function filter_antispam($formatter, $value, $options) { global $Config; $blacklist_pages = array('BadContent', 'LocalBadContent'); $whitelist_pages = array('GoodContent', 'LocalGoodContent'); if (!in_array($formatter->page->name, $blacklist_pages) and !in_array($formatter->page->name, $whitelist_pages)) { $badcontents_file = !empty($options['.badcontents']) ? $options['.badcontents'] : $Config['badcontents']; if (!file_exists($badcontents_file)) { return $value; } $badcontent = file_get_contents($badcontents_file); foreach ($blacklist_pages as $list) { $p = new WikiPage($list); if ($p->exists()) { $badcontent .= $p->get_raw_body(); } } if (!$badcontent) { return $value; } $badcontents = explode("\n", $badcontent); $pattern[0] = ''; $i = 0; foreach ($badcontents as $line) { if (isset($line[0]) and $line[0] == '#') { continue; } $line = preg_replace('/[ ]*#.*$/', '', $line); $test = @preg_match("/{$line}/i", ""); if ($test === false) { $line = preg_quote($line, '/'); } if ($line) { $pattern[$i] .= $line . '|'; } if (strlen($pattern[$i]) > 4000) { $i++; $pattern[$i] = ''; } } for ($k = 0; $k <= $i; $k++) { $pattern[$k] = '/(' . substr($pattern[$k], 0, -1) . ')/i'; } #foreach ($whitelist_pages as $list) { # $p=new WikiPage($list); # if ($p->exists()) $goodcontent.=$p->get_raw_body(); #} #$goodcontents=explode("\n",$goodcontent); return preg_replace($pattern, "''''''[[HTML(<span class='blocked'>)]]\\1[[HTML(</span>)]]''''''", $value); } return $value; }
function macro_Edit($formatter, $value, $options = '') { global $DBInfo; $options['mode'] = !empty($options['mode']) ? $options['mode'] : ''; $edit_rows = $DBInfo->edit_rows ? $DBInfo->edit_rows : 16; $cols = get_textarea_cols(); $use_js = preg_match('/Lynx|w3m|links/', $_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT']) ? 0 : 1; $rows = (!empty($options['rows']) and $options['rows'] > 5) ? $options['rows'] : $edit_rows; $rows = $rows < 60 ? $rows : $edit_rows; $cols = (!empty($options['cols']) and $options['cols'] > 60) ? $options['cols'] : $cols; $text = !empty($options['savetext']) ? $options['savetext'] : ''; $editlog = !empty($options['editlog']) ? $options['editlog'] : ""; if (empty($editlog) and !empty($options['comment'])) { $editlog = _stripslashes($options['comment']); } $editlog = _html_escape($editlog); $args = explode(',', $value); if (in_array('nohints', $args)) { $options['nohints'] = 1; } if (in_array('nomenu', $args)) { $options['nomenu'] = 1; } $preview = !empty($options['preview']) ? $options['preview'] : 0; if ($options['action'] == 'edit') { $saveaction = 'savepage'; } else { $saveaction = $options['action']; } $extraform = !empty($formatter->_extra_form) ? $formatter->_extra_form : ''; $options['notmpl'] = isset($options['notmpl']) ? $options['notmpl'] : 0; $form = ''; if (!$options['notmpl'] and (!empty($options['template']) or !$formatter->page->exists()) and !$preview) { $options['linkto'] = "?action=edit&template="; $options['limit'] = -1; $tmpls = macro_TitleSearch($formatter, $DBInfo->template_regex, $options); if ($tmpls) { $tmpls = '<div>' . _("Use one of the following templates as an initial release :\n") . $tmpls; $tmpls .= sprintf(_("To create your own templates, add a page with '%s' pattern."), $DBInfo->template_regex) . "\n</div>\n"; } if (isset($options['tmpls'])) { $options['tmpls'] = $tmpls; $tmpls = ''; } } $merge_btn = _("Merge"); $merge_btn2 = _("Merge manually"); $merge_btn3 = _("Ignore conflicts"); $extra = ''; if (!empty($options['conflict'])) { $extra = '<span class="button"><input type="submit" class="button" name="button_merge" value="' . $merge_btn . '" /></span>'; if ($options['conflict'] == 2) { $extra .= ' <span class="button"><input type="submit" class="button" name="manual_merge" value="' . $merge_btn2 . '" /></span>'; if ($DBInfo->use_forcemerge) { $extra .