예제 #1
파일: X2Flow.php 프로젝트: tymiles003/X2CRM
  * Wrapper around _executeFlow which respects trigger depth restriction 
 public static function executeFlow(&$flow, &$params, $actionId = null)
     if (self::$_triggerDepth > self::MAX_TRIGGER_DEPTH) {
         // ...have we delved too deep?
     $triggerInfo = array('triggerName' => Yii::t('studio', X2FlowItem::getTitle('MacroTrigger')));
     if (isset($params['model']) && is_subclass_of($params['model'], 'X2Model') && $params['model']->asa('X2LinkableBehavior')) {
         $triggerInfo['modelLink'] = Yii::t('studio', 'View record: ') . $params['model']->getLink();
     $triggerLog = new TriggerLog();
     $triggerLog->triggeredAt = time();
     $triggerLog->flowId = $flow->id;
     $flowRetArr = self::_executeFlow($flow, $params, $actionId, $triggerLog->id);
     $flowTrace = $flowRetArr['trace'];
     // save log for triggered flow
     $triggerLog->triggerLog = CJSON::encode(array_merge(array($triggerInfo), array($flowTrace)));
     // this trigger call is done; decrement the stack depth
     return $flowRetArr;
예제 #2
파일: X2Flow.php 프로젝트: shayanyi/CRM
  * Looks up and runs automation actions that match the provided trigger name and parameters.
  * @param string $trigger the name of the trigger to fire
  * @param array $params an associative array of params, usually including 'model'=>$model,
  * the primary X2Model to which this trigger applies.
  * @staticvar int $triggerDepth the current depth of the call stack
  * @return mixed Null or return value of extractRetValFromTrace
 public static function trigger($triggerName, $params = array())
     if (self::$_triggerDepth > self::MAX_TRIGGER_DEPTH) {
         // ...have we delved too deep?
     $triggeredAt = time();
     if (isset($params['model']) && (!is_object($params['model']) || !$params['model'] instanceof X2Model)) {
         // Invalid model provided
         return false;
     // Communicate the event to third-party systems, if any
     ApiHook::runAll($triggerName, $params);
     // increment stack depth before doing anything that might call X2Flow::trigger()
     $flowAttributes = array('triggerType' => $triggerName, 'active' => 1);
     if (isset($params['model'])) {
         $flowAttributes['modelClass'] = get_class($params['model']);
         $params['modelClass'] = get_class($params['model']);
     // if flow id is specified, only execute flow with specified id
     if (isset($params['flowId'])) {
         $flowAttributes['id'] = $params['flowId'];
     $flowTraces = array();
     $flows = CActiveRecord::model('X2Flow')->findAllByAttributes($flowAttributes);
     // collect information about trigger for the trigger log.
     $triggerInfo = array('triggerName' => Yii::t('studio', X2FlowItem::getTitle($triggerName)));
     if (isset($params['model']) && is_subclass_of($params['model'], 'X2Model') && $params['model']->asa('X2LinkableBehavior')) {
         $triggerInfo['modelLink'] = Yii::t('studio', 'View record: ') . $params['model']->getLink();
     // find all flows matching this trigger and modelClass
     $flowRetVal = null;
     foreach ($flows as &$flow) {
         $triggerLog = new TriggerLog();
         $triggerLog->triggeredAt = $triggeredAt;
         $triggerLog->flowId = $flow->id;
         $flowRetArr = self::executeFlow($flow, $params, null, $triggerLog->id);
         $flowTrace = $flowRetArr['trace'];
         $flowRetVal = isset($flowRetArr['retVal']) ? $flowRetArr['retVal'] : null;
         $flowRetVal = self::extractRetValFromTrace($flowTrace);
         $flowTraces[] = $flowTrace;
         // save log for triggered flow
         $triggerLog->triggerLog = CJSON::encode(array_merge(array($triggerInfo), array($flowTrace)));
     // old logging system, uncomment to enable file based logging
     /*file_put_contents('triggerLog.txt', $triggerName.":\n", FILE_APPEND);
       file_put_contents('triggerLog.txt', print_r($flowTraces, true).":\n", FILE_APPEND);*/
     // this trigger call is done; decrement the stack depth
     return $flowRetVal;