function request($route, $params, $toArray = TRUE) { $AppKey = XWB_APP_KEY; $EncryptKey = XWB_plugin::pCfg('encrypt_key'); $paramsJSON = json_encode($params); $EncryptTime = time(); $secret = md5(sprintf("#%s#%s#%s#%s#%s#", $AppKey, $route, $paramsJSON, $EncryptTime, $EncryptKey)); $data = array('A=' . $route, 'P=' . $paramsJSON, 'T=' . $EncryptTime, 'F=' . $secret); $url = $this->url; $this->http->setUrl($url); $this->http->setData(implode('&', $data)); $time_start = microtime(); $result = $this->http->request('post'); $time_end = microtime(); $time_process = array_sum(explode(' ', $time_end)) - array_sum(explode(' ', $time_start)); if ($toArray) { $result = xwb_util_json::decode($result, true); } $code = $this->http->getState(); $this->logRespond(rtrim($this->url, '/') . '/' . $route, 'post', (int) $code, $result, array('param' => $params, 'time_process' => $time_process, 'triggered_error' => $this->http->get_triggered_error())); if (200 != $code) { $result = array("rst" => false, "errno" => "50001", "err" => "network error"); $this->setError($result); } return $result; }
/** * 构造函数 */ function sitePushback2share() { $this->_userConfig['ip'] = DB::mysqli_escape(XWB_plugin::getIP()); $this->_userConfig['uid'] = (int) XWB_plugin::pCfg('pushback_uid'); $this->_userConfig['username'] = DB::mysqli_escape(XWB_plugin::convertEncoding((string) XWB_plugin::pCfg('pushback_username'), 'UTF-8', XWB_S_CHARSET)); $this->_userConfig['timestamp'] = (int) TIMESTAMP; //DZ已有的变量,直接使用之 if ($this->_userConfig['uid'] < 1) { $this->_userConfig['uid'] = 0; $this->_userConfig['username'] = '******'; } }
function _validate($A, $P, $T, $F) { /// 超时检测 if (XWB_REMOTE_API_TIME_VALIDATY < time() - $T) { $this->_ERHelper('4010004'); } $secret = md5(sprintf("#%s#%s#%s#%s#%s#", XWB_APP_KEY, $A, $P, $T, XWB_plugin::pCfg('encrypt_key'))); if (0 !== strcasecmp($F, $secret)) { $this->_ERHelper('4010003', TRUE, 'load'); } return; }
/** * 关闭远程API */ function closeApi() { $stx = XWB_plugin::pCfg('switch_to_xweibo'); if (XWB_plugin::setPCfg(array('switch_to_xweibo' => 0))) { $api = XWB_plugin::N('apixwb'); $response = $api->setNotice(0, '', FALSE); // if( !is_array($response) || 0 != $response['errno']) { // XWB_plugin::setPCfg(array('switch_to_xweibo' => $stx)); // } exit(json_encode($response)); } else { exit(json_encode(array('errno' => 1, 'err' => '配置文件无法写入'))); } }
/** * 关闭远程API */ function closeApi() { if (!xwb_token::checkInput('p', $this->tokehash, true)) { exit(json_encode(array('errno' => 1, 'err' => '令牌验证失败,请返回重试'))); } $stx = XWB_plugin::pCfg('switch_to_xweibo'); if (XWB_plugin::setPCfg(array('switch_to_xweibo' => 0))) { $api = XWB_plugin::N('apixwb'); $response = $api->setNotice(0, '', FALSE); // if( !is_array($response) || 0 != $response['errno']) { // XWB_plugin::setPCfg(array('switch_to_xweibo' => $stx)); // } exit(json_encode($response)); } else { exit(json_encode(array('errno' => 1, 'err' => '配置文件无法写入'))); } }
/** * 新浪微博签名替换函数 * @version $Id: xwb_format_signature.function.php 1004 2012-06-11 10:32:46Z yaoying $ * @param string $s */ function xwb_format_signature($s) { static $xweibourl = null; if (null == $xweibourl) { $xweibourl = rtrim(strval(XWB_plugin::pCfg('baseurl_to_xweibo')), '/'); } if (XWB_plugin::pCfg('switch_to_xweibo') && !empty($xweibourl)) { $xweibourl_ta = $xweibourl . '/index.php?m=ta&id='; } else { $xweibourl_ta = ''; } $p = "#<-sina_sign,(\\d+),([a-z0-9]+),(\\d+)->#sim"; $rp = '<a href="' . $xweibourl_ta . '\\1" target="_blank"><img border="0" src="\\1/\\2/\\3.png"/></a>'; //$p = XWB_plugin::convertEncoding($p,'UTF8', XWB_S_CHARSET); //$rp= XWB_plugin::convertEncoding($rp,'UTF8', XWB_S_CHARSET); if (!empty($s) && preg_match($p, $s, $m)) { return preg_replace($p, $rp, $s); } return $s; }
