 'default' => array('field1default')));
     $data = array();
     $input = new Zend_Filter_Input(null, $validators, $data);
     $this->assertTrue($input->hasMissing(), 'Expected hasMissing() to return true');
     $this->assertFalse($input->hasInvalid(), 'Expected hasInvalid() to return false');
     $this->assertFalse($input->hasUnknown(), 'Expected hasUnknown() to return false');
     $this->assertFalse($input->hasValid(), 'Expected hasValid() to return false');
     $missing = $input->getMissing();
     $this->assertType('array', $missing);
     $this->assertEquals(array('rule1'), array_keys($missing));
     $this->assertEquals(array("Still missing"), $missing['rule1']);
예제 #24
파일: User.php 프로젝트: Lazaro-Gallo/psmn
 protected function _filterInputUser($params)
     $input = new Zend_Filter_Input(array('*' => array('StripTags', 'StringTrim')), array('first_name' => array('NotEmpty', 'messages' => array('Digite o Nome da candidata.'), 'presence' => 'required'), 'surname' => array('allowEmpty' => true), 'email' => array('allowEmpty' => true), 'login' => array('allowEmpty' => true), 'password' => array(), 'position_id' => array('allowEmpty' => true), 'education_id' => array('allowEmpty' => true), 'born_date' => array('allowEmpty' => true), 'gender' => array('allowEmpty' => true), 'cpf' => array('allowEmpty' => true, new Vtx_Validate_Cpf()), 'password_hint' => array('allowEmpty' => true), 'status' => array('allowEmpty' => true)), $params);
     if ($input->hasInvalid() || $input->hasMissing()) {
         throw new Vtx_UserException(Model_ErrorMessage::getFirstMessage($input->getMessages()));
     return $input;
예제 #25
 protected function _filterInputAppraiserToEnterprise($params)
     $input = new Zend_Filter_Input(array('enterprise_id' => array()), array('enterprise_id' => array('NotEmpty', 'messages' => array('Empresa não informada.'))), $params, array('presence' => 'required'));
     if ($input->hasInvalid() || $input->hasMissing()) {
         throw new Vtx_UserException(Model_ErrorMessage::getFirstMessage($input->getMessages()));
     return $input;
예제 #26
 protected function _filterInputReport($params)
     $input = new Zend_Filter_Input(array('*' => array('StripTags', 'StringTrim'), 'report' => array(), 'title' => array()), array('enterprise_id' => array('allowEmpty' => true), 'competition_id' => array('allowEmpty' => true), 'report' => array('allowEmpty' => true), 'title' => array('allowEmpty' => true)), $params);
     if ($input->hasInvalid() || $input->hasMissing()) {
         throw new Vtx_UserException(Model_ErrorMessage::getFirstMessage($input->getMessages()));
     return $input;
예제 #27
 public function testProcessMissingThrowsException()
     $data = array('field1' => 'ab&c');
     $filters = array('*' => 'StringTrim', 'field2' => 'digits');
     $validators = array('field1' => array(Zend_Filter_Input::PRESENCE => Zend_Filter_Input::PRESENCE_OPTIONAL), 'field2' => array('digits', Zend_Filter_Input::PRESENCE => Zend_Filter_Input::PRESENCE_REQUIRED));
     $input = new Zend_Filter_Input($filters, $validators, $data);
     try {
         $this->fail('Expected to catch Zend_Filter_Exception');
     } catch (Zend_Exception $e) {
         $this->assertType('Zend_Filter_Exception', $e, 'Expected object of type Zend_Filter_Exception, got ' . get_class($e));
         $this->assertEquals("Input has missing fields", $e->getMessage());
         $this->assertTrue($input->hasMissing(), 'Expected hasMissing() to return true');
         $this->assertFalse($input->hasInvalid(), 'Expected hasInvalid() to return false');
         $this->assertFalse($input->hasUnknown(), 'Expected hasUnknown() to return false');
         $this->assertTrue($input->hasValid(), 'Expected hasValid() to return true');
예제 #28
 protected function _filterInputQuestionTip($params)
     $input = new Zend_Filter_Input(array('*' => array('StripTags', 'StringTrim'), 'question_id' => array(array('Alnum', array('allowwhitespace' => false))), 'question_tip_type_id' => array(array('Alnum', array('allowwhitespace' => false))), 'value' => array()), array('question_id' => array('NotEmpty'), 'question_tip_type_id' => array('NotEmpty'), 'value' => array('NotEmpty')), $params, array('presence' => 'required'));
