  * Display a list of all users in the system.
 public function indexAction()
     $filterStatus = $this->_getParam('status', 'any');
     $filterTrigger = $this->_getParam('trigger', 'any');
     $filterSort = $this->_getParam('sort', 'queueDt');
     $filterDirection = $this->_getParam('direction', 'asc');
     $form = new Ot_Form_EmailqueueSearch();
     $eq = new Ot_Model_DbTable_EmailQueue();
     $select = new Zend_Db_Table_Select($eq);
     if ($filterStatus != '' && $filterStatus != 'any') {
         $select->where('status = ?', $filterStatus);
     if ($filterTrigger != '' && $filterTrigger != 'any') {
         $select->where('attributeName = ?', 'triggerActionId');
         $select->where('attributeId = ?', $filterTrigger);
     $select->order($filterSort . ' ' . $filterDirection);
     $adapter = new Zend_Paginator_Adapter_DbSelect($select);
     $paginator = new Zend_Paginator($adapter);
     $paginator->setCurrentPageNumber($this->_getParam('page', 1));
     $ta = new Ot_Model_DbTable_TriggerAction();
     $actions = $ta->fetchAll();
     $triggers = array();
     foreach ($actions as $a) {
         $triggers[$a->triggerActionId] = $a;
     $this->view->assign(array('paginator' => $paginator, 'form' => $form, 'interface' => true, 'sort' => $filterSort, 'direction' => $filterDirection, 'triggers' => $triggers));
예제 #2
파일: Search.php 프로젝트: knatorski/SMS
 protected function _filterSql()
     $date = new Zend_Date();
     if (isset($this->filterdata['created_by']) && !empty($this->filterdata['created_by'])) {
         $this->_select->where("p.created_by = (?)", new Zend_Db_Expr("SELECT id FROM public.user WHERE upper(login) ilike '" . strtoupper($this->filterdata['created_by'] . "'")));
     if (isset($this->filterdata['name']) && !empty($this->filterdata['name'])) {
         $this->_select->where("p.name ilike ?", $this->filterdata['name']);
     if (isset($this->filterdata['date_for']) && !empty($this->filterdata['date_for'])) {
         $this->filterdata['date_for'] = $date->setDate($this->filterdata['date_for'], 'YYYY-MM-dd')->toString(Zend_Date::ISO_8601);
     if (isset($this->filterdata['date_to']) && !empty($this->filterdata['date_to'])) {
         $this->filterdata['date_to'] = $date->setDate($this->filterdata['date_to'], 'YYYY-MM-dd')->toString(Zend_Date::ISO_8601);
     if (isset($this->filterdata['date_for']) && !empty($this->filterdata['date_for']) && isset($this->filterdata['date_to']) && !empty($this->filterdata['date_to'])) {
         $this->_select->where('created_at BETWEEN \'' . $this->filterdata['date_for'] . '\' AND \'' . $this->filterdata['date_to'] . '\'');
     } elseif (isset($this->filterdata['date_for']) && !empty($this->filterdata['date_for'])) {
         $this->_select->where('created_at > ?', $this->filterdata['date_for']);
     } elseif (isset($this->filterdata['date_to']) && !empty($this->filterdata['date_to'])) {
         $this->_select->where('created_at < ?', $this->filterdata['date_to']);
     if (isset($this->filterdata['ws_service_set_id']) && !empty($this->filterdata['ws_service_set_id'])) {
         $this->_select->where("ws_service_set_id = ?", $this->filterdata['ws_service_set_id']);
     if (isset($this->filterdata['ws_service_group_id']) && !empty($this->filterdata['ws_service_group_id'])) {
         $this->_select->where("ws_service_group_id = ?", $this->filterdata['ws_service_group_id']);
예제 #3
 protected function _applySelectOptions(Zend_Db_Table_Select $select, array $options = array())
     if (isset($options[self::OPTION_WHERE])) {
         foreach ((array) $options[self::OPTION_WHERE] as $where) {
     if (isset($options[self::OPTION_OR_WHERE])) {
         foreach ((array) $options[self::OPTION_OR_WHERE] as $orWhere) {
     if (isset($options[self::OPTION_HAVING])) {
         foreach ((array) $options[self::OPTION_HAVING] as $having) {
     if (isset($options[self::OPTION_ORDER])) {
         foreach ((array) $options[self::OPTION_ORDER] as $order) {
     $limit = isset($options[self::OPTION_LIMIT]) ? $options[self::OPTION_LIMIT] : null;
     $offset = isset($options[self::OPTION_OFFSET]) ? $options[self::OPTION_OFFSET] : null;
     $select->limit($limit, $offset);
