$g_thumb_height = $wpsc_dgallery_thumbnail_settings['thumb_height']; if ($g_thumb_height <= 0) { $g_thumb_height = 75; } $g_thumb_spacing = $wpsc_dgallery_thumbnail_settings['thumb_spacing']; $transition_scroll_bar = $wpsc_dgallery_style_setting['transition_scroll_bar']; $lazy_load_scroll = $wpsc_dgallery_style_setting['lazy_load_scroll']; $navbar_font = $wpsc_dgallery_style_setting['navbar_font']; $bg_nav_color = $wpsc_dgallery_style_setting['bg_nav_color']; $navbar_height = $wpsc_dgallery_style_setting['navbar_height']; $bg_image_wrapper = $wpsc_dgallery_style_setting['bg_image_wrapper']; $border_image_wrapper_color = $wpsc_dgallery_style_setting['border_image_wrapper_color']; $popup_gallery = $wpsc_dgallery_global_settings['popup_gallery']; $product_gallery_bg_des = $wpsc_dgallery_style_setting['product_gallery_bg_des']; $des_background = str_replace('#', '', $product_gallery_bg_des); $bg_des = WPSC_Dynamic_Gallery_Functions::html2rgb($product_gallery_bg_des, true); if ($wpsc_dgallery_thumbnail_settings['enable_gallery_thumb'] == 'yes') { $enable_gallery_thumb = $wpsc_dgallery_thumbnail_settings['enable_gallery_thumb']; } else { $enable_gallery_thumb = 'no'; } if ($wpsc_dgallery_style_setting['product_gallery_nav'] == 'yes') { $product_gallery_nav = $wpsc_dgallery_style_setting['product_gallery_nav']; } else { $product_gallery_nav = 'no'; } if ($product_gallery_nav == 'yes') { $display_ctrl = 'display:block !important;'; $mg = $navbar_height; $ldm = $navbar_height; } else {
function wpsc_dgallery_lite_upgrade_plugin() { // Upgrade to 1.0.4 if (version_compare(get_option('a3rev_wpsc_dgallery_version'), '1.0.4') === -1) { update_option('width_type', 'px'); update_option('a3rev_wpsc_dgallery_version', '1.0.4'); } // Upgrade to 1.1.4 if (version_compare(get_option('a3rev_wpsc_dgallery_version'), '1.1.4') === -1) { WPSC_Dynamic_Gallery_Functions::upgrade_1_1_4(); update_option('a3rev_wpsc_dgallery_version', '1.1.4'); } // Upgrade to 1.1.5 if (version_compare(get_option('a3rev_wpsc_dgallery_version'), '1.1.5') === -1) { WPSC_Dynamic_Gallery_Functions::upgrade_1_1_5(); update_option('a3rev_wpsc_dgallery_version', '1.1.5'); } // Upgrade to 1.1.9 if (version_compare(get_option('a3rev_wpsc_dgallery_version'), '1.1.9') === -1) { WPSC_Dynamic_Gallery_Functions::upgrade_1_1_9(); update_option('a3rev_wpsc_dgallery_version', '1.1.9'); } // Upgrade to 1.2.0 if (version_compare(get_option('a3rev_wpsc_dgallery_version'), '1.2.0') === -1) { // Build sass global $wpsc_dynamic_gallery_less; $wpsc_dynamic_gallery_less->plugin_build_sass(); update_option('a3rev_wpsc_dgallery_version', '1.2.0'); } update_option('a3rev_wpsc_dgallery_version', '1.2.6'); update_option('a3rev_wpsc_dgallery_lite_version', '1.2.5'); }
public static function wpsc_dynamic_gallery_preview($request = '') { global $wpsc_dgallery_fonts_face; $request = $_REQUEST; /** * Single Product Image */ $lightbox_class = 'lightbox'; $product_id = rand(10, 10000); $wpsc_dgallery_style_setting = $request['wpsc_dgallery_style_setting']; global $wpsc_dgallery_global_settings; global $wpsc_dgallery_thumbnail_settings; if (!isset($wpsc_dgallery_style_setting['width_type']) || $wpsc_dgallery_style_setting['width_type'] == 'px') { $g_width = $wpsc_dgallery_style_setting['product_gallery_width_fixed'] . 'px'; $g_height = $wpsc_dgallery_style_setting['product_gallery_height']; } else { $g_width = $wpsc_dgallery_style_setting['product_gallery_width_responsive'] . '%'; $g_height = false; $max_height = 533; $width_of_max_height = 400; ?> <script type="text/javascript"> (function($){ $(function(){ a3revWPSCDynamicGallery_<?php echo $product_id; ?> = { setHeightProportional: function () { var image_wrapper_width = $( '#gallery_<?php echo $product_id; ?> ' ).find('.ad-image-wrapper').width(); var width_of_max_height = parseInt(<?php echo $width_of_max_height; ?> ); var image_wrapper_height = parseInt(<?php echo $max_height; ?