	<dd>Close the modal.</dd>
	<dt><code>state( state )</code><?php 
	<dd>Get a state object. <br>Defaults to the current state; if a state ID is supplied, returns that state.</dd>
	<dt><code>setState( state )</code><?php 
	<dd>Set the state.<br>
		Triggers an `activate` event on the state, and a `deactivate` event on the previous state.</dd>
	<dd>Get the previously active state object.</dd>
<div class="example">
	<h3>Example: Open a post frame</h3>
	<h4>LIVE EXAMPLE <a class="add-new-h2" target="_blank" href="<?php 
echo WPMJG::get_example_url(WPMJG::get_current_section(), 1);
">open in a new window</a></h4>
	<iframe class="iframe-interactive-demo" src="<?php 
echo WPMJG::get_example_url(WPMJG::get_current_section(), 1);