/** * 获取未读取数目 * 只有开启了标准版对接功能之后,才有此功能 */ function setUnreadCookie() { $result = array('errno' => 0, 'uid' => XWB_S_UID, 'followers' => 0, 'dm' => 0, 'mentions' => 0, 'comments' => 0, 'allsum' => 0); if (!$this->_checkNextUnreadTime()) { $result['errno'] = -1; } elseif (!XWB_plugin::pCfg('switch_to_xweibo')) { $this->_setNextUnreadCheckTime(); $result['errno'] = -3; } elseif (!XWB_S_UID || !XWB_Plugin::isUserBinded()) { $this->_setNextUnreadCheckTime(); $result['errno'] = -2; } else { $wb = XWB_plugin::getWB(); $wb->is_exit_error = false; $respond = $wb->getUnread(); if (!is_array($respond) || isset($respond['error'])) { $result['errno'] = isset($respond['error']) ? (int) $respond['error'] : -3; } else { $result = array_merge($result, $respond); $this->_setUnreadCookie($result); } $this->_setNextUnreadCheckTime(); } if ($result['errno'] != 0) { header("HTTP/1.1 403 Forbidden"); } echo 'var _xwb_unread_new = ' . json_encode($result) . ';'; exit; }
/** * 加载新浪微博的底部信息 */ function jsg_sina_footer() { $tipsType = $GLOBALS['xwb_tips_type']; $site_uid = XWB_S_UID; $sina_uid = XWB_plugin::getBindInfo("sina_uid"); $siteVer = XWB_S_VERSION; $siteName = str_replace("'", "\\'", $GLOBALS['_J']['config']['site_name']); $pName = CURSCRIPT . '_' . CURMODULE; $regUrl = XWB_plugin::URL("xwbSiteInterface.reg"); $setUrl = XWB_plugin::URL("xwbSiteInterface.bind"); $bindUrl = XWB_plugin::URL("xwbSiteInterface.bind"); $signerUrl = XWB_plugin::URL("xwbSiteInterface.signer"); $authUrl = XWB_plugin::URL("xwbAuth.login"); $getTipsUrl = XWB_plugin::URL("xwbSiteInterface.getTips"); $attentionUrl = XWB_plugin::URL("xwbSiteInterface.attention"); $wbxUrl = XWB_plugin::pCfg("wbx_url"); $xwb_loadScript1 = $GLOBALS['_J']['site_url'] . '/images/xwb/dlg.js'; $xwb_loadScript2 = $GLOBALS['_J']['site_url'] . '/images/xwb/xwb.js'; $xwb_css_base = $GLOBALS['_J']['site_url'] . '/images/xwb/xwb_base.css'; $xwb_css_append = $GLOBALS['_J']['site_url'] . ('/images/xwb/xwb_' . XWB_S_VERSION . '.css'); $return = <<<EOF <script language="javascript"> var _xwb_cfg_data ={ \ttipsType:\t'{$tipsType}',site_uid:\t'{$site_uid}',sina_uid:\t'{$sina_uid}', \tsiteVer:\t'{$siteVer}',siteName:\t'{$siteName}',pName:'{$pName}', \tregUrl:\t\t'{$regUrl}', \tsetUrl:\t\t'{$setUrl}', \tbindUrl:\t'{$bindUrl}', \tsignerUrl:\t'{$signerUrl}', \tauthUrl:\t'{$authUrl}', \tgetTipsUrl:\t'{$getTipsUrl}', \tattentionUrl:\t'{$attentionUrl}', \twbxUrl:\t\t'{$wbxUrl}' }; function xwb_loadScript(file, charset){ \tvar script = document.createElement('SCRIPT'); \tscript.type = 'text/javascript'; script.charset = charset; script.src = file; \tdocument.getElementsByTagName('HEAD')[0].appendChild(script); } xwb_loadScript("{$xwb_loadScript1}", "UTF-8"); xwb_loadScript("{$xwb_loadScript2}", "UTF-8"); </script> <link href="{$xwb_css_base}" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" /> <link href="{$xwb_css_append}" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" /> EOF; /* $sess = XWB_plugin::getUser(); $xwb_statInfo = $sess->getStat(); foreach( $xwb_statInfo as $k => $stat ){ $xwb_statType = isset($stat['xt']) ? (string)$stat['xt'] : 'unknown'; $return .= XWB_plugin::statUrl( $xwb_statType, $stat, true ); } if( !empty($xwb_statInfo) ){ $sess->clearStat(); } */ return $return; }
