  * Prepara os dados para processar o arquivo do webservice
  * @param string $sArquivo
  * @return bool
  * @throws Exception
 public function preparaDados($sArquivo)
     try {
         // Foi comentado o if de verificação pois estava ocorrendo um problema na emissão e retornava um arquivo em branco.
         // Somente em ambiente de desenvolvimento
         //if (APPLICATION_ENV == 'development') {
         $oDomDocument = new DOMDocument();
         $oData = new Zend_Date();
         $this->sNomeArquivo = "/RecepcionarLote-{$oData->getTimestamp()}.xml";
         $this->sCaminhoArquivo = TEMP_PATH;
          * Verifica se o caminho do arquivo não existe recria a pasta
         if (!file_exists($this->sCaminhoArquivo)) {
             mkdir($this->sCaminhoArquivo, 0777);
          * Escreve os dados no arquivo
         $this->sCaminhoNomeArquivo = $this->sCaminhoArquivo . $this->sNomeArquivo;
         $aArquivo = fopen($this->sCaminhoNomeArquivo, 'w');
         fputs($aArquivo, print_r($sArquivo, TRUE));
         $oValidacao = new DBSeller_Helper_Xml_AssinaturaDigital($sArquivo);
          * Validação digital do arquivo
         if (!$oValidacao->validar()) {
             throw new Exception($oValidacao->getLastError());
         $oUsuario = Administrativo_Model_Usuario::getByAttribute('cnpj', $oValidacao->getCnpj());
         if (!is_object($oUsuario)) {
             throw new Exception('Usuário contribuinte não existe!', 157);
          * Busca usuário contribuinte através do usuário cadastrado
         $aUsuarioContribuinte = Administrativo_Model_UsuarioContribuinte::getByAttributes(array('usuario' => $oUsuario->getId(), 'cnpj_cpf' => $oUsuario->getCnpj()));
         if (!is_object($aUsuarioContribuinte[0])) {
             throw new Exception('Usuário contribuinte não encontrado!', 160);
          * Seta os dados do contribuinte
         $this->oDadosUsuario = $oUsuario;
         $this->oContribuinte->sCpfCnpj = $aUsuarioContribuinte[0]->getCnpjCpf();
         $this->oContribuinte->iCodigoUsuario = $oUsuario->getId();
         $this->oContribuinte->iIdUsuarioContribuinte = $aUsuarioContribuinte[0]->getId();
          * Atualiza os dados do contribuinte na sessão
         $oSessao = new Zend_Session_Namespace('nfse');
         $oSessao->contribuinte = Contribuinte_Model_Contribuinte::getById($this->oContribuinte->iIdUsuarioContribuinte);
         return TRUE;
     } catch (Exception $oErro) {
         throw new Exception($oErro->getMessage(), $oErro->getCode());
예제 #2
  * @param date $d data a ser comparada
 public function getDays($d)
     $now = time();
     $date = new Zend_Date($d, Zend_Date::ISO_8601);
     $time = $now - $date->getTimestamp();
     if ($time < 86400) {
         $time = 'hoje';
     } elseif ($time < 172800) {
         $time = 'ontem';
         //mostrar quantidade de dias até 14 dias
     } elseif ($time < 604800) {
         $time = 'há ' . round(floatval($time) / 86400) . ' dias';
         //mostrar quantidades de semanas apartir da 2 semana até 1 mes
     } elseif ($time > 1209600 && $time <= 2592000) {
         $time = 'há ' . round(floatval($time) / 604800) . ' semanas';
     } elseif ($time > 2592000 && $time <= 5184000) {
         //60*60*24*30 && 60*60*24*30*2
         $time = 'há ' . round(floatval($time) / 2592000) . ' mês';
     } elseif ($time > 5184000 && $time < 31104000) {
         //60*60*24*30*2  && 60*60*24*30*12
         $time = 'há ' . round(floatval($time) / 2592000) . ' meses';
     } else {
         //if ($time < 31104000) { //60*60*24*30*12
         $time = 'há mais de um ano (' . $date->toString() . ')';
     return $time;
예제 #3
파일: Timing.php 프로젝트: rickyfeng/wenda
 public function timing($time)
     $date = new Zend_Date();
     $diffTime = $date->getTimestamp() - $time;
     $date = null;
     if ($diffTime < 60) {
         return ($diffTime <= 0 ? 1 : $diffTime) . '秒前';
     $minute = ceil($diffTime / 60);
     if ($minute < 60) {
         return $minute . '分钟前';
     $minute = ceil($diffTime / 3600);
     if ($minute < 24) {
         return $minute . '小时前';
     $day = ceil($diffTime / 3600 / 24);
     if ($day < 30) {
         return $day . '天前';
     $month = ceil($diffTime / 3600 / 24 / 30);
     if ($month < 12) {
         return $month . '月前';
     $year = floor($diffTime / 3600 / 24 / 30 / 12);
     return $year . '年前';
 public function execute($lastRunDt = null)
     $config = Zend_Registry::get('config');
     $checkDtStart = new Zend_Date($this->_lastRunDt);
     $checkDtEnd = new Zend_Date();
     $event = new Event();
     $events = $event->getEvents(null, null, null, $checkDtStart->getTimestamp(), $checkDtEnd->getTimestamp(), 'open');
     $location = new Location();
     $workshop = new Workshop();
     $instructor = new Event_Instructor();
     $attendee = new Event_Attendee();
     $eu = new Evaluation_User();
     foreach ($events as $e) {
         $startDt = strtotime($e->date . ' ' . $e->startTime);
         $endDt = strtotime($e->date . ' ' . $e->endTime);
         if ($checkDtStart->getTimestamp() < $endDt && $checkDtEnd->getTimestamp() >= $endDt) {
             echo 'Event to Send:';
             var_dump($e->toArray(), '<br /><br />');
             $thisLocation = $location->find($e->locationId);
             if (is_null($thisLocation)) {
                 throw new Ot_Exception_Data('msg-error-noLocation');
             $thisWorkshop = $workshop->find($e->workshopId);
             if (is_null($thisWorkshop)) {
                 throw new Ot_Exception_Data('msg-error-noWorkshop');
             $instructors = $instructor->getInstructorsForEvent($e->eventId);
             $instructorNames = array();
             $instructorEmails = array();
             foreach ($instructors as $i) {
                 $instructorNames[] = $i['firstName'] . ' ' . $i['lastName'];
                 $instructorEmails[] = $i['emailAddress'];
             $data = array('workshopName' => $thisWorkshop->title, 'workshopDate' => date('m/d/Y', $startDt), 'workshopStartTime' => date('g:i a', $startDt), 'workshopEndTime' => date('g:i a', $endDt), 'workshopMinimumEnrollment' => $e->minSize, 'workshopCurrentEnrollment' => $e->roleSize, 'locationName' => $thisLocation->name, 'locationAddress' => $thisLocation->address, 'instructorNames' => implode(', ', $instructorNames), 'instructorEmails' => implode(', ', $instructorEmails));
             $attenders = $attendee->getAttendeesForEvent($e->eventId, 'attending', true);
             foreach ($attenders as $a) {
                 $trigger = new Ot_Trigger();
                 $trigger->accountId = $a['accountId'];
                 $trigger->studentEmail = $a['emailAddress'];
                 $trigger->studentName = $a['firstName'] . ' ' . $a['lastName'];
                 $trigger->studentUsername = $a['username'];
예제 #5
 public function testToTimestamp()
     $date = new Zend_Date();
     $this->assertEquals($date->getTimestamp(), Varien_Date::toTimestamp($date));
     $this->assertEquals(time(), Varien_Date::toTimestamp(true));
     $date = '2012-07-19 16:52';
     $this->assertEquals(strtotime($date), Varien_Date::toTimestamp($date));
예제 #6
파일: Date.php 프로젝트: pimcore/pimcore
