예제 #1
 public function __construct(array $files)
     foreach ($files as $i => $file) {
         $this->content(\Html::script($file . '.js'));
예제 #2
 function testTenderDbRecords()
     $t = new TenderModule('CA', 1.0);
     $record = lttLib::genericRecord();
     $record['trans_type'] = 'T';
     $record['trans_subtype'] = 'CA';
     $record['description'] = 'Cash';
     $record['total'] = -1.0;
     lttLib::verifyRecord(1, $record, $this);
     CoreLocal::set('currentid', 1);
     $v = new Void();
     $this->assertEquals(true, $v->check('VD'));
     $json = $v->parse('VD');
     $this->assertInternalType('array', $json);
     $record['total'] *= -1;
     $record['voided'] = 1;
     $record['trans_status'] = 'V';
     lttLib::verifyRecord(2, $record, $this);
 public static function init()
     // Obfuscated
     self::$PRIMITIVE_TYPES[self::OBFUSCATED_CLASS_REFIX . BOOLEAN_TYPE] = Boolean::typeClass();
     self::$PRIMITIVE_TYPES[self::OBFUSCATED_CLASS_REFIX . BYTE_TYPE] = Byte::typeClass();
     self::$PRIMITIVE_TYPES[self::OBFUSCATED_CLASS_REFIX . CHAR_TYPE] = Character::typeClass();
     self::$PRIMITIVE_TYPES[self::OBFUSCATED_CLASS_REFIX . DOUBLE_TYPE] = Double::typeClass();
     self::$PRIMITIVE_TYPES[self::OBFUSCATED_CLASS_REFIX . FLOAT_TYPE] = Float::typeClass();
     self::$PRIMITIVE_TYPES[self::OBFUSCATED_CLASS_REFIX . INT_TYPE] = Integer::typeClass();
     self::$PRIMITIVE_TYPES[self::OBFUSCATED_CLASS_REFIX . LONG_TYPE] = Long::typeClass();
     self::$PRIMITIVE_TYPES[self::OBFUSCATED_CLASS_REFIX . SHORT_TYPE] = Short::typeClass();
     self::$PRIMITIVE_TYPES[self::OBFUSCATED_CLASS_REFIX . VOID_TYPE] = Void::typeClass();
     // Regular
     self::$PRIMITIVE_TYPES[Boolean::typeClass()->getName()] = Boolean::typeClass();
     self::$PRIMITIVE_TYPES[Byte::typeClass()->getName()] = Byte::typeClass();
     self::$PRIMITIVE_TYPES[Character::typeClass()->getName()] = Character::typeClass();
     self::$PRIMITIVE_TYPES[Double::typeClass()->getName()] = Double::typeClass();
     self::$PRIMITIVE_TYPES[Float::typeClass()->getName()] = Float::typeClass();
     self::$PRIMITIVE_TYPES[Integer::typeClass()->getName()] = Integer::typeClass();
     self::$PRIMITIVE_TYPES[Long::typeClass()->getName()] = Long::typeClass();
     self::$PRIMITIVE_TYPES[Short::typeClass()->getName()] = Short::typeClass();
     self::$PRIMITIVE_TYPES[Void::typeClass()->getName()] = Void::typeClass();
예제 #4
파일: Valutec.php 프로젝트: phpsmith/IS4C
 public function cleanup($json)
     switch (CoreLocal::get("paycard_mode")) {
         case PaycardLib::PAYCARD_MODE_BALANCE:
             $resp = CoreLocal::get("paycard_response");
             CoreLocal::set("boxMsg", "<b>Success</b><font size=-1>\n                                           <p>Gift card balance: \$" . $resp["Balance"] . "\n                                           <p>\"rp\" to print\n                                           <br>[enter] to continue</font>");
         case PaycardLib::PAYCARD_MODE_ADDVALUE:
         case PaycardLib::PAYCARD_MODE_ACTIVATE:
             CoreLocal::set("autoReprint", 1);
             $ttl = CoreLocal::get("paycard_amount");
             PrehLib::deptkey($ttl * 100, 9020);
             $resp = CoreLocal::get("paycard_response");
             CoreLocal::set("boxMsg", "<b>Success</b><font size=-1>\n                                           <p>New card balance: \$" . $resp["Balance"] . "\n                                           <p>[enter] to continue\n                                           <br>\"rp\" to reprint slip</font>");
         case PaycardLib::PAYCARD_MODE_AUTH:
             CoreLocal::set("autoReprint", 1);
             $record_id = $this->last_paycard_transaction_id;
             $charflag = $record_id != 0 ? 'PT' : '';
             TransRecord::addFlaggedTender("Gift Card", "GD", $amt, $record_id, $charflag);