     return $select;
예제 #4
 public function getCertPath($extension = null)
     $select = new Zend_Db_Table_Select(new WsServiceSmsCert());
     $select->where('ghost IS FALSE')->where('is_archived IS FALSE');
     $row = $this->findDependentRowset('WsServiceSmsCert', null, $select)->current();
     if (null === $row) {
         return null;
     return APPLICATION_PATH . $row->file_path . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $row->file_name . ($extension ? '.' . $extension : '');
예제 #5
파일: Client.php 프로젝트: knatorski/SMS
  * @param string $groupType
  * @return type
 protected function _getServiceGroup($groupType, $groupId = null)
     $matchTable = "WsService" . ucfirst($groupType) . "Group";
     $referenceTable = "WsClientHasServiceGroup";
     if ($groupType == Wsclient::GROUP_SERVICE_SET) {
         $matchTable = "WsServiceSet";
         $referenceTable = "WsClientHasServiceSet";
     $select = null;
     if (false === class_exists($matchTable) || false === class_exists($referenceTable)) {
         throw new Logic_Exception("Class {$matchTable} or {$referenceTable} not found!");
     $select = new Zend_Db_Table_Select(new $matchTable());
     $select->where('i.ghost=?', 'FALSE')->where('m.ghost=?', 'FALSE');
     if (null !== $groupId) {
         $select->where('m.id=?', $groupId);
     return $this->_client->findManyToManyRowset($matchTable, $referenceTable, null, null, $select);
예제 #6
 function __construct(Zend_Controller_Request_Abstract $request, array $orderFields, array $searchFields, Zend_Db_Table_Select $select, Zend_Db_Table_Select $selectFiltered)
     // Load the params
     $iDisplayStart = $request->getParam('iDisplayStart');
     $iDisplayLength = $request->getParam('iDisplayLength');
     $iSortingCols = intval($request->getParam('iSortingCols'));
     $sSearch = $request->getParam('sSearch');
     // Build sort array
     $order = array();
     if ($iSortingCols > 0) {
         for ($i = 0; $i < $iSortingCols; $i++) {
             if (array_key_exists($request->getParam('iSortCol_' . $i), $orderFields)) {
                 $order[] = $orderFields[$request->getParam('iSortCol_' . $i)] . ' ' . strtoupper($request->getParam('sSortDir_' . $i));
     // Count the total rows
     $selectCount = clone $select;
     if (count($selectCount->getPart(Zend_Db_Table_Select::GROUP)) <= 0) {
         $selectCount->reset(Zend_Db_Table_Select::COLUMNS)->columns(array('count' => 'COUNT(*)'));
         $this->_totalCount = $selectCount->getTable()->fetchRow($selectCount)->count;
     } else {
         $this->_totalCount = $selectCount->getTable()->fetchAll($selectCount)->count();
     // Append search
     if ($sSearch !== null && $sSearch != '') {
         $sSearch = '\'%' . $sSearch . '%\'';
         $selectFiltered->where('(' . implode(' LIKE ' . $sSearch . ') OR (', $searchFields) . ' LIKE ' . $sSearch . ')');
     // Count the filtered rows
     $selectCount = clone $selectFiltered;
     if (count($selectCount->getPart(Zend_Db_Table_Select::GROUP)) <= 0) {
         $selectCount->reset(Zend_Db_Table_Select::COLUMNS)->columns(array('count' => 'COUNT(*)'));
         $this->_filteredCount = $selectCount->getTable()->fetchRow($selectCount)->count;
     } else {
         $this->_filteredCount = $selectCount->getTable()->fetchAll($selectCount)->count();
     // Load the limited result
     $selectFiltered->limit($iDisplayLength, $iDisplayStart);
     if (count($order) > 0) {
     $this->_data = $selectFiltered->getTable()->fetchAll($selectFiltered);
예제 #7
 public function where($cond, $value = null, $type = null)
     if (is_array($cond)) {
         foreach ($cond as $key => $val) {
             // is $key an int?
             if (is_int($key)) {
                 // $val is the full condition
             } else {
                 // $key is the condition with placeholder,
                 // and $val is quoted into the condition
                 $this->where($key, $val);
         return $this;
     } else {
         return parent::where($cond, $value, $type);
예제 #8
  * Generate WHERE clause from user-supplied string or array
  * @param  string|array $where  OPTIONAL An SQL WHERE clause.
