예제 #1
  * Set group members based on query
  * If $type is \Model\Client\Client::MEMBERSHIP_AUTOMATIC,
  * the DynamicMembersSql property will be set to the resulting query. For
  * other values, the query will be executed and $type is stored as manual
  * membership/exclusion on the results.
  * The query arguments are passed to \Model\Client\ClientManager::getClients().
  * @param integer $type Membership type
  * @param string|array $filter Name or array of names of a pre-defined filter routine
  * @param string|array $search Search parameter(s) passed to the filter
  * @param string|array $operator Comparision operator
  * @param bool|array $invert Invert query results (return all clients NOT matching criteria)
  * @throws \LogicException if the query does not yield exactly 1 column (internal validation, should never fail)
 public function setMembersFromQuery($type, $filter, $search, $operator, $invert)
     $id = $this['Id'];
     $members = $this->serviceLocator->get('Model\\Client\\ClientManager')->getClients(array('Id'), null, null, $filter, $search, $operator, $invert, false, true, $type != \Model\Client\Client::MEMBERSHIP_AUTOMATIC);
     if ($type == \Model\Client\Client::MEMBERSHIP_AUTOMATIC) {
         $numCols = count($members->getRawState(\Zend\Db\Sql\Select::COLUMNS));
         foreach ($members->getRawState(\Zend\Db\Sql\Select::JOINS) as $join) {
             $numCols += count($join['columns']);
         if ($numCols != 1) {
             throw new \LogicException('Expected 1 column, got ' . $numCols);
         $sql = new \Zend\Db\Sql\Sql($this->serviceLocator->get('Db'));
         $query = $sql->buildSqlString($members);
         $this->serviceLocator->get('Database\\Table\\GroupInfo')->update(array('request' => $query), array('hardware_id' => $id));
         $this->offsetSet('DynamicMembersSql', $query);
         // Force cache update, effectively validating query
     } else {
         // Wait until lock can be obtained
         while (!$this->lock()) {
         // Get list of existing memberships
         $existingMemberships = array();
         $groupMemberships = $this->serviceLocator->get('Database\\Table\\GroupMemberships');
         $select = $groupMemberships->getSql()->select();
         $select->columns(array('hardware_id', 'static'))->where(array('group_id' => $id));
         foreach ($groupMemberships->selectWith($select) as $membership) {
             $existingMemberships[$membership['hardware_id']] = $membership['static'];
         // Insert/update membership entries
         $connection = $groupMemberships->getAdapter()->getDriver()->getConnection();
         try {
             foreach ($members as $member) {
                 $member = $member['Id'];
                 if (isset($existingMemberships[$member])) {
                     // Update only memberships of a different type
                     if ($existingMemberships[$member] != $type) {
                         $groupMemberships->update(array('static' => $type), array('group_id' => $id, 'hardware_id' => $member));
                 } else {
                     $groupMemberships->insert(array('group_id' => $id, 'hardware_id' => $member, 'static' => $type));
         } catch (\Exception $exception) {
             throw $exception;