             $resp = CoreLocal::get("paycard_response");
             CoreLocal::set("boxMsg", "<b>Approved</b><font size=-1>\n                                           <p>Used: \$" . CoreLocal::get("paycard_amount") . "\n                                           <br />New balance: \$" . $resp["Balance"] . "\n                                           <p>[enter] to continue\n                                           <br>\"rp\" to reprint slip\n                                           <br>[void] to cancel and void</font>");
         case PaycardLib::PAYCARD_MODE_VOID:
         case PaycardLib::PAYCARD_MODE_VOIDITEM:
             CoreLocal::set("autoReprint", 1);
             $v = new Void();
             $v->voidid(CoreLocal::get("paycard_id"), array());
             $resp = CoreLocal::get("paycard_response");
             CoreLocal::set("boxMsg", "<b>Voided</b><font size=-1>\n                                           <p>New balance: \$" . $resp["Balance"] . "\n                                           <p>[enter] to continue\n                                           <br>\"rp\" to reprint slip</font>");
     return $json;
예제 #5
 public function testScreenDisplay()
     $u = new UPC();
     $records = DisplayLib::screenDisplay(0, 1);
     $item = array('description' => 'EXTRA BAG', 'comment' => '', 'total' => 0.05, 'status' => 'T', 'lineColor' => '004080', 'discounttype' => 0, 'trans_type' => 'I', 'trans_status' => '', 'voided' => 0, 'trans_id' => 1);
     $spec = array(1 => $item);
     $this->assertEquals(count($records), count($spec));
     $view = $this->getViewVersion(0, 2);
     foreach (array_keys($records) as $i) {
         $this->assertArrayHasKey($i, $records);
         $this->assertArrayHasKey($i, $spec);
         $this->compareArrays($records[$i], $spec[$i]);
         $this->compareArrays($records[$i], $view[$i]);
     $t = new TenderModule('CA', 1.0);
     $tender = array('description' => '', 'comment' => 'Cash', 'total' => -1.0, 'status' => '', 'lineColor' => '800000', 'discounttype' => 0, 'trans_type' => 'T', 'trans_status' => '', 'voided' => 0, 'trans_id' => 2);
     $spec[2] = $tender;
     $records = DisplayLib::screenDisplay(0, 2);
     $view = $this->getViewVersion(0, 2);
     $this->assertEquals(count($records), count($spec));
     foreach (array_keys($records) as $i) {
         $this->assertArrayHasKey($i, $records);
         $this->assertArrayHasKey($i, $spec);
         $this->compareArrays($records[$i], $spec[$i]);
         $this->compareArrays($records[$i], $view[$i]);
     CoreLocal::set('memberID', 1);
     CoreLocal::set('isMember', 1);
     CoreLocal::set('percentDiscount', 10);
     CoreLocal::set('memType', 1);
     $notify = array('description' => '** 10% Discount Applied **', 'comment' => '', 'total' => '', 'status' => '', 'lineColor' => '408080', 'discounttype' => 0, 'trans_type' => '0', 'trans_status' => 'D', 'voided' => 4, 'trans_id' => 3);
     $discount = array('description' => '', 'comment' => 'Discount', 'total' => 0.0, 'status' => '', 'lineColor' => '408080', 'discounttype' => 0, 'trans_type' => 'C', 'trans_status' => 'D', 'voided' => 5, 'trans_id' => 4);
     $subtotal = array('description' => 'Subtotal -0.95, Tax0.00 #1', 'comment' => 'Total ', 'total' => -0.95, 'status' => '', 'lineColor' => '000000', 'discounttype' => 0, 'trans_type' => 'C', 'trans_status' => 'D', 'voided' => 3, 'trans_id' => 5);
     $spec[3] = $notify;
     $spec[4] = $discount;
     $spec[5] = $subtotal;
     $records = DisplayLib::screenDisplay(0, 5);
     $view = $this->getViewVersion(0, 5);
     $this->assertEquals(count($records), count($spec));
     foreach (array_keys($records) as $i) {
         $this->assertArrayHasKey($i, $records);
         $this->assertArrayHasKey($i, $spec);
         $this->compareArrays($records[$i], $spec[$i]);
         $this->compareArrays($records[$i], $view[$i]);