= ' <span class="button"><input type="submit" class="button" name="force_merge" value="' . $merge_btn3 . '" /></span>'; } } } $hidden = ''; if (!empty($options['section'])) { $hidden = '<input type="hidden" name="section" value="' . $options['section'] . '" />'; } if (!empty($options['mode'])) { $hidden = '<input type="hidden" name="mode" value="' . $options['mode'] . '" />'; } # make a edit form if (empty($options['simple'])) { $form .= "<a id='editor'></a>\n"; } if (isset($DBInfo->use_preview_anchor)) { $preview_anchor = '#preview'; } else { $preview_anchor = ''; } if (isset($options['page'][0])) { $previewurl = $formatter->link_url(_rawurlencode($options['page']), $preview_anchor); } else { $previewurl = $formatter->link_url($formatter->page->urlname, $preview_anchor); } $menu = ''; $sep = ''; if (empty($DBInfo->use_resizer) and (empty($options['noresizer']) or !$use_js)) { $sep = ' | '; $menu = $formatter->link_to("?action=edit&rows=" . ($rows - 3), _("ReduceEditor")); $menu .= $sep . $formatter->link_to("?action=edit&rows=" . ($rows + 3), _("EnlargeEditor")); } if (empty($options['nomenu'])) { $menu .= $sep . $formatter->link_tag('InterWiki', "", _("InterWiki")); $sep = ' | '; $menu .= $sep . $formatter->link_tag('HelpOnEditing', "", _("HelpOnEditing")); } $form .= $menu; $ajax = ''; $js = ''; if (!empty($options['action_mode']) and $options['action_mode'] == 'ajax') { $ajax = " onsubmit='savePage(this);return false'"; } $formh = sprintf('<form id="editform" method="post" action="%s"' . $ajax . '>', $previewurl); if ($text) { $raw_body = preg_replace("/\r\n|\r/", "\n", $text); } else { if (!empty($options['template'])) { $p = new WikiPage($options['template']); $raw_body = preg_replace("/\r\n|\r/", "\n", $p->get_raw_body()); } else { if (isset($formatter->_raw_body)) { # low level XXX $raw_body = preg_replace("/\r\n|\r/", "\n", $formatter->_raw_body); } else { if ($options['mode'] != 'edit' and $formatter->page->exists()) { $raw_body = preg_replace("/\r\n|\r/", "\n", $formatter->page->_get_raw_body()); if (isset($options['section'])) { $sections = _get_sections($raw_body); if ($sections[$options['section']]) { $raw_body = $sections[$options['section']]; } #else ignore } } else { $raw_body = ''; if (!empty($options['orig_pagename'])) { $raw_body = "#title {$options['orig_pagename']}\n"; } if (strpos($options['page'], ' ') > 0) { #$raw_body="#title $options[page]\n"; $options['page'] = '["' . $options['page'] . '"]'; } $guide = sprintf(_("Describe %s here"), $options['page']); if (empty($DBInfo->use_edit_placeholder)) { $raw_body .= $guide; $guide = ''; } else { $guide = ' placeholder="' . _html_escape($guide) . '"'; } $js = <<<EOF <script type="text/javascript"> /*<![CDATA[*/ (function() { function selectGuide() { var txtarea = document.getElementById('editor-textarea'); if (!txtarea) return; txtarea.focus(); var txt = txtarea.value; var pos = 0; if (txt.indexOf('#title ') == 0) { pos = txt.indexOf("\\n") + 1; } var end = txt.length; if (txtarea.selectionStart || txtarea.selectionStart == '0') { // goto txtarea.selectionStart = pos; txtarea.selectionEnd = end; } else if (document.selection && !is_gecko && !is_opera) { // IE var r = document.selection.createRange(); var range = r.duplicate(); range.moveStart('character', pos); range.moveEnd('character', end - pos); r.setEndPoint('StartToStart', range);; } } var oldOnLoad = window.onLoad; window.onload = function() { try { oldOnLoad() } catch(e) {}; selectGuide(); } })(); /*]]>*/ </script> EOF; } } } } $summary_guide = ''; if (!empty($options['.minorfix'])) { $summary_guide = _("This ia a minor edit."); } if (empty($DBInfo->use_edit_placeholder)) { $summary_guide = ''; } else { $summary_guide = ' placeholder="' . _html_escape($summary_guide) . '"'; } # for conflict check if (!empty($options['datestamp'])) { $datestamp = $options['datestamp']; } else { if (!empty($formatter->_mtime)) { # low level control XXX $datestamp = $formatter->_mtime; } else { $datestamp = $formatter->page->mtime(); } } if (!empty($DBInfo->use_savepage_hash)) { // generate hash $ticket = getTicket($datestamp . $DBInfo->user->id, $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']); $hash = md5($ticket); $hidden .