  * Returns the current tag's data for web service export
  * @param mixed $params
  * @abstract
  * @return array
 public function getForWebserviceExport($document = null, $params = [])
     if ($this->date) {
         return $this->date->getTimestamp();
     } else {
         return null;
예제 #7
  * Returns the current tag's data for web service export
  * @abstract
  * @return array
 public function getForWebserviceExport()
     if ($this->date) {
         return $this->date->getTimestamp();
     } else {
         return null;
예제 #8
 public function isStillValid()
     $validTo = time() - (int) $this->getConfig()->get('re-request/log_vadility_lifetime');
     $createdAt = new Zend_Date($this->getCreatedAt());
     $previousCheckouts = (int) $this->getCheckoutsAfterThisRequest();
     $maxCheckouts = (int) $this->getConfig()->get('re-request/max_number_of_checkouts');
     return $previousCheckouts < $maxCheckouts && $validTo <= $createdAt->getTimestamp();
예제 #9
파일: Date.php 프로젝트: natxetee/magento2
  * Convert date to UNIX timestamp
  * Returns current UNIX timestamp if date is true
  * @param Zend_Date|string|bool $date
  * @return int
 public static function toTimestamp($date)
     if ($date instanceof Zend_Date) {
         return $date->getTimestamp();
     if ($date === true) {
         return time();
     return strtotime($date);
예제 #10
파일: MagicFile.php 프로젝트: GEANT/CORE
  * File type is based on db values table: filetypes
 public function render($content)
     $element = $this->getElement();
     if (!$element instanceof TA_Form_Element_MagicFile) {
         return $content;
     $view = $element->getView();
     if (!$view instanceof Zend_View_Interface) {
         // using view helpers, so do nothing if no view present
         return $content;
     $output = null;
     if ($file = $element->getTaFile()) {
         switch ($type = $file->core_filetype) {
             case 'userimage':
                 $output = '<li><img src="/core/file/' . $file->file_id . '" alt="userimage_' . $file->file_id . '" /></li>';
             case 'submission':
                 $date = new Zend_Date($file->modified, Zend_Date::ISO_8601);
                 $output = '<li><a title="download paper" href="/core/file/getfile/id/' . $file->file_id . '">' . htmlspecialchars($file->filename_orig) . '</a> (' . $view->timeSince($date->getTimestamp()) . ' ago' . ')</li>';
             case 'paper':
                 $date = new Zend_Date($file->modified, Zend_Date::ISO_8601);
                 $output = '<li><a title="download paper" href="/core/file/getfile/id/' . $file->file_id . '">' . htmlspecialchars($file->filename_orig) . '</a> (' . $view->timeSince($date->getTimestamp()) . ' ago' . ')</li>';
             case 'slides':
                 $date = new Zend_Date($file->modified, Zend_Date::ISO_8601);
                 $output = '<li><a title="download slides" href="/core/file/getfile/id/' . $file->file_id . '">' . htmlspecialchars($file->filename_orig) . '</a> (' . $view->timeSince($date->getTimestamp()) . ' ago' . ')</li>';
             case 'location':
                 $date = new Zend_Date($file->modified, Zend_Date::ISO_8601);
                 $output = '<li><img src="/core/file/' . $file->file_id . '" alt="location_' . $file->file_id . '" />' . '</a> (' . $view->timeSince($date->getTimestamp()) . ' ago' . ')</li>';
             case 'misc':
                 $date = new Zend_Date($file->modified, Zend_Date::ISO_8601);
                 $output = '<li><a title="download slides" href="/core/file/getfile/id/' . $file->file_id . '">' . htmlspecialchars($file->filename_orig) . '</a> (' . $view->timeSince($date->getTimestamp()) . ' ago' . ')</li>';
                 $date = new Zend_Date($file->modified, Zend_Date::ISO_8601);
                 $output = '<li><a title="download file" href="/core/file/getfile/id/' . $file->file_id . '">' . htmlspecialchars($file->filename_orig) . '</a> (' . $view->timeSince($date->getTimestamp()) . ' ago' . ')</li>';
     $placement = $this->getPlacement();
     $separator = $this->getSeparator();
     switch ($placement) {
         case 'PREPEND':
             return $output . $separator . $content;
         case 'APPEND':
             return $content . $separator . $output;
 public function getIntervals()
     if (!$this->_intervals) {
         $this->_intervals = array();
         if (!$this->_from && !$this->_to) {
             return $this->_intervals;
         $dateStart = new Zend_Date($this->_from);
         $dateEnd = new Zend_Date($this->_to);
         $t = array();
         $firstInterval = true;
         /** START AITOC FIX **/
         if (in_array((string) $this->_period, array('day', 'month', 'year'))) {
             /** END AITOC FIX **/
             while ($dateStart->compare($dateEnd) <= 0) {
                 switch ($this->_period) {
                     case 'day':
                         $t['title'] = $dateStart->toString(Mage::app()->getLocale()->getDateFormat());
                         $t['start'] = $dateStart->toString('yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss');
                         $t['end'] = $dateStart->toString('yyyy-MM-dd 23:59:59');
                     case 'month':
                         $t['title'] = $dateStart->toString('MM/yyyy');
                         $t['start'] = $firstInterval ? $dateStart->toString('yyyy-MM-dd 00:00:00') : $dateStart->toString('yyyy-MM-01 00:00:00');
                         $lastInterval = $dateStart->compareMonth($dateEnd->getMonth()) == 0;
                         $t['end'] = $lastInterval ? $dateStart->setDay($dateEnd->getDay())->toString('yyyy-MM-dd 23:59:59') : $dateStart->toString('yyyy-MM-' . date('t', $dateStart->getTimestamp()) . ' 23:59:59');
                         if ($dateStart->compareMonth($dateEnd->getMonth()) == 0) {
                         $firstInterval = false;
                     case 'year':
                         $t['title'] = $dateStart->toString('yyyy');
                         $t['start'] = $firstInterval ? $dateStart->toString('yyyy-MM-dd 00:00:00') : $dateStart->toString('yyyy-01-01 00:00:00');
                         $lastInterval = $dateStart->compareYear($dateEnd->getYear()) == 0;
                         $t['end'] = $lastInterval ? $dateStart->setMonth($dateEnd->getMonth())->setDay($dateEnd->getDay())->toString('yyyy-MM-dd 23:59:59') : $dateStart->toString('yyyy-12-31 23:59:59');
                         if ($dateStart->compareYear($dateEnd->getYear()) == 0) {
                         $firstInterval = false;
                 $this->_intervals[$t['title']] = $t;
             /** START AITOC FIX **/
         /** END AITOC FIX **/
     return $this->_intervals;
예제 #12
  * Imprime a data no formato correto
  * @param date   $d      Data a ser impressa
  * @param string $format Formato da data
  * @param string $locale Localização da data
 public function getTime($d, $format = null, $locale = null)
     // Define o formato
     if (!isset($format)) {
         $format = Zend_Date::ISO_8601;
     } elseif ($format == 'twitter') {
         $format = 'EEE MMM dd HH:mm:ss ZZZ yyyy';
         $locale = 'en_US';
     } elseif ($format == 'fb') {
