예제 #1
  * Revalidate all addresses
  * Revalidates addresses of all publishd properties.
  * If Google daily addres lookup is exceeded, breaks the function and notifies the user.
  * @since 1.05
 public static function revalidate_all_addresses($args = '')
     global $wp_properties, $wpdb;
     $args = wp_parse_args($args, array('property_ids' => false, 'echo_result' => 'true', 'skip_existing' => 'false', 'return_geo_data' => false, 'attempt' => 1, 'max_attempts' => 7, 'delay' => 0, 'increase_delay_by' => 0.25));
     extract($args, EXTR_SKIP);
     $delay = isset($delay) ? $delay : 0;
     $attempt = isset($attempt) ? $attempt : 1;
     $max_attempts = isset($max_attempts) ? $max_attempts : 10;
     $increase_delay_by = isset($increase_delay_by) ? $increase_delay_by : 0.25;
     $echo_result = isset($echo_result) ? $echo_result : 'true';
     $skip_existing = isset($skip_existing) ? $skip_existing : 'false';
     $return_geo_data = isset($return_geo_data) ? $return_geo_data : false;
     if (is_array($args['property_ids'])) {
         $all_properties = $args['property_ids'];
     } else {
         $all_properties = $wpdb->get_col("\n        SELECT ID FROM {$wpdb->posts} p\n        left outer join {$wpdb->postmeta} pm on (pm.post_id=p.ID and pm.meta_key='wpp::last_address_validation' )\n        WHERE p.post_type = 'property' AND p.post_status = 'publish'\n        ORDER by pm.meta_value DESC\n      ");
     $return['updated'] = $return['failed'] = $return['over_query_limit'] = $return['over_query_limit'] = array();
     $google_map_localizations = WPP_F::draw_localization_dropdown('return_array=true');
     foreach ((array) $all_properties as $post_id) {
         if ($delay) {
         $result = WPP_F::revalidate_address($post_id, array('skip_existing' => $skip_existing, 'return_geo_data' => $return_geo_data));
         $return[$result['status']][] = $post_id;
         if ($return_geo_data) {
             $return['geo_data'][$post_id] = $result['geo_data'];
     $return['attempt'] = $attempt;
     /* // Instead of re-revalidate, must be overwritten UI: to dp separate AJAX request for every property and output results dynamicly.
         if ( !empty( $return[ 'over_query_limit' ] ) && $max_attempts >= $attempt && $delay < 2 ) {
           $_args = array(
               'property_ids' => $return[ 'over_query_limit' ],
               'echo_result' => false,
               'attempt' => $attempt + 1,
               'delay' => $delay + $increase_delay_by,
             ) + $args;
           $rerevalidate_result = self::revalidate_all_addresses( $_args );
           $return[ 'updated' ]          = array_merge( (array) $return[ 'updated' ], (array) $rerevalidate_result[ 'updated' ] );
           $return[ 'failed' ]           = array_merge( (array) $return[ 'failed' ], (array) $rerevalidate_result[ 'failed' ] );
           $return[ 'over_query_limit' ] = $rerevalidate_result[ 'over_query_limit' ];
           $return[ 'attempt' ] = $rerevalidate_result[ 'attempt' ];
     foreach (array('updated', 'over_query_limit', 'failed', 'empty_address') as $status) {
         $return[$status] = $echo_result == 'true' ? count(array_unique((array) $return[$status])) : array_unique((array) $return[$status]);
     $return['success'] = 'true';
     $return['message'] = sprintf(__('Updated %1$d %2$s using the %3$s localization.', ud_get_wp_property()->domain), $echo_result == 'true' ? $return['updated'] : count($return['updated']), WPP_F::property_label('plural'), $google_map_localizations[$wp_properties['configuration']['google_maps_localization']]);
     if ($return['empty_address']) {
         $return['message'] .= "<br />" . sprintf(__('%1$d %2$s has empty address.', ud_get_wp_property()->domain), $echo_result == 'true' ? $return['empty_address'] : count($return['empty_address']), WPP_F::property_label('plural'));
     if ($return['failed']) {
         $return['message'] .= "<br />" . sprintf(__('%1$d %2$s could not be updated.', ud_get_wp_property()->domain), $echo_result == 'true' ? $return['failed'] : count($return['failed']), WPP_F::property_label('plural'));
     if ($return['over_query_limit']) {
         $return['message'] .= "<br />" . sprintf(__('%1$d %2$s was ignored because query limit was exceeded.', ud_get_wp_property()->domain), $echo_result == 'true' ? $return['over_query_limit'] : count($return['over_query_limit']), WPP_F::property_label('plural'));
     //** Warning Silincer */
     if ($echo_result == 'true') {
     } else {
         return $return;