function pico_xpwiki($mydirname, $text, $content4assign)
    @(include_once XOOPS_TRUST_PATH . "/modules/xpwiki/include.php");
    if (!class_exists('XpWiki')) {
        die('xpWiki is not installed correctly');
    // 引数は、xpWikiをインストールしたディレクトリ名です。
    $wiki = new XpWiki('xpwiki');
    // create instance. option is xpWiki module's directory name.
    // 第二引数は、xpWikiのCSSを適用するためのDIVクラス名です。
    return $wiki->transform($text, 'pico_body');
예제 #2
function b_sitemap_xpwiki($mydirname)
    global $sitemap_configs;
    (method_exists('MyTextSanitizer', 'sGetInstance') and $myts =& MyTextSanitizer::sGetInstance()) || ($myts =& MyTextSanitizer::getInstance());
    $ret = array();
    include_once dirname(dirname(__FILE__)) . '/include.php';
    $xpwiki =& XpWiki::getInitedSingleton($mydirname);
    $result = $xpwiki->func->get_existpages(FALSE, '', array('limit' => 5, 'order' => ' ORDER BY editedtime DESC', 'select' => array('title'), 'nolisting' => TRUE));
    $ret = array();
    // Recent Changes
    $show_cat = @$sitemap_configs['show_subcategoris'] ? 'child' : 'parent';
    if ($show_cat === 'child') {
        $ret['id'] = 0;
        $ret['title'] = $xpwiki->root->_LANG['skin']['recent'];
        $ret['url'] = '?' . rawurlencode($xpwiki->root->whatsnew);
    foreach ($result as $_res) {
        $pgid = $_res['pgid'];
        $page = $_res['name'];
        $title = $_res['title'];
        $title = $xpwiki->root->pagename_num2str ? preg_replace('/\\/(?:[0-9\\-]+|[B0-9][A-Z0-9]{9})$/', '/' . $xpwiki->func->get_heading($page), $page) : $page;
        $ret[$show_cat][] = array("id" => intval($pgid), "title" => $myts->makeTboxData4Show($title), "url" => $xpwiki->func->get_page_uri($page), 'image' => 2);
    if ($show_cat === 'child') {
        $ret = array('parent' => array($ret));
    // Other menus
    $ret['parent'][] = array('id' => 0, 'title' => $xpwiki->root->_LANG['skin']['list'], 'url' => '?cmd=list');
    $ret['parent'][] = array('id' => 0, 'title' => $xpwiki->root->_attach_messages['msg_list'], 'url' => '?plugin=attach&pcmd=list');
    $ret['parent'][] = array('id' => 0, 'title' => $xpwiki->root->_LANG['skin']['help'], 'url' => '?Help');
    return $ret;
예제 #3
파일: search.php 프로젝트: nao-pon/xpWiki
 function xpwiki_global_search_base($mydirname, $keywords, $andor, $limit, $offset, $userid)
     // 必要なファイルの読み込み
     $mytrustdirpath = dirname(__FILE__);
     include_once "{$mytrustdirpath}/include.php";
     // XpWiki オブジェクト作成
     $xpwiki = new XpWiki($mydirname);
     // xoopsSearch extension 読み込み
     // 初期化
     // データ取得
     $ret = $xpwiki->extension->xoopsSearch->get($keywords, $andor, $limit, $offset, $userid);
     // オブジェクト破棄
     $xpwiki = null;
     return $ret;
예제 #4
 function xpwiki_whatsnew_base($mydirname, $limit, $offset)
     // 必要なファイルの読み込み
     $mytrustdirpath = dirname(dirname(__FILE__));
     include_once "{$mytrustdirpath}/include.php";
     // XpWiki オブジェクト作成
     $xpwiki = new XpWiki($mydirname);
     // whatsnew extension 読み込み
     // 初期化
     // whatsnew データ取得
     $ret = $xpwiki->extension->whatsnew->get($limit, $offset);
     // オブジェクト破棄
     $xpwiki = null;
     return $ret;
 function validate_users2notify($link_id, $users2notify = array())
     if (!$users2notify || $users2notify === array(0)) {
         return $users2notify;
     include_once dirname(dirname(__FILE__)) . "/include.php";
     $xpwiki =& XpWiki::getInitedSingleton($this->mydirname);
     $xpwiki_users2notify = $xpwiki->func->get_users_can_read($link_id);
     return array_intersect($users2notify, $xpwiki_users2notify);
예제 #6
파일: 프로젝트: nao-pon/xpWiki
 function get_content($page, $get_body = true)
     $html = null;
     $description = $this->func->get_description_cache($page, $this->root->description_max_length_rss);
     // 追加情報取得
     $added = $this->func->get_page_changes($page);
     $added = $this->func->emoji2img($added);
     if ($get_body) {
         // 指定ページの本文取得
         $a_page =& XpWiki::getSingleton($this->root->mydirname);
         $GLOBALS['Xpwiki_' . $this->root->mydirname]['cache'] = null;
         $a_page->root->rtf['use_cache_always'] = TRUE;
         $html = $a_page->body;
         if (!$description) {
             // html から description 作成してキャッシュ
             $description = $this->func->get_description_cache($page, $this->root->description_max_length_rss, $html);
         // 付箋
         if (empty($GLOBALS['Xpwiki_' . $this->root->mydirname]['cache']['fusen']['loaded'])) {
             if ($fusen = $this->func->get_plugin_instance('fusen')) {
                 if ($fusen_data = $fusen->plugin_fusen_data($page)) {
                     if ($fusen_tag = $fusen->plugin_fusen_gethtml($fusen_data, '')) {
                         $html .= '<fieldset><legend> fusen.dat </legend>' . $fusen_tag . '</fieldset>';
         $html = $this->func->emoji2img($html);
         $html = $this->func->add_MyHostUrl($html);
         if ($added) {
             $html = '<dl><dt>Changes</dt><dd>' . $added . '</dd></dl><hr />' . $html;
         // ]]> をクォート
         $html = str_replace(']]>', ']]&gt;', $html);
         // 無効なタグを削除
         $html = preg_replace('#<(script|form|embed|object).+?/\\1>#is', '', $html);
         $html = preg_replace('#<(link|wbr).*?>#is', '', $html);
         // 相対指定リンクを削除
         $html = preg_replace('#<a[^>]+href=(?!(?:"|\')?[_0-9a-zA-Z]+://)[^>]+>(.*?)</a>#is', '$1', $html);
         // タグ中の無効な属性を削除
         $_reg = '/(<[^>]*)\\s+(?:id|class|name|on[^=]+)=("|\').*?\\2([^>]*>)/s';
         while (preg_match($_reg, $html)) {
             $html = preg_replace($_reg, '$1$3', $html);
     $description = ($added ? $this->func->substr_entity($this->func->htmlspecialchars(trim(preg_replace('/\\s+/', ' ', strip_tags($added)))), 0, 250) . '&#182;' : '') . $description;
     $tags = array();
     if (is_file($this->cont['CACHE_DIR'] . $this->func->encode($page) . '_page.tag')) {
         $tags = file($this->cont['CACHE_DIR'] . $this->func->encode($page) . '_page.tag');
     $pginfo = $this->func->get_pginfo($page);
     return array($description, $html, $pginfo, $tags);
예제 #7
 function xpwiki_saf_getRecentPages_base($options)
     $mydirname = preg_replace('/[^0-9a-zA-Z_-]/', '', $options[0]);
     $base = empty($options[1]) ? '' : strval($options[1]);
     $count = empty($options[2]) ? 10 : max(1, intval($options[2]));
     // Load need files.
     include_once dirname(dirname(__FILE__)) . '/include.php';
     // Make XpWiki object.
     $xpwiki = new XpWiki($mydirname);
     $rss_plugin =& $xpwiki->func->get_plugin_instance('rss');
     if (!empty($options[3])) {
         $xpwiki->root->userinfo['admin'] = FALSE;
         $xpwiki->root->userinfo['uid'] = 0;
         $xpwiki->root->userinfo['uname'] = '';
         $xpwiki->root->userinfo['uname_s'] = '';
         $xpwiki->root->userinfo['gids'] = array();
     $getbody = !empty($options[4]);
     $lines = $xpwiki->func->get_existpages(FALSE, $base ? $base . '/' : '', array('limit' => $count, 'order' => ' ORDER BY editedtime DESC', 'nolisting' => TRUE, 'withtime' => TRUE));
     $ret = array();
     if ($base) {
         $ret['base'] = array('name' => $base, 'link' => $xpwiki->func->get_page_uri($base, true), 'child_counts' => $xpwiki->func->get_child_counts($base));
     foreach ($lines as $line) {
         list($time, $page) = explode("\t", rtrim($line));
         $title = $xpwiki->root->pagename_num2str ? preg_replace('/\\/(?:[0-9\\-]+|[B0-9][A-Z0-9]{9})$/', '/' . $xpwiki->func->get_heading($page), $page) : $page;
         if ($base) {
             $title = substr($title, strlen($base) + 1);
         list($description, $html, $pginfo, $tags) = $rss_plugin->get_content($page, $getbody);
         $entry = array('id' => $xpwiki->func->get_pgid_by_name($page), 'pagename' => htmlspecialchars($page, ENT_COMPAT, $xpwiki->cont['SOURCE_ENCODING']), 'views' => $xpwiki->func->get_page_views($page), 'replies' => $xpwiki->func->count_page_comments($page), 'pubtime' => $time + date('Z'), 'link' => $xpwiki->func->get_page_uri($page, true), 'headline' => htmlspecialchars($title, ENT_COMPAT, $xpwiki->cont['SOURCE_ENCODING']), 'description' => $description, 'pginfo' => $pginfo);
         if (!is_null($html)) {
             $entry['content'] = $html;
         $ret['entries'][] = $entry;
     $xpwiki = null;
     // As for all the values, it is not escaped in HTML.
     return $ret;
예제 #8
 function xpwiki_notify_base($mydirname, $category, $item_id)
     if ($category == 'global') {
         $item['name'] = '';
         $item['url'] = '';
         return $item;
     include_once dirname(__FILE__) . '/include.php';
     $xpwiki =& XpWiki::getInitedSingleton($mydirname);
     if (substr($category, 0, 4) === 'page') {
         // Assume we have a valid $item_id
         $item['name'] = $xpwiki->func->get_name_by_pgid($item_id);
         $item['url'] = $xpwiki->func->get_page_uri($item['name'], true);
         return $item;
예제 #9
	function d3downloads_xpwiki( $text, $html, $smiley, $xcode, $image, $br )
		if ( ! class_exists( 'd3downloadsTextSanitizer' ) ) {
			require_once dirname( dirname( dirname(__FILE__) ) ).'/class/d3downloads.textsanitizer.php' ;
		$myts =& d3downloadsTextSanitizer::getInstance() ;
		if ( ! class_exists( 'XpWiki' ) ) {
			@ include_once XOOPS_TRUST_PATH.'/modules/xpwiki/include.php' ;
		if( ! class_exists( 'XpWiki' ) ) die( 'xpWiki is not installed correctly' ) ;

		// Get instance. option is xpWiki module's directory name.