         $format = 'EEE, MMM dd yyyy HH:mm:ss ZZZ';
         $locale = 'en_US';
     // Cria a data
     $date = new Zend_Date($d, $format, $locale);
     if ($date->get('Y') == 0) {
         $date->set(date('Y'), 'Y');
     //echo "<br/><b>$d  => " . $date->get('Y') .'</b>';
     // Calcula a diferença
     $now = time();
     $time = $now - $date->getTimestamp();
     // Formata a hora
     if ($time < 60) {
         $time .= ' segundos';
     } elseif ($time < 3600) {
         $time = round(floatval($time) / 60) . ' minutos';
     } elseif ($time < 7200) {
         $time = round(floatval($time) / 3660) . ' hora';
     } elseif ($time < 86400) {
         $time = round(floatval($time) / 3660) . ' horas';
     } elseif ($time < 604800) {
         $time = round(floatval($time) / 86400) . ' dias';
     } elseif ($time > 1209600 && $time <= 2592000) {
         $time = round(floatval($time) / 604800) . ' semanas';
     } elseif ($time > 2592000 && $time <= 5184000) {
         //60*60*24*30 && 60*60*24*30*2
         $time = round(floatval($time) / 2592000) . ' mês';
     } elseif ($time > 5184000 && $time < 31104000) {
         //60*60*24*30*2  && 60*60*24*30*12
         $time = round(floatval($time) / 2592000) . ' meses';
     } else {
         //if ($time < 31104000) { //60*60*24*30*12
         $time = ' mais de um ano (' . $date->toString() . ')';
     return $time;
예제 #13
  * Retrieve array of intervals
  * @param string $from
  * @param string $to
  * @param string $period
  * @return array
 public function getIntervals($from, $to, $period = self::REPORT_PERIOD_TYPE_DAY)
     $intervals = array();
     if (!$from && !$to) {
         return $intervals;
     $start = new Zend_Date($from, Varien_Date::DATE_INTERNAL_FORMAT);
     if ($period == self::REPORT_PERIOD_TYPE_DAY) {
         $dateStart = $start;
     if ($period == self::REPORT_PERIOD_TYPE_MONTH) {
         $dateStart = new Zend_Date(date("Y-m", $start->getTimestamp()), Varien_Date::DATE_INTERNAL_FORMAT);
     if ($period == self::REPORT_PERIOD_TYPE_YEAR) {
         $dateStart = new Zend_Date(date("Y", $start->getTimestamp()), Varien_Date::DATE_INTERNAL_FORMAT);
     $dateEnd = new Zend_Date($to, Varien_Date::DATE_INTERNAL_FORMAT);
     while ($dateStart->compare($dateEnd) <= 0) {
         switch ($period) {
             case self::REPORT_PERIOD_TYPE_DAY:
                 $t = $dateStart->toString('yyyy-MM-dd');
             case self::REPORT_PERIOD_TYPE_MONTH:
                 $t = $dateStart->toString('yyyy-MM');
             case self::REPORT_PERIOD_TYPE_YEAR:
                 $t = $dateStart->toString('yyyy');
         $intervals[] = $t;
     return $intervals;
예제 #14
 protected function _afterSave(Mage_Core_Model_Abstract $object)
     //insert field values
     if (count($object->getData('field')) > 0) {
         foreach ($object->getData('field') as $field_id => $value) {
             if (is_array($value)) {
                 $value = implode("\n", $value);
             $field = Mage::getModel('webforms/fields')->load($field_id);
             if (strstr($field->getType(), 'date') && strlen($value) > 0) {
                 $date = new Zend_Date();
                 $date->setDate($value, $field->getDateFormat(), Mage::app()->getLocale()->getLocaleCode());
                 if ($field->getType() == 'datetime') {
                     $date->setTime($value, $field->getDateFormat(), Mage::app()->getLocale()->getLocaleCode());
                 $value = date($field->getDbDateFormat(), $date->getTimestamp());
             if ($field->getType() == 'select/contact' && is_numeric($value)) {
                 $value = $field->getContactValueById($value);
             if ($value == $field->getHint()) {
                 $value = '';
             // create key
             $key = "";
             if ($field->getType() == 'file' || $field->getType() == 'image') {
                 $key = Mage::helper('webforms')->randomAlphaNum(6);
                 if ($object->getData('key_' . $field_id)) {
                     $key = $object->getData('key_' . $field_id);
             $object->setData('key_' . $field_id, $key);
             $select = $this->_getReadAdapter()->select()->from($this->getTable('webforms/results_values'))->where('result_id = ?', $object->getId())->where('field_id = ?', $field_id);
             $result_value = $this->_getReadAdapter()->fetchAll($select);
             if (!empty($result_value[0])) {
                 $this->_getWriteAdapter()->update($this->getTable('webforms/results_values'), array("value" => $value, "key" => $key), "id = " . $result_value[0]['id']);
             } else {
                 $this->_getWriteAdapter()->insert($this->getTable('webforms/results_values'), array("result_id" => $object->getId(), "field_id" => $field_id, "value" => $value, "key" => $key));
     Mage::dispatchEvent('webforms_result_save', array('result' => $object));
     return parent::_afterSave($object);
예제 #15
 public function getIntervals()
     if (!$this->_intervals) {
         $this->_intervals = array();
         if (!$this->_from && !$this->_to) {
             return $this->_intervals;
         $dateStart = new Zend_Date($this->_from);
         $dateStart2 = new Zend_Date($this->_from);
         $dateEnd = new Zend_Date($this->_to);
         $t = array();
         while ($dateStart->compare($dateEnd) <= 0) {
             switch ($this->_period) {
                 case 'day':
                     $t['title'] = $dateStart->toString(Mage::app()->getLocale()->getDateFormat());
                     $t['start'] = $dateStart->toString('yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss');
                     $t['end'] = $dateStart->toString('yyyy-MM-dd 23:59:59');
                 case 'month':
                     $t['title'] = $dateStart->toString('MM/yyyy');
                     $t['start'] = $dateStart->toString('yyyy-MM-01 00:00:00');
                     $t['end'] = $dateStart->toString('yyyy-MM-' . date('t', $dateStart->getTimestamp()) . ' 23:59:59');
                 case 'year':
                     $t['title'] = $dateStart->toString('yyyy');
                     $t['start'] = $dateStart->toString('yyyy-01-01 00:00:00');
                     $t['end'] = $dateStart->toString('yyyy-12-31 23:59:59');
             $this->_intervals[$t['title']] = $t;
         if ($this->_period != 'day') {
             $titles = array_keys($this->_intervals);
             if (count($titles) > 0) {
                 $this->_intervals[$titles[0]]['start'] = $dateStart2->toString('yyyy-MM-dd 00:00:00');
                 $this->_intervals[$titles[count($titles) - 1]]['end'] = $dateEnd->toString('yyyy-MM-dd 23:59:59');
     return $this->_intervals;
예제 #16
 function isEditable()
     $date = new Zend_Date($this->dt . ' ' . $this->tm);
     $seconds = Zx_Db_Table_Comment::EDIT_TIMELIMIT * 60;
     $diff = time() - $date->getTimestamp();
     return $diff <= $seconds;
     		$res = $date->compare($seconds, Zend_Date::SECOND);
     		// 0 = equal, 1 = later, -1 = earlier
     		if ($res > -1) {
     			return true;
     		} else {
     			return false;
예제 #17
  * Save report rows collected in settlement model
