예제 #1
 public function calcPayables($local_type, $local_ff, $local_id, $local_jahr, $local_prefix)
     $counter = 0;
     //reset of the existing values -> filled with value in w_endwert default zero if values from former periods, they will be filled in
     foreach ($this->Perioden as $key => $value) {
         $my_jahr = $this->getYearByMonth($key);
         $current_field = "RLIQXXX" . $my_jahr . "XXX" . $key . "XXX" . $local_type . "XXX" . $local_ff . "XXX" . $local_id;
         $follow_value_record = WerteRecord::finder()->findBySql("SELECT w_endwert FROM tt_werte WHERE idtm_struktur = '" . $local_id . "' AND idta_feldfunktion = '" . $local_ff . "' AND w_jahr = '" . $my_jahr . "' AND w_monat = '" . $key . "' AND w_id_variante = '" . $this->GLOBALVARIANTE . "' LIMIT 1");
         $this->page->ACTPanel->FindControl($current_field)->Text = number_format($follow_value_record->w_endwert, $this->NumberOfDigits, '.', '');
     //I need to reset the values for the following Period
     if ($this->ResetCalcpayables == 0) {
         $cleanyear = $my_jahr + 1;
         $ResetRecords = WerteRecord::finder()->findAllBySql("SELECT * FROM tt_werte WHERE idtm_struktur = '" . $local_id . "' AND idta_feldfunktion = '" . $local_ff . "' AND w_jahr = '" . $cleanyear . "' AND w_id_variante = '" . $this->GLOBALVARIANTE . "'");
         foreach ($ResetRecords as $ResetRecord) {
             $ResetRecord->w_endwert = 0;
     foreach ($this->Perioden as $key => $value) {
         // hier erhoehen wir die info, dass die erste periode vorbei ist
         if ($key < 10000) {
             $my_jahr = $this->getYearByMonth($key);
             $current_field = "RLIQXXX" . $my_jahr . "XXX" . $key . "XXX" . $local_type . "XXX" . $local_ff . "XXX" . $local_id;
             $current_value = number_format($this->page->ACTPanel->FindControl($current_field)->Text, $this->NumberOfDigits, '.', '');
             $days_for_factor = 360 / $this->getNumberPerIntern($my_jahr);
             //here we get the value of the field, that contains the value for the base factor
             $tresult = CollectorRecord::finder()->findBySql("SELECT col_idtafeldfunktion,col_operator FROM ta_collector INNER JOIN ta_feldfunktion ON ta_collector.col_idtafeldfunktion = ta_feldfunktion.idta_feldfunktion WHERE ta_collector.idta_feldfunktion = '" . $local_ff . "' AND ff_type='3' LIMIT 1");
             //3 ist der struktursammler
             $base_field = "RLIQXXX" . $my_jahr . "XXX" . $key . "XXX" . $local_type . "XXX" . $tresult->col_idtafeldfunktion . "XXX" . $local_id;
             $base_value = number_format($this->page->ACTPanel->FindControl($base_field)->Text, $this->NumberOfDigits, '.', '');
             $factor_per_day = $base_value / $days_for_factor;
             $ttresult = CollectorRecord::finder()->findBySql("SELECT col_idtafeldfunktion,col_operator FROM ta_collector INNER JOIN ta_feldfunktion ON ta_collector.col_idtafeldfunktion = ta_feldfunktion.idta_feldfunktion WHERE ta_collector.idta_feldfunktion = '" . $local_ff . "' AND ff_type<>'3' LIMIT 1");
             //3 ist der struktursammler
             $day_field = "RLIQXXX" . $my_jahr . "XXX" . $key . "XXX" . $local_type . "XXX" . $ttresult->col_idtafeldfunktion . "XXX" . $local_id;
             $day_value = $this->page->ACTPanel->FindControl($day_field)->Text;
             $temp_compare = $day_value / $days_for_factor;
             $untergrenze = 0;
             //der untere laufer
             $obergrenze = 1;
             //der obere laufwert
             $monat = $key;
             for ($ii = 0; $ii < 10000; $ii++) {
                 if ($temp_compare >= $untergrenze and $temp_compare < $obergrenze) {
                     $tmpcurrent_field = "RLIQXXX" . $my_jahr . "XXX" . $monat . "XXX" . $local_type . "XXX" . $local_ff . "XXX" . $local_id;
                     if ($this->page->ACTPanel->FindControl($tmpcurrent_field)) {
                         $tmpcurrent_value = number_format($this->page->ACTPanel->FindControl($tmpcurrent_field)->Text, $this->NumberOfDigits, '.', '');
                     } else {