     CoreLocal::set('quantity', 2);
     CoreLocal::set('multiple', 1);
     $u = new UPC();
     $item = array('description' => 'PKALE', 'comment' => '2 @ 1.99', 'total' => 3.98, 'status' => 'F', 'lineColor' => '408080', 'discounttype' => 1, 'trans_type' => 'I', 'trans_status' => '', 'voided' => 0, 'trans_id' => 6);
     $notice = array('description' => '** YOU SAVED $0.60 **', 'comment' => '', 'total' => '', 'status' => '', 'lineColor' => '408080', 'discounttype' => 0, 'trans_type' => 'I', 'trans_status' => 'D', 'voided' => 2, 'trans_id' => 7);
     $spec[6] = $item;
     $spec[7] = $notice;
     $records = DisplayLib::screenDisplay(0, 7);
     $view = $this->getViewVersion(0, 7);
     $this->assertEquals(count($records), count($spec));
     foreach (array_keys($records) as $i) {
         $this->assertArrayHasKey($i, $records);
         $this->assertArrayHasKey($i, $spec);
         $this->compareArrays($records[$i], $spec[$i]);
         $this->compareArrays($records[$i], $view[$i]);
     CoreLocal::set('quantity', 0);
     CoreLocal::set('multiple', 0);
     CoreLocal::set('currentid', 1);
     $v = new Void();
     $void = array('description' => 'EXTRA BAG', 'comment' => '', 'total' => -0.05, 'status' => 'VD', 'lineColor' => '800000', 'discounttype' => 0, 'trans_type' => 'I', 'trans_status' => 'V', 'voided' => 1, 'trans_id' => 8);
     $spec[8] = $void;
     $spec[1]['voided'] = 1;
     $records = DisplayLib::screenDisplay(0, 8);
     $view = $this->getViewVersion(0, 8);
     $this->assertEquals(count($records), count($spec));
     foreach (array_keys($records) as $i) {
         $this->assertArrayHasKey($i, $records);
         $this->assertArrayHasKey($i, $spec);
         $this->compareArrays($records[$i], $spec[$i]);
         $this->compareArrays($records[$i], $view[$i]);
     $fs = array('description' => '', 'comment' => 'FS Tax Exempt', 'total' => 0.0, 'status' => '', 'lineColor' => '800000', 'discounttype' => 0, 'trans_type' => 'C', 'trans_status' => 'D', 'voided' => 17, 'trans_id' => 9);
     $spec[9] = $fs;
     $records = DisplayLib::screenDisplay(0, 9);
     $view = $this->getViewVersion(0, 9);
     $this->assertEquals(count($records), count($spec));
     foreach (array_keys($records) as $i) {
         $this->assertArrayHasKey($i, $records);
         $this->assertArrayHasKey($i, $spec);
         $this->compareArrays($records[$i], $spec[$i]);
         $this->compareArrays($records[$i], $view[$i]);
         $this->compareArrays($spec[$i], $view[$i]);
예제 #6
 public function cleanup($json)
     switch (CoreLocal::get("paycard_mode")) {
         case PaycardLib::PAYCARD_MODE_AUTH:
             // cast to string. tender function expects string input
             // numeric input screws up parsing on negative values > $0.99
             $amt = "" . -1 * CoreLocal::get("paycard_amount");
             $t_type = 'CC';
             if (CoreLocal::get('paycard_issuer') == 'American Express') {
                 $t_type = 'AX';
             // if the transaction has a non-zero paycardTransactionID,
             // include it in the tender line
             $record_id = $this->last_paycard_transaction_id;
             $charflag = $record_id != 0 ? 'PT' : '';
             TransRecord::addFlaggedTender("Credit Card", $t_type, $amt, $record_id, $charflag);
             CoreLocal::set("boxMsg", "<b>Approved</b>\n                        <font size=-1>\n                        <p>Please verify cardholder signature\n                        <p>[enter] to continue\n                        <br>\"rp\" to reprint slip\n                        <br>[void] " . _('to reverse the charge') . "\n                        </font>");
             if (CoreLocal::get("paycard_amount") <= CoreLocal::get("CCSigLimit") && CoreLocal::get("paycard_amount") >= 0) {