  * @param Mage_Paypal_Model_Report_Settlement $object
  * @return Mage_Paypal_Model_Resource_Report_Settlement
 protected function _afterSave(Mage_Core_Model_Abstract $object)
     $rows = $object->getRows();
     if (is_array($rows)) {
         $adapter = $this->_getWriteAdapter();
         $reportId = (int) $object->getId();
         try {
             if ($reportId) {
                 $adapter->delete($this->_rowsTable, array('report_id = ?' => $reportId));
             /** @var $date Mage_Core_Model_Date */
             $date = Mage::getSingleton('core/date');
             foreach ($rows as $key => $row) {
                  * Converting dates
                 $completionDate = new Zend_Date($rows[$key]['transaction_completion_date']);
                 $rows[$key]['transaction_completion_date'] = $date->date(null, $completionDate->getTimestamp());
                 $initiationDate = new Zend_Date($rows[$key]['transaction_initiation_date']);
                 $rows[$key]['transaction_initiation_date'] = $date->date(null, $initiationDate->getTimestamp());
                  * Converting numeric
                 $rows[$key]['fee_amount'] = (double) $rows[$key]['fee_amount'];
                  * Setting reportId
                 $rows[$key]['report_id'] = $reportId;
             if (!empty($rows)) {
                 $adapter->insertMultiple($this->_rowsTable, $rows);
         } catch (Exception $e) {
     return $this;
예제 #18
파일: Time.php 프로젝트: henvic/MediaLab
 public static function ago($date, $format = null)
     $zendDate = new Zend_Date();
     if (!$format) {
         $format = Zend_Date::ISO_8601;
     $zendDate->set($date, $format);
     $ago = time() - $zendDate->getTimestamp();
     if ($ago < 120) {
         return "less than {$ago} seconds ago";
     if ($ago < 60 * 120) {
         return ceil($ago / 60) . " minutes ago";
     if ($ago < 60 * 60 * 48) {
         return "about " . floor($ago / (60 * 60)) . " hours ago";
     if ($ago < 60 * 60 * 24 * 60) {
         return floor($ago / (60 * 60 * 24)) . " days ago";
     return floor($ago / (60 * 60 * 24 * 7)) . " weeks ago";
 public function execute($lastRunDt = null)
     $config = Zend_Registry::get('config');
     $event = new Event();
     $events = $event->getEvents(null, null, null, time(), null, 'open');
     $location = new Location();
     $workshop = new Workshop();
     $instructor = new Event_Instructor();
     $checkDt = new Zend_Date($this->_lastRunDt);
     foreach ($events as $e) {
         if ($e->roleSize < $e->minSize) {
             $startDt = strtotime($e->date . ' ' . $e->startTime);
             $endDt = strtotime($e->date . ' ' . $e->endTime);
             if ($checkDt->getTimestamp() > $startDt && $this->_lastRunDt < $startDt) {
                 $thisLocation = $location->find($e->locationId);
                 if (is_null($thisLocation)) {
                     throw new Ot_Exception_Data('msg-error-noLocation');
                 $thisWorkshop = $workshop->find($e->workshopId);
                 if (is_null($thisWorkshop)) {
                     throw new Ot_Exception_Data('msg-error-noWorkshop');
                 $instructors = $instructor->getInstructorsForEvent($e->eventId);
                 $instructorNames = array();
                 $instructorEmails = array();
                 foreach ($instructors as $i) {
                     $instructorNames[] = $i['firstName'] . ' ' . $i['lastName'];
                     $instructorEmails[] = $i['emailAddress'];
                 $data = array('workshopName' => $thisWorkshop->title, 'workshopDate' => date('m/d/Y', $startDt), 'workshopStartTime' => date('g:i a', $startDt), 'workshopEndTime' => date('g:i a', $endDt), 'workshopMinimumEnrollment' => $e->minSize, 'workshopCurrentEnrollment' => $e->roleSize, 'locationName' => $thisLocation->name, 'locationAddress' => $thisLocation->address, 'instructorNames' => implode(', ', $instructorNames), 'instructorEmails' => implode(', ', $instructorEmails));
                 $trigger = new Ot_Trigger();
예제 #20
 function feedAction()
     $test = $this->_request->getParam('test');
     if (empty($test)) {
     // not test
     // create array for feed
     $afeed = array('title' => $this->view->config->feed->feed_title, 'link' => $this->view->baseUrl . '/feed/feed', 'description' => $this->view->config->feed->feed_desc, 'charset' => "UTF-8", 'entries' => array());
     // terminated Jobs
     $jobs = new Job();
     $result = $jobs->getTerminatedJobs(1);
     foreach ($result as $item) {
         // convert date to timestamp format
         $date = new Zend_Date($item['starttime'], 'YYYY-MM-dd HH:mm:ss');
         $itemTimestamp = $date->getTimestamp();
         $content = '<pre><b>' . $this->view->translate->_("Job Id") . ' : </b>' . $item['jobid'] . '<br>' . '<b>' . $this->view->translate->_("Job Name") . ' : </b>' . $item['jobname'] . '<br>' . '<b>' . $this->view->translate->_("Status") . ' : </b>' . $item['jobstatuslong'] . '<br>' . '<b>' . $this->view->translate->_("Level") . ' : </b>' . $item['level'] . '<br>' . '<b>' . $this->view->translate->_("Client") . ' : </b>' . $item['clientname'] . '<br>' . '<b>' . $this->view->translate->_("Pool") . ' : </b>' . $item['poolname'] . '<br>' . '<b>' . $this->view->translate->_("Start Time") . ' : </b>' . $item['starttime'] . '<br>' . '<b>' . $this->view->translate->_("End Time") . ' : </b>' . $item['endtime'] . '<br>' . '<b>' . $this->view->translate->_("Duration") . ' : </b>' . $item['durationtime'] . '<br>' . '<b>' . $this->view->translate->_("Files") . ' : </b>' . number_format($item['jobfiles']) . '<br>' . '<b>' . $this->view->translate->_("Bytes") . ' : </b>' . $this->view->convBytes($item['jobbytes']) . '<br>' . '<b>' . $this->view->translate->_("Errors") . ' : </b>' . number_format($item['joberrors']) . '<br>' . '</pre>';
         $afeed['entries'][] = array('title' => $item['jobname'] . ' ' . $item['jobstatuslong'], 'link' => $this->view->baseUrl . '/job/detail/jobid/' . $item['jobid'], 'description' => $content, 'lastUpdate' => $itemTimestamp);
     // Get info Volumes with Status of media: Disabled, Error
     $media = new Media();
     $result = $media->getProblemVolumes();
     if ($result) {
         foreach ($result as $item) {
             $content = '<pre><b>' . $this->view->translate->_("Volume Name") . ' : </b>' . $item['volumename'] . '<br>' . '<b>' . $this->view->translate->_("Volume Status") . ' : </b>' . $item['volstatus'] . '<br>' . '</pre>';
             $afeed['entries'][] = array('title' => $this->view->translate->_("Volumes with errors"), 'link' => $this->view->baseUrl . '/volume/problem/', 'description' => $content, 'lastUpdate' => time());
     // import array to feed
     $feed = Zend_Feed::importArray($afeed, 'rss');
     // dump feed //  print "<pre>".$feed->saveXML();exit;
     if (empty($test)) {
     } else {
         print $feed->saveXML();
         // for unit tests
예제 #21
 public function formatData($data)
     $date = \Zend_Date::now();
     $timestart = new \Zend_Date($data['calendar'] . ' ' . $data['slotinput'] . ':00', 'dd-MM-YYYY HH:mm:ss');
     //$timestart = \Zend_Date::now();
     $location = \Object\Location::getById($data['locationid'], 1);
