/** * Meta Box: Extra Settings */ public function call_box_extra_settings() { echo $this->form->set_current_option( 'extra' )->open_form(); ?> <fieldset class="options"> <table class="form-table"> <tr> <th style="width:250px;"><?php $this->_e( 'Solving problems' ) ?> <?php echo $this->tooltip_help( 'Some options to try when a problem occurs. These options can also cause other problems, so be carefull.' ) ?></th> <td><label><?php echo $this->form->checkbox( 'fix_js', 1 ); ?> <span><?php $this->_e( 'Replacing <code></a></code> with <code><\/a></code> in JavaScript code.' ) ?></span></label> <?php echo $this->tooltip_help( 'By replacing </a> with <\/a> in JavaScript code these tags will not be processed by the plugin.' ) ?> </td> </tr> <tr> <th style="width:250px;"><?php $this->_e( 'Use phpQuery library' ) ?> <?php echo $this->tooltip_help( 'Using phpQuery library for manipulating links. This option is experimental.' ) ?></th> <td><label><?php echo $this->form->checkbox( 'phpquery', 1 ); ?> <span><?php $this->_e( 'Use phpQuery for parsing document.' ) ?></span> <span class="description">(Test it first!)</span></label> </td> </tr> <tr class="filter_excl_sel" <?php echo ( $this->form->value( 'phpquery' ) ) ? '' : 'style="display:none;"'; ?>> <th><?php $this->_e( 'Do NOT apply settings on...' ) ?> <?php echo $this->tooltip_help( 'The external links of these selection will be excluded for the settings of this plugin. Define the selection by using CSS selectors.' ) ?></th> <td><label><?php echo $this->form->textarea( 'filter_excl_sel' ); ?> <span class="description"><?php _e( 'Define selection by using CSS selectors, f.e.: <code>.excl-ext-link, .entry-title, #comments-title</code> (look <a href="http://code.google.com/p/phpquery/wiki/Selectors" target="_blank">here</a> for available selectors).' ) ?></span></label> </td> </tr> <tr> <th style="width:250px;"><?php $this->_e( 'Plugin menu position' ) ?> <?php echo $this->tooltip_help( 'Change the menu position of this plugin in "Screen Options".' ) ?></th> <td><label><a id="admin_menu_position" href="#"><?php _e( 'Change menu position' ) ?></a></label> </td> </tr> </table> </fieldset> <?php echo $this->form->submit(); echo $this->form->close_form(); }
/** * Meta Box: General Settings */ public function call_box_general_settings() { echo $this->form->set_current_option('main')->open_form(); ?> <fieldset class="options"> <table class="form-table"> <tr> <th style="width:250px;"><?php $this->_e('Open external links in...'); ?> <?php echo $this->tooltip_help('Specify the target (window or tab) for opening external links.'); ?> </th> <td class="target_external_links"> <label><?php echo $this->form->radio('target', '_none', array('class' => 'field_target')); ?> <span><?php $this->_e('Same window or tab (<code>_none</code>)'); ?> </span></label> <?php echo $this->tooltip_help('Open in current window or tab, when framed in the same frame.'); ?> <br/> <label><?php echo $this->form->radio('target', '_blank', array('class' => 'field_target')); ?> <span><?php $this->_e('New window or tab (<code>_blank</code>)'); ?> </span></label> <?php echo $this->tooltip_help('Open every external link in a new window or tab.'); ?> <br style="margin-bottom:15px;" /> <label><?php echo $this->form->radio('target', '_top', array('class' => 'field_target')); ?> <span><?php $this->_e('Topmost frame (<code>_top</code>)'); ?> </span></label> <?php echo $this->tooltip_help('Open in current window or tab, when framed in the topmost frame.'); ?> <br/> <label><?php echo $this->form->radio('target', '_new', array('class' => 'field_target')); ?> <span><?php $this->_e('Seperate window or tab (<code>_new</code>)'); ?> </span></label> <?php echo $this->tooltip_help('Open new window the first time and use this window for each external link.'); ?> </td> </tr> <tr> <th style="width:250px;"><?php $this->_e('Apply plugin settings on...'); ?> <?php echo $this->tooltip_help('Choose contents for applying settings to external links.'); ?> </th> <td> <label><?php echo $this->form->checkbox('filter_page', 1); ?> <span><?php $this->_e('All contents'); ?