  * @return Zend_Db_Table_Select
 protected function _where(Zend_Db_Table_Select $select, $where)
     $where = (array) $where;
     foreach ($where as $key => $val) {
         // is $key an int?
         if (is_int($key)) {
             // $val is the full condition
         } else {
             // $key is the condition with placeholder,
             // and $val is quoted into the condition
             $select->where($key, $val);
     return $select;
예제 #9
  * Add some data from other table, tests the joinTables
  * property. If not empty add tables and join clauses.
  * @param Zend_Db_Table_Select $select
  * @param array $params
  * @return Zend_Db_Table_Select
 private function _addJoinQuery($select, array $params = array())
     if (isset($params['joinTables']) && count($params['joinTables'])) {
         $this->_joinTables = $params['joinTables'];
     /* If needs to add some data from other table, tests the joinTables
      * property. If not empty add tables and join clauses.
     if (count($this->_joinTables) > 0) {
         // Get the constraint attribute = foreign key to link tables.
         $constraint = $params['constraint'];
         // Loop on tables list(given by object class) to build the query
         foreach ($this->_joinTables as $key => $object) {
             //Create an object and fetch data from object.
             $tmpObject = new $object();
             $tmpDataTable = $tmpObject->getDataTableName();
             $tmpIndexTable = $tmpObject->getIndexTableName();
             $tmpColumnData = $tmpObject->getDataColumns();
             $tmpColumnIndex = $tmpObject->getIndexColumns();
             //Add data to tables list
             $tables[$tmpDataTable] = $tmpColumnData;
             $tables[$tmpIndexTable] = $tmpColumnIndex;
             //Get the primary key of the first data object to join table
             $tmpDataId = $tmpObject->getDataId();
             // If it's the first loop, join first table to the current table
             if ($key == 0) {
                 $select->joinLeft($tmpDataTable, $tmpDataId . ' = ' . $constraint);
                 //If there's an index table then it too and filter according language
                 if (!empty($tmpIndexTable)) {
                     $tmpIndexId = $tmpObject->getIndexId();
                     $select->joinLeft($tmpIndexTable, $tmpDataId . ' = ' . $tmpIndexId);
                     $select->where($tmpObject->getIndexLanguageId() . ' = ?', $this->_defaultEditLanguage);
                 /* If there's more than one table to link, store the current
                  * table name for the next loop
                 if (count($this->_joinTables) > 1) {
                     $prevConstraint = $tmpObject->getConstraint();
             } elseif ($key > 0) {
                 // We have an other table to join to previous.
                 $tmpDataId = $tmpObject->getDataId();
                 $select->joinLeft($tmpDataTable, $prevConstraint . ' = ' . $tmpDataId);
                 if (!empty($tmpIndexTable)) {
                     $tmpIndexId = $tmpObject->getIndexId();
                     $select->joinLeft($tmpIndexTable, $constraint . ' = ' . $tmpIndexId);
                     $select->where($tmpObject->getIndexLanguageId() . ' = ?', $this->_defaultEditLanguage);
     return $select;
예제 #10
파일: DbTable.php 프로젝트: nvdnkpr/Enlight
  * Returns the next cron job based on the next date field
  * @return null|Enlight_Components_Cron_Job
 public function getNextJob()
     $sql = new Zend_Db_Table_Select($this);
     $sql->where($this->getAdapter()->quoteIdentifier($this->_columns['active']), 1)->where($this->getAdapter()->quoteIdentifier($this->_columns['end']), ' IS NOT NULL')->where($this->getAdapter()->quoteIdentifier($this->_columns['next']), new Zend_Date());
     $row = $this->fetchRow($sql);
     if (count($row) === 0) {
         return null;
     $row['next'] = new Zend_Date($row['next']);
     $row['start'] = new Zend_Date($row['start']);
     $row['end'] = new Zend_Date($row['end']);
     $row['data'] = unserialize($row['data']);
     $retVal = new Enlight_Components_Cron_Job($row->toArray());
     return $retVal;
예제 #11
파일: Table.php 프로젝트: abdala/la
  * @param Zend_Db_Table_Select $select
  * @return type 
 protected function _fetch(Zend_Db_Table_Select $select)
     if (in_array('deleted', $this->_getCols())) {
         $select->where($this->_name . '.deleted = 0');
     if ($this->getAutoRestrict()) {
         if (in_array($this->getAutoRestrict(), $this->_getCols())) {
             $identity = Zend_Auth::getInstance()->getIdentity();
             if (isset($identity->empresa_id) && $identity->empresa_id) {
                 $select->where($this->_name . '.' . $this->getAutoRestrict() .' = ?', $identity->empresa_id);
     if ($this->getAutoJoin()) {
         $select = $this->addAutoJoin($select);
     return parent::_fetch($select);
예제 #12
  * Display a list of all users in the system.