                         $tmpcurrent_value = 0;
                     $faktor_periode = $obergrenze - $temp_compare;
                     $valuefillin = $faktor_periode * $base_value;
                     $counter == 1 ? '' : ($valuefillin += $tmpcurrent_value);
                     $this->update_w_wert($my_jahr, $monat, $local_type, $local_ff, $local_id, $valuefillin);
                     $this->page->ACTPanel->FindControl($tmpcurrent_field)->Text = number_format($valuefillin, $this->NumberOfDigits, '.', '');
                     if ($faktor_periode < 1 and $faktor_periode > 0) {
                         $target_year = $this->getYearByMonth($monat);
                         //this is new because a value needs to be passed to the following year
                         $valuefillin = (1 - $faktor_periode) * $base_value;
                         $follow_field = "RLIQXXX" . $target_year . "XXX" . $monat . "XXX" . $local_type . "XXX" . $local_ff . "XXX" . $local_id;
                         if ($target_year == $my_jahr) {
                             $follow_value = number_format($this->page->ACTPanel->FindControl($follow_field)->Text, $this->NumberOfDigits, '.', '');
                             $counter == 1 ? '' : ($valuefillin += $follow_value);
                             $this->update_w_wert($target_year, $monat, $local_type, $local_ff, $local_id, $valuefillin);
                             $this->page->ACTPanel->FindControl($follow_field)->Text = number_format($valuefillin, $this->NumberOfDigits, '.', '');
                         } else {
                             $follow_value_record = WerteRecord::finder()->findBySql("SELECT idtt_werte FROM tt_werte WHERE idtm_struktur = '" . $local_id . "' AND idta_feldfunktion = '" . $local_ff . "' AND w_jahr = '" . $target_year . "' AND w_monat = '" . $monat . "' AND w_id_variante = '" . $this->GLOBALVARIANTE . "' LIMIT 1");
                             if (count($follow_value_record) > 0) {
                                 $MyWerteRecord = WerteRecord::finder()->findByidtt_werte($follow_value_record->idtt_werte);
                                 $follow_value = $MyWerteRecord->w_endwert * 1;
                                 $MyWerteRecord->w_endwert = $valuefillin;
                             } else {
                                 $tmp = 0;
                                 $NEWWerteRecord = new WerteRecord();
                                 $NEWWerteRecord->w_jahr = $target_year;
                                 $NEWWerteRecord->w_monat = $monat;
                                 $this->getInitialValue($local_ff, StrukturRecord::finder()->findByPK($local_id)->idtm_stammdaten, $monat, $this->GLOBALVARIANTE, $tmp);
                                 $NEWWerteRecord->w_wert = $tmp;
                                 $NEWWerteRecord->w_endwert = $valuefillin;
                                 $NEWWerteRecord->idta_feldfunktion = $local_ff;
                                 $NEWWerteRecord->idtm_struktur = $local_id;
                                 $NEWWerteRecord->w_id_variante = $this->GLOBALVARIANTE;
             $this->check_collector($local_ff, $current_field, $local_prefix, $key, $local_jahr, $local_id);
     $this->update_w_wert($local_jahr, $local_jahr, $local_type, $local_ff, $local_id, $this->sum_up($local_jahr, $local_jahr, $local_ff, $local_id));
     $resultField = "RLIQXXX" . $local_jahr . "XXX" . $local_jahr . "XXX" . $local_type . "XXX" . $local_ff . "XXX" . $local_id;
     $this->page->ACTPanel->FindControl($resultField)->Text = number_format($this->sum_up($local_jahr, $local_jahr, $local_ff, $local_id), $this->NumberOfDigits, '.', '');
     //hier muss die berechnung der erroeffnungsbilanz hin
 public function FCRunSeasonsButtonClicked($sender, $param)
     //Step One, find all relevant IDs
     $FieldstToChange = array();
     //inside this array, the fields that needed to be changed are listed
     $FieldsToKeep = array();
     //inside this array, the fields that needed to be keept are listed
     $idta_variante = $this->Request['idta_variante'];