		// 引数は、xpWikiをインストールしたディレクトリ名です。
		$wiki =& XpWiki::getSingleton( 'xpwiki' );
		// xpWiki の動作を決定する設定値を変更できます。
		// $wiki->setIniConst( '[KEY]' , '[VALUE]' ); // $wiki->root->[KEY] = [VALUE];
		// $wiki->setIniRoot( '[KEY]' , '[VALUE]' );  // $wiki->cont->[KEY] = [VALUE];
		// ex, 改行を有効にする
		$wiki->setIniRoot( 'line_break' , 1 );
		// ex. レンダリングキャッシュをする
		$wiki->setIniRoot( 'render_use_cache' , 1 );
		// ex. レンダリングキャッシュの有効期限は新たにページが作成されるまで
		$wiki->setIniRoot( 'render_cache_min' , 0 ); // キャッシュ有効時間(分)
		// ex. 外部リンクの target 属性 '_blank'
		$wiki->setIniRoot( 'link_target' , '_blank' );
		if ($html != 1) {
 			// 第二引数は、xpWikiのCSSを適用するためのDIVクラス名
			// 通常インストールしたディレクトリ名です。
			// CSS を適用しない場合は空白 '' でOK。
			$text = $wiki->transform( $text , 'xpwiki' ) ;
		} else {
			$text = $myts->codePreConv( $text, $xcode ) ;
 			$text = $myts->makeClickable( $text );
			if( $smiley != 0 ) $text = $myts->smiley( $text ) ;
		if( $xcode != 0 ) $text = $myts->xoopsCodeDecode( $text, $image ) ;
		if( $html && $br != 0) $text = $myts->nl2Br( $text ) ;
		if( $html ) $text = $myts->codeConv( $text, $xcode, $image ) ;
		$text = $myts->postCodeDecode( $text , $image ) ;
		return $text;
예제 #10
 function validate_id($link_id)
     static $check;
     if (isset($check[$this->mydirname][$link_id])) {
         return $check[$this->mydirname][$link_id];
     $ret = intval($link_id);
     if ($ret <= 0) {
         $ret = false;
     } else {
         include_once dirname(dirname(__FILE__)) . "/include.php";
         $xpwiki =& XpWiki::getInitedSingleton($this->mydirname);
         $page = $xpwiki->func->get_name_by_pgid($ret);
         if (!$xpwiki->func->is_page($page) || !$xpwiki->func->check_readable($page, false, false)) {
             $ret = false;
     $check[$this->mydirname][$link_id] = $ret;
     return $ret;
예제 #11
 function plugin_include_convert()
     static $included = array();
     if (!isset($included[$this->xpwiki->pid])) {
         $included[$this->xpwiki->pid] = array();
     static $count = array();
     if (!isset($count[$this->xpwiki->pid])) {
         $count[$this->xpwiki->pid] = 1;
     if (func_num_args() == 0) {
         return $this->cont['PLUGIN_INCLUDE_USAGE'] . '<br />' . "\n";
     // $menubar will already be shown via menu plugin
     if (!isset($included[$this->xpwiki->pid][$this->root->menubar])) {
         $included[$this->xpwiki->pid][$this->root->menubar] = TRUE;
     // Loop yourself
     $root = isset($this->root->vars['page']) ? $this->root->vars['page'] : '';
     $included[$this->xpwiki->pid][$root] = TRUE;
     // Get arguments
     $args = func_get_args();
     // strip_bracket() is not necessary but compatible
     $pageKey = $page = isset($args[0]) ? $this->func->get_fullname($this->func->strip_bracket(array_shift($args)), $root) : '';
     $options = array('title' => FALSE, 'notitle' => FALSE, 'source' => FALSE, 'html' => FALSE);
     $this->fetch_options($options, $args);
     if ($options['source']) {
         $this->otherIncludeMode = 'source';
     } else {
         if ($options['html']) {
             $this->otherIncludeMode = 'html';
     $targetObj = NULL;
     $isThis = TRUE;
     if (intval(strpos($page, ':')) > 0) {
         list($other_dir, $_page) = explode(':', $page, 2);
         $targetObj =& XpWiki::getInitedSingleton($other_dir);
         if ($targetObj->isXpWiki) {
             $page = $_page;
             $isThis = FALSE;
         } else {
             $targetObj = NULL;
     if (is_null($targetObj)) {
         $targetObj =& $this;
         $other_dir = '';
     $with_title = $options['title'] ? TRUE : ($options['notitle'] ? FALSE : $this->cont['PLUGIN_INCLUDE_WITH_TITLE']);
     $s_page = $this->func->htmlspecialchars($page);
     $r_page = rawurlencode($page);
     // Include A page, that probably includes another pages
     if ($targetObj->func->check_readable($page, false, false)) {
         //			$with_title = $this->cont['PLUGIN_INCLUDE_WITH_TITLE'];
         //			if (isset($args[0])) {
         //				switch(strtolower(array_shift($args))) {
         //				case 'title'  : $with_title = TRUE;  break;
         //				case 'notitle': $with_title = FALSE; break;
         //				}
         //			}
         $link = '<a href="' . $this->func->get_page_uri($page, TRUE) . '">' . $s_page . '</a>';
         // Read link
         // I'm stuffed
         $pageKey4disp = $this->func->htmlspecialchars($pageKey);
         if ($this->root->render_mode === 'main' && isset($included[$this->xpwiki->pid][$pageKey])) {
             return '#include(' . $pageKey4disp . '): Included already: ' . $link . '<br />' . "\n";
         if (!$targetObj->func->is_page($page)) {
             return '#include(): No such page: ' . $s_page . '<br />' . "\n";
         if ($count[$this->xpwiki->pid] > $this->cont['PLUGIN_INCLUDE_MAX']) {
             return '#include(): Limit exceeded: ' . $link . '<br />' . "\n";
         } else {
         // for renderer mode
         $this->root->rtf['disable_render_cache'] = TRUE;
         // One page, only one time, at a time
         $included[$this->xpwiki->pid][$pageKey] = TRUE;
         if ($this->root->render_mode === 'render') {
             $_PKWK_READONLY = $this->cont['PKWK_READONLY'];
             $this->cont['PKWK_READONLY'] = $this->root->rtf['PKWK_READONLY'];
         if ($this->otherIncludeMode === 'html') {
             $body = '';
             if (!$isThis) {
                 $this->swap_global_vars($this->xpwiki, $targetObj);
                 $body .= '<div class="xpwiki_r_' . $other_dir . '">';
             } else {
                 $body .= '<div>';
             $body .= $targetObj->func->convert_html($targetObj->func->get_source($page), $page);
             $body .= '</div>';
             if (!$isThis) {
                 $this->swap_global_vars($this->xpwiki, $targetObj);
         } else {
             $body = $this->func->convert_html($targetObj->func->get_source($page), $page);
         if ($this->root->render_mode === 'render') {
             $this->cont['PKWK_READONLY'] = $_PKWK_READONLY;
     } else {
         $body = str_replace('$1', $page, $this->root->_msg_include_restrict);
     // Put a title-with-edit-link, before including document
     if ($with_title) {
         $link = '<a href="' . $targetObj->root->script . '?cmd=edit&amp;page=' . $r_page . '">' . $s_page . '</a>';
         if ($page === $targetObj->root->menubar) {
             $body = '<span align="center"><h5 class="side_label">' . $link . '</h5></span><small>' . $body . '</small>';
         } else {
             $body = '<h1>' . $link . '</h1>' . "\n" . $body . "\n";
     return $body;
예제 #12
파일: attach.php 프로젝트: nao-pon/xpWiki
    function toString($page = '', $flat = FALSE)
        $pcmd = $this->mode == "imglist" ? "imglist" : "list";
        $pcmd2 = $this->mode == "imglist" ? "list" : "imglist";
        $otherkeys = array('cols', 'max', 'base', 'mode', 'winop', 'basedir', 'encode_hint', 'word');
        if ($this->is_popup) {
            $otherkeys[] = 'popup';
            if ($this->cont['UA_PROFILE'] === 'mobile') {
        if (!isset($this->root->vars['basedir'])) {
            $this->root->vars['basedir'] = $this->root->mydirname;
        $otherparm = '';
        $otherprams = array();
        $hiddens = array();
        $hiddens['plugin'] = 'attach';
        $hiddens['pcmd'] = $pcmd;
        $hiddens['refer'] = isset($this->root->vars['refer']) ? $this->func->htmlspecialchars($this->root->vars['refer']) : '';
        foreach ($otherkeys as $key) {
            if (isset($this->root->vars[$key])) {
                $otherprams[] = rawurlencode($key) . '=' . rawurlencode($this->root->vars[$key]);
                $hiddens[$this->func->htmlspecialchars($key)] = $this->func->htmlspecialchars($this->root->vars[$key]);
        $select_js = $otherDir = $select = '';
        if ($this->is_popup) {
            $dirs = $otherDirs = array();
            if ($handle = opendir($this->cont['MODULE_PATH'])) {
                while (false !== ($dir = readdir($handle))) {
                    if (is_dir($this->cont['MODULE_PATH'] . $dir) && $dir[0] !== '.' && $this->func->isXpWikiDirname($dir)) {
                        $other = XpWiki::getInitedSingleton($dir);
                        if ($other->isXpWiki) {
                            if ($other->root->pages_for_attach) {
                                list($dirs[$dir]['defaultpage']) = explode('#', $other->root->pages_for_attach);
                            } else {
                                $dirs[$dir]['defaultpage'] = $other->root->defaultpage;
                            $dirs[$dir]['title'] = $other->root->module['title'];
            if (count($dirs) > 1) {
                foreach ($dirs as $dir => $val) {
                    $defaultpage = $val['defaultpage'];
                    $selected = $dir === $this->root->mydirname ? ' selected="selected"' : '';
                    if ($this->root->vars['basedir'] === $dir) {
                        $defaultpage = $this->root->vars['base'];
                    $otherDirs[] = '<option value="' . $dir . '#' . $this->func->htmlspecialchars($defaultpage) . '"' . $selected . '>' . $this->func->htmlspecialchars($val['title']) . '</option>';
                $otherDir = '<form><img src="' . $this->cont['LOADER_URL'] . '?src=folder_go.png" alt="Dir" /> <select name="otherdir" style="max-width:85%;" onchange="xpwiki_dir_selector_change(this.options[this.selectedIndex].value)">' . join('', $otherDirs) . '</select></form>';
            $where = array();
            if (!empty($this->root->vars['word'])) {
                foreach (explode(' ', mb_convert_kana($this->root->vars['word']), 's') as $search) {
                    $where[] = 'a.`name` LIKE \'%' . addslashes($search) . '%\'';
            $where = $where ? ' AND ' . join(' AND ', $where) : '';
            $otherPages = array();
            $shown = array($this->root->vars['base']);
            $attach =& $this->func->get_plugin_instance('attach');
            if ($this->root->pages_for_attach) {
                $otherPages[] = '<optgroup label="' . $this->root->_attach_messages['msg_select_useful'] . '">';
                foreach (explode('#', $this->root->pages_for_attach) as $_page) {
                    if ($this->func->check_readable($_page, false, false)) {
                        $selected = $_page === $page ? ' selected="selected"' : '';
                        $shown[] = $_page;
                        $_pgid = $this->func->get_pgid_by_name($_page);
                        if ($_pgid) {
                            $query = 'SELECT count( * ) FROM `' . $this->xpwiki->db->prefix($this->root->mydirname . '_attach') . '` a WHERE a.pgid="' . $_pgid . '" AND a.age = 0 AND != "fusen.dat"' . $where . ' LIMIT 1';
                            $count = '';
                            if ($result = $this->xpwiki->db->query($query)) {
                                $row = $this->xpwiki->db->fetchRow($result);
                                $count = ' (' . $row[0] . ')';
                        } else {
                            $count = ' (0)';
                        $_attachable = '';
                        $_class = 'readable';
                        if ($attach->attachable($_page)) {
                            $_class = 'attachable';
                            if ($this->cont['UA_PROFILE'] !== 'default') {
                                $_attachable = '&uarr;';
                        $otherPages[] = '<option class="' . $_class . '" value="' . rawurlencode($_page) . '"' . $selected . '>' . $_attachable . $this->func->htmlspecialchars($_page) . $count . '</option>';
                $otherPages[] = '</optgroup>';
            $query = 'SELECT, count( * ) AS count FROM `' . $this->xpwiki->db->prefix($this->root->mydirname . '_pginfo') . '` p INNER JOIN `' . $this->xpwiki->db->prefix($this->root->mydirname . '_attach') . '` a ON p.pgid = a.pgid WHERE a.age =0 AND != "fusen.dat"' . $where . ' GROUP BY a.pgid ORDER BY count DESC, ASC LIMIT 0 , 50';
            if ($result = $this->xpwiki->db->query($query)) {
                $otherPages[] = '<optgroup label="' . $this->root->_attach_messages['msg_select_manyitems'] . '">';
                while ($row = $this->xpwiki->db->fetchRow($result)) {
                    if ($this->func->check_readable($row[0], false, false)) {
                        if (in_array($row[0], $shown)) {
                        $selected = $row[0] === $page ? ' selected="selected"' : '';
                        $_page = $this->func->htmlspecialchars($row[0]);
                        $_attachable = '';
                        $_class = 'readable';
                        if ($attach->attachable($_page)) {
                            $_class = 'attachable';
                            if ($this->cont['UA_PROFILE'] !== 'default') {
                                $_attachable = '&uarr;';
                        $otherPages[] = '<option class="' . $_class . '" value="' . rawurlencode($_page) . '"' . $selected . '>' . $_attachable . $this->func->htmlspecialchars($_page) . ' (' . $row[1] . ')</option>';