checked="checked" <?php } ?> />是</label> <label for="tojishigou_0"><input name="tojishigou" id="tojishigou_0" type="radio" value="0" <?php if ($tojishigou == 0) { ?> checked="checked" <?php } ?> />否</label></div> </div> <?php } ?> <?php if (XWB_plugin::pCfg('is_syncreply_tojishigou') && jaccess('xwb', '__syncreply')) { ?> <h3>读取新浪微博的评论内容到本站?</h3> <div class="radio-box"> <div class="radio"><label for="reply_tojishigou_1"><input name="reply_tojishigou" id="reply_tojishigou_1" type="radio" value="1" <?php if ($reply_tojishigou == 1) { ?> checked="checked" <?php } ?> />是</label> <label for="reply_tojishigou_0"><input name="reply_tojishigou" id="reply_tojishigou_0" type="radio" value="0" <?php if ($reply_tojishigou == 0) { ?> checked="checked" <?php } ?>
function authCallBack() { if (!XWB_plugin::pCfg('is_account_binding')) { XWB_plugin::showError('网站管理员关闭了插件功能“新浪微博绑定”。请稍后再试。'); } //-------------------------------------------------------------------- global $_G; $sess = XWB_plugin::getUser(); $waiting_site_bind = $sess->getInfo('waiting_site_bind'); if (empty($waiting_site_bind)) { //XWB_plugin::deny(); $siteUrl = XWB_plugin::siteUrl(0); XWB_plugin::redirect($siteUrl, 3); } $sess->setOAuthKey(array(), true); //-------------------------------------------------------------------- $wbApi = XWB_plugin::getWB(); $db = XWB_plugin::getDB(); $last_key = $wbApi->getAccessToken(XWB_plugin::V('r:oauth_verifier')); //print_r($last_key); if (!isset($last_key['oauth_token']) || !isset($last_key['oauth_token_secret'])) { $api_error_origin = isset($last_key['error']) ? $last_key['error'] : 'UNKNOWN ERROR. MAYBE SERVER CAN NOT CONNECT TO SINA API SERVER'; $api_error = isset($last_key['error_CN']) && !empty($last_key['error_CN']) && 'null' != $last_key['error_CN'] ? $last_key['error_CN'] : ''; XWB_plugin::LOG("[WEIBO CLASS]\t[ERROR]\t#{$wbApi->req_error_count}\t{$api_error}\t{$wbApi->last_req_url}\tERROR ARRAY:\r\n" . print_r($last_key, 1)); XWB_plugin::showError("服务器获取Access Token失败;请稍候再试。<br />错误原因:{$api_error}[{$api_error_origin}]"); } $sess->setOAuthKey($last_key, true); $wbApi->setConfig(); $uInfo = $wbApi->verifyCredentials(); $sess->setInfo('sina_uid', $uInfo['id']); $sess->setInfo('sina_name', $uInfo['screen_name']); //print_r($uInfo); //-------------------------------------------------------------------- /// 此帐号是否已经在当前站点中绑定 $sinaHasBinded = false; $stat_is_bind_type = 0; if (defined('XWB_S_UID') && XWB_S_UID > 0) { $bInfo = XWB_plugin::getBUById(XWB_S_UID, $uInfo['id']); } else { $bInfo = XWB_plugin::getBindUser($uInfo['id'], 'sina_uid'); //远程API } if (!is_array($bInfo) && (defined('XWB_S_UID') && XWB_S_UID > 0)) { $bInfo = XWB_plugin::getBindUser(XWB_S_UID, 'site_uid'); //登录状态下再查一次API,确保没有绑定 } if (!empty($bInfo) && is_array($bInfo)) { $sinaHasBinded = true; dsetcookie($this->_getBindCookiesName($bInfo['uid']), (string) $bInfo['sina_uid'], 604800); //核查存储的access token是否有更新,有更新则进行自动更新 if ($bInfo['sina_uid'] == $uInfo['id'] && ($bInfo['token'] != $last_key['oauth_token'] || $bInfo['tsecret'] != $last_key['oauth_token_secret'])) { XWB_plugin::updateBindUser($bInfo['uid'], $bInfo['sina_uid'], (string) $last_key['oauth_token'], (string) $last_key['oauth_token_secret'], $uInfo['screen_name']); //远程API } } //-------------------------------------------------------------------- /// 决定在首页中显示什么浮层 $tipsType = ''; //xwb_tips_type //已在论坛登录 if (defined('XWB_S_UID') && XWB_S_UID) { if ($sinaHasBinded) { //$sinaHasBinded为true时,$bInfo必定存在 if (XWB_S_UID != $bInfo['uid'] || $bInfo['sina_uid'] != $uInfo['id']) { $tipsType = 'hasBinded'; $sess->clearToken(); } else { $tipsType = 'autoLogin'; } } else { //远程API $rst = XWB_plugin::addBindUser(XWB_S_UID, $uInfo['id'], (string) $last_key['oauth_token'], (string) $last_key['oauth_token_secret'], $uInfo['screen_name']); if (!