  * @expectedException Svea\ValidationException
  * @expectedExceptionMessage -missing value : Description is required.
 public function test_creditOrderRows_creditPyamentplanOrderRows_noDesciription()
     $config = Svea\SveaConfig::getDefaultConfig();
     $orderRows[] = WebPayItem::orderRow()->setAmountIncVat(10.0)->setVatPercent(25)->setQuantity(1);
     $orderRows[] = WebPayItem::orderRow()->setAmountIncVat(10.0)->setVatPercent(25)->setQuantity(1);
     $credit = WebPayAdmin::creditOrderRows($config)->setContractNumber(123123)->setCountryCode('SE')->addCreditOrderRows($orderRows)->creditPaymentplanOrderRows()->prepareRequest();
// We wish to credit the entire card order. To do so, we need to credit the order with an amount equal to the original order total.
// This can be done by either :
// 1) (recommended) specifying a new credit row for the entire original order total amount and passing in the new row to credit, or
// 2) specifying that all of the original order rows are to be credited, passing in their number and, as this is a card order, the order rows themselves
// 2) instead credit specific order rows, 2):
// First we create a builder object and populate them with the required fields.
$firstCreditOrderRowsBuilder = WebPayAdmin::creditOrderRows($myConfig);
// To credit the order, we need its transactionid, which we received with the order request response and wrote to file.
$myTransactionId = file_get_contents("transactionid.txt");
if (!$myTransactionId) {
    echo "<pre>Error: transactionid.txt not found, first run cardorder_credit.php to set up the card order. aborting.";
$secondCreditOrderRowsBuilder = WebPayAdmin::creditOrderRows($myConfig);
// To credit specific order rows, you pass the order rows numbers you wish to credit using setRowsToCredit().
// For card orders, you also need to pass in the numbered order rows themselves using addNumberedOrderRows().
// You can use the WebPayAdmin::queryCardOrder() entrypoint method to get a copy of the original order rows sent to Svea.
// Note that these order rows does not update following a successful credit order rows request, even though the
// QueryTransactionResponse field creditedamount returned by a queryOrder request will reflect the current credit status.
$queryOrderBuilder = WebPayAdmin::queryOrder($myConfig)->setOrderId($myTransactionId)->setCountryCode("SE");
// query orderrows to pass in creditOrderRows->setNumberedOrderRows()
$queryResponse = $queryOrderBuilder->queryCardOrder()->doRequest();
if (!$queryResponse->accepted) {
    echo "<pre>Error: queryOrder failed. aborting.";
// The query response holds an array of NumberedOrderRow containing the order rows as sent in the createOrder request
예제 #3
ini_set('display_errors', 'On');
// Include Svea PHP integration package.
$svea_directory = "../../src/";
require_once $svea_directory . "Includes.php";
// get config object
$myConfig = Svea\SveaConfig::getTestConfig();
//replace with class holding your merchantid, secretword, et al, adopted from package Config/SveaConfig.php
// We wish to credit the entire card order. To do so, we need to credit the order with an amount equal to the original order total.
// This can be done by either :
// 1) (recommended) specifying a new credit row for the entire original order total amount and passing in the new row to credit, or
// 2) specifying that all of the original order rows are to be credited, passing in their number and, as this is a card order, the order rows themselves
// 1) Using the first method (for 2), see file creditorderrows_with_rows.php:
// First we create a builder object and populate them with the required fields.
$firstCreditOrderRowsBuilder = WebPayAdmin::creditOrderRows($myConfig);
// To credit the order, we need its transactionid, which we received with the order request response and wrote to file.
$myTransactionId = file_get_contents("transactionid.txt");
if (!$myTransactionId) {
    echo "<pre>Error: transactionid.txt not found, first run cardorder_credit.php to set up the card order. aborting.";
// Assume that we know that the original order total amount was 1*(100*1.25) + 2*(5.00*1.12) = 125+11.2 = SEK 136.2 (incl. VAT 26.2)
// Create a new OrderRow for the credited amount and add it to the builder object using addCreditOrderRow():
$myCreditRow = WebPayItem::orderRow()->setAmountExVat(300)->setVatPercent(25)->setQuantity(1)->setDescription("Credited order #" . $myTransactionId);
// Add the new order row to credit to the builder object.
// Then we can send the credit request to Svea:
$myCreditRequest = $firstCreditOrderRowsBuilder->creditCardOrderRows();
$myCreditResponse = $myCreditRequest->doRequest();
 public function test_creditOrderRows_creditDirectBankOrderRows_returns_CreditTransaction()
     $creditOrderRowsBuilder = WebPayAdmin::creditOrderRows(Svea\SveaConfig::getDefaultConfig())->setCountryCode("SE")->setOrderId(123456)->addNumberedOrderRow(TestUtil::createNumberedOrderRow(100.0, 1, 1))->setRowToCredit(1);
     $request = $creditOrderRowsBuilder->creditDirectBankOrderRows();
     $this->assertInstanceOf("Svea\\HostedService\\CreditTransaction", $request);
 public function test_creditOrderRows_creditPyamentplanOrderRows_multipleRows()
     $config = Svea\SveaConfig::getDefaultConfig();
     $orderInfo = $this->get_orderInfo_sent_inc_vat(1000.0, 25, 1, TRUE);
     $orderRows[] = WebPayItem::orderRow()->setAmountIncVat(10.0)->setVatPercent(25)->setQuantity(1)->setDescription("row 1");
     $orderRows[] = WebPayItem::orderRow()->setAmountIncVat(10.0)->setVatPercent(25)->setQuantity(1)->setDescription("row 2");
     $credit = WebPayAdmin::creditOrderRows($config)->setContractNumber($orderInfo->contractNumber)->setCountryCode('SE')->addCreditOrderRows($orderRows)->creditPaymentplanOrderRows()->doRequest();
     // logs should createOrderEU (w/priceIncludingVat = true) => deliverOrderRows
     // => creditOrderRows (w/priceIncludingVat = false) fail =>  creditOrderRows (w/priceIncludingVat = true) success
     $this->assertEquals(1, $credit->accepted);
 public function test_creditOrderRows_creditCardOrderRows_allows_orderRow_with_zero_amount()
     $dummyorderid = 123456;
     $orderBuilder = WebPayAdmin::creditOrderRows(Svea\SveaConfig::getDefaultConfig())->setOrderId($dummyorderid)->setCountryCode("SE")->addCreditOrderRow(WebPayItem::orderRow()->setAmountExVat(0.0)->setVatPercent(0)->setQuantity(0));
     try {
         $request = $orderBuilder->creditCardOrderRows()->prepareRequest();
     } catch (Exception $e) {
         // fail on validation error
         $this->fail("Unexpected validation exception: " . $e->getMessage());