     if ($input->hasInvalid() || $input->hasMissing()) {
         throw new Vtx_UserException(Model_ErrorMessage::getFirstMessage($input->getMessages()));
     return $input;
예제 #29
 public function viewAction()
     $id = $this->_request->getParam('id');
     $captchaCode = $this->_request->getParam('captcha_code');
     $modelBlog = new Page();
     $blog = $modelBlog->getPage($id);
     if ($blog) {
         $this->view->blog = $blog;
         // tags
         $modelTags = new Tags();
         $where = array('blog_id' => $id);
         $tags = $modelTags->getTags($where);
         if ($tags) {
             $this->view->tags = $tags;
         // 评论
         $modelComment = new Comment();
         $comments = $modelComment->getComments($id);
         $this->view->comments = $comments;
         $dataComment = $this->_request->getPost();
         // 获取表单提交值
         if ($dataComment) {
             if ($dataComment['captcha'] == $captchaCode) {
                 // 定义过滤规则
                 $filters = array('name' => array('StringTrim'), 'comment' => 'StripTags');
                 // 定义验证规则
                 $validators = array('name' => array(array('StringLength', 3, 16), 'NotEmpty', Zend_Filter_Input::MESSAGES => array(array(Zend_Validate_StringLength::INVALID => "请输入一个合法的字符串", Zend_Validate_StringLength::TOO_SHORT => "请输入字符长度为3-16", Zend_Validate_StringLength::TOO_LONG => "请输入字符长度为3-16"))), 'email' => array('EmailAddress', Zend_Filter_Input::MESSAGES => array(array(Zend_Validate_EmailAddress::INVALID_FORMAT => "邮件格式不正确,请重新输入。"))), 'comment' => array());
                 // 实例化过滤器并进行过滤验证
                 $data = $_POST;
                 $filterPost = new Zend_Filter_Input($filters, $validators, $data);
                 if ($filterPost->hasInvalid() || $filterPost->hasMissing()) {
                     $messages = $filterPost->getMessages();
                     foreach ($messages as $message) {
                         foreach ($message as $value) {
                             echo $value . "<br />";
                 // 将经过验证的数据写入数据库
                 $modelComment = new Comment();
                 $newComment = $modelComment->createComment($pid = $id, $filterPost->name, $filterPost->email, $filterPost->comment);
                 if ($newComment) {
                     $this->_redirect('/blog/view/id/' . $id);
                 } else {
                     echo "评论提交出错!";
             } else {
                 echo "验证码错误,请刷新后重新输入。";
         // 生成验证码
         $this->captcha_session = new Zend_Session_Namespace('captcha');
         $captcha = new Zend_Captcha_Image(array('font' => 'images/SIMYOU.TTF', 'session' => $this->captcha_session, 'fontsize' => 15, 'imgdir' => 'images/code/', 'width' => 120, 'height' => 30, 'gcFreq' => 3, 'dotNoiseLevel' => 5, 'lineNoiseLevel' => 1, 'wordlen' => 4));
         // 生成图片
         // 界面方式
         $this->view->img_dir = $captcha->getImgDir();
         $this->view->captcha_id = $captcha->getId();
         $this->view->captcha_code = $captcha->getWord();
         $this->view->id = $id;
     } else {
         echo "该博客文章不存在!";
예제 #30
  * Creates a Conjoon_Error_Form based on the fields that where marked as
  * errorneous in the passed filter-instance.
  * @param Zend_Filter_Input $filter
  * @param Zend_Filter_Exception $e
  * @return Conjoon_Error_Form
 public static function fromFilter(Zend_Filter_Input $filter, Zend_Filter_Exception $e)
     $error = self::fromException($e, 'Conjoon_Error_Form');
     $fields = array();
     if ($filter->hasMissing()) {
         foreach ($filter->getMissing() as $f => $mes) {
             $fields[$f] = array_values($mes);
     } else {
         if ($filter->hasInvalid()) {
             foreach ($filter->getInvalid() as $f => $mes) {
                 $fields[$f] = array_values($mes);
     $error->setMessage("Error in user input. The following fields " . "where missing or contained invalid data: " . implode('; ', array_keys($fields)));
     return $error;