                $otherPages[] = '</optgroup>';
            if ($otherPages) {
                $thisPage = '<option value="">--- ' . $this->root->_attach_messages['msg_page_select'] . ' ---</option>';
                if ($this->root->vars['basedir'] === $this->root->mydirname) {
                    $selected = $this->root->vars['base'] === $page ? ' selected="selected"' : '';
                    $thisPage .= '<option value="' . rawurlencode($this->root->vars['base']) . '"' . $selected . '>' . $this->func->htmlspecialchars($this->root->vars['base']) . $this->root->_attach_messages['msg_select_current'] . '</option>';
                if (!empty($this->root->vars['refer'])) {
                    $thisPage .= '<option value="#">' . $this->root->_attach_messages['msg_show_all_pages'] . '</option>';
                $base = rawurlencode($this->root->vars['base']);
                $select = '<form><img src="' . $this->cont['LOADER_URL'] . '?src=page_attach.png" alt="Pages" /> <select name="othorpage" style="max-width:85%;" onchange="xpwiki_file_selector_change(this.options[this.selectedIndex].value, \'' . $base . '\')">' . $thisPage . join('', $otherPages) . '</select></form>';
            $select_js = <<<EOD
<script type="text/javascript"><!--
function xpwiki_file_selector_change(page, base) {
\tif (page || page == 0) {
\t\tif (page == '#') page = '';
\t\tvar href = location.href;
\t\tif (! href.match(/&refer=[^&]*/)) {
\t\t\thref += '&refer=';
\t\tlocation.href = href.replace(/&refer=[^&]*/, '&refer=' + page).replace(/&base=[^&]*/, '&base=' + base).replace(/&(start|encode_hint)=[^&]+/, '');
function xpwiki_dir_selector_change(dir) {
\tif (dir) {
\t\tvar arr = dir.split('#');
\t\tlocation.href = location.href.replace(/\\/modules\\/[^\\/]+/, '/modules/' + arr[0]).replace(/&refer=[^&]*/, '&refer=').replace(/&start=[^&]+/, '');
        $sword = isset($this->root->vars['word']) ? $this->func->htmlspecialchars($this->root->vars['word']) : '';
        $hidden = '';
        foreach ($hiddens as $key => $val) {
            $hidden .= sprintf('<input type="hidden" name="%s" value="%s" />', $key, $val);
        if ($flat) {
            $search = '';
        } else {
            if ($this->cont['UA_PROFILE'] === 'mobile') {
                $search = '<div><form method="get" action="' . $this->root->script . '"><input type="search" name="word" autocomplete="off" value="' . $sword . '" />' . $hidden . '</form></div>';
            } else {
                $search = '<div><form method="get" action="' . $this->root->script . '"><img src="' . $this->cont['LOADER_URL'] . '?src=find.png" alt="Search" /> <input size="15" type="search" name="word" value="' . $sword . '" /><input data-inline="true" type="submit" value="' . $this->root->_btn_search . '" />' . $hidden . '</form></div>';
        if ($page !== '') {
            if (!array_key_exists($page, $this->pages)) {
                return '';
            return '<div class="attach_list">' . $select_js . $otherDir . $select . $search . $this->pages[$page]->toString($flat, FALSE, $this->mode) . '</div>';
        if ($otherprams) {
            $otherparm = '&amp;' . join('&amp;', $otherprams);
        $url = $this->root->script . "?plugin=attach&amp;pcmd={$pcmd}{$otherparm}&amp;order=" . $this->order . "&amp;start=";
        $url2 = $this->root->script . "?plugin=attach&amp;pcmd={$pcmd}{$otherparm}&amp;start=";
        $url3 = $this->root->script . "?plugin=attach&amp;pcmd={$pcmd2}{$otherparm}&amp;order=" . $this->order . "&amp;start=" . $this->start;
        $sort_time = $this->order == "name" ? " [ <a href=\"{$url2}0&amp;order=time\">{$this->root->_attach_messages['msg_sort_time']}</a> |" : " [ <b>{$this->root->_attach_messages['msg_sort_time']}</b> |";
        $sort_name = $this->order == "name" ? " <b>{$this->root->_attach_messages['msg_sort_name']}</b> ] " : " <a href=\"{$url2}0&amp;order=name\">{$this->root->_attach_messages['msg_sort_name']}</a> ] ";
        if ($this->is_popup) {
            $mode_tag = '';
        } else {
            $mode_tag = $this->mode == "imglist" ? "[ <a href=\"{$url3}\">{$this->root->_attach_messages['msg_list_view']}</a> ]" : "[ <a href=\"{$url3}\">{$this->root->_attach_messages['msg_image_view']}</a> ]";
        $_start = $this->start + 1;
        $_end = $this->start + $this->max;
        $_end = min($_end, $this->count);
        $now = $this->start / $this->max + 1;
        $total = ceil($this->count / $this->max);
        $navi = array();
        for ($i = 1; $i <= $total; $i++) {
            if ($now == $i) {
                $navi[] = "<b>{$i}</b>";
            } else {
                $navi[] = "<a href=\"" . $url . ($i - 1) * $this->max . "\"><span class=\"button\">{$i}</span></a>";
        $navi = join(' ', $navi);
        $prev = max(0, $now - 1);
        $next = $now;
        $prev = $prev ? "<a href=\"" . $url . ($prev - 1) * $this->max . "\" title=\"Prev\"><span class=\"button\"> <img src=\"{$this->cont['LOADER_URL']}?src=prev.png\" width=\"6\" height=\"12\" alt=\"Prev\"> </span></a>" : "";
        $next = $next < $total ? "<a href=\"" . $url . $next * $this->max . "\" title=\"Next\"><span class=\"button\"> <img src=\"{$this->cont['LOADER_URL']}?src=next.png\" width=\"6\" height=\"12\" alt=\"Next\"> </span></a>" : "";
        $navi = "<div class=\"page_navi\">| {$navi} |<br />[{$prev} {$_start} - {$_end} / " . $this->count . " pages {$next}]<br />{$sort_time}{$sort_name}{$mode_tag}</div>";
        $ret = '';
        $pages = array_keys($this->pages);
        if ($pages) {
            foreach ($pages as $page) {
                $ret .= $this->pages[$page]->toString($flat, TRUE, $this->mode) . "\n";
        } else {
            $navi = '';
        return "\n<div class=\"attach_list\">{$select_js}{$otherDir}{$select}{$search}{$navi}" . ($navi ? "<hr />" : "") . "\n{$ret}\n" . ($navi ? "<hr />" : "") . "{$navi}</div>\n";
예제 #13
 function BBCode_add_switch(&$html, $element)
     if (!preg_match('/(?:^| )(?:plain|none|xcode)(?: |$)/', $element['class'])) {
         $script = method_exists('XpWiki', 'sGet_BBCode_switch_js') ? XpWiki::sGet_BBCode_switch_js($element['id'], XPWIKI_RENDERER_DIR) : '';
         $html .= $script;
예제 #14
파일: jobstack.php 프로젝트: nouphet/rata
 * Created on 2008/05/13 by nao-pon
 * $Id: jobstack.php,v 1.10 2011/10/31 16:04:47 nao-pon Exp $
$file = $mytrustdirpath . '/skin/image/gif/blank.gif';
header('Content-Type: image/gif');
header('Content-Length: ' . filesize($file));
header('Expires: Thu, 01 Dec 1994 16:00:00 GMT');
header('Last-Modified: ' . gmdate('D, d M Y H:i:s') . ' GMT');
header('Cache-Control: no-cache, no-store, must-revalidate, pre-check=0, post-check=0');
header('Pragma: no-cache');
include_once $mytrustdirpath . '/include.php';
$xpwiki = new XpWiki($mydirname);
$max_execution_time = intval(ini_get('max_execution_time'));
// It is all as for the one executed soon. (ttl = 0)
$sql = 'SELECT `key`, `data` FROM ' . $xpwiki->db->prefix($xpwiki->root->mydirname . '_cache') . ' WHERE `plugin`=\'jobstack\' AND `mtime` <= ' . $xpwiki->cont['UTC'] . ' AND `ttl`=0 ORDER BY `mtime` ASC LIMIT 1';
if ($res = $xpwiki->db->query($sql)) {
    $row = $xpwiki->db->fetchRow($res);
    while ($row) {
        if ($max_execution_time) {
            @ini_set('max_execution_time', (string) $max_execution_time);
        xpwiki_jobstack_switch($xpwiki, $row);
        $res = $xpwiki->db->query($sql);
        $row = $xpwiki->db->fetchRow($res);
예제 #15
function b_xpwiki_block_show($options, $src, $nocache = false)
    $mydirname = empty($options[0]) ? 'xpwiki' : $options[0];
    // 必要なファイルの読み込み (固定値:変更の必要なし)
    include_once XOOPS_TRUST_PATH . "/modules/xpwiki/include.php";
    // XpWiki オブジェクト取得 (引数: モジュールディレクトリ名)
    $xw =& XpWiki::getSingleton($mydirname);
    $width = empty($options[1]) ? '100%' : $options[1];
    $this_template = empty($options[2]) ? 'db:' . $mydirname . '_block_a_page.html' : trim($options[2]);
    $div_class = empty($options[3]) ? 'xpwiki_b_' . $mydirname : $options[3];
    $css = isset($options[4]) ? $options[4] : NULL;
    $head_tag_place = empty($options[5]) ? 'module' : trim($options[5]);
    $configs = array();
    if (preg_match('/[^0-9a-zA-Z_-]/', $mydirname)) {
        die('Invalid mydirname');
    // ページキャッシュを常に無効にする
    if ($nocache) {
        $configs['root']['pagecache_min'] = 0;
    // Wikiソース
    $arg = array('source' => $src);
    // ブロック用として取得 (引数: Wikiソース, 表示幅)
    list($str, $head) = $xw->get_html_for_block($arg, $width, $div_class, $css, $configs, TRUE);
    // MenuBar の ページCSS を読み込み
    if (isset($options['menubar'])) {
        $head .= $xw->func->get_page_css_tag('MenuBar');
    // オブジェクトを破棄
    //$xw = null;
    if ($head_tag_place === 'body' || !b_xpwiki_insert_headtag($head, $head_tag_place)) {
        $str = $head . $str;
    if (!$str) {
        return FALSE;
    $block = array('mydirname' => $mydirname, 'mod_url' => XOOPS_URL . '/modules/' . $mydirname, 'pagename' => '', 'content' => $str);
    if (defined('ICMS_ROOT_PATH') && !class_exists('XoopsTpl')) {
        include_once ICMS_ROOT_PATH . '/class/template.php';
    $tpl = new XoopsTpl();
    $tpl->assign('block', $block);
    $ret['content'] = $tpl->fetch($this_template);
    return $ret;
예제 #16
파일: loader.php 프로젝트: nouphet/rata
 if ($face_remake) {
     list($face_tag, $face_tag_full, $_face_tag_ver, $fck_smileys) = xpwiki_make_facemarks($xpwiki, $skin_dirname, $face_cache, $face_tag_ver);
 $ieDomLoadedDisabled = $xpwiki->root->ieDomLoadedDisabled ? 'true' : 'false';
 $UseWikihelperAtAll = $xpwiki->root->render_UseWikihelperAtAll ? 'true' : 'false';
 if (defined('XPWIKI_RENDERER_DIR')) {
     $RendererDir = XPWIKI_RENDERER_DIR;
         $UseWikihelperAtAll = XPWIKI_RENDERER_USE_WIKIHELPER ? 'true' : 'false';
     if ($xpwiki->root->mydirname === XPWIKI_RENDERER_DIR) {
         $RendererPage = $xpwiki->root->render_attach;
         $skinname = $xpwiki->cont['SKIN_NAME'];
     } else {
         $renderer = new XpWiki(XPWIKI_RENDERER_DIR);
         $RendererPage = $renderer->root->render_attach;
         $skinname = $renderer->cont['SKIN_NAME'];
     $skinname = 'XpWiki.SkinName[\'' . $RendererDir . '\'] = \'' . $skinname . '\';';
 } else {
     $skinname = $RendererDir = $RendererPage = '';
 $fckeditor_path = '';
 if ($xpwiki->root->fckeditor_path) {
     $fckeditor_path = $xpwiki->cont['ROOT_URL'] . trim($xpwiki->root->fckeditor_path, '/') . '/';
 $fckxpwiki_path = $xpwiki->cont['ROOT_URL'] . trim($xpwiki->root->fckxpwiki_path, '/') . '/';
 $ie6JsPass = $xpwiki->root->ie6JsPass ? 'true' : 'false';
 $imageDir = $xpwiki->cont['IMAGE_DIR'];
예제 #17
파일: index.php 프로젝트: nouphet/rata

include_once XOOPS_TRUST_PATH . "/modules/xpwiki/include.php";
$xw =& XpWiki::getInitedSingleton($mydirname);
if (!$xw->func->get_pgid_by_name($xw->root->defaultpage)) {
    $xw->func->send_location('', '', $xw->cont['HOME_URL'] . '?cmd=dbsync');
$check_dir = array($xw->cont['UPLOAD_DIR'], $xw->cont['UPLOAD_DIR'] . 's', $xw->cont['BACKUP_DIR'], $xw->cont['CACHE_DIR'], $xw->cont['CACHE_DIR'] . 'page', $xw->cont['CACHE_DIR'] . 'plugin', $xw->cont['DIFF_DIR'], $xw->cont['TRACKBACK_DIR'], $xw->cont['RENDER_CACHE_DIR'], $xw->cont['DATA_DIR']);
$check_dir = array_unique($check_dir);
$dir_res = array();
foreach ($check_dir as $dir) {
    $dir = rtrim($dir, '/');
    if (is_writable($dir)) {
        $dir .= ' (<span style="color:green;font-weight:bold;">OK</span>)';
    } else {
        $dir .= ' (<span style="color:red;font-weight:bold;">NG</span>)';
    $dir_res[] = $dir;
$dir_res = '<ul><li>' . join('</li><li>', $dir_res) . '</li></ul>';
// output
include dirname(__FILE__) . '/mymenu.php';
echo <<<EOD

<h3>Writable check results</h3>

예제 #18
	$this->week_start : sunday:0 monday:1
	$this->user_TZ : user's timezone (+1.5 etc)
	$this->server_TZ : server's timezone (-2.5 etc)
	$tzoffset_s2u : the offset from server to user
	$now : the result of time()
	$plugin = array('dirname'=>'dirname','name'=>'name','dotgif'=>'*.gif','options'=>'options')
	$plugin_returns[ DATE ][]
// set range (added 86400 second margin "begin" & "end")
$range_start_s = mktime(0, 0, 0, $this->month, $this->date - 1, $this->year);
$range_end_s = mktime(0, 0, 0, $this->month, $this->date + 2, $this->year);
// options
//$options = explode( '|' , $plugin['options'] ) ;
require_once XOOPS_TRUST_PATH . '/modules/xpwiki/include.php';
$xpwiki =& XpWiki::getSingleton($plugin['dirname']);
// to GMT
$range_start_s -= $xpwiki->cont['LOCALZONE'];
$range_end_s -= $xpwiki->cont['LOCALZONE'];
$where = $xpwiki->func->get_readable_where();
$where_base = "editedtime >= {$range_start_s} AND editedtime < {$range_end_s}";
if ($where) {
    $where = '(' . $where . ') AND ' . $where_base;
} else {
    $where = $where_base;
// query (added 86400 second margin "begin" & "end")
$result = $db->query('SELECT name, editedtime, title FROM ' . $db->prefix($plugin['dirname'] . '_pginfo') . ' WHERE ' . $where);
while (list($page, $server_time, $title) = $db->fetchRow($result)) {
    $server_time += $xpwiki->cont['LOCALZONE'];
예제 #19
 function get_ext_autolink($autolink)
     // check valid pages.