     $to_idta_variante = $this->for_idta_variante->Text;
     $this->load_ta_perioden($this->for_from_idta_periode->Text, $this->for_to_idta_periode->Text);
     $idta_struktur_type = FeldfunktionRecord::finder()->findByidta_feldfunktion($this->for_idta_feldfunktion->Text)->idta_struktur_type;
     $idta_feldfunktion = $this->for_idta_feldfunktion->Text;
     $FieldsToChange[] = $idta_feldfunktion;
     //this value needs always to be included
     $SQLINCondition = $this->subCategory_Inlist($this->subcats, $this->for_idtm_struktur->Text);
     //the two must be replaced with the value from the usermanager
     $sql = "SELECT idtm_struktur FROM tm_struktur WHERE idtm_struktur IN (" . $SQLINCondition . ") AND idta_struktur_type = " . $idta_struktur_type;
     //here I recieve the array of values containing the elements to be changed
     $ElementsToChange = StrukturRecord::finder()->findAllBySQL($sql);
     //before the change can start, I need to identify the affected rows
     $FieldsToChangeBrutto = CollectorRecord::finder()->findAllBycol_idtafeldfunktion($idta_feldfunktion);
     foreach ($FieldsToChangeBrutto as $TmpField) {
         $FieldsToChange[] = $TmpField->idta_feldfunktion;
     $FieldsToKeepBrutto = FeldfunktionRecord::finder()->findAllByidta_struktur_type($idta_struktur_type);
     foreach ($FieldsToKeepBrutto as $MyTmpField) {
         if (!in_array($MyTmpField->idta_feldfunktion, $FieldsToChange)) {
             $FieldsToKeep[] = $MyTmpField->idta_feldfunktion;
     foreach ($ElementsToChange as $Element) {
         foreach ($this->Perioden as $key => $value) {
             foreach ($FieldsToChange as $Field) {
                 $year_idta_periode = $this->getYearByMonth($key);
                 $sqlYEAR = "SELECT w_wert FROM tt_werte WHERE w_jahr = " . $year_idta_periode . " AND w_monat = " . $key . " AND idtm_struktur = " . $Element->idtm_struktur . " AND w_id_variante = " . $idta_variante . " AND idta_feldfunktion = " . $Field;
                 $YEARValue = WerteRecord::finder()->findBySQL($sqlYEAR)->w_wert;
                 $newValue = $YEARValue * (1 + $this->for_for_faktor->Text / 100);
                 //$sqlMONTH = "SELECT w_wert FROM tt_werte WHERE w_jahr = ".$year_idta_periode." AND w_monat = ".PeriodenRecord::finder()->findByPK($Season->idta_periode)->per_intern." AND idtm_struktur = ".$Element->idtm_struktur." AND w_id_variante = ".$idta_variante." AND idta_feldfunktion = ".$Field;
                 $year_to_idta_periode = $this->getYearByMonth($value);
                 if (count(WerteRecord::finder()->find('w_jahr = ? AND w_monat = ? AND idtm_struktur = ? AND w_id_variante = ? AND idta_feldfunktion = ?', $year_to_idta_periode, $value, $Element->idtm_struktur, $to_idta_variante, $Field))) {
                     $RecordToUpdate = WerteRecord::finder()->find('w_jahr = ? AND w_monat = ? AND idtm_struktur = ? AND w_id_variante = ? AND idta_feldfunktion = ?', $year_to_idta_periode, $value, $Element->idtm_struktur, $to_idta_variante, $Field);
                     if ($RecordToUpdate->w_wert != $newValue) {
                         $RecordToUpdate->w_wert = $newValue;
                 } else {
                     $RecordToWrite = new WerteRecord();
                     $RecordToWrite->w_jahr = $year_to_idta_periode;
                     $RecordToWrite->w_monat = $value;
                     $RecordToWrite->idtm_struktur = $Element->idtm_struktur;
                     $RecordToWrite->w_id_variante = $to_idta_variante;
                     $RecordToWrite->w_wert = $newValue;
                     $RecordToWrite->idta_feldfunktion = $Field;
                     $RecordToWrite->w_dimkey = $this->build_DIMKEY($Element->idtm_struktur);
             foreach ($FieldsToKeep as $Field) {
                 $year_idta_periode = $this->getYearByMonth($key);
                 $sqlYEAR = "SELECT w_wert FROM tt_werte WHERE w_jahr = " . $year_idta_periode . " AND w_monat = " . $key . " AND idtm_struktur = " . $Element->idtm_struktur . " AND w_id_variante = " . $idta_variante . " AND idta_feldfunktion = " . $Field;
