$graph->subtitle->SetColor('navy'); // Create the windrose plot. $wp = new WindrosePlot($data); // Setup a free plot $wp->SetType(WINDROSE_TYPEFREE); // Setup labels $wp->SetLabels($labels); $wp->SetLabelPosition(LBLPOSITION_CENTER); $wp->SetLabelMargin(30); // Setup the colors for the ranges $wp->SetRangeColors($rangeColors); // Adjust the font and font color for scale labels $wp->scale->SetFont(FF_ARIAL, FS_NORMAL, 9); // Set the diameter and position for plot $wp->SetSize(230); $wp->SetZCircleSize(30); // Adjust the font and font color for compass directions $wp->SetFont(FF_ARIAL, FS_NORMAL, 10); $wp->SetFontColor('darkgreen'); // Adjust grid colors $wp->SetGridColor('darkgreen@0.7', 'blue'); // Add (m/s) text to legend $wp->legend->SetText('(m/s)'); // Display legend values with no decimals $wp->legend->SetFormat('%d'); // Add plot to graph and send back to the client $graph->Add($wp); $graph->Stroke(); ?>
// Data can be specified using both ordinal idex of axis as well // as the direction label $data2 = array('vsv' => array(12, 8, 2, 3), 6 => array(5, 4, 4, 5, 4)); $se_CompassLbl = array('O', 'ONO', 'NO', 'NNO', 'N', 'NNV', 'NV', 'VNV', 'V', 'VSV', 'SV', 'SSV', 'S', 'SSO', 'SO', 'OSO'); // Create a new small windrose graph $graph = new WindroseGraph(400, 400); $graph->SetMargin(25, 25, 25, 25); $graph->SetFrame(); $graph->title->Set('Example with background flag'); #$graph->title->SetFont(FF_VERA,FS_BOLD,14); //$graph->SetBackgroundImage('bkgimg.jpg',BGIMG_FILLFRAME); //$graph->SetBackgroundImageMix(90); $graph->SetBackgroundCFlag(28, BGIMG_FILLFRAME, 15); $wp2 = new WindrosePlot($data2); $wp2->SetType(WINDROSE_TYPE16); $wp2->SetSize(0.55); $wp2->SetPos(0.5, 0.5); $wp2->SetAntiAlias(false); $wp2->SetFont(FF_ARIAL, FS_BOLD, 10); $wp2->SetFontColor('black'); $wp2->SetCompassLabels($se_CompassLbl); $wp2->legend->SetMargin(20, 5); $wp2->scale->SetZFont(FF_ARIAL, FS_NORMAL, 8); $wp2->scale->SetFont(FF_ARIAL, FS_NORMAL, 9); $wp2->scale->SetLabelFillColor('white', 'white'); $wp2->SetRangeColors(array('green', 'yellow', 'red', 'brown')); $graph->Add($wp2); $graph->Stroke(); ?>