  * Sets which coupons should be applied for this calculation.
  * This function is hooked to "woocommerce_before_calculate_totals" so that WC will calculate a subscription
  * product's total based on the total of it's price per period and sign up fee (if any).
  * @since 1.3.5
 public static function remove_coupons($cart)
     $calculation_type = WC_Subscriptions_Cart::get_calculation_type();
     // Only hook when totals are being calculated completely (on cart & checkout pages)
     if ('none' == $calculation_type || !WC_Subscriptions_Cart::cart_contains_subscription() || !is_checkout() && !is_cart() && !defined('WOOCOMMERCE_CHECKOUT') && !defined('WOOCOMMERCE_CART')) {
     $applied_coupons = $cart->get_applied_coupons();
     // If we're calculating a sign-up fee or recurring fee only amount, remove irrelevant coupons
     if (!empty($applied_coupons)) {
         // Keep track of which coupons, if any, need to be reapplied immediately
         $coupons_to_reapply = array();
         foreach ($applied_coupons as $coupon_code) {
             $coupon = new WC_Coupon($coupon_code);
             if (in_array($coupon->type, array('recurring_fee', 'recurring_percent'))) {
                 // always apply coupons to their specific calculation case
                 if ('recurring_total' == $calculation_type) {
                     $coupons_to_reapply[] = $coupon_code;
                 } elseif ('none' == $calculation_type && !WC_Subscriptions_Cart::all_cart_items_have_free_trial()) {
                     // sometimes apply recurring coupons to initial total
                     $coupons_to_reapply[] = $coupon_code;
                 } else {
                     self::$removed_coupons[] = $coupon_code;
             } elseif ('none' == $calculation_type && !in_array($coupon->type, array('recurring_fee', 'recurring_percent'))) {
                 // apply all coupons to the first payment
                 $coupons_to_reapply[] = $coupon_code;
             } else {
                 self::$removed_coupons[] = $coupon_code;
         // Now remove all coupons (WC only provides a function to remove all coupons)
         // And re-apply those which relate to this calculation
         $cart->applied_coupons = $coupons_to_reapply;
         if (isset($cart->coupons)) {
             // WC 2.3+
             $cart->coupons = $cart->get_coupons();
  * Apply sign up fee or recurring fee discount
  * @since 1.2
 public static function apply_subscription_discount($original_price, $cart_item, $cart)
     _deprecated_function(__METHOD__, '2.0.10', 'Have moved to filtering on "woocommerce_coupon_get_discount_amount" to return discount amount. See: ' . __CLASS__ . '::get_discount_amount()');
     $product_id = $cart_item['data']->is_type(array('subscription_variation')) ? $cart_item['data']->variation_id : $cart_item['data']->id;
     if (!WC_Subscriptions_Product::is_subscription($product_id)) {
         return $original_price;
     $price = $calculation_price = $original_price;
     $calculation_type = WC_Subscriptions_Cart::get_calculation_type();
     if (!empty($cart->applied_coupons)) {
         foreach ($cart->applied_coupons as $code) {
             $coupon = new WC_Coupon($code);
             // Pre 2.5 is_valid_for_product() does not use wc_get_product_coupon_types()
             if (WC_Subscriptions::is_woocommerce_pre('2.5')) {
                 $is_valid_for_product = true;
             } else {
                 $is_valid_for_product = $coupon->is_valid_for_product(wc_get_product($product_id), $cart_item);
             if ($coupon->apply_before_tax() && $coupon->is_valid() && $is_valid_for_product) {
                 $apply_recurring_coupon = $apply_recurring_percent_coupon = $apply_initial_coupon = $apply_initial_percent_coupon = false;
                 // Apply recurring fee discounts to recurring total calculations
                 if ('recurring_total' == $calculation_type) {
                     $apply_recurring_coupon = 'recurring_fee' == $coupon->type ? true : false;
                     $apply_recurring_percent_coupon = 'recurring_percent' == $coupon->type ? true : false;
                 if ('none' == $calculation_type) {
                     // If all items have a free trial we don't need to apply recurring coupons to the initial total
                     if (!WC_Subscriptions_Cart::all_cart_items_have_free_trial()) {
                         if ('recurring_fee' == $coupon->type) {
                             $apply_initial_coupon = true;
                         if ('recurring_percent' == $coupon->type) {
                             $apply_initial_percent_coupon = true;
                     // Apply sign-up discounts to initial total
                     if (!empty($cart_item['data']->subscription_sign_up_fee)) {
                         if ('sign_up_fee' == $coupon->type) {
                             $apply_initial_coupon = true;
                         if ('sign_up_fee_percent' == $coupon->type) {
                             $apply_initial_percent_coupon = true;
                         $calculation_price = $cart_item['data']->subscription_sign_up_fee;
                 if ($apply_recurring_coupon || $apply_initial_coupon) {
                     $discount_amount = $calculation_price < $coupon->amount ? $calculation_price : $coupon->amount;
                     // Recurring coupons only apply when there is no free trial (carts can have a mix of free trial and non free trial items)
                     if ($apply_initial_coupon && 'recurring_fee' == $coupon->type && !empty($cart_item['data']->subscription_trial_length)) {
                         $discount_amount = 0;
                     $cart->discount_cart = $cart->discount_cart + $discount_amount * $cart_item['quantity'];
                     $cart = self::increase_coupon_discount_amount($cart, $coupon->code, $discount_amount * $cart_item['quantity']);
                     $price = $price - $discount_amount;
                 } elseif ($apply_recurring_percent_coupon) {
                     $discount_amount = round($calculation_price / 100 * $coupon->amount, WC()->cart->dp);
                     $cart->discount_cart = $cart->discount_cart + $discount_amount * $cart_item['quantity'];
                     $cart = self::increase_coupon_discount_amount($cart, $coupon->code, $discount_amount * $cart_item['quantity']);
                     $price = $price - $discount_amount;
                 } elseif ($apply_initial_percent_coupon) {
                     // Recurring coupons only apply when there is no free trial (carts can have a mix of free trial and non free trial items)
                     if ('recurring_percent' == $coupon->type && empty($cart_item['data']->subscription_trial_length)) {
                         $amount_to_discount = $cart_item['data']->subscription_price;
                     } else {
                         $amount_to_discount = 0;
                     // Sign up fee coupons only apply to sign up fees
                     if ('sign_up_fee_percent' == $coupon->type) {
                         $amount_to_discount = $cart_item['data']->subscription_sign_up_fee;
                     $discount_amount = round($amount_to_discount / 100 * $coupon->amount, WC()->cart->dp);
                     $cart->discount_cart = $cart->discount_cart + $discount_amount * $cart_item['quantity'];
                     $cart = self::increase_coupon_discount_amount($cart, $coupon->code, $discount_amount * $cart_item['quantity']);
                     $price = $price - $discount_amount;
         if ($price < 0) {
             $price = 0;
     return $price;