= "\n<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"hash\" value=\"" . $hash . "\" />\n"; } $raw_body = str_replace(array("&", "<"), array("&", "<"), $raw_body); # get categories $select_category = ''; if (!empty($DBInfo->use_category) and empty($options['nocategories'])) { $categories = $DBInfo->getLikePages($DBInfo->category_regex, -1); if ($categories) { $select_category = "<label for='category-select'>" . _("Category") . "</label><select id='category-select' name='category' tabindex='4'>\n"; $mlen = 0; $opts = ''; foreach ($categories as $category) { $len = mb_strwidth($category); $category = _html_escape($category); if ($len > $mlen) { $mlen = $len; } $opts .= "<option value=\"{$category}\">{$category}</option>\n"; } $lab = _(" Select "); $len = intval(($mlen - mb_strwidth($lab)) / 2); $pad = str_repeat('-', $len); $select_category .= "<option value=''>" . $pad . $lab . $pad . "</option>\n" . $opts; $select_category .= "</select>\n"; } } $extra_check = ''; if (empty($options['minor']) and !empty($DBInfo->use_minoredit)) { $user =& $DBInfo->user; # get from COOKIE VARS if (!empty($DBInfo->owners) and in_array($user->id, $DBInfo->owners)) { $extra_check = ' ' . _("Minor edit") . "<input type='checkbox' tabindex='3' name='minor' />"; } } $captcha = ''; if ($use_js and !empty($DBInfo->use_ticket) and $options['id'] == 'Anonymous') { $msg = _("Refresh"); $seed = md5(base64_encode(time())); $ticketimg = $formatter->link_url($formatter->page->urlname, '?action=ticket&__seed=' . $seed . '&t='); $onclick = " onclick=\"document.getElementById('captcha_img').src ='" . $ticketimg . "'+ Math.random()\""; $captcha = <<<EXTRA <div class='captcha' style='float:right'><div><span class='captchaImg'><img id="captcha_img" src="{$ticketimg}" alt="captcha" /></span></div> <button type='button' class='refresh-icon'{$onclick}><span>{$msg}</span></button><input type="text" tabindex="2" size="10" name="check" /> <input type="hidden" name="__seed" value="{$seed}" /></div> EXTRA; } $summary_msg = _("Summary"); $wysiwyg_btn = ''; $skip_preview = ''; if (empty($options['simple'])) { $preview_btn = '<span class="button"><input type="submit" class="button" tabindex="6" name="button_preview" class="preview-button" value="' . _("Preview") . '" /></span>'; $changes_btn = ''; if ($formatter->page->exists()) { $changes_btn = ' <span class="button"><input type="submit" class="button" tabindex="6" name="button_changes" class="preview-button" value="' . _("Show changes") . '" /></span>'; } if ($preview and empty($options['conflict'])) { $skip_preview = ' ' . $formatter->link_to('#preview', _("Skip to preview"), ' class="preview-anchor"'); } if (!empty($DBInfo->use_wikiwyg)) { $confirm = 'false'; if (!empty($DBInfo->wikiwyg_confirm)) { $confirm = 'null'; } $wysiwyg_msg = _("GUI"); $wysiwyg_btn .= ' <button type="button" tabindex="7"' . ' onclick="javascript:sectionEdit(null,' . $confirm . ',null)" ><span>' . $wysiwyg_msg . '</span></button>'; } $summary = <<<EOS <span id='edit-summary'><label for='input-summary'>{$summary_msg}</label><input name="comment" id='input-summary' value="{$editlog}" size="60" maxlength="128" tabindex="2" {$summary_guide} />{$extra_check}</span> EOS; $emailform = ''; if (!empty($DBInfo->anonymous_friendly) and $options['id'] == 'Anonymous') { $useremail = isset($DBInfo->user->verified_email) ? $DBInfo->user->verified_email : ''; if ($useremail) { $email_msg = _("E-Mail"); $send_msg = sprintf(_("Send mail to %s"), "<span class='email'>" . $useremail . "</span>"); #<label for='input-email'>$email_msg</label> #<span id='edit-email'><label