public function execute(){ // If it exists and is good, nothing else needs to be done, (other than flush the session data) // This is hit if the user has to manually copy in the configuration.xml data. if(file_exists(ROOT_PDIR . '/config/configuration.xml')){ unset($_SESSION['configs']); $this->setAsPassed(); reload(); } // Load in the configuration example, merge in the SESSION data, and apply them or display the code. $xml = new \XMLLoader(); $xml->setRootName('configuration'); $xml->loadFromFile(ROOT_PDIR . 'config/configuration.example.xml'); $elements = $xml->getElements('return|define'); foreach($elements as $el){ $name = $el->getAttribute('name'); $children = $el->childNodes; foreach($children as $c){ if($c->nodeName == 'value'){ // This one requires a random string. if($name == 'SECRET_ENCRYPTION_PASSPHRASE' && isset($_SESSION['configs'][$name]) && $_SESSION['configs'][$name] == 'RANDOM'){ $value = \Core\random_hex(96); $c->nodeValue = $value; } elseif($name == 'SERVER_ID' && isset($_SESSION['configs'][$name]) && $_SESSION['configs'][$name] == 'RANDOM'){ // The server ID is a 32-digit random string. $value = \Core\random_hex(32); $c->nodeValue = $value; } // An override is provided, use that and overwrite the xml. elseif(isset($_SESSION['configs'][$name])){ $value = $_SESSION['configs'][$name]; $c->nodeValue = $value; } } } } // Try to save this back down. $fdata = $xml->asPrettyXML(); if(is_writable(ROOT_PDIR . '/config')){ // Just automatically copy it over, (with the necessary tranformations). file_put_contents(ROOT_PDIR . 'config/configuration.xml', $fdata); unset($_SESSION['configs']); $this->setAsPassed(); reload(); // :) } else{ // Display the instructions to the user. $this->getTemplate()->assign('contents', $fdata); } }
/** * Get the raw XML of this theme, useful for debugging. * * @return string (XML) */ public function getRawXML($minified = false) { return $minified ? $this->_xmlloader->asMinifiedXML() : $this->_xmlloader->asPrettyXML(); }
/** * Get the raw XML of this component, useful for debugging. * * @return string (XML) */ public function getRawXML() { return $this->_xmlloader->asPrettyXML(); }