public function indexAction() { $lang = $this->getRequest()->getParam('lang', false); $languages = array(); foreach (new DirectoryIterator(APPLICATION_PATH . "/../languages/") as $entry) { if ($entry->isFile() && pathinfo($entry->getFilename(), PATHINFO_EXTENSION) == 'ini') { if (count(explode('.', $entry->getFilename())) == 2) { $languages[$entry->getFilename()] = pathinfo($entry->getFilename(), PATHINFO_FILENAME); } } } if ($lang != false) { // cleanup from ./ and ../ $lang = str_replace(array('.', '/'), '', $lang); if (file_exists(APPLICATION_PATH . "/../languages/{$lang}.ini") && array_key_exists("{$lang}.ini", $languages)) { $translation = new Zend_Translate('ini', APPLICATION_PATH . "/../languages/{$lang}.ini"); X_Env::initTranslator($translation); } else { $this->_helper->flashMessenger(array('type' => 'error', 'text' => X_Env::_('installer_invalid_language'))); $lang = false; } } $form = new Application_Form_Installer(); $form->setAction($this->_helper->url('save', 'installer')); try { $form->lang->setMultiOptions($languages); $form->setDefault('lang', $lang !== false ? "{$lang}.ini" : 'en_GB.ini'); $form->setDefault('auth', 0); $form->setDefault('threads', X_Env::completeUrl($this->_helper->url('start', 'threads'))); } catch (Exception $e) { // WTF? } // try to read the manifest of plugins index $plugins = $this->getInstallablePlugins(); try { $form->plugins->setMultiOptions($plugins); } catch (Exception $e) { // Connection kaboom? } $ns = new Zend_Session_Namespace('vlc-shares::installer'); if (isset($ns->errors) && $ns->errors) { $form->isValid($ns->data); unset($ns->errors); unset($ns->data); } $threadsChecks = $this->_helper->url('check', 'threads'); $threadsPing = $this->_helper->url('ping', 'threads'); $basePing = $this->_helper->url('', 'threads'); $httpPort = $_SERVER['SERVER_PORT']; $httpPort = $httpPort != '80' && $httpPort != '' ? ":{$httpPort}" : ''; $threadsUrls = array("'http://localhost{$httpPort}{$basePing}'", "'{$httpPort}{$basePing}'", "'{$httpPort}{$basePing}'", "'{$httpPort}{$basePing}'"); $this->view->messages = array_merge($this->_helper->flashMessenger->getMessages(), $this->_helper->flashMessenger->getCurrentMessages()); $this->_helper->flashMessenger->clearCurrentMessages(); $this->view->languages = $languages; $this->view->threadsCheck = $threadsChecks; $this->view->threadsPing = $threadsPing; $this->view->threadsUrls = $threadsUrls; $this->view->form = $form; }
public function addTranslation($key) { $moduleName = $key . '.' . $this->lang; // i have to check $moduleName to be sure that the file is inside the languages/ directory if (file_exists(realpath(APPLICATION_PATH . "/../languages/{$moduleName}"))) { $translate = new Zend_Translate('ini', realpath(APPLICATION_PATH . "/../languages/{$moduleName}")); } elseif ($this->lang != 'en_GB.ini' && file_exists(realpath(APPLICATION_PATH . "/../languages/{$key}.en_GB.ini"))) { // fallback to english translation X_Debug::w("Language file not found: {$moduleName}. Falling back to english translation"); $translate = new Zend_Translate('ini', realpath(APPLICATION_PATH . "/../languages/{$key}.en_GB.ini")); } else { X_Debug::w("Language file not found: {$moduleName}"); return false; } // time to append translator to the global instance X_Env::initTranslator($translate); return true; }
protected function _initTranslation() { $this->bootstrap('configs'); $this->bootstrap('debug'); $configs = $this->getResource('configs'); $translation = null; if ($configs instanceof Zend_Config) { try { $translation = new Zend_Translate('ini', APPLICATION_PATH . "/../languages/" . $configs->general->get('languageFile', "en_GB.ini")); X_Env::initTranslator($translation); } catch (Exception $e) { // no translation available X_Debug::e("Translation disabled: {$e->getMessage()}"); } } return $translation; }