for='input-email'>$email_msg</label><input name="email" id='input-email' value="$useremail" size="40" maxlength="60" tabindex="3" /></span> $emailform = <<<EOS {$send_msg} <input type='checkbox' tabindex='3' checked='checked' name='cc' /> EOS; } } // show contributor license agreement form $ok_agreement = true; if (!empty($DBInfo->use_agreement)) { if ($options['id'] != 'Anonymous') { $ok_agreement = !empty($DBInfo->user->info['join_agreement']) && $DBInfo->user->info['join_agreement'] == 'agree'; if ($ok_agreement && !empty($DBInfo->agreement_version)) { $ok_agreement = $DBInfo->user->info['join_agreement_version'] == $DBInfo->agreement_version; } } else { $ok_agreement = false; } } if (!$ok_agreement) { if ($options['id'] != 'Anonymous') { if (!empty($DBInfo->contributor_license_agreement)) { $agree_msg = $DBInfo->contributor_license_agreement; } else { $agree_msg = _("Agree to the contributor license agreement on this wiki"); } } else { if (!empty($DBInfo->irrevocable_contribution_agreement)) { $agree_msg = $DBInfo->irrevocable_contribution_agreement; } else { $agree_msg = _("Agree to the contribution agreement for Anonymous doner"); } } $emailform .= <<<EOS {$agree_msg} <input type='checkbox' tabindex='3' checked='checked' name='license_agree' /> EOS; } if (isset($emailform[0])) { $emailform = '<div id="contribution_agreement">' . $emailform . '</div>'; } } $save_msg = _("Save"); if ($use_js and !empty($DBInfo->use_resizer)) { if ($DBInfo->use_resizer == 1) { $resizer = <<<EOS <script type="text/javascript" language='javascript'> /*<![CDATA[*/ function resize(obj,val) { rows= obj.savetext.rows; rows+=val; if (rows > 60) rows=16; else if (rows < 5) rows=16; obj.savetext.rows=rows; } var resizer=document.createElement('div'); resizer.setAttribute('id','wikiResize'); resizer.innerHTML="<input type='button' class='inc' value='+' onclick='resize(this.form,3)' />\\n<input type='button' class='dec' value='-' onclick='resize(this.form,-3)' />"; var toolbar=document.getElementById('toolbar'); if (toolbar) { toolbar.insertBefore(resizer, toolbar.firstChild); } else { var editor=document.getElementById('wikiEditor'); editor.insertBefore(resizer, editor.firstChild); } /*]]>*/ </script> EOS; } else { $formatter->register_javascripts('textarea.js'); } } $form .= <<<EOS <div id="editor_area"> {$formh} <div class="resizable-textarea" style='position:relative'><!-- IE hack --> <div id="save_state"></div> <textarea id="editor-textarea" wrap="virtual" name="savetext" tabindex="1" rows="{$rows}" cols="{$cols}" class="wiki resizable"{$guide}>{$raw_body}</textarea> {$captcha} </div> {$extraform} <div id="editor_info"> <ul> <li>{$summary} {$emailform}</li> <li>{$select_category} <span> <input type="hidden" name="action" value="{$saveaction}" /> <input type="hidden" name="datestamp" value="{$datestamp}" /> {$hidden} <span class="button"><input type="submit" class='save-button' tabindex="5" accesskey="x" value="{$save_msg}" /></span> <!-- <input type="reset" value="Reset" /> --> {$preview_btn}{$changes_btn}{$wysiwyg_btn}{$skip_preview} {$extra} </span> </li></ul> </div> </form> </div> EOS; if (empty($options['nohints'])) { $form .= $formatter->macro_repl('EditHints'); } if (empty($options['simple'])) { $form .= "<a id='preview'></a>"; } return $form . $resizer . $js . $tmpls; }
function processor_bts($formatter, $value = '', $options = '') { global $DBInfo; $rating_script =& $GLOBALS['rating_script']; $script = <<<SCRIPT <script type="text/javascript"> /*<![CDATA[*/ /* from bugzilla script with small fix */ /* Outputs a link to call replyToComment(); used to reduce HTML output */ function addReplyLink(id) { /* XXX this should really be updated to use the DOM Core's * createElement, but finding a container isn't trivial */ document.write('[<a href="#add_comment" onclick="replyToComment(' + id + ');">reply<' + '/a>]'); } /* Adds the reply text to the `comment' textarea */ function replyToComment(id) { /* pre id="comment_name_N" */ var text_elem = document.getElementById('comment_text_'+id); var text = getText(text_elem); /* make sure we split on all newlines -- IE or Moz use \\r and \\n * respectively */ text = text.split(/\\r|\\n/); var replytext = ""; for (var i=0; i < text.length; i++) { replytext += "> " + text[i] + "\\n"; } replytext = "(In reply to comment #" + id + ")\\n" + replytext + "\\n"; /* <textarea name="savetext"> */ var textarea = document.getElementsByTagName('textarea'); textarea[0].value += replytext; textarea[0].focus(); } if (!Node) { /* MSIE doesn't define Node, so provide a compatibility array */ var Node = { TEXT_NODE: 3, ENTITY_REFERENCE_NODE: 5 }; } /* Concatenates all text from element's childNodes. This is used * instead of innerHTML because we want the actual text (and * innerText is non-standard) */ function getText(element) { var child, text = ""; for (var i=0; i < element.childNodes.length; i++) { child = element.childNodes[i]; var type = child.nodeType; if (type == Node.TEXT_NODE || type == Node.ENTITY_REFERENCE_NODE) { text += child.nodeValue; } else { /* recurse into nodes of other types */ text += getText(child); } } return text; } /*]]>*/ </script> SCRIPT; if ($value[0] == '#' and $value[1] == '!') { list($arg, $value) = explode("\n", $value, 2); } if (!empty($arg)) { # get parameters list($tag, $user, $date, $title) = explode(" ", $line, 4); if (preg_match('/\\d{1,3}\\.\\d{1,3}\\.\\d{1,3}\\.\\d{1,3}/', $user)) { $user = "******"; } if ($date && $date[10] == 'T') { $date[10] = ' '; $time = strtotime($date . ' GMT'); $date = '@ ' . date('Y-m-d [h:i a]', $time); } } $bts_conf = 'BugTrack/Config'; if ($DBInfo->hasPage($bts_conf)) { $p = new WikiPage($bts_conf); $config_raw = $p->get_raw_body(); $confs = _get_btsConfig($config_raw); #print_r($confs); } $body = $value; # parse metadata $meta = ''; while (true) { list($line, $body) = explode("\n", $body, 2); if (isset($line[0]) and $line[0] == '#') { continue; } if (strpos($line, ':') === false or !trim($line)) { break; } $meta .= $line . "\n"; } $metas = getMetadata($meta); $head = "##[[InputForm(form:get:bts)]]\n##[[HTML(<table width='100%'><tr><td @@ valign='top'>)]]\n"; $extra = ''; $attr = '<tablewidth="100%">'; $sep = 1; foreach ($metas as $k => $v) { $kk = $k; if (in_array($k, array('Version', 'Component'))) { $kk = str_replace(' ', '-', ucwords($metas['Product'])) . '-' . $k; } if ($k[0] == 'X' and $k[1] == '-') { if (isset($confs[$kk])) { $v = '[[InputForm(:' . _($kk) . ':' . str_replace($v, $v . ' 1', $confs[$kk]) . ')]]'; } $k = substr($k, 2); if (substr($k, 0, 9) == 'Separator') { $sep++; $head .= "\n##\n##[[HTML(</td><td @@ valign='top'>)]]\n"; $attr = '<tablewidth="100%">'; } else { if (substr($k, 0, 4) == 'Date') { $v = '[[DateTime(' . $v . ')]]'; } $head .= "||" . $attr . " ''" . $k . "'' || " . $v . " ||\n"; $attr = ''; } } else { if ($k == 'Summary' or $k == 'Keywords') { $v = str_replace(':', ':', $v); $v = '[[InputForm(input:' . _($k) . ':' . $confs[$k] . ':' . $v . ')]]'; $extra .= "|| '''" . _($k) . "'''''':'''||{$v}||\n"; } else { if (isset($confs[$kk])) { $v = '[[InputForm(:' . _($kk) . ':' . str_replace($v, $v . ' 1', $confs[$kk]) . ')]]'; } $head .= "||" . $attr . "<width='30%'> '''" . _($k) . "'''''':'''||" . $v . " ||\n"; $attr = ''; } } } $attr = 'width="100%"'; if ($sep > 1) { $attr = 'width="' . 100 / $sep . '%"'; } $head = preg_replace('/@@/', $attr, $head); $head .= "\n##\n##[[HTML(</td></tr></table>)]]\n" . $extra . "\n" . "[[InputForm(submit:" . _("Save Changes") . ")]]\n##[[InputForm]]"; #print '<pre>'.$head.'