     $valid = isset($autolink['target']) ? (string) $autolink['target'] : false;
     if ($valid && isset($this->root->vars['page'])) {
         $_check = false;
         foreach (explode('&', $valid) as $_valid) {
             if ($_valid && strpos($this->root->vars['page'], $_valid) === 0) {
                 $_check = true;
         if (!$_check) {
             return '';
     // initialize
     $inits = array('target' => '', 'priority' => 40, 'url' => '', 'urldat' => 0, 'case_i' => 0, 'base' => '', 'len' => 3, 'enc' => $this->cont['CONTENT_CHARSET'], 'cache' => 10, 'title' => 'Ext:[KEY]', 'pat' => '', 'a_target' => '', 'a_class' => '', 'option' => '', 'popup' => '');
     $autolink = array_merge($inits, $autolink);
     if (preg_match('#^https?://#', $autolink['url'])) {
         $this->ext_autolink_own = false;
     } else {
         $this->ext_autolink_own = $autolink['url'];
     // plain_db_write() から呼ばれている時自己Wiki以外はパス
     if (!empty($this->root->rtf['is_init']) && $this->ext_autolink_own !== '') {
         return '';
     $autolink['base'] = trim($autolink['base'], '/');
     $this->ext_autolink_enc_conv = strtoupper($this->cont['CONTENT_CHARSET']) !== strtoupper($autolink['enc']);
     if ($autolink['urldat']) {
         $target = $autolink['url'];
     } else {
         $target = $this->ext_autolink_enc_conv ? mb_convert_encoding($autolink['base'], $autolink['enc'], $this->cont['CONTENT_CHARSET']) : $autolink['base'];
         $target = $autolink['url'] . '?plugin=api&pcmd=autolink&base=' . rawurlencode($target);
     $cache = $this->cont['CACHE_DIR'] . sha1($target . $autolink['option']) . '.extautolink';
     // 重複登録チェック
     if (isset($this->root->rtf['get_ext_autolink_done'][$target])) {
         return '';
     $this->root->rtf['get_ext_autolink_done'][$target] = true;
     $this->ci = $autolink['case_i'];
     $this->make_pagelink_options = array();
     $cache_min = intval(max($autolink['cache'], 10));
     // 自己xpWiki以外 & キャッシュあり & キャッシュが有効範囲
     if ($this->ext_autolink_own !== '' && is_file($cache) && filemtime($cache) + $cache_min * 60 > $this->cont['UTC']) {
         $pat = file_get_contents($cache);
         if ($this->ext_autolink_own !== false) {
             $obj =& XpWiki::getInitedSingleton($this->ext_autolink_own);
             if (!$obj->isXpWiki) {
             $this->ext_autolink_func =& $obj->func;
             $this->ci = $obj->root->page_case_insensitive;
     } else {
         if ($this->ext_autolink_own !== false) {
             if ($this->ext_autolink_own) {
                 $obj =& XpWiki::getInitedSingleton($this->ext_autolink_own);
                 if (!$obj->isXpWiki) {
                 $this->ext_autolink_func =& $obj->func;
                 $this->ci = $obj->root->page_case_insensitive;
                 $plugin =& $obj->func->get_plugin_instance('api');
             } else {
                 $this->ci = $this->root->page_case_insensitive;
                 $plugin =& $this->func->get_plugin_instance('api');
                 // Cache しない
                 $cache = false;
             $options = array();
             if ($autolink['option']) {
                 $_options = $this->func->csv_explode(',', $autolink['option']);
                 foreach ($_options as $option) {
                     list($key, $val) = array_pad(explode(':', $option, 2), 2, TRUE);
                     $options[trim($key)] = trim($val);
             $pat = $plugin->autolink(true, $autolink['base'], $options);
             if ($autolink['popup']) {
                 $this->make_pagelink_options['popup']['use'] = 1;
         } else {
             $data = $this->func->http_request($target);
             if ($data['rc'] !== 200) {
                 $pat = '';
             } else {
                 $pat = $this->ext_autolink_enc_conv ? mb_convert_encoding($data['data'], $this->cont['CONTENT_CHARSET'], $autolink['enc']) : $data['data'];
                 $pat = trim($pat);
                 @(list($pat1, $pat2) = preg_split('/[\\r\\n]+/', $pat));
                 // check regex pattern
                 if ($pat1) {
                     foreach (explode("\t", $pat1) as $_pat) {
                         if (preg_match('/(' . $_pat . ')/S', '') === false) {
                             $pat1 = '';
                 if ($pat2) {
                     foreach (explode("\t", $pat2) as $_pat) {
                         if (preg_match('/(' . $_pat . ')/S', '') === false) {
                             $pat2 = '';
                 $pat = '';
                 if ($pat1) {
                     $pat = $pat1;
                 if ($pat2) {
                     $pat .= "\t" . $pat2;
         if ($cache) {
             $fp = fopen($cache, 'w');
             fwrite($fp, $pat);
     $this->ext_autolink_url = $autolink['url'];
     $this->ext_autolink_base = $autolink['base'] ? $autolink['base'] . '/' : '';
     $this->ext_autolink_len = intval($autolink['len']);
     $this->ext_autolink_enc = $autolink['enc'];
     $this->ext_autolink_pat = $autolink['pat'];
     $this->ext_autolink_title = $autolink['title'];
     $this->ext_autolink_a_target = $autolink['a_target'] ? $autolink['a_target'] : $this->root->link_target;
     $this->ext_autolink_a_class = $autolink['a_class'] ? $autolink['a_class'] : 'ext_autolink';
     if ($this->ext_autolink_pat) {
         if (strpos($this->ext_autolink_pat, '[URL_ENCODE]') !== false) {
             $this->ext_autolink_replace['from'] = '[URL_ENCODE]';
             $this->ext_autolink_replace['func'] = create_function('$key', 'return urlencode($key);');
         } else {
             if (strpos($this->ext_autolink_pat, '[WIKI_ENCODE]') !== false) {
                 $this->ext_autolink_replace['from'] = '[WIKI_ENCODE]';
                 $this->ext_autolink_replace['func'] = create_function('$key', 'return XpWikiFunc::encode($key);');
             } else {
                 if (strpos($this->ext_autolink_pat, '[EWORDS_ENCODE]') !== false) {
                     $this->ext_autolink_replace['from'] = '[EWORDS_ENCODE]';
                     $this->ext_autolink_replace['func'] = create_function('$key', 'return str_replace(array(\'%\',\'.\'), array(\'\',\'2E\'), urlencode($key));');
     return $pat;
예제 #20
 function plain_db_write($page, $action, $init = FALSE, $notimestamp = FALSE)
     if (!($pgid = $this->get_pgid_by_name($page))) {
         return false;
     // For AutoLink
     if (!$init && $action !== 'update') {
     $rel_pages = array();
     $data = '';
     // ¥Ú¡¼¥¸ÆɤߤΥǡ¼¥¿¥Ú¡¼¥¸¤Ï¥³¥ó¥Ð¡¼¥È½èÍý¤·¤Ê¤¤(²áÉé²ÙÂкö)
     if ($page !== $this->root->pagereading_config_page) {
         $spc = array(array('&lt;', '&gt;', '&amp;', '&quot;', '&#039;', '&nbsp;'), array('<', '>', '&', '"', "'", " "));
         // Clear page cache
         $pobj =& XpWiki::getSingleton($this->root->mydirname);
         $GLOBALS['Xpwiki_' . $this->root->mydirname]['cache'] = null;
         $pobj->root->userinfo['admin'] = true;
         $pobj->root->userinfo['uname_s'] = '';
         $pobj->root->read_auth = 0;
         $pobj->root->rtf['is_init'] = true;
         $pobj->root->pagecache_min = 0;
         $data = $pobj->body;
         // remove javascript
         $data = preg_replace("#<script.+?/script>#i", "", $data);
         // ¥ê¥ó¥¯Àè¥Ú¡¼¥¸Ì¾
         //$rel_pages = array_merge(array_keys($pobj->related), array_keys($pobj->notyets));
         $rel_pages = array_keys($pobj->related);
         $rel_pages = array_unique($rel_pages);
         // ̤ºîÀ®¥Ú¡¼¥¸
         if ($page !== $this->root->whatsdeleted && $page !== $this->cont['PLUGIN_RENAME_LOGPAGE']) {
             $yetlists = array();
             $notyets = array_keys($pobj->notyets);
             if (is_file($this->cont['CACHE_DIR'] . "yetlist.dat")) {
                 $yetlists = unserialize(file_get_contents($this->cont['CACHE_DIR'] . "yetlist.dat"));
             // ¥Ú¡¼¥¸¿·µ¬ºîÀ®¤µ¤ì¤¿¤é¥ê¥¹¥È¤«¤é½ü³°
             if ($action === 'insert') {
                 if (isset($yetlists[$page])) {
             // ¤È¤ê¤¢¤¨¤º»²¾È¸µ¥ê¥¹¥È¤«¤é½üµî
             foreach ($yetlists as $_notyet => $_pages) {
                 $yetlists[$_notyet] = array_diff($_pages, array($page));
                 if (!$yetlists[$_notyet]) {
             // ºï½ü»þ°Ê³°¤Ï»²¾È¸µ¥ê¥¹¥È¤ËÄɲÃ
             if ($action !== 'delete' && $notyets) {
                 foreach ($notyets as $notyet) {
                     $yetlists[$notyet][] = $page;
                     $yetlists[$notyet] = array_unique($yetlists[$notyet]);
             if ($fp = fopen($this->cont['CACHE_DIR'] . "yetlist.dat", "wb")) {
                 fputs($fp, serialize($yetlists));
         // ÉÕäµ
         if (empty($GLOBALS['Xpwiki_' . $this->root->mydirname]['cache']['fusen']['loaded'])) {
             if ($fusen = $this->get_plugin_instance('fusen')) {
                 if ($fusen_data = $fusen->plugin_fusen_data($page)) {
                     $fusen_tag = $fusen->plugin_fusen_gethtml($fusen_data, '');
                     $data .= $fusen_tag;
         $data = preg_replace("/" . preg_quote("<a href=\"{$this->root->script}?cmd=edit&amp;page=", "/") . "[^\"]+" . preg_quote("\">{$this->root->_symbol_noexists}</a>", "/") . "/", "", $data);
         $data = str_replace($spc[0], $spc[1], strip_tags($data)) . join(',', $rel_pages);
         // ±Ñ¿ô»ú¤ÏȾ³Ñ,¥«¥¿¥«¥Ê¤ÏÁ´³Ñ,¤Ò¤é¤¬¤Ê¤Ï¥«¥¿¥«¥Ê¤Ë
         if (function_exists("mb_convert_kana")) {
             $data = mb_convert_kana($data, 'aKVC');
     $data = addslashes(preg_replace("/[\\s]+/", " ", $data));
     // ¥Ú¡¼¥¸¹¹¿·
     if ($action === 'update') {
         $value = "plain='{$data}'";
         $query = "UPDATE " . $this->xpwiki->db->prefix($this->root->mydirname . "_plain") . " SET {$value} WHERE pgid = {$pgid};";
         if ($result = $this->xpwiki->db->queryF($query)) {
             $query = "DELETE FROM " . $this->xpwiki->db->prefix($this->root->mydirname . "_rel") . " WHERE pgid = " . $pgid . ";";
             foreach ($rel_pages as $rel_page) {
                 $relid = $this->get_pgid_by_name($rel_page);
                 if ($pgid == $relid || !$relid) {
