public function testPhpRequirements()
     //xml processing curl or other ways to open remote streams enabled allow_url_fopen as on/true gd / imagemagick lib installed
     $errors = new WiziappError();
     /**$gotGD =extension_loaded('gd');
        $gotImagick = extension_loaded('imagick');
        if ( !$gotGD && !$gotImagick ){
            $errors->add('missing_php_requirements', __('Wiziapp requires either the GD or the ImageMagick PHP extension to be installed on the server. Please contact your hosting provider to enable one of these extensions, otherwise the thumbnails will not function properly', 'wiziapp'));
     /**if ( ini_get('allow_url_fopen') != '1' ){
            $errors->add('missing_php_requirements', __('Your host blocked the PHP directive allow_url_fopen. Wiziapp needs allow_url_fopen to use images that are hosted on other websites as thumbnails', 'wiziapp'));
     if (!extension_loaded('libxml') || !extension_loaded('dom')) {
         $errors->add('missing_php_requirements', __('In order for WiziApp to operate, libxml and the DOM extension must be installed and enabled. ', 'wiziapp'));
         $this->critical = TRUE;
     if (!empty($errors)) {
         return $errors;
     } else {
         return TRUE;