/** * Add user auth link or process incoming auth requests. * @param array $options Plugin options array */ protected function setUpYouTubeInteractions(array $options) { //get options $client_id = $options['youtube_client_id']->option_value; $client_secret = $options['youtube_client_secret']->option_value; //prep redirect URI $config = Config::getInstance(); $site_root_path = $config->getValue('site_root_path'); $redirect_uri = urlencode(Utils::getApplicationURL() . 'account/?p=youtube'); //create OAuth link $oauth_link = "https://accounts.google.com/o/oauth2/auth?client_id=" . $client_id . "&redirect_uri=" . $redirect_uri . "&scope=https://www.googleapis.com/auth/youtube.readonly%20https://www.googleapis.com/auth/plus.me" . "%20https://www.googleapis.com/auth/yt-analytics.readonly&response_type=code&access_type=offline" . "&approval_prompt=force"; $this->addToView('oauth_link', $oauth_link); // Google provided a code to get an access token if (isset($_GET['code'])) { $code = $_GET['code']; $crawler_plugin_registrar = new YouTubeCrawler(null, null, null, null, null); $tokens = $crawler_plugin_registrar->getOAuthTokens($client_id, $client_secret, $code, 'authorization_code', $redirect_uri); if (isset($tokens->error)) { $this->addErrorMessage("Oops! Something went wrong while obtaining OAuth tokens.<br>YouTube says \"" . $tokens->error . ".\" Please double-check your settings and try again.", 'authorization'); } else { if (isset($tokens->access_token)) { // Get user data // First we need to query the YouTube API for the users G+ ID $youtube_api_accessor = new YouTubeAPIAccessor(); $fields = array("part" => "contentDetails", "mine" => "true"); $gplus_user_id_query = $youtube_api_accessor->apiRequest('channels', $tokens->access_token, $fields); // The error we could get from this call is a forbidden error if something went wrong with // authentication. if (isset($gplus_user_id_query->error)) { if ($gplus_user_id_query->error->code == "401" && $gplus_user_id_query->error->message == 'Unauthorized') { $this->addErrorMessage("Oops! Looks like YouTube API access isn't turned on. " . "<a href=\"http://code.google.com/apis/console#access\">In the Google APIs console</a>, " . "in Services, flip the YouTube and YouTube analytics API Status switch to 'On' and try again\n .", 'authorization'); } else { $this->addErrorMessage("Oops! Something went wrong querying the YouTube API.<br>" . "Google says \"" . $gplus_user_id_query->error->code . ": " . $gplus_user_id_query->error->message . ".\" Please double-check your settings and try again.", 'authorization'); } } else { // We have should have the users G+ id so we now just need their username from the G+ API $gplus_id = $gplus_user_id_query->items[0]->contentDetails->googlePlusUserId; $gplus_api_accessor = new GooglePlusAPIAccessor(); if (isset($gplus_id)) { $gplus_user = $gplus_api_accessor->apiRequest('people/' . $gplus_id, $tokens->access_token, null); if (isset($gplus_user->error)) { if ($gplus_user->error->code == "403" && $gplus_user->error->message == 'Access Not Configured') { $this->addErrorMessage("Oops! Looks like Google+ API access isn't turned on. " . "<a href=\"http://code.google.com/apis/console#access\">In the Google APIs " . "console</a> in Services, flip the Google+ API Status switch to 'On' and " . "try again.", 'authorization'); } else { $this->addErrorMessage("Oops! Something went wrong querying the Google+ API.<br>" . "Google says \"" . $gplus_user->error->code . ": " . $gplus_user->error->message . ".\" Please double-check your settings and try again.", 'authorization'); } } else { if (isset($gplus_user->id) && isset($gplus_user->displayName)) { $gplus_user_id = $gplus_user->id; $gplus_username = $gplus_user->displayName; //Process tokens $this->saveAccessTokens($gplus_user_id, $gplus_username, $tokens->access_token, $tokens->refresh_token); } else { $this->addErrorMessage("Oops! Something went wrong querying the Google+ API.<br>" . "Google says \"" . Utils::varDumpToString($gplus_user) . ".\" Please double-check your settings and try again.", 'authorization'); } } } else { // It may be possible that the user has not linked their YouTube account to their G+ account // so we might not get a G+ ID $this->addErrorMessage("You don't have a Google+ ID associated with your YouTube account, " . "go to YouTube and link your Google+ account to your YouTube account to use this plugin. " . "For more information click <a href=https://www.thinkup.com/docs/userguide/settings/plugin" . "s/youtube.html>here</a>", 'authorization'); } } } } } $instance_dao = DAOFactory::getDAO('InstanceDAO'); $owner_instances = $instance_dao->getByOwnerAndNetwork($this->owner, 'youtube'); $this->addToView('owner_instances', $owner_instances); }
public function testGetOAuthTokensWithAndWithoutSSL() { $ytc = new YouTubeCrawler($this->instance, 'fauxaccesstoken', 10); //test getting token with HTTPS $_SERVER['SERVER_NAME'] = 'test'; $_SERVER['HTTPS'] = 'y'; $cfg = Config::getInstance(); $cfg->setValue('site_root_path', '/'); $redirect_uri = urlencode(Utils::getApplicationURL() . 'account/?p=youtube'); $tokens = $ytc->getOAuthTokens('ci', 'cs', 'tc1', 'authorization_code', $redirect_uri); $this->assertEqual($tokens->access_token, 'faux-access-token-with-https'); $this->assertEqual($tokens->refresh_token, 'faux-refresh-token-with-https'); //test getting token without HTTPS $_SERVER['HTTPS'] = null; $redirect_uri = urlencode(Utils::getApplicationURL() . 'account/?p=youtube'); $tokens = $ytc->getOAuthTokens('ci', 'cs', 'tc1', 'authorization_code', $redirect_uri); $this->assertEqual($tokens->access_token, 'faux-access-token-without-https'); $this->assertEqual($tokens->refresh_token, 'faux-refresh-token-without-https'); }