     if ($location instanceof \Object\Location) {
         $societe = $location->getSociete();
         $serving = \Object\Serving::getById($data['servinginput'], 1);
         if ($serving instanceof \Object\Serving) {
             $mealduration = $serving->getMealduration();
         $end = $timestart->getTimestamp() + $mealduration * 60;
         $timeend = new \Zend_Date($end);
         $guest = \Object\Guest::getByEmail($data['email'], 1);
         if (!$guest instanceof \Object\Guest) {
             $guest = new \Object\Guest();
             $guest->updateData(array('tel' => $data['tel'], 'email' => $data['email'], 'lastname' => $data['lastname'], 'societe' => $societe, 'dateregister' => $date, 'location' => $location));
     $result = array();
     $result['id'] = $data['id'];
     $result['method'] = $data['method'];
     $result['tel'] = $data['tel'];
     $result['email'] = $data['email'];
     $result['lastname'] = $data['lastname'];
     $result['partysize'] = $data['partysize'];
     $result['person'] = $data['person'];
     $result['societe'] = $societe;
     $result['location'] = $location;
     $result['guest'] = $guest;
     $result['serving'] = $serving;
     $result['start'] = $timestart;
     $result['datereservation'] = $timestart;
     $result['end'] = $timeend;
     return $result;
예제 #22
 public function indexAction()
     $request = $this->getRequest();
     $form = new Logic_Raports_Form_Search();
     $search = new Logic_Raports_Search($this->_model);
     if ($request->isPost()) {
         $values = $request->getPost();
         if ($form->isValid($values)) {
             if (isset($values['create_raport'])) {
                 if ($this->_model->getRaportByDate($values['date_for'], $values['date_to']) === null) {
                     $config = Zend_Registry::get('config');
                     $base = $config['general']['default']['base_path'];
                     $date = new Zend_Date();
                     $values['hash'] = SHA1($date->getTimestamp());
                     $view = new Zend_View();
                     $date = new Zend_Date();
                     throw new Exception("Do zmiany.");
                     $packageModel = new WsPackageMail();
                     $packageQueue = new WsPackageQueue();
                     $packageData = new WsPackageDataMail();
                     $package = $packageModel->addPackage(array('name' => 'wysyka raportu', 'time_send_start' => '08:00', 'time_send_end' => "20:00", 'send_start' => $date->getDate()->toString('YYYY-MM-dd'), 'file_type' => Logic_Ws_ServiceSet_ServiceSet::TYPE_ANY));
                     /* TODO zmiana adresu email doręczena raportów */
                     $view->setScriptPath(APPLICATION_PATH . '/views/scripts/_mail/');
                     $view->output = array('baseurl' => $base, 'hash' => $values['hash']);
                     $packageData->addPackageData(array('message' => $view->render('sendreport.phtml'), 'ws_package_id' => $package, 'email_address' => '*****@*****.**'));
                     $packageQueue->addQueue(array('ws_package_id' => $package));
     $this->view->form = $form;
     $this->view->headers = $search->getHeaders();
     $this->view->paginator = $search->paginator();
예제 #23
  * Generate a new Cookie object from a cookie string
  * (for example the value of the Set-Cookie HTTP header)
  * @param string $cookieStr
  * @param Zend_Uri_Http|string $refUri Reference URI for default values (domain, path)
  * @param boolean $encodeValue Whether or not the cookie's value should be
  *                             passed through urlencode/urldecode
  * @return Zend_Http_Cookie A new Zend_Http_Cookie object or false on failure.
 public static function fromString($cookieStr, $refUri = null, $encodeValue = true)
     // Set default values
     if (is_string($refUri)) {
         $refUri = Zend_Uri_Http::factory($refUri);
     $name = '';
     $value = '';
     $domain = '';
     $path = '';
     $expires = null;
     $secure = false;
     $parts = explode(';', $cookieStr);
     // If first part does not include '=', fail
     if (strpos($parts[0], '=') === false) {
         return false;
     // Get the name and value of the cookie
     list($name, $value) = explode('=', trim(array_shift($parts)), 2);
     $name = trim($name);
     if ($encodeValue) {
         $value = urldecode(trim($value));
     // Set default domain and path
     if ($refUri instanceof Zend_Uri_Http) {
         $domain = $refUri->getHost();
         $path = $refUri->getPath();
         $path = substr($path, 0, strrpos($path, '/'));
     // Set other cookie parameters
     foreach ($parts as $part) {
         $part = trim($part);
         if (strtolower($part) == 'secure') {
             $secure = true;
         $keyValue = explode('=', $part, 2);
         if (count($keyValue) == 2) {
             list($k, $v) = $keyValue;
             switch (strtolower($k)) {
                 case 'expires':
                     if (($expires = strtotime($v)) === false) {
                          * The expiration is past Tue, 19 Jan 2038 03:14:07 UTC
                          * the maximum for 32-bit signed integer. Zend_Date
                          * can get around that limit.
                          * @see Zend_Date
                         require_once 'Zend/Date.php';
                         $expireDate = new Zend_Date($v);
                         $expires = $expireDate->getTimestamp();
                 case 'path':
                     $path = $v;
                 case 'domain':
                     $domain = $v;
     if ($name !== '') {
         $ret = new self($name, $value, $domain, $expires, $path, $secure);
         $ret->encodeValue = $encodeValue ? true : false;
         return $ret;
     } else {
         return false;
예제 #24
 public function chartAction()
     // Disable layout and viewrenderer
     $viewer = Engine_Api::_()->user()->getViewer();
     // Get params
     $start = $this->_getParam('start');
     $offset = $this->_getParam('offset', 0);
     $type = $this->_getParam('type', 'all');
     $mode = $this->_getParam('mode');
     $chunk = $this->_getParam('chunk');
     $period = $this->_getParam('period');
     $periodCount = $this->_getParam('periodCount', 1);
     $campaign_ids = $this->_getParam('campaign_ids');
     // Validate chunk/period
     if (!$chunk || !in_array($chunk, $this->_periods)) {
         $chunk = Zend_Date::DAY;
     if (!$period || !in_array($period, $this->_periods)) {
         $period = Zend_Date::MONTH;
     if (array_search($chunk, $this->_periods) >= array_search($period, $this->_periods)) {
     // Validate start
     if ($start && !is_numeric($start)) {
         $start = strtotime($start);
     if (!$start) {
         $start = time();
     // Fixes issues with month view
     Zend_Date::setOptions(array('extend_month' => true));
     // Get timezone
     $timezone = Engine_Api::_()->getApi('settings', 'core')->getSetting('core_locale_timezone', 'GMT');
     if ($viewer && $viewer->getIdentity() && !empty($viewer->timezone)) {
         $timezone = $viewer->timezone;
     // Make start fit to period?