                 $query = "INSERT INTO " . $this->xpwiki->db->prefix($this->root->mydirname . "_rel") . " (pgid,relid) VALUES(" . $pgid . "," . $relid . ");";
             if (!$init && $notimestamp === FALSE && $this->check_readable_page($page, FALSE, FALSE, 0)) {
                 // Send update ping
             return true;
         } else {
             // Update ¤Ê¤Î¤Ë¥Ç¡¼¥¿¤¬¤Ê¤¤ÌÏÍÍ
             $action = 'insert';
     // ¿·µ¬ºîÀ®
     if ($action === 'insert') {
         // Ç°¤Î¤¿¤áºï½ü
         $query = "DELETE FROM " . $this->xpwiki->db->prefix($this->root->mydirname . "_plain") . " WHERE `pgid`='{$pgid}' LIMIT 1";
         $query = "INSERT INTO " . $this->xpwiki->db->prefix($this->root->mydirname . "_plain") . " (pgid,plain) VALUES({$pgid},'{$data}');";
         // Ç°¤Î¤¿¤áºï½ü
         $query = "DELETE FROM " . $this->xpwiki->db->prefix($this->root->mydirname . "_rel") . " WHERE pgid = " . $pgid . ";";
         foreach ($rel_pages as $rel_page) {
             $relid = $this->get_pgid_by_name($rel_page);
             if ($pgid == $relid || !$relid) {
             $query = "INSERT INTO " . $this->xpwiki->db->prefix($this->root->mydirname . "_rel") . " (pgid,relid) VALUES(" . $pgid . "," . $relid . ");";
         // $page¤¬AutoLink¤ÎÂоݤȤʤêÆÀ¤ë¾ì¹ç
         if (!$init && $this->root->autolink and preg_match('/^' . $this->root->WikiName . '$/', $page) ? $this->root->nowikiname : strlen($page) >= $this->root->autolink) {
             // $page¤ò»²¾È¤·¤Æ¤¤¤½¤¦¤Ê¥Ú¡¼¥¸¤Ë°ìµ¤¤ËÄɲÃ
             $this->root->search_non_list = 1;
             $lookup_page = $page;
             // ¸¡º÷¥Ú¡¼¥¸Ì¾¤Î¶¦ÄÌ¥ê¥ó¥¯¥Ç¥£¥ì¥¯¥È¥ê¤ò¾Êά
             foreach ($this->root->ext_autolinks as $valid => $autolink) {
                 if ($autolink['url'] === '') {
                     if (strpos($lookup_page, $autolink['base']) === 0) {
                         $lookup_page = substr($lookup_page, strlen($autolink['base']) + 1);
                         if ($this->root->autolink > strlen($lookup_page)) {
                             $lookup_page = $page;
             // Page Aliases
             $andor = 'AND';
             if ($alias = join(' ', $this->get_page_alias($page, TRUE))) {
                 $andor = 'OR';
                 $lookup_page .= ' ' . $alias;
             // ¸¡º÷¼Â¹Ô
             $pages = !empty($this->root->rtf['is_init']) ? $this->do_source_search($lookup_page, $andor, TRUE) : $this->do_search($lookup_page, $andor, TRUE);
             foreach ($pages as $_page) {
                 $refid = $this->get_pgid_by_name($_page);
                 if ($pgid == $refid || !$refid) {
                 $query = "INSERT INTO " . $this->xpwiki->db->prefix($this->root->mydirname . "_rel") . " (pgid,relid) VALUES(" . $refid . "," . $pgid . ");";
                 $result = $this->xpwiki->db->queryF($query);
                 // Áê¼êÀè¥Ú¡¼¥¸¤â¹¹¿·
                 $this->plain_db_write($_page, 'update', FALSE, TRUE);
         // Send update ping
         if ($notimestamp === FALSE && $this->check_readable_page($page, FALSE, FALSE, 0)) {
     } elseif ($action === 'delete') {
         $query = "DELETE FROM " . $this->xpwiki->db->prefix($this->root->mydirname . "_plain") . " WHERE pgid = {$pgid};";
         $result = $this->xpwiki->db->queryF($query);
         //if (!$result) echo $query."<hr>";
         $query = "DELETE FROM " . $this->xpwiki->db->prefix($this->root->mydirname . "_rel") . " WHERE pgid = " . $pgid . " OR relid = " . $pgid . ";";
         $result = $this->xpwiki->db->queryF($query);
         // Optimaize DB tables
         $tables = array();
         foreach (array('attach', 'cache', 'count', 'pginfo', 'plain', 'rel', 'tb') as $table) {
             $tables[] = '`' . $this->xpwiki->db->prefix($this->root->mydirname . '_' . $table) . '`';
         $sql = 'OPTIMIZE TABLE ' . join(',', $tables);
     } else {
         return false;
     return true;
예제 #21
 function &get_interwiki_url($name, &$param, &$alias)
     static $interwikinames = array();
     static $encode_aliases = array('sjis' => 'SJIS', 'euc' => 'EUC-JP', 'utf8' => 'UTF-8');
     $false = FALSE;
     if (!isset($interwikinames[$this->root->mydirname])) {
         $interwiki_dat = $this->cont['CACHE_DIR'] . 'interwiki.dat';
         if (is_file($interwiki_dat)) {
             $interwikinames[$this->root->mydirname] = unserialize(file_get_contents($interwiki_dat));
         } else {
             $interwikinames[$this->root->mydirname] = $this->interwiki_dat_update($this->get_source($this->root->interwiki));
     if (!isset($interwikinames[$this->root->mydirname][$name])) {
         // Inner other xpwiki
         if ($this->isXpWikiDirname($name)) {
             $interwikinames[$this->root->mydirname][$name] = array($name, 'inner');
         } else {
             return $false;
     list($url, $opt) = $interwikinames[$this->root->mydirname][$name];
     $replaces = array();
     if (strpos($opt, '|') !== FALSE) {
         $options = explode('|', $opt);
         $opt = array_shift($options);
         foreach ($options as $option) {
             if (strpos($option, '>')) {
                 list($from, $to) = explode('>', $option);
                 $replaces[$from] = $to;
             } else {
                 if ($alias === '' && substr($option, 0, 7) === 'prefix:') {
                     $alias = substr($option, 7) . $param;
         if ($replaces) {
             $param = strtr($param, $replaces);
     // Encoding
     switch ($opt) {
         case '':
             /* FALLTHROUGH */
         /* FALLTHROUGH */
         case 'std':
             // Simply URL-encode the string, whose base encoding is the internal-encoding
             $param = rawurlencode($param);
         case 'asis':
             /* FALLTHROUGH */
         /* FALLTHROUGH */
         case 'raw':
             // Truly as-is
             $param = $param;
         case 'yw':
             // YukiWiki
             if (!preg_match('/' . $this->root->WikiName . '/', $param)) {
                 $param = '[[' . mb_convert_encoding($param, 'SJIS', $this->cont['SOURCE_ENCODING']) . ']]';
         case 'moin':
             // MoinMoin
             $param = str_replace('%', '_', rawurlencode($param));
             // Æó½Å¤ËURL¥¨¥ó¥³¡¼¥É¤¹¤ë
         // Æó½Å¤ËURL¥¨¥ó¥³¡¼¥É¤¹¤ë
         case 'dbl':
             $param = rawurlencode(rawurlencode($param));
         case 'dbl_utf8':
             $param = rawurlencode(rawurlencode(mb_convert_encoding($param, 'UTF-8', $this->cont['SOURCE_ENCODING'])));
         case 'dbl_sjis':
             $param = rawurlencode(rawurlencode(mb_convert_encoding($param, 'SJIS', $this->cont['SOURCE_ENCODING'])));
         case 'dbl_euc-jp':
             $param = rawurlencode(rawurlencode(mb_convert_encoding($param, 'EUC-JP', $this->cont['SOURCE_ENCODING'])));
             // HexEncode·Ï
         // HexEncode·Ï
         case 'hex_utf8':
         case 'wiki_utf8':
             $param = $this->encode(mb_convert_encoding($param, 'UTF-8', $this->cont['SOURCE_ENCODING']));
         case 'hex_sjis':
         case 'wiki_sjis':
             $param = $this->encode(mb_convert_encoding($param, 'SJIS', $this->cont['SOURCE_ENCODING']));
         case 'hex_euc-jp':
         case 'wiki_euc-jp':
             $param = $this->encode(mb_convert_encoding($param, 'EUC-JP', $this->cont['SOURCE_ENCODING']));
             // Inner other xpwiki
         // Inner other xpwiki
         case 'inner':
         case 'xpwiki':
             if (strpos($url, '?') !== FALSE) {
                 list($url, $prefix) = explode('?', $url, 2);
                 $param = $prefix . $param;
             $otherObj =& XpWiki::getInitedSingleton(basename($url));
             if ($otherObj->isXpWiki) {
                 if ($param !== '') {
                     if (!$otherObj->func->is_pagename($param)) {
                         return $false;
                 return $otherObj;
             return $false;
             // Rakuten affiliate
         // Rakuten affiliate
         case 'rakuten':
             $param = '?' . urlencode(urlencode(mb_convert_encoding($param, 'EUC-JP', $this->cont['SOURCE_ENCODING']))) . '&' . urlencode(urlencode(mb_convert_encoding($param, 'SJIS', $this->cont['SOURCE_ENCODING'])));
             // ewords
         // ewords
         case 'ewords':
             $param = str_replace(array('%', '.'), array('', '2E'), urlencode(mb_convert_encoding($param, 'UTF-8', $this->cont['SOURCE_ENCODING'])));
             // Alias conversion of $opt
             if (isset($encode_aliases[$opt])) {
                 $opt =& $encode_aliases[$opt];
             // Encoding conversion into specified encode, and URLencode
             $param = rawurlencode(mb_convert_encoding($param, $opt, $this->cont['SOURCE_ENCODING']));
     // Replace or Add the parameter
     if (strpos($url, '$1') !== $false) {
         $url = str_replace('$1', $param, $url);
     } else {
         $url .= $param;
     if (!preg_match('/' . $this->root->interwikinameRegex . '[!~*\'();\\/?:\\@&=+\\$,%#_0-9a-zA-Z.-]*/', $url) || strlen($url) > 512) {
         return $false;
     return $url;
예제 #22
파일: 프로젝트: nao-pon/xpWiki
    function plugin_edit_write()
        $_uname = empty($this->root->vars['uname']) || !empty($this->root->vars['anonymous']) ? $this->root->siteinfo['anonymous'] : $this->root->vars['uname'];
        if ($_uname) {
            if (!empty($this->root->vars['anonymous'])) {
                $this->root->cookie['name'] = $_uname;
            } else {
                // save name to cookie
        $page = isset($this->root->vars['page']) ? $this->root->vars['page'] : '';
        $add = isset($this->root->vars['add']) ? $this->root->vars['add'] : '';
        $digest = isset($this->root->vars['digest']) ? $this->root->vars['digest'] : '';
        $paraid = isset($this->root->vars['paraid']) ? $this->root->vars['paraid'] : '';
        $original = '';
        $this->root->vars['msg'] = preg_replace($this->cont['PLUGIN_EDIT_FREEZE_REGEX'], '', $this->root->vars['msg']);
        $this->root->vars['msg'] = $this->func->remove_pginfo($this->root->vars['msg']);
        $msg =& $this->root->vars['msg'];
        // Reference
        // Get original data from cache DB.