</pre>'; print <<<HEAD <fieldset id="bts-properties"><legend>Change Properties</legend> HEAD; $formatter->send_page($head, $options); print <<<TAIL </fieldset> TAIL; if ($body) { $options['nosisters'] = 1; $copy = $body; $hidden = ''; #list($comment,$copy)=explode("----\n",$copy,2); $tmp = explode("----\n", $copy, 2); $comment = $tmp[0]; $copy = isset($tmp[1]) ? $tmp[1] : ''; while (!empty($comment)) { #list($comment,$copy)=explode("----\n",$copy,2); $tmp = explode("----\n", $copy, 2); $comment = $tmp[0]; $copy = isset($tmp[1]) ? $tmp[1] : ''; if (preg_match('/^Comment-Id:\\s*(\\d+)/i', $comment, $m)) { list($myhead, $my) = explode("\n\n", $comment, 2); $hidden .= '<pre style="display:none;" id="comment_text_' . $m[1] . '">' . _html_escape($my) . '</pre>'; } } ob_start(); # add some basic rule/repl for bts $rule = "/----\nComment-Id:\\s*(\\d+)\n" . "From:\\s*([^\n]+)\nDate:\\s*([^\n]+)\n\n/im"; $repl = "----\n'''Comment-Id:''' [#c\\1][#c\\1 #\\1] by \\2 on [[DateTime(\\3)]] [reply \\1]\n\n"; $body = preg_replace($rule, $repl, $body); $formatter->quote_style = 'bts-comment'; $options['usemeta'] = 1; # $formatter->baserule[] = "/^((-=)+-?\$)/"; $formatter->baserule[] = "/ comment #(\\d+)\\b/"; $formatter->baserule[] = "/Bug #?(\\d+)\\b/"; $formatter->baserule[] = "/\\[reply (\\d+)\\]/"; $formatter->baserepl[] = "<hr />\n"; $formatter->baserepl[] = " comment [#c\\1 #\\1]"; $formatter->baserepl[] = "wiki:BugTrack:\\1"; $formatter->baserepl[] = "<script type='text/javascript'><!--\n addReplyLink(\\1); //--></script>"; # $formatter->send_page($body, $options); $msg = ob_get_contents(); ob_end_clean(); } $msg .= $formatter->macro_repl('Comment(meta)', '', $options); if (!empty($bts_script)) { return $msg . $hidden; } $bts_script = 1; return $script . $msg . $hidden; }
function macro_ISBN($formatter, $value = "") { global $DBInfo; // $default_map = array('89' => 'Aladdin'); $ISBN_MAP = "IsbnMap"; $DEFAULT = <<<EOS Amazon\$ISBN.01.MZZZZZZZ.gif Aladdin\$ISBN_1.gif @(http://image\\..*/cover/(?:[^\\s_/]*\$ISBN_\\d\\.(?:jpe?g|gif)))@ Gang\$ISBN.jpg @bookinfo\\.asp\\?sku=(\\d+)"@ EOS; $DEFAULT_ISBN = "Amazon"; $re_isbn = "/^([0-9\\-]+[xX]?)(?:,\\s*)?(([A-Z][A-Za-z]*)?(?:,)?(.*))?/x"; if ($value != '') { $test = preg_match($re_isbn, $value, $match); if ($test === false) { return "<p><strong class=\"error\">Invalid ISBN \"%value\"</strong></p>"; } } $list = $DEFAULT; $map = new WikiPage($ISBN_MAP); if ($map->exists()) { $list .= $map->get_raw_body(); } $lists = explode("\n", $list); $ISBN_list = array(); foreach ($lists as $line) { if (!$line or !preg_match("/^[A-Z]/", $line[0])) { continue; } $dum = explode(" ", rtrim($line)); $re = ''; $sz = sizeof($dum); if (!preg_match('/^(http|ftp)/', $dum[1])) { continue; } if ($sz == 2) { $dum[] = $ISBN_list[$DEFAULT_ISBN][1]; } else { if ($sz != 3) { if ($sz == 4) { if (($p = strpos(substr($dum[3], 1), $dum[3][0])) !== false) { $retest = substr($dum[3], 0, $p + 2); } else { $retest = $dum[3]; } if (preg_match($retest, '') !== false) { $re = $dum[3]; } } else { continue; } } } $ISBN_list[$dum[0]] = array($dum[1], $dum[2], $re); } if ($value == '') { $out = "<ul>"; foreach ($ISBN_list as $interwiki => $v) { $href = $ISBN_list[$interwiki][0]; if (strpos($href, '$ISBN') === false) { $url = $href . '0738206679'; } else { $url = str_replace('$ISBN', '0738206679', $href); } $icon = $DBInfo->imgs_url_interwiki . strtolower($interwiki) . '-16.png'; $sx = 16; $sy = 16; if ($DBInfo->intericon[$interwiki]) { $icon = $DBInfo->intericon[$interwiki][2]; $sx = $DBInfo->intericon[$interwiki][0]; $sy = $DBInfo->intericon[$interwiki][1]; } $out .= "<li><img src='{$icon}' width='{$sx}' height='{$sy}' " . "align='middle' alt='{$interwiki}:' /><a href='{$url}'>{$interwiki}</a>: " . "<tt class='link'>{$href}</tt></li>"; } $out .