$rst) { echo "DB ERROR"; exit; return false; } $tipsType = 'bind'; dsetcookie($this->_getBindCookiesName(XWB_S_UID), (string) $uInfo['id'], 604800); //正向绑定统计上报 $sess->appendStat('bind', array('uid' => $uInfo['id'], 'type' => 1)); } } else { //从 wb 登录后 检查用户是否绑定,如果绑定了 则在附属站点自 if ($sinaHasBinded) { require_once XWB_P_ROOT . '/lib/'; $result = xwb_setSiteUserLogin((int) $bInfo['uid']); if (false == $result) { dsetcookie($this->_getBindCookiesName($bInfo['uid']), -1, 604800); XWB_plugin::delBindUser($bInfo['uid']); //远程API $tipsType = 'siteuserNotExist'; } else { $stat_is_bind_type = 1; $tipsType = 'autoLogin'; } } else { //已登录WB,没有附属站点的帐号 引导注册 $sess->setInfo('waiting_site_reg', '1'); $tipsType = 'reg'; } } //-------------------------------------------------------------------- //bind的页面需要跳转,故需要使用cookies记录 if ($tipsType == 'bind') { dsetcookie('xwb_tips_type', $tipsType, 0); } //$sess->setInfo('xwb_tips_type', $tipsType); $sess->setInfo('waiting_site_bind', 0); //使用sina微博帐号登录成功(不管是否绑定)统计上报 $sess->appendStat('login', array('uid' => $uInfo['id'], 'is_bind' => $stat_is_bind_type)); //所有跟站点相关的对接,必须放到_showBinging $this->_showBinging($tipsType); }
/** * 分享同步 * @param integer $sid * @param array $arr */ function shareSync($sid, $arr) { global $_G; $type = $title = $pic = ''; if (isset($arr['image']) && !empty($arr['image']) && XWB_plugin::pCfg('is_upload_image')) { $pic = str_replace('.thumb.jpg', '', $arr['image']); } switch (strtolower($arr['type'])) { case 'space': $type = 'username'; break; case 'blog': $type = 'subject'; break; case 'album': $type = 'albumname'; break; case 'pic': $type = 'albumname'; break; case 'thread': $type = 'subject'; break; case 'article': $type = 'title'; break; case 'link': case 'video': case 'music': case 'flash': $type = 'link'; break; default: break; } $arr['body_data'] = unserialize($arr['body_data']); if (empty($type)) { return false; } elseif ('link' != $type) { $pattern = '/^<a[ ]+href[ ]*=[ ]*"([a-zA-Z0-9\\/\\\\@:%_+.~#*?&=\\-]+)"[ ]*>(.+)<\\/a>$/'; preg_match($pattern, $arr['body_data'][$type], $match); if (3 !== count($match)) { return false; } $link = $_G['siteurl'] . $match[1]; if (1 == XWB_plugin::pcfg('link_visit_promotion')) { $link .= '&fromuid=' . $_G['uid']; } $title = 'pic' == $type ? $arr['body_data']['title'] : $match[2]; } else { $link = $arr['body_data']['data']; } $message = !empty($arr['body_general']) ? (string) $arr['body_general'] : (string) $arr['title_template']; if (!empty($title)) { $message = $this->_convert($message . ' | ' . $title); } else { $message = $this->_convert($message); } $link = ' ' . $link; $length = 140 - ceil(strlen(urlencode($link)) * 0.5); $message = $this->_substr($message, $length); $message .= $link; $wb = XWB_plugin::getWB(); // 同步到微博 if (!empty($pic)) { $ret = $wb->upload($message, $pic, null, null, false); if (isset($ret['error_code']) && 400 == (int) $ret['error_code']) { $ret = $wb->update($message, false); } } else { $ret = $wb->update($message, false); } //同步微博后的ID if (!empty($ret['id'])) { //@todo json_decode可能存在解析超过int最大数的错误(#47644)问题 $mid = $ret['id']; $this->insertSyncId($sid, $ret['id'], 'share'); //日志同步统计上报 $sess = XWB_plugin::getUser(); $sess->appendStat('ryz', array('uid' => XWB_plugin::getBindInfo("sina_uid"), 'mid' => $mid, 'type' => 4)); } }
function checkApi() { $this->rst = array('ver' => XWB_P_VERSION, 'chatset' => XWB_S_CHARSET, 'pro' => XWB_P_PROJECT, 'switch' => XWB_plugin::pCfg('switch_to_xweibo')); $this->_LogHelper($this->apiRoute . '/checkApi'); return array('rst' => $this->rst, 'errno' => $this->errno, 'err' => $this->err); }
