예제 #1
 function WYRichTextElement($sN, $bG, $sCSSURL, $bObfuscate)
     parent::WYElement($sN, $bG);
     $this->sEditorPageName = "rich-text.php";
     $this->iEditorWidth = 850;
     $this->iEditorHeight = 620;
     $this->sEditButtonCSSClass = "WebYepRichTextEditButton";
     if ($sCSSURL) {
         $this->oCSSURL = new WYURL($sCSSURL);
     } else {
         $this->oCSSURL = od_nil;
     $this->bObfuscate = $bObfuscate;
     if (!isset($this->dContent[WY_DK_CONTENT])) {
         // check whether a Long Text Element with same field name left some data...
         $oLT = new WYLongTextElement($sN, $bG, false);
         if ($oLT->sText() != "") {
             $this->dContent[WY_DK_CONTENT] = $oLT->sDisplay();
         } else {
             $this->dContent[WY_DK_CONTENT] = "";
예제 #2
파일: long-text.php 프로젝트: bcneb/WebYep
// WebYep
// (C) Objective Development Software GmbH
// http://www.obdev.at
$webyep_bDocumentPage = false;
$webyep_sIncludePath = "..";
include_once "{$webyep_sIncludePath}/webyep.php";
include_once @webyep_sConfigValue("webyep_sIncludePath") . "/elements/WYLongTextElement.php";
include_once @webyep_sConfigValue("webyep_sIncludePath") . "/lib/WYTextArea.php";
include_once @webyep_sConfigValue("webyep_sIncludePath") . "/lib/WYEditor.php";
$bOK = false;
$sResponse = WYTS("LongTextSaved");
$sHelpFile = "longtext-element.php";
$oEditor = new WYEditor();
$oElement = new WYLongTextElement($oEditor->sFieldName, $oEditor->bGlobal, "");
$oTA = new WYTextArea("TEXT", $oElement->sText());
if ($oEditor->bSave) {
    $bOK = true;
} else {
    $sOnLoadScript = 'document.forms[0].TEXT.focus();';
// give App a chance to say something
<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN">

예제 #3
function webyep_sLongTextContent($sFieldName, $bGlobal)
    $o = new WYLongTextElement($sFieldName, $bGlobal, false);
    return $o->sText();