                 $YEARValue = WerteRecord::finder()->findBySQL($sqlYEAR)->w_wert;
                 $newValue = $YEARValue;
                 //$sqlMONTH = "SELECT w_wert FROM tt_werte WHERE w_jahr = ".$year_idta_periode." AND w_monat = ".PeriodenRecord::finder()->findByPK($Season->idta_periode)->per_intern." AND idtm_struktur = ".$Element->idtm_struktur." AND w_id_variante = ".$idta_variante." AND idta_feldfunktion = ".$Field;
                 $year_to_idta_periode = $this->getYearByMonth($value);
                 if (count(WerteRecord::finder()->find('w_jahr = ? AND w_monat = ? AND idtm_struktur = ? AND w_id_variante = ? AND idta_feldfunktion = ?', $year_to_idta_periode, $value, $Element->idtm_struktur, $to_idta_variante, $Field))) {
                     $RecordToUpdate = WerteRecord::finder()->find('w_jahr = ? AND w_monat = ? AND idtm_struktur = ? AND w_id_variante = ? AND idta_feldfunktion = ?', $year_to_idta_periode, $value, $Element->idtm_struktur, $to_idta_variante, $Field);
                     $RecordToUpdate->w_wert = $newValue;
                 } else {
                     $RecordToWrite = new WerteRecord();
                     $RecordToWrite->w_jahr = $year_to_idta_periode;
                     $RecordToWrite->w_monat = $value;
                     $RecordToWrite->idtm_struktur = $Element->idtm_struktur;
                     $RecordToWrite->w_id_variante = $to_idta_variante;
                     $RecordToWrite->w_wert = $newValue;
                     $RecordToWrite->idta_feldfunktion = $Field;
                     $RecordToWrite->w_dimkey = $this->build_DIMKEY($Element->idtm_struktur);
예제 #3
 public function calcPayables($local_ff, $local_id, $local_jahr)
     $counter = 0;
     //reset of the existing values -> filled with value in w_endwert default zero if values from former periods, they will be filled in
     foreach ($this->Perioden as $tmpPeriode) {
         $my_jahr = $this->getYearByMonth($tmpPeriode[0]);
         $follow_value_record = WerteRecord::finder()->findBySql("SELECT w_endwert FROM tt_werte WHERE idtm_struktur = '" . $local_id . "' AND idta_feldfunktion = '" . $local_ff . "' AND w_jahr = '" . $my_jahr . "' AND w_monat = '" . $tmpPeriode[0] . "' AND w_id_variante = '" . $this->GLOBALVARIANTE . "' LIMIT 1");
         $this->update_w_wert($my_jahr, $tmpPeriode[0], $local_ff, $local_id, $follow_value_record->w_endwert);
     //I need to reset the values for the following Period
     if ($this->ResetCalcpayables == 0) {
         $cleanyear = $my_jahr + 1;
         $ResetRecords = WerteRecord::finder()->findAllBySql("SELECT * FROM tt_werte WHERE idtm_struktur = '" . $local_id . "' AND idta_feldfunktion = '" . $local_ff . "' AND w_jahr = '" . $cleanyear . "' AND w_id_variante = '" . $this->GLOBALVARIANTE . "'");
         foreach ($ResetRecords as $ResetRecord) {
             $ResetRecord->w_endwert = 0;
     foreach ($this->Perioden as $tmpPeriode) {
         // hier erhoehen wir die info, dass die erste periode vorbei ist
         if ($tmpPeriode[0] < 10000) {
             $key = $tmpPeriode[0];
             $my_jahr = $this->getYearByMonth($tmpPeriode[0]);
             $CurrentString = $my_jahr . "xxx" . $tmpPeriode[0] . "xxx" . $local_ff . "xxx" . $local_id;
             $current_value = $this->TTWERTE[$CurrentString];
             $days_for_factor = 360 / $this->getNumberPerIntern($my_jahr);
             //DB: 30 echo $days_for_factor;
             //here we get the value of the field, that contains the value for the base factor
             $tresult = CollectorRecord::finder()->findBySql("SELECT col_idtafeldfunktion,col_operator FROM ta_collector INNER JOIN ta_feldfunktion ON ta_collector.col_idtafeldfunktion = ta_feldfunktion.idta_feldfunktion WHERE ta_collector.idta_feldfunktion = '" . $local_ff . "' AND ff_type='3' LIMIT 1");
             //3 ist der struktursammler
             $BaseString = $my_jahr . "xxx" . $tmpPeriode[0] . "xxx" . $tresult->col_idtafeldfunktion . "xxx" . $local_id;
             $base_value = $this->TTWERTE[$BaseString];
             $factor_per_day = $base_value / $days_for_factor;