/** * 获取新浪微博或者xweibo的个人主页link * @param bigint $sina_uid * @return string */ function getWeiboProfileLink($sina_uid = 0) { $xweibourl = rtrim(XWB_plugin::pCfg('baseurl_to_xweibo'), '/'); if (XWB_plugin::pCfg('switch_to_xweibo') && !empty($xweibourl)) { $xweibourl_ta = $xweibourl . '/index.php?m=ta&id=' . $sina_uid; } else { $xweibourl_ta = '' . $sina_uid; } return $xweibourl_ta; }
/** * 获取转发主题信息 For DiscuzX1.5 * @param $tid int 论坛thread id * @return array */ function forShare($tid) { /* 主题URL */ $baseurl = XWB_plugin::siteUrl(); $topic_url = $baseurl . 'index.php?mod=topic&code=' . $tid; if (function_exists('get_full_url')) { $topic_url = get_full_url($baseurl, 'index.php?mod=topic&code=' . $tid); } $url = ' ' . $topic_url; /* 获取微博信息 */ $db = XWB_plugin::getDB(); $topic = $db->fetch_first("SELECT `tid`,`content`,`imageid` FROM " . XWB_S_TBPRE . "topic WHERE tid='{$tid}'"); if (empty($topic)) { return FALSE; } /* 转码 */ $message = $this->_convert(trim($topic['content'])); /* 过滤UBB与表情 */ $message = $this->_filter($message); $message = strip_tags($message); /* 将最后附带的url给删除 */ $message = preg_replace("|\\s*http:/" . "/[a-z0-9-\\.\\?\\=&_@/%#]*\$|sim", "", $message); /* 合并标题和链接 */ $message = $message . $url; // 取出所有图片 $img_urls = array(); if ($topic['imageid'] && XWB_plugin::pCfg('is_upload_image')) { $image_file = "/images/topic/" . jsg_face_path($topic['imageid']) . $topic['imageid'] . "_o.jpg"; if (is_file(XWB_S_ROOT . $image_file)) { $img_urls[] = $baseurl . $image_file; } } return array('url' => $topic_url, 'message' => $message, 'pics' => array_map('trim', $img_urls)); }
*/ error_reporting(0); require_once 'plugin.env.php'; require_once XWB_P_ROOT . '/xplugin_apis/apiLoader.php'; XWB_plugin::init(); $apiLoader = new apiLoader(); if (0 === strcasecmp('post', $_SERVER['REQUEST_METHOD'])) { $A = dstripslashes($_POST['A']); $P = dstripslashes($_POST['P']); $T = dstripslashes($_POST['T']); $F = dstripslashes($_POST['F']); $RT = $apiLoader->load($A, $P, $T, $F); } else { $A = 'apiSystem.checkApi'; $P = json_encode(dstripslashes(isset($_POST['params']) ? (array) $_POST['params'] : array())); $T = time(); $F = md5(sprintf("#%s#%s#%s#%s#%s#", XWB_APP_KEY, $A, $P, $T, XWB_plugin::pCfg('encrypt_key'))); $RT = $apiLoader->load($A, $P, $T, $F); } exit(json_encode($RT)); function dump($var, $desc = false) { echo '<pre>'; if ($desc) { var_dump($var); } else { print_r($var); } echo '</pre>'; exit; }
function authCallBack() { if (!XWB_plugin::pCfg('is_account_binding')) { XWB_plugin::showError('新浪微博绑定功能已经关闭!'); } //-------------------------------------------------------------------- $sess = XWB_plugin::getUser(); $waiting_site_bind = $sess->getInfo('waiting_site_bind'); if (empty($waiting_site_bind)) { //XWB_plugin::deny(); $siteUrl = XWB_plugin::siteUrl(0); XWB_plugin::redirect($siteUrl, 3); } //-------------------------------------------------------------------- $wbApi = XWB_plugin::getWB(); $db = XWB_plugin::getDB(); $last_key = $wbApi->getAccessToken(XWB_plugin::V('r:oauth_verifier')); $sess->setOAuthKey(array(), true); // print_r($last_key); if (!isset($last_key['oauth_token']) || !isset($last_key['oauth_token_secret'])) { $api_error_origin = isset($last_key['error']) ? $last_key['error'] : 'UNKNOWN ERROR. MAYBE SERVER CAN NOT CONNECT TO SINA API SERVER'; $api_error = isset($last_key['error_CN']) && !empty($last_key['error_CN']) && 'null' != $last_key['error_CN'] ? $last_key['error_CN'] : ''; XWB_plugin::LOG("[WEIBO CLASS]\t[ERROR]\t#{$wbApi->req_error_count}\t{$api_error}\t{$wbApi->last_req_url}\tERROR ARRAY:\r\n" . print_r($last_key, 1)); XWB_plugin::showError("服务器获取Access Token失败;请稍候再试。