     $startObject = new Zend_Date($start);
     $partMaps = $this->_periodMap[$period];
     foreach ($partMaps as $partType => $partValue) {
         $startObject->set($partValue, $partType);
     // Do offset
     if ($offset != 0) {
         $startObject->add($offset, $period);
     $arr_campaigns = array();
     if ($campaign_ids) {
         $arr_campaigns = explode(',', $campaign_ids);
     // Get end time
     $endObject = new Zend_Date($startObject->getTimestamp());
     $endObject->add($periodCount, $period);
     $endObject->sub(1, Zend_Date::SECOND);
     // Subtract one second
     $adTbl = Engine_Api::_()->getDbtable('ads', 'ynsocialads');
     if (count($arr_campaigns)) {
         $adList = $adTbl->fetchAll($adTbl->select()->from($adTbl->info("name"), 'ad_id')->where('campaign_id IN (?)', $arr_campaigns));
         $adList = $adList->toArray();
     } else {
         $adList = array();
     // Get data
     $staTable = Engine_Api::_()->getDbtable('statistics', 'ynsocialads');
     $staName = $staTable->info('name');
     if ($type != "all") {
         $select = $staTable->select();
         // Get data
         if (count($adList)) {
             $select->where('ad_id IN (?)', $adList)->where('timestamp >= ?', gmdate('Y-m-d H:i:s', $startObject->getTimestamp()))->where('timestamp < ?', gmdate('Y-m-d H:i:s', $endObject->getTimestamp()))->order('timestamp ASC');
             if ($type != "all") {
                 $select->where('type = ?', $type);
             $rawData = $staTable->fetchAll($select);
         } else {
             $rawData = array();
         // Now create data structure
         $currentObject = clone $startObject;
         $nextObject = clone $startObject;
         $data = array();
         $dataLabels = array();
         $cumulative = 0;
         $previous = 0;
         do {
             $nextObject->add(1, $chunk);
             $currentObjectTimestamp = $currentObject->getTimestamp();
             $nextObjectTimestamp = $nextObject->getTimestamp();
             $data[$this->view->locale()->toDate($currentObjectTimestamp)] = $cumulative;
             // Get everything that matches
             $currentPeriodCount = 0;
             foreach ($rawData as $rawDatum) {
                 $rawDatumDate = strtotime($rawDatum->timestamp);
                 if ($rawDatumDate >= $currentObjectTimestamp && $rawDatumDate < $nextObjectTimestamp) {
                     $currentPeriodCount += 1;
             // Now do stuff with it
             switch ($mode) {
                 case 'normal':
                     $data[$this->view->locale()->toDate($currentObjectTimestamp)] = $currentPeriodCount;
                 case 'cumulative':
                     $cumulative += $currentPeriodCount;
                     $data[$this->view->locale()->toDate($currentObjectTimestamp)] = $cumulative;
                 case 'delta':
                     $data[$this->view->locale()->toDate($currentObjectTimestamp)] = $currentPeriodCount - $previous;
                     $previous = $currentPeriodCount;
             $currentObject->add(1, $chunk);
         } while ($currentObject->getTimestamp() < $endObject->getTimestamp());
         // Remove some grid lines if there are too many
         $xsteps = 1;
         if (count($data) > 100) {
             $xsteps = ceil(count($data) / 100);
         $title = $this->view->locale()->toDate($startObject) . ' to ' . $this->view->locale()->toDate($endObject);
         echo Zend_Json::encode(array('json' => $data, 'title' => $title));
     } else {
         $selectClick = $staTable->select();
         // Get data
         if (count($adList)) {
             $selectClick->where('ad_id IN (?)', $adList)->where('timestamp >= ?', gmdate('Y-m-d H:i:s', $startObject->getTimestamp()))->where('timestamp < ?', gmdate('Y-m-d H:i:s', $endObject->getTimestamp()))->order('timestamp ASC');
             $selectClick->where("type = 'click'");
             $clickData = $staTable->fetchAll($selectClick);
         } else {
             $clickData = array();
         $selectImpression = $staTable->select();
         // Get data
         if (count($adList)) {
             $selectImpression->where('ad_id IN (?)', $adList)->where('timestamp >= ?', gmdate('Y-m-d H:i:s', $startObject->getTimestamp()))->where('timestamp < ?', gmdate('Y-m-d H:i:s', $endObject->getTimestamp()))->order('timestamp ASC');
             $selectImpression->where("type = 'impression'");
             $impressionData = $staTable->fetchAll($selectImpression);
         } else {
             $impressionData = array();
         // Now create data structure
         $currentObject = clone $startObject;
         $nextObject = clone $startObject;
         $dataClick = array();
         $dataImpression = array();
         $dataLabels = array();
         $cumulativeClick = 0;
         $cumulativeIm = 0;
         $previousClick = 0;
         $previousIm = 0;
         do {
             $nextObject->add(1, $chunk);
             $currentObjectTimestamp = $currentObject->getTimestamp();
             $nextObjectTimestamp = $nextObject->getTimestamp();
             $dataClick[$this->view->locale()->toDate($currentObjectTimestamp)] = $cumulativeClick;
             $dataImpression[$this->view->locale()->toDate($currentObjectTimestamp)] = $cumulativeIm;
             // Get everything that matches
             $currentPeriodCountClick = 0;
             foreach ($clickData as $rawDatum) {
                 $rawDatumDate = strtotime($rawDatum->timestamp);
                 if ($rawDatumDate >= $currentObjectTimestamp && $rawDatumDate < $nextObjectTimestamp) {
                     $currentPeriodCountClick += 1;
             $currentPeriodCountIm = 0;
             foreach ($impressionData as $rawDatum) {
                 $rawDatumDate = strtotime($rawDatum->timestamp);
                 if ($rawDatumDate >= $currentObjectTimestamp && $rawDatumDate < $nextObjectTimestamp) {
                     $currentPeriodCountIm += 1;
             // Now do stuff with it
             switch ($mode) {
                 case 'normal':
                     $dataClick[$this->view->locale()->toDate($currentObjectTimestamp)] = $currentPeriodCountClick;
                     $dataImpression[$this->view->locale()->toDate($currentObjectTimestamp)] = $currentPeriodCountIm;
                 case 'cumulative':
                     $cumulativeClick += $currentPeriodCountClick;
                     $cumulativeIm += $currentPeriodCountIm;
                     $dataClick[$this->view->locale()->toDate($currentObjectTimestamp)] = $cumulativeClick;
                     $dataImpression[$this->view->locale()->toDate($currentObjectTimestamp)] = $cumulativeIm;
                 case 'delta':
                     $dataClick[$this->view->locale()->toDate($currentObjectTimestamp)] = $currentPeriodCountClick - $previousClick;
                     $dataImpression[$this->view->locale()->toDate($currentObjectTimestamp)] = $currentPeriodCountIm - $previousIm;
                     $previousClick = $currentPeriodCountClick;
                     $previousIm = $currentPeriodCountIm;
             $currentObject->add(1, $chunk);
         } while ($currentObject->getTimestamp() < $endObject->getTimestamp());
         // Remove some grid lines if there are too many
         $xsteps = 1;
         if (count($dataClick) > 100) {
             $xsteps = ceil(count($dataClick) / 100);
         $title = $this->view->locale()->toDate($startObject) . ' to ' . $this->view->locale()->toDate($endObject);
         echo Zend_Json::encode(array('json' => $dataClick, 'title' => $title, 'json2' => $dataImpression));
     return true;
예제 #25
  * @see Object\ClassDefinition\Data::getDataForEditmode
  * @param \Zend_Date $data
  * @param null|Object\AbstractObject $object
  * @return string
 public function getDataForEditmode($data, $object = null)
     if ($data instanceof \Zend_Date) {
         return $data->getTimestamp();
예제 #26
 public function getAttributeValidateRules($inputType, array $data)
     $inputTypes = $this->getAttributeInputTypes();
     $rules = array();
     if (isset($inputTypes[$inputType])) {
         foreach ($inputTypes[$inputType]['validate_types'] as $validateType) {
             if (!empty($data[$validateType])) {
                 $rules[$validateType] = $data[$validateType];
         //transform date validate rules to timestamp
         if ($inputType === 'date') {
