/** * @param WpTesting_Model_Passing $item * @param string $column_name * @return string */ protected function render_static_column(WpTesting_Model_Passing $item, $column_name) { switch ($column_name) { case 'row_number': return $this->get_row_number(); case 'test_title': $test = $item->createTest(); return $this->render_link($this->wp->getPostPermalink($test->getId()), $test->getTitle()); case 'results': $links = array(); /* @var $result WpTesting_Model_Result */ foreach ($item->buildResults() as $result) { $links[] = $result->getTitle(); } return implode(', ', $links); case 'scales': $links = array(); foreach ($item->buildScalesWithRangeOnce() as $scale) { $link = $scale->getTitle(); $outOf = ' (' . sprintf(__('%1$d out of %2$d', 'wp-testing'), $scale->getValue(), $scale->getMaximum()) . ')'; $links[] = $link . str_replace(' ', ' ', $outOf); } return implode(', ', $links); case 'view': return $this->render_link($item->getUrl()); } return parent::render_static_column($item, $column_name); }
/** * @param WpTesting_Model_Passing $item * @param string $column_name * @return string */ protected function render_static_column(WpTesting_Model_Passing $item, $column_name) { switch ($column_name) { case 'id': return $item->getId(); case 'passing_device_uuid': return $item->getDeviceUuid(); case 'passing_ip': return $item->getIp(); case 'passing_user_agent': return $item->getUserAgent(); case 'test_title': $test = $item->createTest(); return $this->render_link($this->wp->getEditPostLink($test->getId()), $test->getTitle()); case 'results': $links = array(); /* @var $result WpTesting_Model_Result */ foreach ($item->buildResults() as $result) { $links[] = $this->render_link($this->wp->getEditTermLink($result->getId(), 'wpt_result', 'wpt_test'), $result->getTitle()); } return implode(', ', $links); case 'scales': $links = array(); foreach ($item->buildScalesWithRangeOnce() as $scale) { $link = $this->render_link($this->wp->getEditTermLink($scale->getId(), 'wpt_scale', 'wpt_test'), $scale->getTitle()); $outOf = ' (' . sprintf(__('%1$d out of %2$d', 'wp-testing'), $scale->getValue(), $scale->getMaximum()) . ')'; $links[] = $link . str_replace(' ', ' ', $outOf); } return implode(', ', $links); case 'user': $user = $this->wp->getUserdata($item->getRespondentId()); if (!$user) { return ''; } $avatar = $this->wp->getAvatar($user->ID, 32); $editLink = $this->wp->getEditUserLink($user->ID); return "{$avatar} <strong><a href=\"{$editLink}\">{$user->user_login}</a></strong>"; case 'actions': $actions = array(); $url = '?post_type=wpt_test&page=wpt_test_respondents_results&passing_id=' . $item->getId() . '&action='; if ($this->is_trash) { $head = $this->render_link($url . 'untrash', $this->wp->translate('Untrash'), 'row-title', array('title' => $this->wp->translate('Restore this item from the Trash'))); $actions[] = $this->render_tag('span', array('class' => 'delete'), $this->render_link($url . 'delete', $this->wp->translate('Delete Permanently'), 'submitdelete', array('title' => $this->wp->translate('Delete this item permanently')))); } else { $head = $this->render_link($item->getUrl(), $this->wp->translate('View'), 'row-title', array('title' => sprintf(html_entity_decode($this->wp->translate('View “%s”')), $item->getSlug($this->wp->getSalt())))); $actions[] = $this->render_tag('span', array('class' => 'trash'), $this->render_link($url . 'trash', $this->wp->translate('Trash'), 'submitdelete', array('title' => $this->wp->translate('Move this item to the Trash')))); } return $this->render_tag('strong', array(), $head) . $this->render_tag('div', array('class' => 'row-actions'), implode(' | ', $actions)); } return parent::render_static_column($item, $column_name); }