public function test_encrypted_login() { $this->model->update_attributes($this->get_fixture("encrypteduser")); $auth = new WaxAuthDb(array("encrypt" => true, "db_table" => "test_auth_user")); $auth->verify("encrypted", "password"); $this->assertTrue($auth->is_logged_in()); }
/** * protected function that handles the actual db authentication check on first login * now also logs data regarding who has logged in * @return String url to redirect to **/ protected function process_login() { $auth = new WaxAuthDb(array("db_table" => $this->model_name, "session_key" => "wildfire_user_cookie")); if ($auth->verify($_POST['username'], $_POST['password'])) { $log = new WildfireLog(); $log->action = "login"; $log->user = $auth->get_user(); $log->time = date("Y-m-d H:i:s"); $log->save(); if ($this->authorised_redirect) { return $this->authorised_redirect; } else { return 'index'; } } else { Session::add_message("Sorry, we can't find that username and password. Try again."); return $this->unauthorised_redirect; } }