/** * Admin notice * @global object $current_screen * @global array $wp_crm * @return boolean */ static function wp_crm_admin_notice() { global $current_screen, $wp_crm; if ($current_screen->id != 'crm_page_wp_crm_settings' || !is_array($wp_crm['data_structure']['attributes'])) { return false; } $required_fields = apply_filters('wp_crm_requires_fields', array('user_email')); foreach ($required_fields as $field) { if (!array_key_exists($field, $wp_crm['data_structure']['attributes'])) { WP_CRM_F::add_message(sprintf(__('Warning: there is no field with slug \'%s\' in list of user attributes on Data tab!', 'wp_crm'), $field), 'bad'); } } }
<?php global $wp_roles; if (isset($_REQUEST['message'])) { switch ($_REQUEST['message']) { case 'updated': WP_CRM_F::add_message('Settings updated.'); break; } } if (empty($wp_crm['notifications'])) { $wp_crm['notifications']['example']['subject'] = "Subject"; $wp_crm['notifications']['example']['to'] = "[user_email]"; $wp_crm['notifications']['example']['message'] = "Hello [display_name], \n\n Thank you for your message."; $wp_crm['notifications']['example']['send_from'] = get_bloginfo('admin_email'); } if (empty($wp_crm['data_structure']['attributes'])) { $wp_crm['data_structure']['attributes'] = array('user_email' => array('title' => 'Email', 'primary' => 'true')); } $parseUrl = parse_url(trim(get_bloginfo('url'))); $this_domain = trim($parseUrl['host'] ? $parseUrl['host'] : array_shift(explode('/', $parseUrl['path'], 2))); ?> <script type="text/javascript"> /* Build trigger action argument array */ var notification_action_arguments = new Array(); jQuery(document).ready(function() { jQuery("#wp_crm_settings_tabs").tabs({ cookie: { expires: 30, name: 'wpc_settings_page_tabs' } });
<?php if (!empty($wp_crm['data_structure']) && is_array($wp_crm['data_structure']['attributes'])) { $attribute_keys = array_keys($wp_crm['data_structure']['attributes']); } else { $attribute_keys = array(); } if ($_REQUEST['message'] == 'created') { WP_CRM_F::add_message(__('Profile created.', 'wp_crm')); } elseif ($_REQUEST['message'] == 'updated') { WP_CRM_F::add_message(__('Profile updated.', 'wp_crm')); } if ($wp_crm_user) { $user_id = $_REQUEST['user_id']; $object = $wp_crm_user; $title = WP_CRM_F::get_primary_display_value($object); } else { $object = array(); $object['new'] = true; $object['user_role']['default'][0] = get_option('default_role'); $title = __('Add New Person', 'wp_crm'); } $wp_crm_js = array('user_id' => is_numeric($user_id) ? $user_id : false, 'hidden_attributes' => $wp_crm['hidden_attributes']); if ($wp_crm['configuration']['standardize_display_name'] == 'true' && !empty($wp_crm['configuration']['display_name_rule'])) { $wp_crm_js['standardize_display_name'] = true; $wp_crm_js['display_name_rule'] = $wp_crm['configuration']['display_name_rule']; } if (is_array($wp_crm_js)) { echo '<script type="text/javascript">var wp_crm = jQuery.parseJSON(' . json_encode(json_encode($wp_crm_js)) . '); </script>'; } ?>
/** * Saves Buddypress profile data. * * @uses WP_CRM_Core::wp_crm_save_user_data() * @param array $data. Request (POST,GET) * @author peshkov@UD */ static function bp_save_profile_data($data) { global $bp; if (empty($data['bp']) || empty($data['user_id'])) { return; } //* Set necessary variables */ $user_id = $data['user_id']; $user_data = $data['wp_crm']['user_data']; $data = $data['bp']; $errors = false; $posted_field_ids = array(); $is_required = array(); //* Set xprofile full name from display_name */ $display_name = WP_CRM_F::get_first_value($user_data['display_name']); if (!empty($display_name)) { $fullname_field_name = bp_xprofile_fullname_field_name(); $fullname_field_id = xprofile_get_field_id_from_name($fullname_field_name); $data["field_{$fullname_field_id}"] = $display_name; } //* Get all posted field ids */ foreach ($data as $name => $value) { $field_id = str_replace(array('field_', '_day', '_month', '_year'), '', $name); array_push($posted_field_ids, $field_id); } $posted_field_ids = array_unique($posted_field_ids); //* Validate the field */ foreach ($posted_field_ids as $field_id) { if (!isset($data['field_' . $field_id])) { if (!empty($data['field_' . $field_id . '_day']) && !empty($data['field_' . $field_id . '_month']) && !empty($data['field_' . $field_id . '_year'])) { /* Concatenate the values */ $date_value = $data['field_' . $field_id . '_day'] . ' ' . $data['field_' . $field_id . '_month'] . ' ' . $data['field_' . $field_id . '_year']; /* Turn the concatenated value into a timestamp */ $data['field_' . $field_id] = date('Y-m-d H:i:s', strtotime($date_value)); } } $is_required[$field_id] = xprofile_check_is_required_field($field_id); if ($is_required[$field_id] && empty($data['field_' . $field_id])) { $errors = true; } } //** There are errors */ if ($errors) { WP_CRM_F::add_message(__('Please make sure you fill in all required Buddypress fields in this profile field group before saving.', ud_get_wp_crm()->domain), 'bad'); //** No errors */ } else { //** Now we've checked for required fields, lets save the values. */ foreach ($posted_field_ids as $field_id) { //** Certain types of fields (checkboxes, multiselects) may come through empty. */ //** Save them as an empty array so that they don't get overwritten by the default on the next edit. */ if (empty($data['field_' . $field_id])) { $value = array(); } else { $value = $data['field_' . $field_id]; } if (!xprofile_set_field_data($field_id, $user_id, $value, $is_required[$field_id])) { $errors = true; } else { do_action('xprofile_profile_field_data_updated', $field_id, $value); } } //** Set the feedback message if we have error */ if ($errors) { WP_CRM_F::add_message(__('There was a problem updating some of Buddypress profile information, please try again.', ud_get_wp_crm()->domain), 'bad'); } } }
/** * Saves user data * * @hooked_into WP_CRM_Core::admin_head(); * @since 0.1 */ function wp_crm_save_user_data($user_data, $args = '') { global $wpdb, $wp_crm; $insert_data = array(); $insert_custom_data = array(); $args = wp_parse_args($args, array('use_global_messages' => 'true', 'match_login' => 'false', 'no_errors' => 'false', 'return_detail' => 'false', 'default_role' => get_option('default_role'), 'no_redirect' => 'false')); $wp_insert_user_vars = array('user_pass', 'user_email', 'user_login', 'user_url', 'role', 'user_nicename', 'display_name', 'user_registered', 'first_name', 'last_name', 'nickname'); //** Get custom meta attributes */ $wp_user_meta_data = array(); if (!empty($wp_crm['data_structure']) && is_array($wp_crm['data_structure']['attributes'])) { foreach ($wp_crm['data_structure']['attributes'] as $slug => $value) { if (!in_array($slug, $wp_insert_user_vars)) { $wp_user_meta_data[] = $slug; } } } //** Add custom keys that are not necessarily created in WP-CRM data but must be saved if passed */ $wp_user_meta_data[] = 'show_admin_bar_front'; $wp_user_meta_data[] = 'admin_color'; $temp_data['user_id'] = WP_CRM_F::get_first_value($user_data['user_id']); // Prepare Data foreach ($user_data as $meta_key => $values) { //** Fix up values if they are not passed in the crazy CRM format */ if (!empty($values) && !is_array($values)) { //** Check if Attribute TITLE was passed intead of the slug */ foreach ($wp_crm['data_structure']['attributes'] as $attribute_slug => $attribute_data) { if ($attribute_data['title'] == $meta_key) { //** Actual slug / meta_key found, we overwrite the passed one */ $meta_key = $attribute_slug; break; } } //** Check if this is an option key, and value needs to be convered to 'on' */ if ($wp_crm['data_structure']['attributes'][$meta_key]['has_options']) { if (in_array($values, $wp_crm['data_structure']['attributes'][$meta_key]['option_labels'])) { //** Get option key from passed option title */ $option_key = array_search($values, $wp_crm['data_structure']['attributes'][$meta_key]['option_labels']); //** Restet $values, and update with checkbox friendly data entry */ $values = array(rand(10000, 99999) => array('value' => 'on', 'option' => $option_key)); } } else { //** Handle Regular values */ $values = array(rand(10000, 99999) => array('value' => $values)); } } //** Make sure values are always in array format */ $values = (array) $values; foreach ($values as $temp_key => $data) { //** If this attribute is in the main user table, we store it here */ if (in_array($meta_key, $wp_insert_user_vars)) { //** Do not overwrite $insert_data if its already set */ if (!isset($insert_data[$meta_key])) { $insert_data[$meta_key] = $data['value']; continue; } //** Store data in meta table as well, as long as it's not already stored in main table */ if ($insert_data[$meta_key] != $data['value']) { //** Store any extra keys in values in regular data */ $insert_custom_data[$meta_key][] = $data['value']; } } //** If the attribute is a meta key created by WP-CRM, we store it here */ if (in_array($meta_key, $wp_user_meta_data)) { switch (!empty($wp_crm['data_structure']['attributes'][$meta_key]['input_type']) ? $wp_crm['data_structure']['attributes'][$meta_key]['input_type'] : '') { case 'checkbox': if (!empty($data['option']) && $data['value'] == 'on') { //** get full meta key of option */ $full_meta_key = $wp_crm['data_structure']['attributes'][$meta_key]['option_keys'][$data['option']]; if (empty($full_meta_key)) { $full_meta_key = $meta_key; } $insert_custom_data[$full_meta_key][] = 'on'; } break; case 'dropdown': //** get full meta key of option */ $full_meta_key = $wp_crm['data_structure']['attributes'][$meta_key]['option_keys'][$data['option']]; if (empty($full_meta_key)) { $full_meta_key = $meta_key; } if (!empty($data['option'])) { $insert_custom_data[$full_meta_key][] = 'on'; } break; default: //* Do not save empty values until this is being done on the profile editing page */ if (isset($data['value'])) { if (!$args['admin_save_action'] && empty($data['value'])) { continue; } } if (!empty($wp_crm['data_structure']['attributes'][$meta_key]['has_options'])) { $full_meta_key = $wp_crm['data_structure']['attributes'][$meta_key]['option_keys'][$data['option']]; if (empty($full_meta_key)) { $full_meta_key = $meta_key; } $insert_custom_data[$full_meta_key][] = $data['value']; } else { $insert_custom_data[$meta_key][] = $data['value']; } break; } } } } //* Determine user_id */ if (empty($temp_data['user_id'])) { if ($args['match_login'] == 'true' && (isset($user_data['user_login']) || isset($user_data['user_email']))) { $temp_data['user_login'] = WP_CRM_F::get_first_value($user_data['user_login']); $temp_data['user_email'] = WP_CRM_F::get_first_value($user_data['user_email']); //* Try to get ID based on login and email */ if ($temp_data['user_email']) { $insert_data['ID'] = username_exists($temp_data['user_email']); } //* Validate e-mail */ if (empty($insert_data['ID'])) { $insert_data['ID'] = email_exists($temp_data['user_email']); } } } else { //** User ID was passed */ $insert_data['ID'] = $temp_data['user_id']; } if (empty($insert_data['ID'])) { $new_user = true; } //** Set user_login from user_email or a guessed value if this is a new usr and user_login is not passed */ if (!empty($new_user) && empty($insert_data['user_login'])) { //** Try getting it from e-mail address */ if (!empty($insert_data['user_email'])) { $insert_data['user_login'] = $insert_data['user_email']; } else { //** Try to guess user_login from first passed user value */ if ($user_login = WP_CRM_F::get_primary_display_value($user_data)) { $user_login = sanitize_user($user_login, true); $user_login = apply_filters('pre_user_login', $user_login); $insert_data['user_login'] = $user_login; } } } //** If password is passed, we hash it */ if (empty($insert_data['user_pass'])) { //** Unset password to prevent it being cleared out */ unset($insert_data['user_pass']); } else { //** We don't need to do it because wp_insert/update_user does it too! @author korotkov@ud */ /* if($new_user) { $insert_data['user_pass'] = wp_hash_password($insert_data['user_pass']); } */ } //** Set default role if no role set and this isn't a new user */ if (empty($insert_data['role']) && empty($insert_data['ID'])) { $insert_data['role'] = $args['default_role']; } //** @author korotkov@ud */ if (empty($insert_data['user_email'])) { if ($wp_crm['configuration']['allow_account_creation_with_no_email'] == 'true') { $fake_user_email = rand(10000, 99999) . '@' . rand(10000, 99999) . '.com'; $insert_data['user_email'] = $fake_user_email; } else { WP_CRM_F::add_message(__('Error saving user: Email address cannot be empty', 'wp_crm'), 'bad'); return false; } } else { if (!filter_var($insert_data['user_email'], FILTER_VALIDATE_EMAIL)) { WP_CRM_F::add_message(__('Error saving user: Email address is invalid', 'wp_crm'), 'bad'); return false; } } //** Determine if data has user_nicename we should sanitize it. peshkov@UD */ if (isset($insert_data['user_nicename'])) { $user_nicename = sanitize_title($insert_data['user_nicename']); if (empty($user_nicename)) { unset($insert_data['user_nicename']); } else { $insert_data['user_nicename'] = $user_nicename; } } //** Always update display name if its blank */ if (empty($insert_data['display_name']) && isset($insert_data['user_email'])) { $insert_data['display_name'] = $insert_data['user_email']; } if (!empty($new_user)) { $user_id = wp_insert_user($insert_data); //** If multisite - assign user to blog */ if (is_multisite()) { global $blog_id; add_user_to_blog($blog_id, $user_id, $insert_data['role']); } } else { $user_id = wp_update_user($insert_data); } if (is_numeric($user_id)) { if (isset($fake_user_email)) { $wpdb->update($wpdb->users, array('user_email' => ''), array('ID' => $user_id)); } //** Remove all old meta values if field is set (to avoid deleting unpasssed values) */ foreach ($wp_user_meta_data as $meta_key) { if (isset($insert_custom_data[$meta_key])) { delete_user_meta($user_id, $meta_key); } //** Delete old option meta keys for this meta_key */ if (!empty($wp_crm['data_structure']['attributes'][$meta_key]['has_options'])) { //** Delete "holder" meta key (this may not be necessary */ delete_user_meta($user_id, $meta_key); foreach ($wp_crm['data_structure']['attributes'][$meta_key]['option_keys'] as $old_meta_key) { //** Delete individual long (optional) meta keys */ delete_user_meta($user_id, $old_meta_key); } } elseif (isset($args['admin_save_action']) && !empty($wp_crm['data_structure']['attributes'][$meta_key]['input_type']) && $wp_crm['data_structure']['attributes'][$meta_key]['input_type'] == 'checkbox') { delete_user_meta($user_id, $meta_key); } } //** Add meta values */ if (is_array($insert_custom_data) && !empty($insert_custom_data)) { foreach ((array) $insert_custom_data as $meta_key => $meta_value) { foreach ($meta_value as $single_value) { add_user_meta($user_id, $meta_key, $single_value); } } } $display_name = WP_CRM_F::get_primary_display_value($user_id); if ($display_name) { $wpdb->update($wpdb->users, array('display_name' => $display_name), array('ID' => $user_id)); } if (!empty($new_user)) { if ($args['use_global_messages'] == 'true') { WP_CRM_F::add_message(__('New user added.', 'wp_crm')); } } else { if ($args['use_global_messages'] == 'true') { WP_CRM_F::add_message(__('User updated.', 'wp_crm')); } } do_action('wp_crm_save_user', array('user_id' => $user_id, 'insert_data' => $insert_data, 'insert_custom_data' => $insert_custom_data, 'args' => $args)); // Don't redirect if data was passed if ($args['no_redirect'] != 'true') { if (!empty($_REQUEST['redirect_to'])) { $url = urldecode($_REQUEST['redirect_to']) . "&message=updated"; } else { $url = admin_url("admin.php?page=wp_crm_add_new&user_id={$user_id}&message=" . (!empty($new_user) ? 'created' : 'updated')); } wp_redirect($url); } } else { if ($args['use_global_messages'] == 'true') { switch ($user_id->get_error_code()) { case 'existing_user_email': $existing_id = email_exists($insert_data['user_email']); WP_CRM_F::add_message(sprintf(__('Error saving user: %s', 'wp_crm'), $user_id->get_error_message() . ' <a href="' . admin_url("admin.php?page=wp_crm_add_new&user_id={$existing_id}") . '">' . __('Go to user profile', 'wp_crm') . '</a>'), 'bad'); break; default: WP_CRM_F::add_message(sprintf(__('Error saving user: %s', 'wp_crm'), $user_id->get_error_message()), 'bad'); break; } } } if ($args['no_errors'] && is_wp_error($user_id)) { return false; } if ($args['return_detail'] == 'true') { $return['user_id'] = $user_id; if ($new_user) { $return['new_user'] = true; } return $return; } return $user_id; }
