예제 #1

// failsafe to allow direct calls to the template
if (is_null($sso_objects) || is_null($action)) {
$site_args = array('action' => $action);
$network_sites = array_diff(WP_MultiSite_SSO::get_network_sites(), array(esc_url(home_url())));
// add the site args to each site
$sso_sites = array();
foreach ($network_sites as $blog_id => $blog_url) {
    $blog_args = $site_args;
    if (isset($sso_objects[$blog_id])) {
        $blog_args['sso'] = urlencode($sso_objects[$blog_id]);
    $sso_sites[] = esc_url_raw(add_query_arg($blog_args, $blog_url));
$body_text = __('Please wait...', 'wp-multisite-sso');
if (WP_MultiSite_SSO::LOGIN_ACTION === $action) {
    $body_text = sprintf(__('Logging in to network sites. %s', 'wp-multisite-sso'), $body_text);
} else {
    $body_text = sprintf(__('Logging out of network sites. %s', 'wp-multisite-sso'), $body_text);
$sso_options = get_option(WP_MultiSite_SSO::SETTINGS_SLUG);
$load_wp_css = isset($sso_options['load_wp_css']) ? intval($sso_options['load_wp_css']) : 1;
$load_custom_css = isset($sso_options['load_custom_css']) ? intval($sso_options['load_custom_css']) : 1;
$custom_css = isset($sso_options['loginout_css']) ? $sso_options['loginout_css'] : '';
$body_classes = array('sso-body', 'login', 'login-action-login', 'wp-core-ui', 'locale-' . sanitize_html_class(strtolower(str_replace('_', '-', get_locale()))));
$body_classes = apply_filters('sso_login_logout_body_class', $body_classes, $action);
$login_header_url = network_home_url();
$login_header_title = get_current_site()->site_name;
  * Provides the functionality to sign the user in to the network sites once
  * they have signed in to the current blog.
  * @global type $current_site
  * @param type $username
  * @param type $user
 public static function handle_login($username, $user)
     global $current_site;
     // setup variables
     $time = time();
     $user_hash = md5(sprintf(self::$user_hash_md5_format, $user->ID));
     $network_sites = array_diff(WP_MultiSite_SSO::get_network_sites(), array(esc_url(home_url())));
     $current_blog_id = get_current_blog_id();
     // IP address.
     $ip_address = '';
     if (!empty($_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'])) {
         $ip_address = $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'];
     // User-agent.
     $user_agent = '';
     if (!empty($_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT'])) {
         $user_agent = wp_unslash($_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT']);
     foreach (array_keys($network_sites) as $blog_id) {
         // build the sso objects to send
         $sso_objects[$blog_id] = array('user_hash' => $user_hash, 'user_id' => $user->ID, 'src_blog_id' => $current_blog_id, 'dest_blog_id' => $blog_id, 'timestamp' => $time, 'ip_address' => $ip_address, 'user_agent' => $user_agent);
     // encrypt the sso object
     $iv = mcrypt_create_iv(mcrypt_get_iv_size(MCRYPT_RIJNDAEL_128, MCRYPT_MODE_ECB), MCRYPT_RAND);
     $sso_objects = array_map(function ($sso_object) use($iv) {
         // encode the sso object
         $sso_object = json_encode($sso_object);
         return base64_encode(mcrypt_encrypt(MCRYPT_RIJNDAEL_128, substr(AUTH_SALT, 0, 32), $sso_object, MCRYPT_MODE_ECB, $iv));
     }, $sso_objects);
     // add reference to hash to the user's meta, store the time and all sso objects
     $user_meta = array('hash' => $user_hash, 'value' => array('timestamp' => $time, 'keys' => $sso_objects));
     update_user_meta($user->ID, self::USER_META_KEY, $user_meta);
     $action = self::LOGIN_ACTION;
     include __DIR__ . '/inc/sso.php';