예제 #1
  *	This function sets YDAjax to automagically handle a waiting message
  *	@param $html        (Optional) Html to use in the message.
  *	@param $options     (Optional) Js options for the html object
  *	@param $effectStart (Optional) YDAjaxEffect object on page load (by default a simple 'hide' will be used)
  *	@param $effectShow  (Optional) YDAjaxEffect object when submitting requests (by default a simple 'show' will be used)
  *	@param $effectHide  (Optional) YDAjaxEffect object on response (by default a simple 'hide' will be used)
 function useWaitingMessage($html = '<h3>&nbsp; Please wait ... &nbsp;<\\/h3>', $options = array(), $effectStart = null, $effectShow = null, $effectHide = null)
     // if we already had invoke this method, then we don't need to add another js code for message creation
     if (isset($this->wtID)) {
     // create js variable name for html message element
     $this->wtID = $this->prefix . "waitingmessage";
     // check custom options
     if (!isset($options['style.backgroundColor'])) {
         $options['style.backgroundColor'] = '#cccccc';
     if (!isset($options['style.top'])) {
         $options['style.top'] = '40%';
     if (!isset($options['style.left'])) {
         $options['style.left'] = '44%';
     // static values
     $options['id'] = $this->wtID . "id";
     $options['innerHTML'] = $html;
     $options['style.position'] = "absolute";
     $options['style.position'] = "absolute";
     $options['style.zindex'] = 9999;
     // create js for html element creation
     $this->waitingMessageCode = "\n\tvar " . $this->wtID . " = document.createElement('div');";
     // add custom options
     foreach ($options as $name => $value) {
         $this->waitingMessageCode .= $this->wtID . "." . $name . " = '" . $value . "';";
     // append div box to document body
     $this->waitingMessageCode .= "document.body.appendChild(" . $this->wtID . ");";
     // create start effect
     if (is_null($effectStart)) {
         $effectStart = new YDAjaxEffect('', 'hide', '', 0);
     // append start code
     $this->waitingMessageCode .= $effectStart->getJSHead($this->wtID . "id") . $effectStart->getJSBody($this->wtID . "id");
     // create function name to show div
     $this->wtFunction = $this->wtID . "show()";
     // create show effect
     if (is_null($effectShow)) {
         $effectShow = new YDAjaxEffect('', 'show', '', 0);
     // save hide effect to be used on response
     if (is_null($effectHide)) {
         $this->effectHide = new YDAjaxEffect('', 'hide', '', 0);
     } else {
         $this->effectHide = $effectHide;
     // create js function to show div
     $this->waitingMessageCodeFunction = "\nfunction " . $this->wtFunction . "{" . $effectShow->getJSHead($this->wtID . "id") . $effectShow->getJSBody($this->wtID . "id") . "}";
예제 #2
  *	This function sets YDAjax to automagically handle a waiting message
  *	@param $html        (Optional) Html to use in the message.
  *	@param $options     (Optional) Js options for the html object
  *	@param $effectStart (Optional) YDAjaxEffect object on page load (by default a simple 'hide' will be used)
  *	@param $effectShow  (Optional) YDAjaxEffect object when submitting requests (by default a simple 'show' will be used)
  *	@param $effectHide  (Optional) YDAjaxEffect object on response (by default a simple 'hide' will be used)
 function useWaitingMessage($html = '<h3>&nbsp; Please wait ... &nbsp;<\\/h3>', $options = array(), $effectStart = null, $effectShow = null, $effectHide = null)
     // if we already had invoke this method, then we don't need to add another js code for message creation
     if (isset($this->wtID)) {
     // create js variable name for html message element
     $this->wtID = "waitingmessage";
     // check custom options
     if (!isset($options['style.backgroundColor'])) {
         $options['style.backgroundColor'] = '#cccccc';
     if (!isset($options['style.border'])) {
         $options['style.border'] = '1px solid #110000';
     if (!isset($options['style.width'])) {
         $options['style.width'] = '200px';
     // static values
     $options['style.cursor'] = "default";
     $options['style.position'] = "absolute";
     $options['style.top'] = '40%';
     $options['style.left'] = '50%';
     $options['style.marginLeft'] = '-' . round(intval($options['style.width']) / 2) . 'px';
     $options['style.zindex'] = 9999;
     $options['innerHTML'] = '<center>' . $html . '</center>';
     // create js for html element creation
     $this->waitingMessageCode = "var " . $this->wtID . " = document.createElement('div');";
     // append div box to document body
     $this->waitingMessageCode .= "document.body.appendChild(" . $this->wtID . ");";
     // add id
     $this->waitingMessageCode .= $this->wtID . ".id = '" . $this->wtID . "id';";
     // create start effect
     if (is_null($effectStart)) {
         $effectStart = new YDAjaxEffect('', 'hide', '', 0);
     // append start code
     $this->waitingMessageCode .= $effectStart->getJSHead($this->wtID . "id") . $effectStart->getJSBody($this->wtID . "id");
     // add custom options
     foreach ($options as $name => $value) {
         $this->waitingMessageCode .= $this->wtID . "." . $name . " = '" . $value . "';";
     // create show effect
     if (is_null($effectShow)) {
         $effectShow = new YDAjaxEffect('', 'show', '', 0);
     // create hide effect
     if (is_null($effectHide)) {
         $effectHide = new YDAjaxEffect('', 'hide', '', 0);
     // create js functions to show/hide div
     $this->waitingMessageCodeFunction = "xajax.loadingFunction     = function(){" . $effectShow->getJSHead($this->wtID . "id") . $effectShow->getJSBody($this->wtID . "id") . "}\n";
     $this->waitingMessageCodeFunction .= "xajax.doneLoadingFunction = function(){" . $effectHide->getJSHead($this->wtID . "id") . $effectHide->getJSBody($this->wtID . "id") . "}\n";