<br />错误原因:{$api_error}[{$api_error_origin}]"); } $sess->setOAuthKey($last_key, true); $wbApi->setConfig(); $uInfo = $wbApi->verifyCredentials(); $sess->setInfo('sina_uid', $uInfo['id']); $sess->setInfo('sina_name', $uInfo['screen_name']); //print_r($uInfo); //-------------------------------------------------------------------- /// 此帐号是否已经在当前站点中绑定 $sinaHasBinded = false; if (defined('XWB_S_UID') && XWB_S_UID > 0) { $bInfo = $db->fetch_first("SELECT * FROM " . XWB_S_TBPRE . "xwb_bind_info WHERE sina_uid='" . $uInfo['id'] . "' OR uid='" . XWB_S_UID . "'"); } else { $bInfo = $db->fetch_first("SELECT * FROM " . XWB_S_TBPRE . "xwb_bind_info WHERE sina_uid='" . $uInfo['id'] . "'"); } if (!empty($bInfo) && is_array($bInfo)) { $sinaHasBinded = true; //核查存储的access token是否有更新,有更新则进行自动更新 if ($bInfo['token'] != $last_key['oauth_token'] || $bInfo['tsecret'] != $last_key['oauth_token_secret']) { $db->query("UPDATE " . XWB_S_TBPRE . "xwb_bind_info SET token='" . (string) $last_key['oauth_token'] . "', tsecret='" . (string) $last_key['oauth_token_secret'] . "' WHERE sina_uid='" . $uInfo['id'] . "'"); } } //-------------------------------------------------------------------- /// 决定在首页中显示什么浮层 $tipsType = ''; //xwb_tips_type //已在论坛登录 if (defined('XWB_S_UID') && XWB_S_UID) { if ($sinaHasBinded) { $tipsType = 'hasBinded'; $sess->clearToken(); } else { $inData = array(); $inData['uid'] = XWB_S_UID; $inData['sina_uid'] = $uInfo['id']; $inData['token'] = $last_key['oauth_token']; $inData['tsecret'] = $last_key['oauth_token_secret']; $inData['profile'] = '[]'; $sqlF = array(); $sqlV = array(); foreach ($inData as $k => $v) { $sqlF[] = "`" . $k . "`"; $sqlV[] = "'" . mysql_real_escape_string($v) . "'"; } $sql = "REPLACE INTO " . XWB_S_TBPRE . "xwb_bind_info (" . implode(",", $sqlF) . ") VALUES (" . implode(",", $sqlV) . ") ;"; $rst = $db->query($sql, 'UNBUFFERED'); jclass('misc')->update_account_bind_info(XWB_S_UID, '', '', 1); if (!$rst) { echo "DB ERROR"; exit; return false; } $tipsType = 'bind'; //正向绑定统计上报 $sess->appendStat('bind', array('uid' => $uInfo['id'], 'type' => 1)); } } else { //从 wb 登录后 检查用户是否绑定,如果绑定了 则在附属站点自 if ($sinaHasBinded) { require_once XWB_P_ROOT . '/lib/'; $result = xwb_setSiteUserLogin((int) $bInfo['uid']); if (!$result) { $db->query("DELETE FROM " . XWB_S_TBPRE . "xwb_bind_info WHERE sina_uid='" . $uInfo['id'] . "'"); $tipsType = 'siteuserNotExist'; } else { $tipsType = 'autoLogin'; } } else { //已登录WB,没有附属站点的帐号 引导注册 $sess->setInfo('waiting_site_reg', '1'); $tipsType = 'reg'; } } //-------------------------------------------------------------------- //bind的页面需要跳转,故需要使用cookies记录 if ($tipsType == 'bind') { setcookie('xwb_tips_type', $tipsType, 0); } //$sess->setInfo('xwb_tips_type', $tipsType); $sess->setInfo('waiting_site_bind', 0); //使用sina微博帐号登录成功(不管是否绑定)统计上报 $sess->appendStat('login', array('uid' => $uInfo['id'])); //所有跟站点相关的对接,必须放到_showBinging $this->_showBinging($tipsType); }
<p>你的xweibo已经和你的论坛(<?php echo str_replace('http://', '', trim($GLOBALS['_G']['siteurl'], '/')); ?> )通信成功。</p> <a onclick="setApi(0);return false;" href="void(0)" class="binding-btn back-on "> <span>关闭通信</span> </a> <?php echo XWB_plugin::pCfg('url_to_xweibo'); ?> (关闭通信后,论坛和微博将不再共享用户信息、互相推送内容) <?php } else { ?> xweibo接口地址:<input type="text" id="url" name="url" value="<?php echo XWB_plugin::pCfg('url_to_xweibo'); ?> "/> <a onclick="setApi(1);return false;" href="void(0)" class="binding-btn back-on "> <span>开启通信</span> </a> (示例:http://xweibo地址/api/xplugin.php) <?php } ?> </li> </ul> </form> </div> </div> <!--修改成功提示--> <div class="pop-win win-w fixed-pop hidden" id="popMsg" style="top:55%;">
