예제 #1
 public function handleActions()
     // check action
     if (isset($_REQUEST['action'])) {
         // check_ebay_connection
         if ($_REQUEST['action'] == 'check_ebay_connection') {
             $msg = $this->checkEbayConnection();
             // $this->showMessage( $msg );
         // custom debug code
         if ($_REQUEST['action'] == 'wple_debug_1') {
             global $wpdb;
             $post_title = 'this string is 256 characters long - which is 1 too many........................................................................................................................................................................................................';
             // $post_title = 'TEST';
             $data = array();
             $data['auction_title'] = $post_title;
             $data['status'] = 'TEST';
             $table = $wpdb->prefix . 'ebay_auctions';
             $result = $wpdb->insert($table, $data);
             echo "<pre>result: ";
             echo "</pre>";
             echo "<pre>length: ";
             echo "</pre>";
             echo "<pre>insert_id: ";
             echo "</pre>";
             echo "<pre>last query: ";
             echo "</pre>";
         // check nonce
         if (check_admin_referer('e2e_tools_page')) {
             // check_ebay_time_offset
             if ($_REQUEST['action'] == 'check_ebay_time_offset') {
             // view_logfile
             if ($_REQUEST['action'] == 'view_logfile') {
             // wplister_clear_log
             if ($_REQUEST['action'] == 'wplister_clear_log') {
                 $this->showMessage('Log file was cleared.');
             // check_wc_out_of_sync
             if ($_REQUEST['action'] == 'check_wc_out_of_sync') {
                 require_once WPLISTER_PATH . '/classes/core/WPL_InventoryCheck.php';
                 $ic = new WPL_InventoryCheck();
                 $mode = isset($_REQUEST['mode']) ? $_REQUEST['mode'] : 'published';
                 $prices = isset($_REQUEST['prices']) ? $_REQUEST['prices'] : false;
                 $mark_as_changed = isset($_REQUEST['mark_as_changed']) ? $_REQUEST['mark_as_changed'] : false;
                 $step = isset($_REQUEST['step']) ? $_REQUEST['step'] : 0;
                 $batch_size = get_option('wplister_inventory_check_batch_size', 200);
                 // check new batch of items
                 $new_items_were_processed = $ic->checkProductInventory($mode, $prices, $step);
                 if ($new_items_were_processed) {
                     // continue with step+1
                     $msg = 'Checking inventory, please wait... ';
                     if ($mark_as_changed == 'yes') {
                         $msg = 'Updating listing status, please wait... ';
                     $msg .= '<img src="' . WPLISTER_URL . '/img/ajax-loader.gif" style="float:left; margin-right:1em; margin-top:0.3em;"/>';
                     $msg .= '<br><small>Step ' . $step . ' / ' . $step * $batch_size . ' items checked </small>';
                     // build button, which is triggered by js automatically
                     $url = 'admin.php?page=wplister-tools&action=check_wc_out_of_sync&mode=' . $mode . '&prices=' . $prices . '&mark_as_changed=' . $mark_as_changed . '&step=' . $step . '&_wpnonce=' . wp_create_nonce('e2e_tools_page');
                     $msg .= '<a href="' . $url . '" id="wple_auto_next_step" class="button" style="display:none">Next</a>';
                 } else {
                     // show results
                     // clear tmp data
                     update_option('wple_inventory_check_queue_data', '', 'no');
             // check_wc_out_of_sync
             // check_wc_out_of_stock
             if ($_REQUEST['action'] == 'check_wc_out_of_stock') {
                 require_once WPLISTER_PATH . '/classes/core/WPL_InventoryCheck.php';
                 $ic = new WPL_InventoryCheck();
                 $mark_as_changed = isset($_REQUEST['mark_as_changed']) ? $_REQUEST['mark_as_changed'] : false;
                 $step = isset($_REQUEST['step']) ? $_REQUEST['step'] : 0;
                 $batch_size = get_option('wplister_inventory_check_batch_size', 200);
                 // check new batch of items
                 $new_items_were_processed = $ic->checkProductStock($step);
                 if ($new_items_were_processed) {
                     // continue with step+1
                     $msg = 'Checking for out of stock products, please wait... ';
                     if ($mark_as_changed == 'yes') {
                         $msg = 'Updating listing status, please wait... ';
                     $msg .= '<img src="' . WPLISTER_URL . '/img/ajax-loader.gif" style="float:left; margin-right:1em; margin-top:0.3em;"/>';
                     $msg .= '<br><small>Step ' . $step . ' / ' . $step * $batch_size . ' items checked </small>';
                     // build button, which is triggered by js automatically
                     $url = 'admin.php?page=wplister-tools&action=check_wc_out_of_stock&mark_as_changed=' . $mark_as_changed . '&step=' . $step . '&_wpnonce=' . wp_create_nonce('e2e_tools_page');
                     $msg .= '<a href="' . $url . '" id="wple_auto_next_step" class="button" style="display:none">Next</a>';
                 } else {