        if (!empty($this->root->vars['orgkey'])) {
            $original = (string) $this->func->cache_get_db($this->root->vars['orgkey'], 'edit', true);
            $original = $this->func->remove_pginfo($original);
        // ParaEdit
        $hash = '';
        if ($paraid) {
            if (!$original) {
                $original = $this->func->remove_pginfo($this->func->get_source($page, TRUE, TRUE));
            $source = preg_split('/([^\\n]*\\n)/', $original, -1, PREG_SPLIT_NO_EMPTY | PREG_SPLIT_DELIM_CAPTURE);
            if ($this->plugin_edit_parts($paraid, $source, $msg) !== FALSE) {
                $fullmsg = join('', $source);
            } else {
                // $this->root->vars['msg']だけがページに書き込まれてしまうのを防ぐ。
                $fullmsg = rtrim($original) . "\n\n" . $msg;
            $msg = $fullmsg;
            $hash = '#' . $paraid;
        // 文末処理
        $msg = rtrim($msg) . "\n";
        // 改行・TAB・スペースのみだったら削除とみなす
        $msg = preg_replace('/^\\s+$/', '', $msg);
        // Page title
        if ($msg && !empty($this->root->post['pgtitle'])) {
            $msg = $this->root->title_setting_string . trim($this->root->post['pgtitle']) . "\n" . $msg;
        $retvars = array();
        // Collision Detection
        $oldpagesrc = $this->func->get_source($page, TRUE, TRUE);
        $oldpagemd5 = $this->func->get_digests($oldpagesrc);
        if ($digest != $oldpagemd5) {
            $this->root->vars['digest'] = $oldpagemd5;
            // Reset
            // 更新が衝突したら全文編集に切り替え
            $oldpagesrc = $this->func->remove_pginfo($oldpagesrc);
            list($postdata_input, $auto) = $this->func->do_update_diff($oldpagesrc, $msg, $original);
            $retvars['msg'] = $this->root->_title_collided;
            $retvars['body'] = ($auto ? $this->root->_msg_collided_auto : $this->root->_msg_collided) . "\n";
            $retvars['body'] .= $this->root->do_update_diff_table;
            $retvars['body'] .= $this->func->edit_form($page, $postdata_input, $oldpagemd5, FALSE);
            if (isset($this->root->vars['ajax'])) {
                $body = <<<EOD
            return $retvars;
        // Action?
        if ($add) {
            // Add
            if (isset($this->root->vars['add_top']) && $this->root->vars['add_top']) {
                $postdata = $msg . "\n\n" . $this->func->get_source($page, TRUE, TRUE);
            } else {
                $postdata = $this->func->get_source($page, TRUE, TRUE) . "\n\n" . $msg;
        } else {
            // Edit or Remove
            $postdata =& $msg;
            // Reference
        // NULL POSTING, OR removing existing page
        if (!$postdata) {
            $this->func->page_write($page, '');
            if ($this->root->trackback) {
            if ($this->root->maxshow_deleted && $this->func->is_page($this->root->whatsdeleted)) {
                $url = $this->func->get_page_uri($this->root->whatsdeleted, true);
            } else {
                $url = $this->cont['HOME_URL'];
            $title = str_replace('$1', $this->func->htmlspecialchars($page), $this->root->_title_deleted);
            if (isset($this->root->vars['ajax'])) {
                $url = $this->func->htmlspecialchars($url, ENT_QUOTES);
                $body = <<<EOD
            $this->func->redirect_header($url, 1, $title);
        // $notimeupdate: Checkbox 'Do not change timestamp'
        $notimestamp = isset($this->root->vars['notimestamp']) && $this->root->vars['notimestamp'] != '';
        if ($this->root->notimeupdate > 1 && !$this->root->userinfo['admin']) {
            $notimestamp = false;
        $this->func->page_write($page, $postdata, $this->root->notimeupdate != 0 && $notimestamp);
        if (isset($this->root->vars['ajax'])) {
            if (!empty($this->root->vars['nonconvert'])) {
                $body = '';
            } else {
                $obj = new XpWiki($this->root->mydirname);
                $obj->root->userinfo['uname_s'] = $this->func->htmlspecialchars($this->root->cookie['name']);
                if (isset($obj->root->rtf['useJavascriptInHead'])) {
                    $body = '<script src="" />';
                } else {
                    $body = $obj->body;
                    // set target
                    if (isset($this->root->vars['popup'])) {
                        $body = preg_replace('/(<a[^>]+)(href=(?:"|\')[^#])/isS', '$1target="' . (intval($this->root->vars['popup']) === 1 ? '_parent' : $this->func->htmlspecialchars(substr($this->root->vars['popup'], 0, 30))) . '" $2', $body);
                    $body = str_replace(array('<![CDATA[', ']]>'), '', $body);
                if (preg_match('/\\(\\([eisv]:[0-9a-f]{4}\\)\\)|\\[emj:\\d{1,4}(?::(?:im|ez|sb))?\\]/S', $body)) {
                    if (!XC_CLASS_EXISTS('MobilePictogramConverter')) {
                    if (XC_CLASS_EXISTS('MobilePictogramConverter')) {
                        $mpc =& MobilePictogramConverter::factory_common();
                        $mpc->setImagePath($this->cont['ROOT_URL'] . 'images/emoji');
                        $mpc->setString($body, FALSE);
                        $body = $mpc->autoConvertModKtai();
            $body = <<<EOD
        $this->func->send_location($page, $hash);
예제 #23
 function get($keywords, $andor, $limit, $offset, $userid)
     // for XOOPS Search module
     $showcontext = empty($_GET['showcontext']) ? 0 : 1;
     $where_readable = $this->func->get_readable_where('p.');
     $where = "p.editedtime != 0";
     if ($where_readable) {
         $where = "{$where} AND ({$where_readable})";
     $sql = "SELECT p.pgid,,p.editedtime,p.title,p.uid FROM " . $this->xpwiki->db->prefix($this->root->mydirname . "_pginfo") . " p INNER JOIN " . $this->xpwiki->db->prefix($this->root->mydirname . "_plain") . " t ON t.pgid=p.pgid WHERE ({$where}) ";
     if ($userid != 0) {
         $sql .= "AND (p.uid=" . $userid . ") ";
     if (is_array($keywords) && $keywords) {
         $keywords = array_map('stripslashes', $keywords);
         // 英数字は半角,カタカナは全角,ひらがなはカタカナに
         $sql .= "AND (";
         $i = 0;
         foreach ($keywords as $keyword) {
             if ($i++ !== 0) {
                 $sql .= " {$andor} ";
             if ($this->cont['LANG'] === 'ja' && function_exists("mb_convert_kana")) {
                 // 英数字は半角,カタカナは全角,ひらがなはカタカナに
                 $word = addslashes(mb_convert_kana($keyword, 'aKCV'));
             } else {
                 $word = addslashes($keyword);
             $sql .= "(p.name_ci LIKE '%{$word}%' OR t.plain LIKE '%{$word}%')";
         $sql .= ") ";
     $sql .= "ORDER BY p.editedtime DESC";
     $result = $this->xpwiki->db->query($sql, $limit, $offset);
     $ret = array();
     if (!$keywords) {
         $keywords = array();
     $sword = rawurlencode(join(' ', $keywords));
     $context = '';
     $make_context_func = function_exists('xoops_make_context') ? 'xoops_make_context' : (function_exists('search_make_context') ? 'search_make_context' : '');
     while ($myrow = $this->xpwiki->db->fetchArray($result)) {
         // get context for module "search"
         if ($make_context_func && $showcontext) {
             $pobj =& XpWiki::getSingleton($this->root->mydirname);
             $GLOBALS['Xpwiki_' . $this->root->mydirname]['cache'] = null;
             $pobj->root->rtf['use_cache_always'] = TRUE;
             $text = $pobj->body;
             $text = preg_replace('/<!--description ignore-->.+?<!--\\/description ignore-->|<(script|style).+?<\\/\\1>/is', '', $text);
             // 付箋
             if (empty($GLOBALS['Xpwiki_' . $this->root->mydirname]['cache']['fusen']['loaded'])) {
                 if ($fusen = $this->func->get_plugin_instance('fusen')) {
                     if ($fusen_data = $fusen->plugin_fusen_data($myrow['name'])) {
                         if ($fusen_tag = $fusen->plugin_fusen_gethtml($fusen_data, '')) {
                             $text .= '<fieldset><legend> fusen.dat </legend>' . $fusen_tag . '</fieldset>';
             $full_context = strip_tags($text);
             if (function_exists('easiestml')) {
                 $full_context = easiestml($full_context);
             $context = $make_context_func($full_context, $keywords);
         $title = $myrow['title'] ? ' [' . $myrow['title'] . ']' : '';
         $link = $this->func->get_page_uri($myrow['name']);
         $ret[] = array('link' => $link . (strpos($link, '?') === false ? '?' : '&amp;') . 'word=' . $sword, 'title' => htmlspecialchars($myrow['name'] . $title, ENT_QUOTES, _CHARSET), 'image' => 'skin/loader.php?src=xoops_search.png', 'time' => $myrow['editedtime'] + $this->cont['LOCALZONE'], 'uid' => $myrow['uid'], 'page' => $myrow['name'], 'context' => $context);
     // for xoops search module
     $GLOBALS['md_search_flg_zenhan_support'] = true;
     return $ret;
예제 #24
파일: w2x_php5.php 프로젝트: nao-pon/xpWiki
$source = isset($_POST['s']) ? $_POST['s'] : '';
$line_break = isset($_POST['lb']) ? strval($_POST['lb']) : '';
$page = isset($_POST['page']) ? $_POST['page'] : '';
if (get_magic_quotes_gpc()) {
    $source = stripslashes($source);
    $page = stripslashes($page);
define('DEBUG', !empty($_GET['debug']));
if ($source || $line_break === '') {
    if ($source) {
        $source = str_replace(array("\r\n", "\r"), "\n", $source);
        $source = rtrim($source) . "\n";
    include_once $mytrustdirpath . '/include.php';
    $xpwiki = new XpWiki($mydirname);
    $xpwiki->root->fckediting = true;
    if ($page) {
        $e_page = mb_convert_encoding($page, $xpwiki->cont['SOURCE_ENCORDING'], 'UTF-8');
        $xpwiki->cont['PageForRef'] = $xpwiki->root->vars['page'] = $xpwiki->root->post['page'] = $xpwiki->root->get['page'] = $e_page;
    // 定数設定
    define('MSIE', strpos($_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT'], 'MSIE') !== FALSE);
    define('COLORS_REG', 'aqua|navy|black|olive|blue|purple|fuchsia|red|gray|silver|green|teal|lime|white|maroon|yellow|transparent');
    // globals
    if ($line_break === '') {
        $line_break = $xpwiki->root->line_break;
    $hr = $xpwiki->root->hr;
예제 #25
function xpwikifunc_delete_counter($mydirname)
    $msg = array();
    include_once XOOPS_TRUST_PATH . '/modules/xpwiki/include.php';
    $xpwiki = XpWiki::getInitedSingleton($mydirname);
    if ($xpwiki->func->get_plugin_instance('counter')) {
        $dir = $xpwiki->cont['COUNTER_DIR'];
        if ($handle = opendir($dir)) {
            $suffix = $xpwiki->cont['PLUGIN_COUNTER_SUFFIX'];
            $del = false;
            while (false !== ($file = readdir($handle))) {
                if (substr($file, strlen($suffix) * -1) === $suffix) {
                    $target = $dir . $file;
                    $del = unlink($target) || $del;
                    //$msg[] = $target;
            if ($del) {
                $msg[] = 'All counter files (' . $dir . '*' . $suffix . ') were deleted successful.';
    return $msg;
예제 #26
파일: main.php 프로젝트: nao-pon/xpWiki

// Forbid prefetch
if (isset($_SERVER['HTTP_X_MOZ']) && $_SERVER['HTTP_X_MOZ'] === 'prefetch' || isset($_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT']) && $_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT'] === 'Fasterfox') {
    header('HTTP/1.1 403 Forbidden');
$mytrustdirname = basename(dirname(__FILE__));