<?php if (!empty($wp_crm['data_structure']) && is_array($wp_crm['data_structure']['attributes'])) { $attribute_keys = array_keys($wp_crm['data_structure']['attributes']); } else { $attribute_keys = array(); } if (!empty($_REQUEST['message']) && $_REQUEST['message'] == 'created') { WP_CRM_F::add_message(__('Profile created.', ud_get_wp_crm()->domain)); } elseif (!empty($_REQUEST['message']) && $_REQUEST['message'] == 'updated') { WP_CRM_F::add_message(__('Profile updated.', ud_get_wp_crm()->domain)); } /** Set GET param redirect_to. After user saving server will redirect to the current screen (redirect_to is current_screen ID). */ $redirect_to = !empty($_REQUEST['redirect_to']) ? $_REQUEST['redirect_to'] : ""; if ($wp_crm_user) { $user_id = $_REQUEST['user_id']; $object = $wp_crm_user; $title = WP_CRM_F::get_primary_display_value($object); } else { $object = array(); $object['new'] = true; $object['user_role']['default'][0] = get_option('default_role'); $title = __('Add New Person', ud_get_wp_crm()->domain); } $wp_crm_js = array('user_id' => isset($user_id) && is_numeric($user_id) ? $user_id : false, 'hidden_attributes' => !empty($wp_crm['hidden_attributes']) ? $wp_crm['hidden_attributes'] : array()); if (!empty($wp_crm['configuration']['standardize_display_name']) && $wp_crm['configuration']['standardize_display_name'] == 'true' && !empty($wp_crm['configuration']['display_name_rule'])) { $wp_crm_js['standardize_display_name'] = true; $wp_crm_js['display_name_rule'] = $wp_crm['configuration']['display_name_rule']; } if (is_array($wp_crm_js)) { echo '<script type="text/javascript">var wp_crm = jQuery.parseJSON(' . json_encode(json_encode($wp_crm_js)) . '); </script>';
<?php if (!empty($_REQUEST['message']) && $_REQUEST['message'] == 'user_deleted') { WP_CRM_F::add_message(__('User has been deleted and all associated posts have been trashed.', ud_get_wp_crm()->domain)); } if (!empty($_REQUEST['message']) && $_REQUEST['message'] == 'plugin_updated') { WP_CRM_F::add_message(__('WP-CRM has been updated.', ud_get_wp_crm()->domain)); } include ud_get_wp_crm()->path("lib/class_user_list_table.php", 'dir'); $wp_list_table = new CRM_User_List_Table("per_page=25"); $wp_list_table->prepare_items(); $wp_list_table->data_tables_script(); ?> <div class="wp_crm_overview_wrapper wrap"> <div class="wp_crm_ajax_result"></div> <?php screen_icon(); ?> <h2><?php _e('CRM - All People', ud_get_wp_crm()->domain); ?> <?php if (current_user_can('WP-CRM: View Profiles') && (current_user_can('create_users') || current_user_can('add_users'))) { ?> <a href="<?php echo admin_url('admin.php?page=wp_crm_add_new'); ?> " class="button add-new-h2"><?php _e('Add New', ud_get_wp_crm()->domain); ?> </a><?php
<?php if ($_REQUEST['message'] == 'user_deleted') { WP_CRM_F::add_message(__('User has been deleted and all associated posts have been trashed.', 'wp_crm')); } if ($_REQUEST['message'] == 'plugin_updated') { WP_CRM_F::add_message(__('WP-CRM has been updated, and any premium features your domain qualifies for have been downloaded.', 'wp_crm')); } include WP_CRM_Path . '/core/class_user_list_table.php'; $wp_list_table = new CRM_User_List_Table("per_page=25"); $wp_list_table->prepare_items(); $wp_list_table->data_tables_script(); ?> <div class="wp_crm_overview_wrapper wrap"> <div class="wp_crm_ajax_result"></div> <?php screen_icon(); ?> <h2><?php _e('CRM - All People'); ?> <?php if (current_user_can('WP-CRM: View Profiles') && (current_user_can('create_users') || current_user_can('add_users'))) { ?> <a href="<?php echo admin_url('admin.php?page=wp_crm_add_new'); ?> " class="button add-new-h2"><?php _e('Add New'); ?>