> ); if( width_of_max_height > image_wrapper_width ) { var ratio = width_of_max_height / image_wrapper_width; image_wrapper_height = parseInt(<?php echo $max_height; ?> ) / ratio; } $( '#gallery_<?php echo $product_id; ?> ' ).find('.ad-image-wrapper').css({ height: image_wrapper_height }); } } a3revWPSCDynamicGallery_<?php echo $product_id; ?> .setHeightProportional(); }); })(jQuery); </script> <?php } //Caption text settings $caption_font = $wpsc_dgallery_style_setting['caption_font']; $navbar_font = $wpsc_dgallery_style_setting['navbar_font']; $google_fonts = array($caption_font['face'], $navbar_font['face']); $wpsc_dgallery_fonts_face->generate_google_webfonts($google_fonts); ?> <div class="images" style="width:<?php echo $g_width; ?> ;margin:30px auto;"> <div class="product_gallery"> <?php //Gallery settings if (isset($wpsc_dgallery_style_setting['product_gallery_auto_start'])) { $g_auto = $wpsc_dgallery_style_setting['product_gallery_auto_start']; } else { $g_auto = 'false'; } $g_speed = $wpsc_dgallery_style_setting['product_gallery_speed']; $g_effect = $wpsc_dgallery_style_setting['product_gallery_effect']; $g_animation_speed = $wpsc_dgallery_style_setting['product_gallery_animation_speed']; $bg_image_wrapper = $wpsc_dgallery_style_setting['bg_image_wrapper']; $border_image_wrapper_color = $wpsc_dgallery_style_setting['border_image_wrapper_color']; $popup_gallery = $wpsc_dgallery_global_settings['popup_gallery']; $zoom_label = __('ZOOM +', 'wpsc_dgallery'); if ($popup_gallery == 'deactivate') { $lightbox_class = ''; $zoom_label = ''; } $product_gallery_bg_des = $wpsc_dgallery_style_setting['product_gallery_bg_des']; $bg_des = WPSC_Dynamic_Gallery_Functions::html2rgb($product_gallery_bg_des, true); $des_background = str_replace('#', '', $product_gallery_bg_des); //Nav bar settings if (isset($wpsc_dgallery_style_setting['product_gallery_nav'])) { $product_gallery_nav = $wpsc_dgallery_style_setting['product_gallery_nav']; } else { $product_gallery_nav = 'no'; } $bg_nav_color = $wpsc_dgallery_style_setting['bg_nav_color']; $navbar_height = $wpsc_dgallery_style_setting['navbar_height']; if ($product_gallery_nav == 'yes') { $display_ctrl = 'display:block !important;'; $mg = $navbar_height; $ldm = $navbar_height; } else { $display_ctrl = 'display:none !important;'; $mg = '0'; $ldm = '0'; } //Lazy-load scroll settings $transition_scroll_bar = $wpsc_dgallery_style_setting['transition_scroll_bar']; if (isset($wpsc_dgallery_style_setting['lazy_load_scroll'])) { $lazy_load_scroll = $wpsc_dgallery_style_setting['lazy_load_scroll']; } else { $lazy_load_scroll = 'no'; } //Image Thumbnails settings if (isset($wpsc_dgallery_thumbnail_settings['enable_gallery_thumb'])) { $enable_gallery_thumb = $wpsc_dgallery_thumbnail_settings['enable_gallery_thumb']; } else { $enable_gallery_thumb = 'no'; } $g_thumb_width = $wpsc_dgallery_thumbnail_settings['thumb_width']; if ($g_thumb_width <= 0) { $g_thumb_width = 105; } $g_thumb_height = $wpsc_dgallery_thumbnail_settings['thumb_height']; if ($g_thumb_height <= 0) { $g_thumb_height = 75; } $g_thumb_spacing = $wpsc_dgallery_thumbnail_settings['thumb_spacing']; echo '<style> #TB_window{width:auto !important;} .ad-gallery { position:relative; } .ad-gallery .ad-image-wrapper { background:' . $bg_image_wrapper . '; width: 99.3%;' . ($g_height != false ? 'height: ' . ($g_height - 2) . 'px;' : '') . 'margin: 0px; position: relative; overflow: hidden !important; padding:0; border:1px solid #' . $border_image_wrapper_color . '; z-index:1000 !important; } .ad-gallery .ad-image-wrapper .ad-image{width:100% !important;text-align:center;} .ad-image img{ } .ad-gallery .ad-thumbs li{ padding-right: ' . $g_thumb_spacing . 'px !important; } .ad-gallery .ad-thumbs li.last_item{ padding-right: ' . ($g_thumb_spacing + 13) . 'px !important; } .ad-gallery .ad-thumbs li div{ height: ' . $g_thumb_height . 'px !important; width: ' . $g_thumb_width . 