> </span> <span class="description"><?php $this->_e('(the whole <code><body></code>)'); ?> </span></label> <br/> <label><?php echo $this->form->checkbox('filter_posts', 1); ?> <span><?php $this->_e('Post contents'); ?> </span></label> <br/> <label><?php echo $this->form->checkbox('filter_comments', 1); ?> <span><?php $this->_e('Comments'); ?> </span></label> <br/> <label><?php echo $this->form->checkbox('filter_widgets', 1); ?> <span><?php if (self::check_widget_content_filter()) { $this->_e('All widgets'); echo $this->tooltip_help('Applied to all widgets by using the "widget_content" filter of the Widget Logic plugin'); } else { $this->_e('All text widgets'); echo $this->tooltip_help('Only the text widget will be applied. To apply to all widget you should select "All contents" option.'); } ?> </span></label> </td> </tr> <tr> <th style="width:250px;"><?php $this->_e('Make subdomains internal'); ?> <?php echo $this->tooltip_help('Threat all links to the site\'s domain and subdomains as internal links.'); ?> </th> <td> <label><?php echo $this->form->checkbox('ignore_subdomains', 1); ?> <span><?php $this->_e('Threat all links to the site\'s domain and subdomains as internal links'); ?> </span></label> </td> </tr> <tr> <th><?php $this->_e('Ignore links with URL\'s containing...'); ?> <?php echo $this->tooltip_help('This plugin will completely ignore links that contain one of the given texts in the URL. Use enter to seperate each text. This check is not case sensitive.'); ?> </th> <td><label><?php echo $this->form->textarea('ignore'); ?> <span class="description"><?php _e('Seperate each by an enter. No wildcards nescessary, f.e. <code>wordpress.org</code> will be threaded as <code>*wordpress.org*</code>'); ?> </span></label> </td> </tr> <?php // only supported for users who were using phpquery $extra = get_option('wp_external_links-extra'); if (isset($extra['phpquery']) && $extra['phpquery']) { ?> <tr> <th><?php $this->_e('Ignore links by selectors...'); ?> <?php echo $this->tooltip_help('The external links of these selection will be excluded for the settings of this plugin. Define the selection by using CSS selectors.'); ?> </th> <td><label><?php echo $this->form->textarea('ignore_selectors'); ?> <span class="description"><?php _e('Define selection by using CSS selectors, f.e.: <code>.excl-ext-link, .entry-title, #comments-title</code> (look <a href="http://code.google.com/p/phpquery/wiki/Selectors" target="_blank">here</a> for available selectors).'); ?> </span></label> </td> </tr> <?php } ?> </table> </fieldset> <?php echo $this->form->submit(); echo $this->form->close_form(); }
/** * Meta Box: General Settings */ public function call_box_general_settings() { echo $this->form->set_current_option( 'general' )->open_form(); ?> <fieldset class="options"> <table class="form-table"> <tr> <th style="width:300px;"><?php $this->_e( 'Set <code>target</code> for external links' ) ?> <?php echo $this->tooltip_help( 'Specify the target (window or tab) for opening external links.' ) ?></th> <td class="target_external_links"> <label><?php echo $this->form->radio( 'target', '_blank', array( 'class' => 'field_target' ) ); ?> <span><?php $this->_e( '<code>_blank</code>, new window' ) ?></span></label> <?php echo $this->tooltip_help( 'Open every external link in a new window or tab.' ) ?> <br/> <label><?php echo $this->form->radio( 'target', '_top', array( 'class' => 'field_target' ) ); ?> <span><?php $this->_e( '<code>_top</code>, topmost frame' ) ?></span></label> <?php echo $this->tooltip_help( 'Open in current window or tab, when framed in the topmost frame.' ) ?> <br/> <label><?php echo $this->form->radio( 'target', '_new', array( 'class' => 'field_target' ) ); ?> <span><?php $this->_e( '<code>_new</code>, seperate window' ) ?></span></label> <?php echo $this->tooltip_help( 'Open new window the first time and use this window for each external link.' ) ?> <br/> <label><?php echo $this->form->radio( 'target', '_none', array( 'class' => 'field_target' ) ); ?> <span><?php $this->_e( '<code>_none</code>, current window' ) ?