             foreach (array('date_range_min', 'date_range_max') as $dateRangeBorder) {
                 if (isset($rules[$dateRangeBorder])) {
                     $date = new Zend_Date($rules[$dateRangeBorder], $this->getDateFormat());
                     $rules[$dateRangeBorder] = $date->getTimestamp();
         if (!empty($inputTypes[$inputType]['validate_filters']) && !empty($data['input_validation'])) {
             if (in_array($data['input_validation'], $inputTypes[$inputType]['validate_filters'])) {
                 $rules['input_validation'] = $data['input_validation'];
     return $rules;
예제 #27
파일: DateTest.php 프로젝트: jsnshrmn/Suma
  * @ZF-7913
 public function testUsePhpNFormat()
     Zend_Date::setOptions(array('format_type' => 'php'));
     $date = new Zend_Date(mktime(20, 10, 0, 00, 20, 2009));
     $this->assertSame(gmdate('w', $date->getTimestamp()), $date->toString('w'));
     $this->assertSame(gmdate('d', $date->getTimestamp()), $date->toString('d'));
     $this->assertSame(gmdate('D', $date->getTimestamp()), $date->toString('D', 'en'));
     $this->assertSame(gmdate('j', $date->getTimestamp()), $date->toString('j'));
     $this->assertSame(gmdate('l', $date->getTimestamp()), $date->toString('l', 'en'));
     $this->assertSame(gmdate('N', $date->getTimestamp()), $date->toString('N'));
     $this->assertSame(gmdate('S', $date->getTimestamp()), $date->toString('S'));
     $this->assertSame(gmdate('z', $date->getTimestamp()), $date->toString('z'));
     $this->assertSame(gmdate('W', $date->getTimestamp()), $date->toString('W'));
     $this->assertSame(gmdate('F', $date->getTimestamp()), $date->toString('F', 'en'));
     $this->assertSame(gmdate('m', $date->getTimestamp()), $date->toString('m'));
     $this->assertSame(gmdate('M', $date->getTimestamp()), $date->toString('M', 'en'));
     $this->assertSame(gmdate('n', $date->getTimestamp()), $date->toString('n'));
     $this->assertSame(gmdate('t', $date->getTimestamp()), $date->toString('t'));
     $this->assertSame(gmdate('L', $date->getTimestamp()), $date->toString('L'));
     $this->assertSame(gmdate('o', $date->getTimestamp()), $date->toString('o'));
     $this->assertSame(gmdate('Y', $date->getTimestamp()), $date->toString('Y'));
     $this->assertSame(gmdate('y', $date->getTimestamp()), $date->toString('y'));
     $this->assertSame(gmdate('a', $date->getTimestamp()), strtolower($date->toString('a', 'en')));
     $this->assertSame(gmdate('A', $date->getTimestamp()), strtoupper($date->toString('A', 'en')));
     $this->assertSame(gmdate('B', $date->getTimestamp()), $date->toString('B'));
     $this->assertSame(gmdate('g', $date->getTimestamp()), $date->toString('g'));
     $this->assertSame(gmdate('G', $date->getTimestamp()), $date->toString('G'));
     $this->assertSame(gmdate('h', $date->getTimestamp()), $date->toString('h'));
     $this->assertSame(gmdate('H', $date->getTimestamp()), $date->toString('H'));
     $this->assertSame(gmdate('i', $date->getTimestamp()), $date->toString('i'));
     $this->assertSame(gmdate('s', $date->getTimestamp()), $date->toString('s'));
     $this->assertSame(date('e', $date->getTimestamp()), $date->toString('e'));
     $this->assertSame(gmdate('I', $date->getTimestamp()), $date->toString('I'));
     $this->assertSame(gmdate('O', $date->getTimestamp()), $date->toString('O'));
     $this->assertSame(gmdate('P', $date->getTimestamp()), $date->toString('P'));
     $this->assertSame(gmdate('T', $date->getTimestamp()), $date->toString('T'));
     $this->assertSame(gmdate('Z', $date->getTimestamp()), $date->toString('Z'));
     $this->assertSame(gmdate('c', $date->getTimestamp()), $date->toString('c'));
     $this->assertSame(gmdate('r', $date->getTimestamp()), $date->toString('r'));
     $this->assertSame(gmdate('U', $date->getTimestamp()), $date->toString('U'));
     $date = new Zend_Date(mktime(20, 10, 0, 00, 20, 2009));
     $this->assertSame(date('w', $date->getTimestamp()), $date->toString('w'));
     $this->assertSame(date('d', $date->getTimestamp()), $date->toString('d'));
     $this->assertSame(date('D', $date->getTimestamp()), $date->toString('D', 'en'));
     $this->assertSame(date('j', $date->getTimestamp()), $date->toString('j'));
     $this->assertSame(date('l', $date->getTimestamp()), $date->toString('l', 'en'));
     $this->assertSame(date('N', $date->getTimestamp()), $date->toString('N'));
     $this->assertSame(date('S', $date->getTimestamp()), $date->toString('S'));
     $this->assertSame(date('z', $date->getTimestamp()), $date->toString('z'));
     $this->assertSame(date('W', $date->getTimestamp()), $date->toString('W'));
     $this->assertSame(date('F', $date->getTimestamp()), $date->toString('F', 'en'));
     $this->assertSame(date('m', $date->getTimestamp()), $date->toString('m'));
     $this->assertSame(date('M', $date->getTimestamp()), $date->toString('M', 'en'));
     $this->assertSame(date('n', $date->getTimestamp()), $date->toString('n'));
     $this->assertSame(date('t', $date->getTimestamp()), $date->toString('t'));
     $this->assertSame(date('L', $date->getTimestamp()), $date->toString('L'));
     $this->assertSame(date('o', $date->getTimestamp()), $date->toString('o'));
     $this->assertSame(date('Y', $date->getTimestamp()), $date->toString('Y'));
     $this->assertSame(date('y', $date->getTimestamp()), $date->toString('y'));
     $this->assertSame(date('a', $date->getTimestamp()), strtolower($date->toString('a', 'en')));
     $this->assertSame(date('A', $date->getTimestamp()), strtoupper($date->toString('A', 'en')));
     $this->assertSame(date('B', $date->getTimestamp()), $date->toString('B'));
     $this->assertSame(date('g', $date->getTimestamp()), $date->toString('g'));
     $this->assertSame(date('G', $date->getTimestamp()), $date->toString('G'));
     $this->assertSame(date('h', $date->getTimestamp()), $date->toString('h'));
     $this->assertSame(date('H', $date->getTimestamp()), $date->toString('H'));
     $this->assertSame(date('i', $date->getTimestamp()), $date->toString('i'));
     $this->assertSame(date('s', $date->getTimestamp()), $date->toString('s'));
     $this->assertSame(date('e', $date->getTimestamp()), $date->toString('e'));
     $this->assertSame(date('I', $date->getTimestamp()), $date->toString('I'));
     $this->assertSame(date('O', $date->getTimestamp()), $date->toString('O'));
     $this->assertSame(date('P', $date->getTimestamp()), $date->toString('P'));
     $this->assertSame(date('T', $date->getTimestamp()), $date->toString('T'));
     $this->assertSame(date('Z', $date->getTimestamp()), $date->toString('Z'));
     $this->assertSame(date('c', $date->getTimestamp()), $date->toString('c'));
     $this->assertSame(date('r', $date->getTimestamp()), $date->toString('r'));
     $this->assertSame(date('U', $date->getTimestamp()), $date->toString('U'));
     Zend_Date::setOptions(array('format_type' => 'iso'));
예제 #28
파일: Date.php 프로젝트: Lazaro-Gallo/psmn
 public static function format_dateToTimeStamp($strDate)
     $date = new Zend_Date($strDate, 'yyyy-MM-dd');
     return $date->getTimestamp();
예제 #29
 public function chartDataAction()
     // Disable layout and viewrenderer
     // Get params
     $type = $this->_getParam('type');
     $start = $this->_getParam('start');
     $offset = $this->_getParam('offset', 0);
     $mode = $this->_getParam('mode');
     $chunk = $this->_getParam('chunk');
     $period = $this->_getParam('period');
     $periodCount = $this->_getParam('periodCount', 1);
     //$end = $this->_getParam('end');
     // Validate chunk/period
     if (!$chunk || !in_array($chunk, $this->_periods)) {
         $chunk = Zend_Date::DAY;
     if (!$period || !in_array($period, $this->_periods)) {
         $period = Zend_Date::MONTH;
     if (array_search($chunk, $this->_periods) >= array_search($period, $this->_periods)) {
     // Validate start
     if ($start && !is_numeric($start)) {
         $start = strtotime($start);
     if (!$start) {
         $start = time();
     // Fixes issues with month view
     Zend_Date::setOptions(array('extend_month' => true));
     // Get timezone
     $timezone = Engine_Api::_()->getApi('settings', 'core')->getSetting('core_locale_timezone', 'GMT');
     $viewer = Engine_Api::_()->user()->getViewer();
     if ($viewer && $viewer->getIdentity() && !empty($viewer->timezone)) {
         $timezone = $viewer->timezone;
     // Make start fit to period?