?> />开启转发到微博功能<span>(开启后在主题贴、日志和相册页面会出现转发按钮)</span> </label> </li> <li> <label for="part5"> <input class="chk" id="part5" name="pluginCfg[is_syncreply_toweibo]" type="checkbox" value="1" <?php echo XWB_plugin::pCfg('is_syncreply_toweibo') ? 'checked="checked"' : ''; ?> />用户在论坛的回复(回帖、日志评论等)作为微博评论回复到新浪微博<span>(在该主题贴、日志等同步到新浪微博,且回帖人绑定新浪微博有效)</span> </label> </li> <li> <label for="part6"> <input class="chk" id="part6" name="pluginCfg[link_visit_promotion]" type="checkbox" value="1" <?php echo XWB_plugin::pCfg('link_visit_promotion') ? 'checked="checked"' : ''; ?> />把本站推送到微博上的链接纳入推广积分体系<span>(可在论坛后台“全局 » 积分设置 » 积分策略”设置)</span> </label> </li> </ul> <div class="btn"> <input class="conmon-btn" name="submit" type="submit" value="保存设置" /> </div> </div> </form> </div> <iframe src="" name="xwbHideFrame" frameborder="0" height="0" width="0"></iframe> <!--保存设置成功提示--> <div class="pop-win win-w fixed-pop hidden" id="popMsg"> <div class="pop-t">
/** * 获取用户名 * @param $type */ function _getInsertClassName($type) { if (!in_array($type, array('thread', 'blog', 'share', 'doing'))) { return ''; } if (!XWB_plugin::pCfg('pushback_to_' . $type)) { return ''; } return 'sitePushback2' . $type; }
function setSync() { $uid = max(0, (int) MEMBER_ID); if ($uid < 1) { $this->Messager("请先<a href='index.php?mod=login'>点此登录</a>或者<a href='index.php?mod=member'>点此注册</a>一个帐号", null); } $setting = (int) $this->Get['setting']; if ('sina' == $this->Get['type']) { define('IS_IN_XWB_PLUGIN', true); define('XWB_P_ROOT', ROOT_PATH . 'include/ext/xwb/'); require_once XWB_P_ROOT . 'sina.php'; require_once XWB_P_ROOT . 'lib/core.class.php'; if (XWB_S_UID < 1 || !XWB_plugin::pCfg('is_account_binding')) { XWB_plugin::showError('新浪微博绑定功能已经关闭!'); } $tojishigou = XWB_plugin::V('G:tojishigou'); $reply_tojishigou = XWB_plugin::V('G:reply_tojishigou'); $profile = XWB_plugin::O('xwbUserProfile'); $profile->set(array('bind_setting' => (int) $setting, 'synctopic_tojishigou' => (int) $tojishigou, 'syncreply_tojishigou' => (int) $reply_tojishigou)); $r = jclass('misc')->update_account_bind_info(XWB_S_UID, '', '', 1); } elseif ('qq' == $this->Get['type']) { $this->DatabaseHandler->Query("update " . TABLE_PREFIX . "qqwb_bind_info set `synctoqq`='{$setting}' where `uid`='{$uid}'"); $r = jclass('misc')->update_account_bind_info($uid, '', '', 1); } elseif ('renren' == $this->Get['type'] && !$setting) { $r = $this->DatabaseHandler->Query("delete from " . TABLE_PREFIX . "renren_bind_info where `uid`='{$uid}'"); } elseif ('kaixin' == $this->Get['type']) { $this->DatabaseHandler->Query("delete from " . TABLE_PREFIX . "kaixin_bind_info where `uid`='{$uid}'"); } json_result('ok', $setting ? 0 : 1); }
/** * 帖子转发 */ function doShare() { if (!XWB_plugin::pCfg('is_rebutton_display')) { XWB_plugin::showError('新浪微博资料页功能已经关闭!'); } /* 判断是否外部转发 */ if (!isset($_SESSION['forshare']) || TRUE !== $_SESSION['forshare']) { XWB_plugin::showError('禁止外部转发'); } /* 销毁 SESSION['forshare'] 变量*/ unset($_SESSION['forshare']); /* 判断转发时间间隔 */ $shareTime = intval(XWB_plugin::pCfg('wbx_share_time')); if ($shareTime >= time() - intval(@$_SESSION['sharetime'])) { XWB_plugin::showError("转发过快,转发间隔为 {$shareTime} 秒"); } /* 获取用户信息 */ $rst = $this->_getUserInfo(); if (isset($rst['error_no']) && 0 < $rst['error_no']) { $this->_showTip($rst['error']); } /* 获取传递信息 */ $message = trim(strval(XWB_plugin::V('p:message'))); $pic = trim(strval(XWB_plugin::V('p:share_pic'))); if (empty($message)) { $this->_showTip('错误:转发信息不能为空.', $rst); } /* 转发主题 */ $xp_publish = XWB_plugin::N('xwb_plugins_publish'); $ret = $xp_publish->sendShare($message, $pic); /* 写入 SESSION 发布时间 */ $_SESSION['sharetime'] = time(); /* 错误处理 */ if ($ret === false || $ret === null) { $this->_showTip('错误:系统错误!', $rst); } if (isset($ret['error_code']) && isset($ret['error'])) { $error_code_se = substr($ret['error'], 0, 5); if ('400' == $ret['error_code'] && '40025' == $error_code_se) { $ret['error'] = '错误:不能发布相同的微博!'; } else { $ret['error'] = '错误:系统错误!'; } $this->_showTip($ret['error'], $rst); } $this->_showTip('转发成功!', $rst); }
