//Delete students
     echo 'No students are in the database';
 echo '<h1>' . 'List of Warden ' . '</h1>';
 if (!$user->print_All(2)) {
     //See profiles warden
     echo 'No wardens are in the database';
 echo '<h1>' . 'List of Admin ' . '</h1>';
 //Delete admin
 if (!$user->print_All(3)) {
     //See profiles students
     echo 'No wardens are in the database';
 echo '<h1>' . 'List of Students In Debt' . '</h1>';
 if (!($unpaid_students = $user->get_notPaid())) {
     echo 'All student have paid their rent this month';
 } else {
     if ($unpaid_students) {
         echo '<table id="data">';
         foreach ($unpaid_students as $student) {
             echo '<tr>' . '<td>' . $student->ID . '</td>';
             echo '<td>' . $student->Name . '</td>';
             echo '<td>' . $student->Course . '</td>';
             echo '<td>' . $student->State . '</td>';
             echo '<td>';
             echo '<form action method="GET">';
             echo '<input type="hidden" name="deleting" value="' . $student->ID . '"/>';
             echo '<input type="submit" value="delete" onSubmit="Conform()" />';
             echo '</form>';
             echo '</td>';