$mytrustdirpath = dirname(__FILE__);
include_once "{$mytrustdirpath}/include.php";
$xpwiki = new XpWiki($mydirname);
// initialize
// XCL >= 2.2 Use "Legacy_Utils::formatPagetitle"
if (defined('LEGACY_MODULE_VERSION') && version_compare(LEGACY_MODULE_VERSION, '2.2', '>=')) {
    $xpwiki->root->html_head_title = trim(str_replace('$module_title', '', $xpwiki->root->html_head_title), ' -');
// execute
// gethtml
// Add error message
if ($xpwiki->root->userinfo['admin']) {
    $hyp_common_methods = get_class_methods('HypCommonFunc');
    if (is_null($hyp_common_methods) || !in_array('get_version', $hyp_common_methods) || HypCommonFunc::get_version() < 20100725) {
        $xpwiki->admin_messages[] = '[Warning] Please install or update <a href="" title="Download">a newest HypCommonFunc</a> into "XOOPS_TRUST_PATH/class/".';
    if ($xpwiki->admin_messages) {
        $xpwiki->html = '<p style="color:red;font-weight:bold;">' . join('<br />', $xpwiki->admin_messages) . '</p><hr />' . $xpwiki->html;
예제 #27
 function &renderWikistyle($text, $html = 0, $smiley = 1, $xcode = 1, $image = 1, $br = 1, $use_cache = 0)
     static $pat = array();
     static $rep = array();
     $className = get_class($this);
     $br = $br ? 1 : 0;
     $use_cache = $use_cache ? 1 : 0;
     $smiley = $smiley ? 1 : 0;
     $image = $image ? 1 : 0;
     // xpWiki
     if (!class_exists('XpWiki')) {
         include XOOPS_TRUST_PATH . '/modules/xpwiki/include.php';
     $render = XpWiki::getSingleton(XPWIKI_RENDERER_DIR);
     // pukiwiki.ini.php setting
     $render->setIniRoot('line_break', $br);
     $render->setIniRoot('render_use_cache', $use_cache);
     $render->setIniRoot('use_extra_facemark', 1);
     $render->setIniRoot('usefacemark', $smiley);
     $render->setIniRoot('render_cache_min', 1440);
     // 1day
     $render->setIniRoot('link_target', '_blank');
     $render->setIniRoot('nowikiname', 1);
     $render->setIniRoot('show_passage', 0);
     $render->setIniRoot('no_slashes_commentout', 1);
     if ($xcode) {
         if (!isset($pat[$className][$image])) {
             // BB Code code
             $pat[$className][$image][] = '/(?:\\r\\n|\\r|\\n)?\\[code](?:\\r\\n|\\r|\\n)?(.*)(?:\\r\\n|\\r|\\n)?\\[\\/code\\](?:\\r\\n|\\r|\\n)?/sUS';
             $rep[$className][$image][] = "\n" . '#code(){{{' . "\n" . '$1' . "\n" . '}}}' . "\n";
             // BB Code email
             $pat[$className][$image][] = '/\\[email](.+?)\\[\\/email]/iS';
             $rep[$className][$image][] = '$1';
             // BB Code url
             $pat[$className][$image][] = '/\\[url=([\'"]?)((?:ht|f)tp[s]?:\\/\\/[!~*\'();\\/?:\\@&=+\\$,%#\\w.-]+)\\1\\](.+)\\[\\/url\\]/esUS';
             $rep[$className][$image][] = '\'[[\'.Hyp_TextFilter::renderWiki_ret2br(\'$3\').\':$2]]\'';
             $pat[$className][$image][] = '/\\[url=([\'"]?)([!~*\'();\\/?:\\@&=+\\$,%#\\w.-]+)\\1\\](.+)\\[\\/url\\]/esUS';
             $rep[$className][$image][] = '\'[[\'.Hyp_TextFilter::renderWiki_ret2br(\'$3\').\':http://$2]]\'';
             $pat[$className][$image][] = '/\\[siteurl=([\'"]?)\\/?([!~*\'();?:\\@&=+\\$,%#\\w.-][!~*\'();\\/?:\\@&=+\\$,%#\\w.-]+)\\1\\](.+)\\[\\/siteurl\\]/esUS';
             $rep[$className][$image][] = '\'[[\'.Hyp_TextFilter::renderWiki_ret2br(\'$3\').\':http:///$2]]\'';
             // BB Code quote
             $pat[$className][$image][] = '/(\\[quote[^\\]]*])(?:\\r\\n|\\r|\\n)(?![<>*|,#: \\t+-])/S';
             $rep[$className][$image][] = "\n\n\$1";
             $pat[$className][$image][] = '/(?:\\r\\n|\\r|\\n)*\\[\\/quote\\]/S';
             $rep[$className][$image][] = '[/quote]' . "\n\n";
             if ($image) {
                 // BB Code image with align
                 $pat[$className][$image][] = '/\\[img\\s+align=([\'"]?)(left|center|right)\\1(?:\\s+title=([\'"]?)([^\'"][^\\]\\s]*?)\\3)?(?:\\s+w(?:idth)?=([\'"]?)([\\d]+?)\\5)?(?:\\s+h(?:eight)?=([\'"]?)([\\d]+?)\\7)?]([!~*\'();\\/?:\\@&=+\\$,%#\\w.-]+)\\[\\/img\\]/US';
                 $rep[$className][$image][] = '&ref($9,$2,"t:$4",mw:$6,mw:$8);';
                 // BB Code image normal
                 $pat[$className][$image][] = '/\\[img(?:\\s+title=([\'"]?)([^\'"][^\\]\\s]*?)\\1)?(?:\\s+w(?:idth)?=([\'"]?)([\\d]+?)\\3)?(?:\\s+h(?:eight)?=([\'"]?)([\\d]+?)\\5)?]([!~*\'();\\/?:\\@&=+\\$,%#\\w.-]+)\\[\\/img\\]/US';
                 $rep[$className][$image][] = '&ref($7,"t:$2",mw:$4,mw:$6);';
             } else {
                 // BB Code image with align
                 $pat[$className][$image][] = '/\\[img\\s+align=([\'"]?)(left|center|right)\\1(?:\\s+title=([\'"]?)([^\'"][^\\]\\s]*?)\\3)?(?:\\s+w(?:idth)?=([\'"]?)([\\d]+?)\\5)?(?:\\s+h(?:eight)?=([\'"]?)([\\d]+?)\\7)?]([!~*\'();\\/?:\\@&=+\\$,%#\\w.-]+)\\[\\/img\\]/US';
                 $rep[$className][$image][] = '&ref($9,"t:$4",noimg);';
                 // BB Code image normal
                 $pat[$className][$image][] = '/\\[img(?:\\s+title=([\'"]?)([^\'"][^\\]\\s]*?)\\1)?(?:\\s+w(?:idth)?=([\'"]?)([\\d]+?)\\3)?(?:\\s+h(?:eight)?=([\'"]?)([\\d]+?)\\5)?]([!~*\'();\\/?:\\@&=+\\$,%#\\w.-]+)\\[\\/img\\]/US';
                 $rep[$className][$image][] = '&ref($7,"t:$2",noimg);';
             // BB Code siteimage with align
             $pat[$className][$image][] = '/\\[siteimg\\s+align=([\'"]?)(left|center|right)\\1(?:\\s+title=([\'"]?)([^\'"][^\\]\\s]*?)\\3)?(?:\\s+w(?:idth)?=([\'"]?)([\\d]+?)\\5)?(?:\\s+h(?:eight)?=([\'"]?)([\\d]+?)\\7)?]\\/?([!~*\'();?\\@&=+\\$,%#\\w.-][!~*\'();\\/?\\@&=+\\$,%#\\w.-]+?)\\[\\/siteimg\\]/US';
             $rep[$className][$image][] = '&ref(http:///$9,$2,"t:$4",mw:$6,mw:$8);';
             // BB Code siteimage normal
             $pat[$className][$image][] = '/\\[siteimg(?:\\s+title=([\'"]?)([^\'"][^\\]\\s]*?)\\1)?(?:\\s+w(?:idth)?=([\'"]?)([\\d]+?)\\3)?(?:\\s+h(?:eight)?=([\'"]?)([\\d]+?)\\5)?]\\/?([!~*\'();?\\@&=+\\$,%#\\w.-][!~*\'();\\/?\\@&=+\\$,%#\\w.-]+?)\\[\\/siteimg\\]/US';
             $rep[$className][$image][] = '&ref(http:///$7,"t:$2",mw:$4,mw:$6);';
             // Some BB Code Tags, Contents allows xpWiki rendering.
             if ($_reg = join('|', $this->renderWiki_getEscTags())) {
                 $pat[$className][$image][] = '/\\[\\/?(?:' . $_reg . ')(?:(?: |=)[^\\]]+)?\\]/eS';
                 $rep[$className][$image][] = '\'[ b 6 4 ]\' . base64_encode(\'$0\') . \'[ / b 6 4 ]\'';
             // Other or Unknown BB Code Tags, All part escapes.
             if ($_reg = join('|', $this->renderWiki_getBypassTags())) {
                 $pat[$className][$image][] = '/\\[(' . $_reg . ')(?:\\b[^\\]]+)?].+\\[\\/\\1\\]/esUS';
                 $rep[$className][$image][] = '\'[ b 6 4 ]\' . base64_encode(\'$0\') . \'[ / b 6 4 ]\'';
         $text = preg_replace($pat[$className][$image], $rep[$className][$image], $text);
     if ($text = $render->transform($text, XPWIKI_RENDERER_DIR)) {
         if (isset($pat[$className])) {
             // BB Code decode
             $text = preg_replace('/\\[ b 6 4 ](.+?)\\[ \\/ b 6 4 ]/eS', 'Hyp_TextFilter::renderWiki_base64decode(\'$1\',\'' . $render->root->word_breaker . '\')', $text);
         // XOOPS Quote style
         $text = str_replace(array('<blockquote>', '</blockquote>'), array('<div class="paragraph">' . _QUOTEC . '<div class="xoopsQuote"><blockquote>', '</blockquote></div></div>'), $text);
     return $text;
예제 #28
파일: 프로젝트: nouphet/rata
 function make_body($cmd, $dir, $retry = false, $pages = array())
     $select = '';
     if ($dir === $this->cont['DATA_DIR']) {
         $ext = '.txt';
         $_dir = dirname($this->cont['DATA_HOME']);
         $items = array();
         if ($dh = opendir($_dir)) {
             while (($item = readdir($dh)) !== false) {
                 if (is_dir($_dir . '/' . $item)) {
                     if ($this->root->mydirname !== $item && is_file($_dir . '/' . $item . '/private/ini/pukiwiki.ini.php')) {
                         $obj =& XpWiki::getInitedSingleton($item);
                         if ($obj->root->module['mid']) {
                             $items[] = $item;
         if ($items) {
             $select = '<div><input type="checkbox" name="move" value="1" /> ';
             $select .= $this->msg['msg_move_flag'];
             $select .= '<select name="movedir">';
             foreach ($items as $_dir) {
                 $select .= '<option value="' . $_dir . '">' . $_dir . '</option>';
             $select .= '</select></div>';
     } elseif ($dir === $this->cont['BACKUP_DIR']) {
         $ext = function_exists('gzfile') ? ".gz" : ".txt";
     } elseif ($dir === $this->cont['DIFF_DIR']) {
         $ext = '.txt';
     } elseif ($dir === $this->cont['TRACKBACK_DIR']) {
         $ext = '.ref';
     } elseif ($dir === $this->cont['COUNTER_DIR']) {
         $ext = '.count';
     $script = $this->func->get_script_uri();
     $body = '';
     $body .= "<form method='post' action=\"{$script}?cmd={$cmd}\"><div>\n";
     if ($dir === $this->cont['DATA_DIR']) {
         $body .= "<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"dir\" value=\"DATA\"/>\n";
         $body .= "<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"mode\" value=\"select\"/>\n";
         $body .= "{$this->msg['msg_regexp_label']}<input type='text' name='regexp' value='{$this->root->vars['s_regxp']}' />\n";
         $body .= "<input type=\"submit\" value=\"{$this->msg['btn_research']}\" /></div></form>\n";
     if ($retry === false) {
         $body .= "<form method='post' action=\"{$script}?cmd={$cmd}\"><div>\n";
         if ($pages) {
             $body .= $this->page_list2($pages, 'read', FALSE, TRUE);
         } else {
             if ($dir === $this->cont['DATA_DIR']) {
                 $body .= '<p>' . $this->msg['msg_is_freezed'] . '</p>';
                 $body .= $this->page_list2($this->func->get_existpages(true));
             } else {
                 $body .= '<p>' . $this->msg['msg_is_freezed'] . '</p>';
                 $body .= '<p>' . $this->msg['msg_is_deleted'] . '</p>';
                 $body .= $this->page_list2($this->func->get_existpages($dir, $ext, true));
         if ($dir === $this->cont['DATA_DIR']) {
             $dir = 'DATA';
             $body .= $cmd === 'deldel' ? "<input type=\"checkbox\" name=\"cascade\" value=\"1\" checked=\"checked\"/> <span>{$this->msg['msg_together_flag']}</span><br />\n" : "";
             $body .= $select;
         } elseif ($dir === $this->cont['BACKUP_DIR']) {
             $dir = 'BACKUP';
         } elseif ($dir === $this->cont['DIFF_DIR']) {
             $dir = 'DIFF';
         } elseif ($dir === $this->cont['TRACKBACK_DIR']) {
             $dir = 'REFERER';
         } elseif ($dir === $this->cont['COUNTER_DIR']) {
             $dir = 'COUNTER';
         $body .= "<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"mode\" value=\"confirm\"/>\n";
         $body .= "<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"dir\" value=\"{$dir}\"/>\n";
         $body .= "<input type=\"submit\" value=\"{$this->msg['btn_concern']}\" /></div></form>\n";
         $body .= $this->msg['msg_check'];
     return $body;
예제 #29
파일: onupdate.php 프로젝트: nao-pon/xpWiki
    function xpwiki_onupdate_base($module, $mydirname)
        // transations on module update
        global $msgs;
        // TODO :-D
        // for Cube 2.1