?> />日志同步到微博后,微博评论回到本站 </label> </li> <li> <label for="pushback_to_doing"> <input class="chk" id="pushback_to_doing" name="pushback_to_doing" type="checkbox" value="1" <?php echo XWB_plugin::pCfg('pushback_to_doing') ? 'checked="checked"' : ''; ?> />记录同步到微博后,微博评论回到本站 </label> </li> <li> <label for="pushback_to_share"> <input class="chk" id="pushback_to_share" name="pushback_to_share" type="checkbox" value="1" <?php echo XWB_plugin::pCfg('pushback_to_share') ? 'checked="checked"' : ''; ?> />分享同步到微博后,微博评论回到本站 </label> </li> <?php } ?> </ul> <?php if (1 == $isOpen) { ?> <div class="btn"> <input class="conmon-btn" name="" type="submit" value="保存设置" /> </div> <?php
<ul> <li> <label for="part90"> <input class="chk" id="part90" name="pluginCfg[is_rebutton_relateUid_assoc]" type="checkbox" value="1" <?php echo XWB_plugin::pCfg('is_rebutton_relateUid_assoc') ? 'checked="checked"' : ''; ?> />转发到微博时关联官方帐号<span>(官方账号在转发时会被@,并在转发后提示关注他)</span> </label> </li> <?php if (version_compare(XWB_S_VERSION, '2', '>=')) { ?> <li> <label for="part91"> <input class="chk" id="part91" name="pluginCfg[display_ow_in_forum_index]" type="checkbox" value="1" <?php echo XWB_plugin::pCfg('display_ow_in_forum_index') ? 'checked="checked"' : ''; ?> />在论坛首页显示官方帐号和关注按钮 </label> </li> <?php } ?> </ul> <div class="btn"> <input class="conmon-btn" name="submit" type="submit" value="保存设置" /> </div> </form> <iframe src="" name="xwbHideFrame" frameborder="0" height="0" width="0"></iframe> </div>
/** * 获取插件一个或者多个设置 * 用于在插件框架没有启动时,读取相应的设置值 * @static * @param mixed $key * @return mixed */ function pCfg($key = null) { //插件已经初始化过,就使用插件的方法获取设置值 if (defined('IS_IN_XWB_PLUGIN')) { return XWB_plugin::pCfg($key); } static $_configImported = false; static $_config = null; //否则就自己读取插件的设置 if (false == $_configImported) { $configFile = DISCUZ_ROOT . './' . core_sina_xweibo_x2::getXwbRootName() . '/'; if (file_exists($configFile)) { require $configFile; $_config = (array) $__XWB_SET; } $_configImported = true; } if (null !== $key) { return isset($_config[$key]) ? $_config[$key] : null; } else { return $_config; } }
<?php /* * @version $Id: viewthread.hack.php 673 2011-05-03 02:06:05Z yaoying $ */ if (!defined('IS_IN_XWB_PLUGIN')) { exit('Access Denied!'); } global $_G; $uids = array(); $sina_uid = array(); foreach ($GLOBALS['postlist'] as $key => $row) { $uids[] = (int) $row['authorid']; //签名替换 $GLOBALS['postlist'][$key]['signature'] = isset($row['signature']) ? XWB_plugin::F('xwb_format_signature', $row['signature']) : ''; if ($row['first'] && XWB_plugin::pCfg('is_rebutton_display')) { $this->viewthread_subject = $row['subject']; } } $sina_uid = XWB_plugin::F('sinaUidFilter', $uids, false);
?> " /> <label>秒</label> </div> <div class="set-s3-one reset-mar"> <p>微博转发间隔:</p> <input class="input-box box-w1" name="pluginCfg[wbx_share_time]" type="text" value="<?php echo intval(XWB_plugin::pCfg('wbx_share_time')); ?> " /> <label>秒</label> </div> <div class="set-s3-one reset-mar"> <p>绑定页活跃用户数据更新间隔:</p> <input class="input-box box-w1" name="pluginCfg[wbx_huwb_update_time]" type="text" value="<?php echo intval(XWB_plugin::pCfg('wbx_huwb_update_time')); ?> " /> <label>小时</label> </div> </div> </div> <div class="btn"> <input class="conmon-btn" name="submit" type="submit" value="保存设置" /> </div> </form> </div> <!--保存设置成功提示--> <div class="pop-win win-w fixed-pop hidden" id="popMsg"> <div class="pop-t">