= "</ul>\n"; return $out; } $isbn2 = $match[1]; $isbn = str_replace('-', '', $isbn2); #print_r($match); if ($match[3]) { if (strtolower($match[2][0]) == 'k') { $lang = 'Aladdin'; } else { $lang = $match[3]; } } else { $cl = strlen($isbn); if ($cl == 13) { $lang_code = substr($isbn, 3, 2); } else { $lang_code = substr($isbn, 0, 2); } // 89 if (!empty($default_map[$lang_code])) { $lang = $default_map[$lang_code]; } else { $lang = $DEFAULT_ISBN; } } $attr = ''; $ext = ''; if ($match[2]) { $args = explode(',', $match[2]); foreach ($args as $arg) { $arg = trim($arg); if ($arg == 'noimg') { $noimg = 1; } else { if (strtolower($arg) == 'k') { $lang = 'Aladdin'; } else { $name = strtok($arg, '='); $val = strtok(' '); if ($val) { $attr .= $name . '="' . $val . '" '; } #XXX if ($name == 'align') { $attr .= 'class="img' . ucfirst($val) . '" '; } if ($name == 'img') { $ext = $val; } } } } } if ($ISBN_list[$lang]) { $booklink = $ISBN_list[$lang][0]; $imglink = $ISBN_list[$lang][1]; $imgre = $ISBN_list[$lang][2]; } else { $booklink = $ISBN_list[$DEFAULT_ISBN][0]; $imglink = $ISBN_list[$DEFAULT_ISBN][1]; } if (strpos($booklink, '$ISBN') === false) { $booklink .= $isbn; } else { if (strpos($booklink, '$ISBN2') === false) { $booklink = str_replace('$ISBN', $isbn, $booklink); } else { $booklink = str_replace('$ISBN2', $isbn2, $booklink); } } if (empty($noimg) and $imgre and get_cfg_var('allow_url_fopen')) { if (($p = strpos(substr($imgre, 1), $imgre[0])) !== false) { $imgrepl = substr($imgre, $p + 2); $imgre = substr($imgre, 0, $p + 2); if ($imgrepl == '@') { $imgrepl = ''; } $imgre = str_replace('$ISBN', $isbn, $imgre); } $md5sum = md5($booklink); // check cache $bcache = new Cache_text('isbn'); if (empty($formatter->refresh) and $bcache->exists($md5sum)) { $imgname = trim($bcache->fetch($md5sum)); $fetch_ok = 1; } else { // fetch the bookinfo page and grep the imagname of the book. $fd = fopen($booklink, 'r'); if (is_resource($fd)) { while (!feof($fd)) { $line = fgets($fd, 1024); preg_match($imgre, $line, $match); if (!empty($match[1])) { $bcache->update($md5sum, $match[1]); $imgname = $match[1]; $fetch_ok = 1; break; } } fclose($fd); } } if ($fetch_ok) { if ($imgrepl) { $imglink = preg_replace('@' . $imgrepl . '@', $imgname, $imglink); } else { if (!preg_match('/^https?:/', $imgname)) { $imglink = str_replace('$ISBN', $imgname, $imglink); } else { $imglink = $imgname; } } } if (!empty($fetch_ok) and !empty($DBInfo->isbn_img_download)) { # some sites such as the IMDB check the referer and # do not permit to show any of its images # the $isbn_img_download option is needed to show such images preg_match('/^(.*)\\.(jpeg|jpg|gif|png)$/i', $imglink, $m); if (!empty($m[1]) and isset($m[2])) { $myimglink = md5($m[1]) . '.' . $m[2]; } if (isset($m[2])) { # skip XXX } else { if (file_exists($DBInfo->upload_dir . '/isbn/' . $myimglink)) { $mlink = $formatter->macro_repl('attachment', 'isbn:' . $myimglink, 1); $imglink = qualifiedUrl($DBInfo->url_prefix . '/' . $mlink); } else { $fd = fopen($imglink, 'r'); if (is_resource($fd)) { $myimg = ''; while (!feof($fd)) { $myimg .= fread($fd, 1024); } fclose($fd); if (!is_dir($DBInfo->upload_dir . '/isbn/')) { umask(00); mkdir($DBInfo->upload_dir . '/isbn/', 0777); umask($DBInfo->umask); } $fd = fopen($DBInfo->upload_dir . '/isbn/' . $myimglink, 'w'); if (is_resource($fd)) { fwrite($fd, $myimg); fclose($fd); } } } } } } if (empty($fetch_ok)) { if (strpos($imglink, '$ISBN') === false) { $imglink .= $isbn; } else { if (strpos($imglink, '$ISBN2') === false) { $imglink = str_replace('$ISBN', $isbn, $imglink); } else { $imglink = str_replace('$ISBN2', $isbn2, $imglink); } if ($ext) { $imglink = preg_replace('/\\.(gif|jpeg|jpg|png|bmp)$/i', $ext, $imglink); } } } if (!empty($noimg)) { $icon = $DBInfo->imgs_url_interwiki . strtolower($lang) . '-16.png'; $sx = 16; $sy = 16; if (!empty($DBInfo->intericon[$lang])) { $icon = $DBInfo->intericon[$lang][2]; $sx = $DBInfo->intericon[$lang][0]; $sy = $DBInfo->intericon[$lang][1]; } return "<img src='{$icon}' alt='{$lang}:' align='middle' width='{$sx}' height='{$sy}' title='{$lang}' />" . "[<a href='{$booklink}'>ISBN-{$isbn2}</a>]"; } else { return "<a href='{$booklink}'><img src='{$imglink}' border='1' title='{$lang}" . ":ISBN-{$isbn}' alt='[ISBN-{$isbn2}]' class='isbn' {$attr} /></a>"; } }