        if (defined('XOOPS_CUBE_LEGACY')) {
            $root =& XCube_Root::getSingleton();
            $root->mDelegateManager->add('Legacy.Admin.Event.ModuleUpdate.' . ucfirst($mydirname) . '.Success', 'xpwiki_message_append_onupdate');
            $root->mDelegateManager->add('Legacy.Admin.Event.ModuleUpdate.' . ucfirst($mydirname) . '.Fail', 'xpwiki_message_append_onupdate');
            $msgs = array();
        } else {
            if (!is_array($msgs)) {
                $msgs = array();
        $db =& Database::getInstance();
        $mid = $module->getVar('mid');
        // DB Check for db non support version
        $query = "SELECT * FROM " . $db->prefix($mydirname . "_pginfo");
        if (!$db->query($query)) {
            // TABLES (loading mysql.sql)
            $sql_file_path = dirname(__FILE__) . '/sql/mysql.sql';
            $prefix_mod = $db->prefix() . '_' . $mydirname;
            if (file_exists($sql_file_path)) {
                $ret[] = "SQL file found at <b>" . htmlspecialchars($sql_file_path, ENT_COMPAT, _CHARSET) . "</b>.<br /> Creating tables...";
                if (is_file(XOOPS_ROOT_PATH . '/class/database/oldsqlutility.php')) {
                    include_once XOOPS_ROOT_PATH . '/class/database/oldsqlutility.php';
                    $sqlutil = new OldSqlUtility();
                } else {
                    include_once XOOPS_ROOT_PATH . '/class/database/sqlutility.php';
                    $sqlutil = new SqlUtility();
                $sql_query = trim(file_get_contents($sql_file_path));
                $sqlutil->splitMySqlFile($pieces, $sql_query);
                $created_tables = array();
                foreach ($pieces as $piece) {
                    $prefixed_query = $sqlutil->prefixQuery($piece, $prefix_mod);
                    if (!$prefixed_query) {
                        $ret[] = "Invalid SQL <b>" . htmlspecialchars($piece, ENT_COMPAT, _CHARSET) . "</b><br />";
                        return false;
                    if (!$db->query($prefixed_query[0])) {
                        $ret[] = '<b>' . htmlspecialchars($db->error(), ENT_COMPAT, _CHARSET) . '</b><br />';
                        //var_dump( $db->error() ) ;
                        return false;
                    } else {
                        if (!in_array($prefixed_query[4], $created_tables)) {
                            $ret[] = 'Table <b>' . htmlspecialchars($prefix_mod . '_' . $prefixed_query[4], ENT_COMPAT, _CHARSET) . '</b> created.<br />';
                            $created_tables[] = $prefixed_query[4];
                        } else {
                            $ret[] = 'Data inserted to table <b>' . htmlspecialchars($prefix_mod . '_' . $prefixed_query[4], ENT_COMPAT, _CHARSET) . '</b>.</br />';
        // TABLES (write here ALTER TABLE etc. if necessary)
        $query = "SELECT `reading` FROM " . $db->prefix($mydirname . "_pginfo");
        if (!$db->query($query)) {
            $db->queryF('ALTER TABLE `' . $db->prefix($mydirname . "_pginfo") . '` ADD `reading` VARCHAR( 255 ) BINARY NOT NULL');
        $query = "SELECT `name_ci` FROM " . $db->prefix($mydirname . "_pginfo");
        if (!$db->query($query)) {
            $db->query('ALTER TABLE `' . $db->prefix($mydirname . '_pginfo') . '` ADD `name_ci` VARCHAR( 255 ) NOT NULL');
            $db->query('ALTER TABLE `' . $db->prefix($mydirname . '_pginfo') . '` ADD INDEX ( `name_ci` )');
            $db->query('UPDATE `' . $db->prefix($mydirname . '_pginfo') . '` SET `name_ci` = `name`');
        $query = "SELECT `pgorder` FROM " . $db->prefix($mydirname . "_pginfo");
        if (!$db->query($query)) {
            $db->query('ALTER TABLE `' . $db->prefix($mydirname . '_pginfo') . '` ADD `pgorder` FLOAT DEFAULT \'1\' NOT NULL');
        $query = "SELECT count(*) FROM " . $db->prefix($mydirname . "_cache");
        if (!$db->query($query)) {
            $db->query('CREATE TABLE `' . $db->prefix($mydirname . '_cache') . '` (
  `key` varchar(64) NOT NULL default \'\',
  `plugin` varchar(100) NOT NULL default \'\',
  `data` mediumblob NOT NULL,
  `mtime` int(11) NOT NULL default \'0\',
  `ttl` int(11) NOT NULL default \'0\',
  KEY `key` (`key`),
  KEY `plugin` (`plugin`)
        $query = "SELECT count(*) FROM " . $db->prefix($mydirname . "_alias");
        if (!$db->query($query)) {
            $db->query('CREATE TABLE `' . $db->prefix($mydirname . '_alias') . '` (
  `name` varchar(255) binary NOT NULL DEFAULT \'\',
  `pgid` int(11) NOT NULL DEFAULT \'0\',
  PRIMARY KEY (`name`),
  KEY `pgid` (`pgid`)
            include_once XOOPS_TRUST_PATH . "/modules/xpwiki/include.php";
            $xpwiki = XpWiki::getInitedSingleton($mydirname);
            if ($xpwiki->root->page_aliases) {
                $query = array();
                foreach ($xpwiki->root->page_aliases as $alias => $page) {
                    if ($pgid = $xpwiki->func->get_pgid_by_name($page)) {
                        $query[] = '(' . $db->quoteString($alias) . ',' . $pgid . ')';
                if ($query) {
                    $query = 'INSERT INTO `' . $db->prefix($mydirname . "_alias") . '` (`name`,`pgid`) VALUES ' . join(',', $query);
                    if ($db->query($query)) {
                        $inifile = $xpwiki->cont['CACHE_DIR'] . 'pukiwiki.ini.php';
                        $ini = file_get_contents($inifile);
                        file_put_contents($inifile . '.alias.bak', $ini);
                        $ini = preg_replace('#//<page_aliases>.+//<page_aliases/>\\s+#s', '', $ini);
                        file_put_contents($inifile, $ini);
        // ADD Keys
        $table = $db->prefix($mydirname . '_attach');
        if ($result = $db->query('SHOW INDEX FROM `' . $table . '`')) {
            $keys = array('name' => '', 'type' => '', 'mode' => '', 'age' => '');
            while ($arr = $db->fetchArray($result)) {
            foreach ($keys as $_key => $_val) {
                $query = 'ALTER TABLE `' . $table . '` ADD INDEX(`' . $_key . '`' . $_val . ')';
                //$msgs[] = $query;
        $table = $db->prefix($mydirname . '_pginfo');
        if ($result = $db->query('SHOW INDEX FROM `' . $table . '`')) {
            $keys = array('editedtime' => '', 'freeze' => '', 'egids' => '', 'vgids' => '', 'eaids' => '(255)', 'vaids' => '(255)', 'vids' => array('vaids' => '(200)', 'vgids' => '(133)'));
            while ($arr = $db->fetchArray($result)) {
            foreach ($keys as $_key => $_val) {
                if (is_array($_val)) {
                    $_index = array();
                    foreach ($_val as $__key => $__val) {
                        $_index[] = '`' . $__key . '`' . $__val;
                    $_index = join(', ', $_index);
                } else {
                    $_index = '`' . $_key . '`' . $_val;
                $query = 'ALTER TABLE `' . $table . '` ADD INDEX `' . $_key . '`(' . $_index . ')';
                //$msgs[] = $query;
        $table = $db->prefix($mydirname . '_rel');
        if ($result = $db->query('SHOW INDEX FROM `' . $table . '`')) {
            $keys = array('PRIMARY' => '');
            while ($arr = $db->fetchArray($result)) {
            if ($keys) {
                $dels = array();
                $query = 'SELECT CONCAT(pgid, \'_\', relid) as id, (count(*)-1) as count FROM `' . $table . '` GROUP BY id HAVING count >= 1';
                if ($result = $db->query($query)) {
                    while ($arr = $db->fetchRow($result)) {
                        $dels[$arr[0]] = $arr[1];
                foreach ($dels as $key => $limit) {
                    $arr = explode('_', $key);
                    $query = 'DELETE FROM ' . $table . ' WHERE pgid=' . $arr[0] . ' AND relid=' . $arr[1] . ' LIMIT ' . $limit;
                    //$msgs[] = $query;
                $query = 'ALTER TABLE `' . $table . '` ADD PRIMARY KEY(`pgid`,`relid`)';
                //$msgs[] = $query;
        $table = $db->prefix($mydirname . '_count');
        if ($result = $db->query('SHOW INDEX FROM `' . $table . '`')) {
            $keys = array('today' => '');
            while ($arr = $db->fetchArray($result)) {
            foreach ($keys as $_key => $_val) {
                $query = 'ALTER TABLE `' . $table . '` ADD INDEX(`' . $_key . '`' . $_val . ')';
                //$msgs[] = $query;
        // TEMPLATES (all templates have been already removed by modulesadmin)
        $tplfile_handler =& xoops_gethandler('tplfile');
        $tpl_path = dirname(__FILE__) . '/templates';
        if ($handler = @opendir($tpl_path . '/')) {
            while (($file = readdir($handler)) !== false) {
                if (substr($file, 0, 1) == '.') {
                $file_path = $tpl_path . '/' . $file;
                if (is_file($file_path) && substr($file, -5) == '.html') {
                    $mtime = intval(@filemtime($file_path));
                    $tplfile =& $tplfile_handler->create();
                    $tplfile->setVar('tpl_source', file_get_contents($file_path), true);
                    $tplfile->setVar('tpl_refid', $mid);
                    $tplfile->setVar('tpl_tplset', 'default');
                    $tplfile->setVar('tpl_file', $mydirname . '_' . $file);
                    $tplfile->setVar('tpl_desc', '', true);
                    $tplfile->setVar('tpl_module', $mydirname);
                    $tplfile->setVar('tpl_lastmodified', $mtime);
                    $tplfile->setVar('tpl_lastimported', 0);
                    $tplfile->setVar('tpl_type', 'module');
                    if (!$tplfile_handler->insert($tplfile)) {
                        $msgs[] = '<span style="color:#ff0000;">ERROR: Could not insert template <b>' . htmlspecialchars($mydirname . '_' . $file, ENT_COMPAT, _CHARSET) . '</b> to the database.</span>';
                    } else {
                        $tplid = $tplfile->getVar('tpl_id');
                        $msgs[] = 'Template <b>' . htmlspecialchars($mydirname . '_' . $file, ENT_COMPAT, _CHARSET) . '</b> added to the database. (ID: <b>' . $tplid . '</b>)';
                        // generate compiled file
                        include_once XOOPS_ROOT_PATH . '/class/xoopsblock.php';
                        include_once XOOPS_ROOT_PATH . '/class/template.php';
                        if (!xoops_template_touch($tplid)) {
                            $msgs[] = '<span style="color:#ff0000;">ERROR: Failed compiling template <b>' . htmlspecialchars($mydirname . '_' . $file, ENT_COMPAT, _CHARSET) . '</b>.</span>';
                        } else {
                            $msgs[] = 'Template <b>' . htmlspecialchars($mydirname . '_' . $file, ENT_COMPAT, _CHARSET) . '</b> compiled.</span>';
        include_once XOOPS_ROOT_PATH . '/class/xoopsblock.php';
        include_once XOOPS_ROOT_PATH . '/class/template.php';
        // xpWiki original functions
        include_once dirname(__FILE__) . '/include/check.func.php';
        $_ret = xpwikifunc_permission_check($mydirname);
        if (!$_ret) {
            $msgs = array_merge($msgs, xpwikifunc_defdata_check($mydirname, 'update'));
        } else {
            $msgs = array_merge($msgs, $_ret);
            return false;
        // Delete COUNTER_DIR/*.counter
        $msgs = array_merge($msgs, xpwikifunc_delete_counter($mydirname));
        return true;