                     // show results
                     // clear tmp data
                     update_option('wple_inventory_check_queue_data', '', 'no');
             // check_wc_out_of_stock
             // check_wc_sold_stock
             if ($_REQUEST['action'] == 'check_wc_sold_stock') {
                 require_once WPLISTER_PATH . '/classes/core/WPL_InventoryCheck.php';
                 $ic = new WPL_InventoryCheck();
             // check_ebay_image_requirements
             if ($_REQUEST['action'] == 'check_ebay_image_requirements') {
             // check_missing_ebay_transactions
             if ($_REQUEST['action'] == 'check_missing_ebay_transactions') {
             // fix_cog_on_imported_orders
             if ($_REQUEST['action'] == 'fix_cog_on_imported_orders') {
             // lock_all_listings
             if ($_REQUEST['action'] == 'lock_all_listings') {
                 $count = WPLE_ListingQueryHelper::lockAll(1);
                 $this->showMessage($count . ' ' . 'items were locked.');
             // unlock_all_listings
             if ($_REQUEST['action'] == 'unlock_all_listings') {
                 $count = WPLE_ListingQueryHelper::lockAll(0);
                 $this->showMessage($count . ' ' . 'items were unlocked.');
             // import_wpla_product_ids
             if ($_REQUEST['action'] == 'import_wpla_product_ids') {
                 $count = self::importWplaProductIds();
             // assign_all_data_to_default_account
             if ($_REQUEST['action'] == 'assign_all_data_to_default_account') {
                 $this->showMessage(sprintf('All listings, orders and profiles have been assigned to your default account %s.', get_option('wplister_default_account_id')));
             // GetTokenStatus
             if ($_REQUEST['action'] == 'GetTokenStatus') {
                 $expdate = $this->EC->GetTokenStatus();
                 $msg = __('Your token will expire on', 'wplister') . ' ' . $expdate;
                 $msg .= ' (' . human_time_diff(strtotime($expdate)) . ' from now)';
             // GetUser
             if ($_REQUEST['action'] == 'GetUser') {
                 $UserID = $this->EC->GetUser();
                 $this->showMessage(__('Your UserID is', 'wplister') . ' ' . $UserID);
             // GetNotificationPreferences
             if ($_REQUEST['action'] == 'GetNotificationPreferences') {
                 $debug = $this->EC->GetNotificationPreferences();
                 wple_show_message('<pre>' . print_r($debug, 1) . '</pre>');
             // EnableUserNotificationPreferences
             if ($_REQUEST['action'] == 'EnableUserNotificationPreferences') {
                 $debug = $this->EC->SetUserNotificationPreferences('Enable');
                 wple_show_message('<pre>' . print_r($debug, 1) . '</pre>');
             // DisableUserNotificationPreferences
             if ($_REQUEST['action'] == 'DisableUserNotificationPreferences') {
                 $debug = $this->EC->SetUserNotificationPreferences('Disable');
                 wple_show_message('<pre>' . print_r($debug, 1) . '</pre>');
             // ResetNotificationPreferences
             if ($_REQUEST['action'] == 'ResetNotificationPreferences') {
                 $debug = $this->EC->ResetNotificationPreferences();
                 wple_show_message('<pre>' . print_r($debug, 1) . '</pre>');
             // GetNotificationsUsage
             if ($_REQUEST['action'] == 'GetNotificationsUsage') {
                 $debug = $this->EC->GetNotificationsUsage();
                 wple_show_message('<pre>' . print_r($debug, 1) . '</pre>');
             // update_ebay_transactions
             if ($_REQUEST['action'] == 'update_ebay_transactions_30') {
                 $tm = $this->EC->loadTransactions(30);
                 // show transaction report
                 $msg = $tm->count_total . ' ' . __('Transactions were loaded from eBay.', 'wplister') . '<br>';
                 $msg .= __('Timespan', 'wplister') . ': ' . $tm->getHtmlTimespan();
                 $msg .= '&nbsp;&nbsp;';
                 $msg .= '<a href="#" onclick="jQuery(\'#transaction_report\').toggle();return false;">' . __('show details', 'wplister') . '</a>';
                 $msg .= $tm->getHtmlReport();
             // update_ebay_orders
             if ($_REQUEST['action'] == 'update_ebay_orders_30') {
                 $om = $this->EC->loadEbayOrders(30);
                 // show report
                 $msg = $om->count_total . ' ' . __('Orders were loaded from eBay.', 'wplister') . '<br>';
                 $msg .= __('Timespan', 'wplister') . ': ' . $om->getHtmlTimespan();
                 $msg .= '&nbsp;&nbsp;';
                 $msg .= '<a href="#" onclick="jQuery(\'.ebay_order_report\').toggle();return false;">' . __('show details', 'wplister') . '</a>';
                 $msg .= $om->getHtmlReport();
             // wple_upgrade_tables_to_utf8mb4
             if ($_REQUEST['action'] == 'wple_upgrade_tables_to_utf8mb4') {
             // wple_run_daily_schedule
             if ($_REQUEST['action'] == 'wple_run_daily_schedule') {
             // wple_run_update_schedule
             if ($_REQUEST['action'] == 'wple_run_update_schedule') {
         } else {
             die('not allowed');
     // if $_REQUEST['action']