                 CoreLocal::set("boxMsg", "<b>Approved</b>\n                            <font size=-1>\n                            <p>No signature required\n                            <p>[enter] to continue\n                            <br>[void] " . _('to reverse the charge') . "\n                            </font>");
             } else {
                 if (CoreLocal::get('PaycardsSigCapture') != 1) {
                     $json['receipt'] = 'ccSlip';
         case PaycardLib::PAYCARD_MODE_VOID:
             $v = new Void();
             $v->voidid(CoreLocal::get("paycard_id"), array());
             CoreLocal::set("boxMsg", "<b>Voided</b>\n                                           <p><font size=-1>[enter] to continue\n                                           <br>\"rp\" to reprint slip</font>");
     return $json;
예제 #7
 private static function encodeResponse(Clazz $responseClass, $object, $wasThrown, $flags, $serializationPolicy)
     $stream = new ServerSerializationStreamWriter($serializationPolicy);
     if ($responseClass !== Void::typeClass()) {
         $stream->serializeValue($object, $responseClass);
     $bufferStr = ($wasThrown ? '//EX' : '//OK') . (string) $stream;
     return $bufferStr;
예제 #8
파일: VoidTest.php 프로젝트: seytar/psx
 public function testRemoveAll()
     $handler = new Void();
예제 #9
 function testOpenRings()
     $d = new DeptKey();
     $this->assertEquals(true, $d->check('100DP10'));
     $json = $d->parse('100DP10');
     $this->assertInternalType('array', $json);
     $record = lttLib::genericRecord();
     $record['upc'] = '1DP1';
     $record['description'] = 'BBAKING';
     $record['trans_type'] = 'D';
     $record['department'] = 1;
     $record['quantity'] = 1;
     $record['foodstamp'] = 1;
     $record['unitPrice'] = 1.0;
     $record['total'] = 1.0;
     $record['regPrice'] = 1.0;
     $record['ItemQtty'] = 1;
     lttLib::verifyRecord(1, $record, $this);
     CoreLocal::set('currentid', 1);
     $v = new Void();
     $this->assertEquals(true, $v->check('VD'));
     $json = $v->parse('VD');
     $this->assertInternalType('array', $json);
     $record['total'] *= -1;
     $record['quantity'] *= -1;
     $record['ItemQtty'] *= -1;
     $record['voided'] = 1;
     $record['trans_status'] = 'V';
     lttLib::verifyRecord(2, $record, $this);
     CoreLocal::set('refund', 1);
     CoreLocal::set('refundComment', 'TEST REFUND');
     $d = new DeptKey();
     $this->assertEquals(true, $d->check('100DP10'));
     $json = $d->parse('100DP10');
     $this->assertInternalType('array', $json);
     $record = lttLib::genericRecord();
     $record['upc'] = '1DP1';
     $record['description'] = 'BBAKING';
     $record['trans_type'] = 'D';
     $record['trans_status'] = 'R';
     $record['department'] = 1;
     $record['quantity'] = -1;
     $record['foodstamp'] = 1;
     $record['unitPrice'] = 1.0;
     $record['total'] = -1.0;
     $record['regPrice'] = 1.0;
     $record['ItemQtty'] = 1;
     lttLib::verifyRecord(1, $record, $this);
     CoreLocal::set('currentid', 1);
     $v = new Void();
     $this->assertEquals(true, $v->check('VD'));
     $json = $v->parse('VD');
     $this->assertInternalType('array', $json);
     $record['total'] *= -1;
     $record['quantity'] *= -1;
     $record['ItemQtty'] *= -1;
     $record['voided'] = 1;
     $record['trans_status'] = 'V';
     lttLib::verifyRecord(2, $record, $this);
예제 #10
파일: VoidTest.php 프로젝트: seytar/psx
 public function testWriteln()
     $output = new Void();
예제 #11
 public function cleanup($json)
     switch (CoreLocal::get("paycard_mode")) {
         case PaycardLib::PAYCARD_MODE_ADDVALUE:
         case PaycardLib::PAYCARD_MODE_ACTIVATE:
             CoreLocal::set("autoReprint", 1);
             $ttl = CoreLocal::get("paycard_amount");
             PrehLib::deptkey($ttl * 100, 9020);
             $bal = CoreLocal::get('GiftBalance');