 public function allAction()
     $this->view->acl = array('add' => $this->_helper->hasAccess('add'), 'edit' => $this->_helper->hasAccess('edit'), 'delete' => $this->_helper->hasAccess('delete'));
     $filterUsername = $this->_getParam('username');
     $filterFirstName = $this->_getParam('firstName');
     $filterLastName = $this->_getParam('lastName');
     $filterRole = $this->_getParam('role', 'any');
     $filterSort = $this->_getParam('sort', 'username');
     $filterDirection = $this->_getParam('direction', 'asc');
     $form = new Ot_Form_UserSearch();
     $account = new Ot_Model_DbTable_Account();
     $accountTbl = $account->info('name');
     $select = new Zend_Db_Table_Select($account);
     if ($filterUsername != '') {
         $select->where($accountTbl . '.username LIKE ?', '%' . $filterUsername . '%');
     if ($filterFirstName != '') {
         $select->where($accountTbl . '.firstName LIKE ?', '%' . $filterFirstName . '%');
     if ($filterLastName != '') {
         $select->where($accountTbl . '.lastName LIKE ?', '%' . $filterLastName . '%');
     if ($filterRole != '' && $filterRole != 'any') {
         $otRole = new Ot_Model_DbTable_AccountRoles();
         $roleTbl = $otRole->info('name');
         $select->join($roleTbl, $accountTbl . '.accountId = ' . $roleTbl . '.accountId', array());
         $select->where($roleTbl . '.roleId = ?', $filterRole);
     if ($filterSort == 'name') {
         $select->order('firstName ' . $filterDirection);
         $select->order('lastName ' . $filterDirection);
     } else {
         $select->order($filterSort . ' ' . $filterDirection);
     $filterOptions = array('username' => $filterUsername, 'lastname' => $filterLastName, 'firstname' => $filterFirstName, 'direction' => $filterDirection, 'role' => $filterRole, 'sort' => $filterSort);
     foreach ($filterOptions as $key => $value) {
         if (!$value) {
     $adapter = new Zend_Paginator_Adapter_DbSelect($select);
     $paginator = new Zend_Paginator($adapter);
     $paginator->setCurrentPageNumber($this->_getParam('page', 1));
     $aa = new Ot_Model_DbTable_AuthAdapter();
     $adapters = $aa->fetchAll();
     $adapterMap = array();
     foreach ($adapters as $a) {
         $adapterMap[$a->adapterKey] = $a;
     $this->view->assign(array('paginator' => $paginator, 'form' => $form, 'interface' => true, 'sort' => $filterSort, 'direction' => $filterDirection, 'adapters' => $adapterMap, 'filterOptions' => array('urlParams' => $filterOptions)));
예제 #13
파일: Mapper.php 프로젝트: netixx/Stock
 protected function addWhereActive(Zend_Db_Table_Select $oSelect, $prefix = '')
     $prefix && ($prefix .= '.');
     $date = new Zend_Date();
     $date->add('1', Zend_Date::DAY);
     return $oSelect->where($prefix . 'PER > ?', $this->getDbTable()->PDO_dateFormat($date));
예제 #14
  * Only return documents with at leat one file marked as visible in oai.
  * @return Opus_DocumentFinder Fluent interface.
 public function setFilesVisibleInOai()
     $subselect = "SELECT DISTINCT document_id\n            FROM document_files AS f\n            WHERE f.document_id = d.id\n            AND f.visible_in_oai=1";
     $this->select->where('d.id IN (' . $subselect . ')');
     return $this;