></span></label> <?php echo $this->tooltip_help( 'Open in current window or tab, when framed in the same frame.' ) ?> </td> </tr> <tr> <th><?php $this->_e( 'Add to <code>rel</code>-attribute' ) ?> <?php echo $this->tooltip_help( 'Set values for the "rel"-atribute of external links.' ) ?></th> <td><label><?php echo $this->form->checkbox( 'external', 1 ); ?> <span><?php $this->_e( 'Add <code>"external"</code>' ) ?></span></label> <?php echo $this->tooltip_help( 'Add "external" to the "rel"-attribute of external links.' ) ?> <br/><label><?php echo $this->form->checkbox( 'nofollow', 1 ); ?> <span><?php $this->_e( 'Add <code>"nofollow"</code>' ) ?></span></label> <?php echo $this->tooltip_help( 'Add "nofollow" to the "rel"-attribute of external links (unless link already has "follow").' ) ?> </td> </tr> <tr> <th><?php $this->_e( 'Add to <code>class</code>-attribute' ) ?> <?php echo $this->tooltip_help( 'Add one or more extra classes to the external links, seperated by a space. It is optional, else just leave field blank.' ) ?></th> <td><label><?php echo $this->form->text( 'class_name' ); ?></label></td> </tr> <tr> <th><?php $this->_e( 'Set <code>title</code>-attribute' ) ?> <?php echo $this->tooltip_help( 'Set title attribute for external links. Use %title% for the original title value.' ) ?></th> <td><label><?php echo $this->form->text( 'title' ); ?> <span class="description"><?php _e( 'Use <code>%title%</code> for the original title value.' ) ?></span></label></td> </tr> </table> <?php echo $this->hr(); ?> <table class="form-table"> <tr> <th style="width:300px;"><?php $this->_e( 'Valid XHTML Strict' ) ?> <?php echo $this->tooltip_help( 'The "target"-attribute is not valid XHTML strict code. Enable this option to remove the target from external links and use the JavaScript method (built-in this plugin) for opening links.' ) ?></th> <td> <label><?php echo $this->form->checkbox( 'use_js', 1, array( 'class' => 'field_use_js' ) ); ?> <span><?php $this->_e( 'Use JavaScript for opening links in given target, instead of setting <code>target</code>-attribute <em>(recommended)</em>' ) ?></span></label> </td> </tr> </table> <?php echo $this->hr(); ?> <table class="form-table"> <tr> <th style="width:300px;"><?php $this->_e( 'Apply settings to external links on...' ) ?> <?php echo $this->tooltip_help( 'Choose contents for applying settings to external links.' ) ?></th> <td> <label><?php echo $this->form->checkbox( 'filter_page', 1 ); ?> <span><?php $this->_e( 'All contents' ) ?></span></label> <br/> <label><?php echo $this->form->checkbox( 'filter_posts', 1 ); ?> <span><?php $this->_e( 'Post contents' ) ?></span></label> <br/> <label><?php echo $this->form->checkbox( 'filter_comments', 1 ); ?> <span><?php $this->_e( 'Comments' ) ?></span></label> <br/> <label><?php echo $this->form->checkbox( 'filter_widgets', 1 ); ?> <span><?php if ( self::check_widget_content_filter() ): $this->_e( 'All widgets' ); echo $this->tooltip_help( 'Applied to all widgets by using the "widget_content" filter of the Widget Logic plugin' ); else: $this->_e( 'All text widgets' ); echo $this->tooltip_help( 'Only the text widget will be applied. To apply to all widget you should select "All contents" option.' ); endif; ?></span></label> </td> </tr> <tr class="filter_excl_sel"> <th><?php $this->_e( 'Do NOT apply settings on...' ) ?> <?php echo $this->tooltip_help( 'The external links of these selection will be excluded for the settings of this plugin. Define the selection by using CSS selectors.' ) ?></th> <td><label><?php echo $this->form->textarea( 'filter_excl_sel' ); ?> <span class="description"><?php _e( 'Define selection by using CSS selectors, f.e.: <code>.excl-ext-link, .entry-title, #comments-title</code> (look <a href="http://code.google.com/p/phpquery/wiki/Selectors" target="_blank">here</a> for available selectors).' ) ?></span></label> </td> </tr> </table> </fieldset> <p style="position:absolute;"><a id="admin_menu_position" href="#"><?php _e( 'Change menu position in "Screen Options"' ) ?></a></p> <?php echo $this->form->submit(); echo $this->form->close_form(); }