function do_bts($formatter, $options) { global $DBInfo; $fields = array('Type', 'Priority', 'Product', 'Severity', 'Summary', 'Keywords', 'Submit'); $basic = <<<EOF * Type: Bug,Enhancement,Task,Support EOF; # if ($DBInfo->hasPage($options['page'])) { # $p=new WikiPage($options['page']); # $bts_raw=$p->get_raw_body(); # $meta=_get_btsConfig($bts_raw); # } $bts_conf = 'BugTrack/Config'; if ($DBInfo->hasPage($bts_conf)) { $p = new WikiPage($bts_conf); $config_raw = $p->get_raw_body(); if (substr($basic, -1, 1) != "\n") { $basic .= "\n"; } $confs = _get_btsConfig($basic . $config_raw); #print_r($confs); } $myform = ''; foreach ($fields as $field) { if (isset($confs[$field])) { $myform .= ':' . $field . ':' . $confs[$field] . "\n"; } else { if ($field == 'Submit') { $myform .= "hidden:action:bts\n"; $myform .= "hidden:mode:write\n"; $myform .= 'submit::' . $field . "\n"; } else { $myform .= 'input:' . $field . "\n"; } } } #header("Content-Type:text/plain"); #print '<pre>'; #print $myform; #print '</pre>'; $formatter->send_header('', $options); $formatter->send_title('', '', $options); print $formatter->processor_repl('form', $myform, $options); # # parse metadata # $meta=''; # while(true) { # list($line,$body)=explode("\n",$body,2); # if ($line[0]=='#') continue; # if (strpos($line,':')===false or !trim($line)) break; # $meta.=$line."\n"; # } # print "<pre>"; # print_r($options); # print "</pre>"; # # # foreach ($meta as $k=>$v) { # if (!empty($options[$k])) $meta[$k]=$options[$k]; # } # print "<pre>"; # print_r($meta); # print "</pre>"; $formatter->send_footer('', $options); return; }
function macro_Cite($formatter = "", $value = "") { $CITE_MAP = "CiteMap"; $DEFAULT = <<<EOS JCP,J.Chem.Phys.\$VOL&pg=\$PAGE JACS,J.Am.Chem.Soc.\$VOL&spn=\$PAGE JPC,J.Phys.Chem.\$VOL&spn=\$PAGE JPCA,J.Phys.Chem.A\$VOL&spn=\$PAGE ChemRev,Chem.Rev.\$VOL&spn=\$PAGE RMP,Rev.Mod.Phys.\$VOL&id=\$PAGE PR,Phys.Rev.\$VOL&id=\$PAGE PRL,Phys.Rev.Lett.\$VOL.\$PAGE CPL,Chem.Phys.Lett. EOS; $CITE_list = array('JCP' => array('$VOL&pg=$PAGE', '', 'J.Chem.Phys.')); $DEFAULT_CITE = "JCP"; $re_cite = "/([A-Z][A-Za-z]*)?\\s*([0-9\\-]+\\s*,\\s*[0-9]+)/x"; $test = preg_match($re_cite, $value, $match); if ($test === false) { return "<p><strong class=\"error\">Invalid CITE \"%value\"</strong></p>"; } list($vol, $page) = explode(',', preg_replace('/ /', '', $match[2])); if (!empty($match[1])) { if (strtolower($match[1][0]) == "k") { $cite = "JKCS"; } else { $cite = $match[1]; } } else { $cite = $DEFAULT_CITE; } $attr = ''; if (!empty($match[3])) { $args = explode(",", $match[3]); foreach ($args as $arg) { if ($arg == "noimg") { $noimg = 1; } else { $name = strtok($arg, '='); $val = strtok(' '); $attr .= $name . '="' . $val . '" '; if ($name == 'align') { $attr .= 'class="img' . ucfirst($val) . '" '; } } } } $list = $DEFAULT; $map = new WikiPage($CITE_MAP); if ($map->exists()) { $list .= $map->get_raw_body(); } $lists = explode("\n", $list); foreach ($lists as $line) { if (empty($line) or !preg_match("/^[A-Z]/", $line[0])) { continue; } $dum = explode(" ", rtrim($line)); if (sizeof($dum) == 2) { $dum[] = $CITE_list[$DEFAULT_CITE][1]; } else { if (sizeof($dum) != 3) { continue; } } list($dum[0], $name) = explode(',', $dum[0]); $CITE_list[$dum[0]] = array($dum[1], $dum[2], $name); } if (!empty($CITE_list[$cite])) { $citelink = $CITE_list[$cite][0]; $imglink = $CITE_list[$cite][1]; $citename = $CITE_list[$cite][2]; if ($citename) { $cite = str_replace('.', '. ', $citename); } } else { $citelink = $CITE_list[$DEFAULT_CITE][0]; $imglink = $CITE_list[$DEFAULT_CITE][1]; } $citelink = str_replace('$VOL', $vol, $citelink); $citelink = str_replace('$PAGE', $page, $citelink); return $formatter->icon['www'] . '<a href=' . "'{$citelink}'>" . $cite . ' <strong>' . $vol . '</strong>, ' . $page . '</a> '; }