     $startObject = new Zend_Date($start);
     $partMaps = $this->_periodMap[$period];
     foreach ($partMaps as $partType => $partValue) {
         $startObject->set($partValue, $partType);
     // Do offset
     if ($offset != 0) {
         $startObject->add($offset, $period);
     // Get end time
     $endObject = new Zend_Date($startObject->getTimestamp());
     $endObject->add($periodCount, $period);
     $endObject->sub(1, Zend_Date::SECOND);
     // Subtract one second
     // Get data
     $statsTable = Engine_Api::_()->getDbtable('statistics', 'core');
     $statsSelect = $statsTable->select()->where('type = ?', $type)->where('date >= ?', gmdate('Y-m-d H:i:s', $startObject->getTimestamp()))->where('date < ?', gmdate('Y-m-d H:i:s', $endObject->getTimestamp()))->order('date ASC');
     $rawData = $statsTable->fetchAll($statsSelect);
     // Now create data structure
     $currentObject = clone $startObject;
     $nextObject = clone $startObject;
     $data = array();
     $dataLabels = array();
     $cumulative = 0;
     $previous = 0;
     do {
         $nextObject->add(1, $chunk);
         $currentObjectTimestamp = $currentObject->getTimestamp();
         $nextObjectTimestamp = $nextObject->getTimestamp();
         $data[$currentObjectTimestamp] = $cumulative;
         // Get everything that matches
         $currentPeriodCount = 0;
         foreach ($rawData as $rawDatum) {
             $rawDatumDate = strtotime($rawDatum->date);
             if ($rawDatumDate >= $currentObjectTimestamp && $rawDatumDate < $nextObjectTimestamp) {
                 $currentPeriodCount += $rawDatum->value;
         // Now do stuff with it
         switch ($mode) {
             case 'normal':
                 $data[$currentObjectTimestamp] = $currentPeriodCount;
             case 'cumulative':
                 $cumulative += $currentPeriodCount;
                 $data[$currentObjectTimestamp] = $cumulative;
             case 'delta':
                 $data[$currentObjectTimestamp] = $currentPeriodCount - $previous;
                 $previous = $currentPeriodCount;
         $currentObject->add(1, $chunk);
     } while ($currentObject->getTimestamp() < $endObject->getTimestamp());
     // Reprocess label
     $labelStrings = array();
     $labelDate = new Zend_Date();
     foreach ($data as $key => $value) {
         $labelStrings[] = $this->view->locale()->toDate($labelDate, array('size' => 'short'));
         //date('D M d Y', $key);
     // Let's expand them by 1.1 just for some nice spacing
     $minVal = min($data);
     $maxVal = max($data);
     $minVal = floor($minVal * ($minVal < 0 ? 1.1 : 1 / 1.1) / 10) * 10;
     $maxVal = ceil($maxVal * ($maxVal > 0 ? 1.1 : 1 / 1.1) / 10) * 10;
     // Remove some labels if there are too many
     $xlabelsteps = 1;
     if (count($data) > 10) {
         $xlabelsteps = ceil(count($data) / 10);
     // Remove some grid lines if there are too many
     $xsteps = 1;
     if (count($data) > 100) {
         $xsteps = ceil(count($data) / 100);
     // Create base chart
     require_once 'OFC/OFC_Chart.php';
     // Make x axis labels
     $x_axis_labels = new OFC_Elements_Axis_X_Label_Set();
     // Make x axis
     $labels = new OFC_Elements_Axis_X();
     // Make y axis
     $yaxis = new OFC_Elements_Axis_Y();
     $yaxis->set_range($minVal, $maxVal);
     // Make data
     $graph = new OFC_Charts_Line();
     // Make title
     $locale = Zend_Registry::get('Locale');
     $translate = Zend_Registry::get('Zend_Translate');
     $titleStr = $translate->_('_CORE_ADMIN_STATS_' . strtoupper(trim(preg_replace('/[^a-zA-Z0-9]+/', '_', $type), '_')));
     $title = new OFC_Elements_Title($titleStr . ': ' . $this->view->locale()->toDateTime($startObject) . ' to ' . $this->view->locale()->toDateTime($endObject));
     $title->set_style("{font-size: 14px;font-weight: bold;margin-bottom: 10px; color: #777777;}");
     // Make full chart
     $chart = new OFC_Chart();
     // Send
예제 #30
파일: Analytics.php 프로젝트: sfie/pimcore
  * @param $date
  * @param $relativeDate
  * @return float|int|string
 protected function calcDate($date, $relativeDate)
     if (strpos($relativeDate, '-') !== false || strpos($relativeDate, '+') !== false) {
         $modifiers = explode(' ', str_replace('  ', ' ', $relativeDate));
         $applyModifiers = array();
         foreach ($modifiers as $modifier) {
             $modifier = trim($modifier);
             if (preg_match('/^([+-])(\\d+)([dmy])$/', $modifier, $matches)) {
                 if (in_array($matches[1], array('+', '-')) && is_numeric($matches[2]) && in_array($matches[3], array('d', 'm', 'y'))) {
                     $applyModifiers[] = array('sign' => $matches[1], 'number' => $matches[2], 'type' => $matches[3]);
         if (sizeof($applyModifiers)) {
             $date = new \Zend_Date();
             foreach ($applyModifiers as $modifier) {
                 if ($modifier['sign'] == '-') {
                     $modifier['number'] *= -1;
                 $typeMap = array('d' => \Zend_Date::DAY, 'm' => \Zend_Date::MONTH, 'y' => \Zend_Date::YEAR);
                 $date->add($modifier['number'], $typeMap[$modifier['type']]);
             return $date->getTimestamp();
     return $date / 1000;