             $ttresult = CollectorRecord::finder()->findBySql("SELECT col_idtafeldfunktion,col_operator FROM ta_collector INNER JOIN ta_feldfunktion ON ta_collector.col_idtafeldfunktion = ta_feldfunktion.idta_feldfunktion WHERE ta_collector.idta_feldfunktion = '" . $local_ff . "' AND ff_type<>'3' LIMIT 1");
             //3 ist der struktursammler
             $DayString = $my_jahr . "xxx" . $tmpPeriode[0] . "xxx" . $ttresult->col_idtafeldfunktion . "xxx" . $local_id;
             $day_value = $this->TTWERTE[$DayString];
             $temp_compare = $day_value / $days_for_factor;
             $untergrenze = 0;
             //der untere laufer
             $obergrenze = 1;
             //der obere laufwert
             $monat = $tmpPeriode[0];
             for ($ii = 0; $ii <= count($this->Perioden); $ii++) {
                 if ($temp_compare >= $untergrenze and $temp_compare < $obergrenze) {
                     $TmpCurrentString = $my_jahr . "xxx" . $monat . "xxx" . $local_ff . "xxx" . $local_id;
                     if (isset($this->TTWERTE[$TmpCurrentString])) {
                         $tmpcurrent_value = $this->TTWERTE[$TmpCurrentString];
                     } else {
                         $tmpcurrent_value = 0;
                     $faktor_periode = $obergrenze - $temp_compare;
                     $valuefillin = $faktor_periode * $base_value;
                     $counter == 1 ? '' : ($valuefillin += $tmpcurrent_value);
                     $this->update_w_wert($my_jahr, $monat, $local_ff, $local_id, $valuefillin);
                     if ($faktor_periode < 1 and $faktor_periode > 0) {
                         $target_year = $this->getYearByMonth($monat);
                         //this is new because a value needs to be passed to the following year
                         $valuefillin = (1 - $faktor_periode) * $base_value;
                         $FollowString = $target_year . "xxx" . $monat . "xxx" . $local_ff . "xxx" . $local_id;
                         if ($target_year == $my_jahr) {
                             $follow_value = $this->TTWERTE[$FollowString];
                             $counter == 1 ? '' : ($valuefillin += $follow_value);
                             $this->update_w_wert($my_jahr, $monat, $local_ff, $local_id, $valuefillin);
                         } else {
                             $follow_value_record = WerteRecord::finder()->findBySql("SELECT idtt_werte FROM tt_werte WHERE idtm_struktur = '" . $local_id . "' AND idta_feldfunktion = '" . $local_ff . "' AND w_jahr = '" . $target_year . "' AND w_monat = '" . $monat . "' AND w_id_variante = '" . $this->GLOBALVARIANTE . "' LIMIT 1");
                             if (count($follow_value_record) > 0) {
                                 $MyWerteRecord = WerteRecord::finder()->findByidtt_werte($follow_value_record->idtt_werte);
                                 $follow_value = $MyWerteRecord->w_endwert * 1;
                                 $MyWerteRecord->w_endwert = $valuefillin;
                             } else {
                                 $tmp = 0;
                                 $NEWWerteRecord = new WerteRecord();
                                 $NEWWerteRecord->w_jahr = $target_year;
                                 $NEWWerteRecord->w_monat = $monat;
                                 $this->getInitialValue($local_ff, StrukturRecord::finder()->findByPK($local_id)->idtm_stammdaten, $monat, $this->GLOBALVARIANTE, $tmp);
                                 $NEWWerteRecord->w_wert = $tmp;
                                 $NEWWerteRecord->w_endwert = $valuefillin;
                                 $NEWWerteRecord->idta_feldfunktion = $local_ff;
                                 $NEWWerteRecord->idtm_struktur = $local_id;
                                 $NEWWerteRecord->w_id_variante = $this->GLOBALVARIANTE;
             $this->check_collector($local_ff, $key, $local_jahr, $local_id);
     //echo "Sp6x";
     $this->update_w_wert($local_jahr, $local_jahr, $local_ff, $local_id, $this->sum_up($local_jahr, $local_jahr, $local_ff, $local_id));