예제 #1
$secret = isset($_GET['secret']) ? $_GET['secret'] : '';
$query = isset($_GET['query']) ? $_GET['query'] : '';
$context = isset($_GET['context']) ? $_GET['context'] : '';
$xpath = isset($_GET['xpath']) ? $_GET['xpath'] : '';
$section = isset($_GET['section']) ? $_GET['section'] : '';
$timeout = isset($_GET['timeout']) ? $_GET['timeout'] : '';
$cookedSecret = htmlentities($secret);
$cookedQuery = htmlentities($query);
$cookedContext = htmlentities($context);
$cookedXpath = htmlentities($xpath);
$cookedSection = htmlentities($section);
$cookedTimeout = htmlentities($timeout);
require_once 'client/WikiSlurpClient.php';
$client = new WikiSlurpClient();
$result = $client->getData("http://" . $_SERVER['SERVER_NAME'] . ":" . $_SERVER['SERVER_PORT'] . "/", $secret, $query, array('context' => $context, 'xpath' => $xpath, 'section' => $section, 'timeout' => $timeout));
<html lang="en">
        <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8">
		<title>WikiSlurp Tester</title>
		<h1>WikiSlurp Tester</h1>
		<form method="get" action="example.php">
				<label for="secret">Secret</label>
				<input type="text" name="secret" id="secret" value="<?php 
echo $cookedSecret;
예제 #2
    $url = "{$imgApiBaseUrl}&method={$method}&user_id={$img['owner']}";
    $result = $curl->getFromPhpSource($url, array('cache-ident' => $method));
    $ownerHtml = $img['owner'];
    if (isset($result['person'])) {
        $profileUrl = $result['person']['profileurl']['_content'];
        $profileUser = $result['person']['username']['_content'];
        $ownerHtml = "<a href='{$profileUrl}'>{$profileUser}</a>";
    $imgUrl = "http://farm{$img['farm']}.static.flickr.com/{$img['server']}/{$img['id']}_{$img['secret']}.jpg";
    $imgLink = "http://www.flickr.com/photos/{$img['owner']}/{$img['id']}";
    $imgAttribution = "<p><a href='{$imgLink}'>{$img['title']}</a> by {$ownerHtml} on Flickr</p>";
require_once 'externals/wikislurp/client/WikiSlurpClient.php';
$query = strrchr($hatedOriginal, '_') ? $hatedOriginal : ucwords($hatedNoUnderscore);
$wiki = new WikiSlurpClient();
$result = $wiki->getData("http://" . $_SERVER['SERVER_NAME'] . ":8888/externals/wikislurp/index.php", $wikiSlurpSecret, $query, array('xpath' => '/html/body/p[position()<=3]', 'section' => 0));
if (isset($result['error'])) {
    $wikiText = 'Nothing';
} else {
    $wikiText = $result['html'] . "<p><a href='" . $result['url'] . "'>Read more about \"" . $result['title'] . "\" on Wikipedia</a>.</p>";
// turn any wikipedia links into links for this site
$wikiText = preg_replace('/<a href="\\/wiki\\//', '<a href="/', $wikiText);
// now string replace all the things we need to replace
$tmpl = str_replace('%%answer-string%%', $answerString, $tmpl);
$tmpl = str_replace('%%background-image%%', $imgUrl, $tmpl);
$tmpl = str_replace('%%background-image-link%%', $imgLink, $tmpl);
$tmpl = str_replace('%%background-image-attributation%%', $imgAttribution, $tmpl);
$tmpl = str_replace('%%wikipedia-says%%', $wikiText, $tmpl);
$tmpl = str_replace('%%current-description%%', $currentDescription, $tmpl);
// finally output the page