'px !important; } .ad-gallery .ad-thumbs li a { width: ' . $g_thumb_width . 'px !important; height: ' . $g_thumb_height . 'px !important; } * html .ad-gallery .ad-forward, .ad-gallery .ad-back{ height: ' . $g_thumb_height . 'px !important; } /*Gallery*/ .ad-image-wrapper{ overflow:inherit !important; } .ad-gallery .ad-controls { background: ' . $bg_nav_color . ' !important; border:1px solid ' . $bg_nav_color . '; color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 12px; height: 22px; margin-top: 20px !important; padding: 8px 2% !important; position: relative; width: 95.8%; -khtml-border-radius:5px; -webkit-border-radius: 5px; -moz-border-radius: 5px; border-radius: 5px;display:none; } .ad-gallery .ad-info { float: right; font-size: 14px; position: relative; right: 8px; text-shadow: 1px 1px 1px #000000 !important; top: 1px !important; } .ad-gallery .ad-nav .ad-thumbs{ margin:7px 4% 0 !important; } .ad-gallery .ad-thumbs .ad-thumb-list { margin-top: 0px !important; } .ad-thumb-list{ } .ad-thumb-list li{ background:none !important; padding-bottom:0 !important; padding-left:0 !important; padding-top:0 !important; } .ad-gallery .ad-image-wrapper .ad-image-description { background: rgba(' . $bg_des . ',0.5); filter:progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.Gradient(GradientType=1, StartColorStr="#88' . $des_background . '", EndColorStr="#88' . $des_background . '"); bottom: ' . ($mg - 1) . 'px !important;'; echo $wpsc_dgallery_fonts_face->generate_font_css($caption_font); echo ' left: 0; line-height: 1.4em; margin: 0 !important; padding:2% 2% 2% !important; position: absolute; text-align: left; width: 96.1% !important; z-index: 10; font-weight:normal; } .product_gallery .ad-gallery .ad-image-wrapper { background: none repeat scroll 0 0 ' . $bg_image_wrapper . '; border: 1px solid ' . $border_image_wrapper_color . ' !important; padding-bottom:' . $mg . 'px; }'; if ($lazy_load_scroll == 'yes') { echo '.ad-gallery .lazy-load{ background:' . $transition_scroll_bar . ' !important;' . ($g_height != false ? 'top:' . ($g_height + 9) . 'px !important;' : '') . 'opacity:1 !important; margin-top:' . $ldm . 'px !important; }'; } else { echo '.ad-gallery .lazy-load{display:none!important;}'; } echo ' .product_gallery .slide-ctrl, .product_gallery .icon_zoom { ' . $display_ctrl . '; height: ' . ($navbar_height - 16) . 'px !important; line-height: ' . ($navbar_height - 16) . 'px !important;'; echo $wpsc_dgallery_fonts_face->generate_font_css($navbar_font); echo ' } .product_gallery .icon_zoom { background: ' . $bg_nav_color . '; border-right: 1px solid ' . $bg_nav_color . '; border-top: 1px solid ' . $border_image_wrapper_color . '; } .product_gallery .slide-ctrl { background:' . $bg_nav_color . '; border-left: 1px solid ' . $border_image_wrapper_color . '; border-top: 1px solid ' . $border_image_wrapper_color . '; } .product_gallery .slide-ctrl .ad-slideshow-stop-slide,.product_gallery .slide-ctrl .ad-slideshow-start-slide,.product_gallery .icon_zoom{ line-height: ' . ($navbar_height - 16) . 'px !important;'; echo $wpsc_dgallery_fonts_face->generate_font_css($navbar_font); echo ' } .product_gallery .ad-gallery .ad-thumbs li a { border:1px solid ' . $border_image_wrapper_color . ' !important; } .ad-gallery .ad-thumbs li a.ad-active { border: 1px solid ' . $transition_scroll_bar . ' !important; /*border: 1px solid ' . $bg_nav_color . ' !important;*/ }'; if ($enable_gallery_thumb == 'no') { echo '.ad-nav{display:none; height:1px;}.woocommerce .images { margin-bottom: 15px;}'; } if ($product_gallery_nav == 'no') { echo ' .ad-image-wrapper:hover .slide-ctrl{display: block !important;} .product_gallery .slide-ctrl { background: none repeat scroll 0 0 transparent; border: medium none; height: 50px !important; left: 41.5% !important; top: 38% !important; width: 50px !important; }'; echo '.product_gallery .slide-ctrl .ad-slideshow-start-slide {background: url(' . WPSC_DYNAMIC_GALLERY_JS_URL . '/mygallery/play.png) no-repeat !important;height: 50px !important;text-indent: -999em !important; width: 50px !important;}'; echo '.product_gallery .slide-ctrl .ad-slideshow-stop-slide {background: url(' . WPSC_DYNAMIC_GALLERY_JS_URL . '/mygallery/pause.png) no-repeat !important;height: 50px !important;text-indent: -999em !important; width: 50px !important;}'; } echo ' </style>'; echo '<script type="text/javascript"> jQuery(function() { var settings_defaults_' . $product_id . ' = { loader_image: "' . WPSC_DYNAMIC_GALLERY_JS_URL . '/mygallery/loader.gif", start_at_index: 0, gallery_ID: "' . $product_id . '", lightbox_class: "' . $lightbox_class . '", description_wrapper: false, thumb_opacity: 0.5, animate_first_image: false, animation_speed: ' . $g_animation_speed . '000, width: false, height: false, display_next_and_prev: true, display_back_and_forward: true, scroll_jump: 0, slideshow: { enable: true, autostart: ' . $g_auto . ', speed: ' . $g_speed . '000, start_label: "' . __('START SLIDESHOW', 'wpsc_dgallery') . '", stop_label: "' . __('STOP SLIDESHOW', 'wpsc_dgallery') . '", zoom_label: "' . $zoom_label . '", stop_on_scroll: true, countdown_prefix: "(", countdown_sufix: ")", onStart: false, onStop: false }, effect: "' . $g_effect . '", enable_keyboard_move: true, cycle: true, callbacks: { init: false, afterImageVisible: false, beforeImageVisible: false } }; jQuery("#gallery_' . $product_id . '").adGallery(settings_defaults_' . $product_id . '); }); </script>'; echo '<div id="gallery_' . $product_id . '" class="ad-gallery"> <div class="ad-image-wrapper"></div> <div class="ad-controls"> </div> <div class="ad-nav"> <div class="ad-thumbs"> <ul class="ad-thumb-list">'; $url_demo_img = '/assets/js/mygallery/images/'; $imgs = array($url_demo_img . 'image_1.jpg', $url_demo_img . 'image_2.jpg', $url_demo_img . 'image_3.jpg', $url_demo_img . 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'_"+idx).colorbox({open:true, maxWidth:"100%", title: function() { return " ";} });'; $script_fancybox .= '$.fancybox(['; } $common = ''; $idx = 0; foreach ($imgs as $item_thumb) { $li_class = ''; if ($i == 0) { $li_class = 'first_item'; } elseif ($i == count($imgs) - 1) { $li_class = 'last_item'; } $image_attribute = getimagesize(WPSC_DYNAMIC_GALLERY_DIR . $item_thumb); $image_lager_default_url = WPSC_DYNAMIC_GALLERY_URL . $item_thumb; $thumb_height = $g_thumb_height; $thumb_width = $g_thumb_width; $width_old = $image_attribute[0]; $height_old = $image_attribute[1]; if ($width_old > $g_thumb_width || $height_old > $g_thumb_height) { if ($height_old > $g_thumb_height && $g_thumb_height > 0) { $factor = $height_old / $g_thumb_height; $thumb_height = $g_thumb_height; $thumb_width = $width_old / $factor; } if ($thumb_width > $g_thumb_width && $g_thumb_width > 0) { $factor = $width_old / $g_thumb_width; $thumb_height = $height_old / $factor; $thumb_width = $g_thumb_width; } elseif ($thumb_width == $g_thumb_width && $width_old > $g_thumb_width && $g_thumb_width > 0) { $factor = $width_old / $g_thumb_width; $thumb_height = $height_old / $factor; $thumb_width = $g_thumb_width; } } else { $thumb_height = $height_old; $thumb_width = $width_old; } $img_description = 'Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry.'; echo '<li class="' . $li_class . 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public function after_save_settings() { if (isset($_POST['bt_save_settings']) && isset($_POST['wpsc_dgallery_reset_galleries_activate'])) { delete_option('wpsc_dgallery_reset_galleries_activate'); WPSC_Dynamic_Gallery_Functions::reset_products_galleries_activate(); } if ((isset($_POST['bt_save_settings']) || isset($_POST['bt_reset_settings'])) && get_option('wpsc_dgallery_lite_clean_on_deletion') == 'no') { $uninstallable_plugins = (array) get_option('uninstall_plugins'); unset($uninstallable_plugins[WPSC_DYNAMIC_GALLERY_NAME]); update_option('uninstall_plugins', $uninstallable_plugins); } }