             CoreLocal::set("boxMsg", "<b>Success</b><font size=-1>\n                                           <p>New card balance: \$" . $bal . "\n                                           <p>[enter] to continue\n                                           <br>\"rp\" to reprint slip</font>");
         case PaycardLib::PAYCARD_MODE_BALANCE:
             $bal = CoreLocal::get('DatacapBalanceCheck');
             CoreLocal::set("boxMsg", "<b>Success</b><font size=-1>\n                                           <p>Card balance: \$" . $bal . "\n                                           <p>\"rp\" to print\n                                           <br>[enter] to continue</font>");
         case PaycardLib::PAYCARD_MODE_AUTH:
             // cast to string. tender function expects string input
             // numeric input screws up parsing on negative values > $0.99
             $amt = "" . -1 * CoreLocal::get("paycard_amount");
             $type = CoreLocal::get("CacheCardType");
             $t_type = 'CC';
             if (CoreLocal::get('paycard_issuer') == 'American Express') {
                 $t_type = 'AX';
             if ($type == 'EBTFOOD') {
                 // extra tax exemption steps
                 CoreLocal::set("fntlflag", 0);
                 Database::setglobalvalue("FntlFlag", 0);
             list($tender_code, $tender_description) = PaycardLib::getTenderInfo($type, CoreLocal::get('paycard_issuer'));
             // if the transaction has a non-zero paycardTransactionID,
             // include it in the tender line
             $record_id = $this->last_paycard_transaction_id;
             $charflag = $record_id != 0 ? 'PT' : '';
             TransRecord::addFlaggedTender($tender_description, $tender_code, $amt, $record_id, $charflag);
             $appr_type = 'Approved';
             if (CoreLocal::get('paycard_partial')) {
                 $appr_type = 'Partial Approval';
             } elseif (CoreLocal::get('paycard_amount') == 0) {
                 $appr_type = 'Declined';
                 $json['receipt'] = 'ccDecline';
             CoreLocal::set('paycard_partial', false);
             $isCredit = CoreLocal::get('CacheCardType') == 'CREDIT' || CoreLocal::get('CacheCardType') == '' ? true : false;
             $needSig = CoreLocal::get('paycard_amount') > CoreLocal::get('CCSigLimit') || CoreLocal::get('paycard_amount') < 0 ? true : false;
             if (($isCredit || CoreLocal::get('EmvSignature') === true) && $needSig) {
                 CoreLocal::set("boxMsg", "<b>{$appr_type}</b>\n                            <font size=-1>\n                            <p>Please verify cardholder signature\n                            <p>[enter] to continue\n                            <br>\"rp\" to reprint slip\n                            <br>[void] " . _('to reverse the charge') . "\n                            </font>");
                 if (CoreLocal::get('PaycardsSigCapture') != 1) {
                     $json['receipt'] = 'ccSlip';
             } else {
                 CoreLocal::set("boxMsg", "<b>{$appr_type}</b>\n                            <font size=-1>\n                            <p>No signature required\n                            <p>[enter] to continue\n                            <br>[void] " . _('to reverse the charge') . "\n                            </font>");
         case PaycardLib::PAYCARD_MODE_VOID:
             $void = new Void();
             $void->voidid(CoreLocal::get("paycard_id"), array());
             // advanced ID to the void line
             CoreLocal::set('paycard_id', CoreLocal::get('paycard_id') + 1);
             CoreLocal::set("boxMsg", "<b>Voided</b>\n                                           <p><font size=-1>[enter] to continue\n                                           <br>\"rp\" to reprint slip</font>");
     return $json;