예제 #1
 public function __construct()
     $this->mysqli =& $GLOBALS['mysqli_connection'];
     if ($GLOBALS['ENV_NAME'] == 'production' && environment_defined('slave')) {
         $this->mysqli_slave = load_mysql_environment('slave');
     } else {
         $this->mysqli_slave =& $this->mysqli;
     $this->sparql_client = SparqlClient::connection();
     $this->published_id = TranslatedResourceStatus::find_or_create_by_label('Published')->id;
     $this->trusted_id = Vetted::trusted()->id;
     $this->unknown_id = Vetted::unknown()->id;
     $this->untrusted_id = Vetted::untrusted()->id;
     $this->visible_id = Visibility::visible()->id;
     $this->invisible_id = Visibility::invisible()->id;
     $this->master_curator_id = CuratorLevel::master_curator()->id;
     $this->full_curator_id = CuratorLevel::full_curator()->id;
     $this->assistant_curator_id = CuratorLevel::assistant_curator()->id;
     $this->curator_ids = CuratorLevel::curator_ids();
     $this->data_object_scope = ChangeableObjectType::data_object_scope();
     $this->worms_content_partner_id = ContentPartner::find_or_create_by_full_name('World Register of Marine Species')->id;
     $this->col_hierarchy_id = Hierarchy::find_or_create_by_label('Species 2000 & ITIS Catalogue of Life: Annual Checklist 2011')->id;
예제 #2
 public function __construct()
     $this->mysqli =& $GLOBALS['db_connection'];
     if ($GLOBALS['ENV_NAME'] == 'production' && environment_defined('slave')) {
         $this->mysqli_slave = load_mysql_environment('slave');
     } else {
         $this->mysqli_slave =& $this->mysqli;
     $this->vetted_sort_orders = array();
     $this->vetted_sort_orders[Vetted::trusted()->id] = 1;
     $this->vetted_sort_orders[Vetted::unknown()->id] = 2;
     $this->vetted_sort_orders[Vetted::untrusted()->id] = 3;
예제 #3
 function get_word_count($taxon_concept_id, $chapter)
     $concept_data_object_counts = array();
     $text_id = DataType::find_or_create_by_schema_value('http://purl.org/dc/dcmitype/Text')->id;
     $trusted_id = Vetted::trusted()->id;
     $untrusted_id = Vetted::untrusted()->id;
     $unreviewed_id = Vetted::unknown()->id;
     if ($chapter == "brief summary") {
         $toc_id = TranslatedTableOfContent::find_or_create_by_label('Brief Summary')->table_of_contents_id;
     } elseif ($chapter == "comprehensive description") {
         $toc_id = TranslatedTableOfContent::find_or_create_by_label('Comprehensive Description')->table_of_contents_id;
     $query = "SELECT dotoc.toc_id,do.description, dohe.vetted_id FROM data_objects_taxon_concepts dotc \n                  JOIN data_objects do ON dotc.data_object_id = do.id LEFT JOIN data_objects_table_of_contents dotoc ON do.id = dotoc.data_object_id \n                  JOIN data_objects_hierarchy_entries dohe on do.id = dohe.data_object_id\n                  WHERE do.published = 1 AND dohe.visibility_id =" . Visibility::visible()->id . " AND do.data_type_id = {$text_id} AND dotc.taxon_concept_id = {$taxon_concept_id} AND dotoc.toc_id = {$toc_id}\n                  UNION\n                  SELECT dotoc.toc_id,do.description, udo.vetted_id FROM data_objects_taxon_concepts dotc \n                  JOIN data_objects do ON dotc.data_object_id = do.id LEFT JOIN data_objects_table_of_contents dotoc ON do.id = dotoc.data_object_id \n                  JOIN users_data_objects udo on do.id = udo.data_object_id\n                  WHERE do.published = 1 AND udo.visibility_id =" . Visibility::visible()->id . " AND do.data_type_id = {$text_id} AND dotc.taxon_concept_id = {$taxon_concept_id} AND dotoc.toc_id = {$toc_id}";
     $result = $this->mysqli_slave->query($query);
     while ($result && ($row = $result->fetch_assoc())) {
         $description = $row['description'];
         $vetted_id = $row['vetted_id'];
         $words_count = str_word_count(strip_tags($description), 0);
         @($concept_data_object_counts['total_w'] += $words_count);
         if ($vetted_id == $trusted_id) {
             @($concept_data_object_counts['t_w'] += $words_count);
         } elseif ($vetted_id == $untrusted_id) {
             @($concept_data_object_counts['ut_w'] += $words_count);
         } elseif ($vetted_id == $unreviewed_id) {
             @($concept_data_object_counts['ur_w'] += $words_count);
     return @$concept_data_object_counts['total_w'];
예제 #4
 function get_data_objects_count($batch_size = 100000)
     $image_id = DataType::image()->id;
     $text_id = DataType::text()->id;
     $video_id = DataType::video()->id;
     $sound_id = DataType::sound()->id;
     $flash_id = DataType::flash()->id;
     $youtube_id = DataType::youtube()->id;
     $iucn_id = DataType::iucn()->id;
     $data_type_label[$text_id] = 'text';
     $data_type_label[$video_id] = 'video';
     $data_type_label[$sound_id] = 'sound';
     $data_type_label[$flash_id] = 'flash';
     $data_type_label[$youtube_id] = 'youtube';
     $data_type_label[$iucn_id] = 'iucn';
     $data_type_order_in_file = array("text", "video", "sound", "flash", "youtube", "iucn");
     $trusted_id = Vetted::trusted()->id;
     $untrusted_id = Vetted::untrusted()->id;
     $unreviewed_id = Vetted::unknown()->id;
     $raw_stats = array();
     $concept_info_items = array();
     $concept_references = array();
     for ($i = $this->min_taxon_concept_id; $i <= $this->max_taxon_concept_id; $i += $batch_size) {
         $this->print_status($i, $batch_size);
         $sql = "SELECT  do.guid,\n                            dotc.taxon_concept_id,\n                            do.data_type_id,\n                            doii.info_item_id,\n                            dor.ref_id,\n                            REPLACE(REPLACE(do.description, '\\\\n', ' '), '\\\\r', ' '),\n                            dohe.vetted_id,\n                            do.id\n            FROM data_objects_taxon_concepts dotc\n            STRAIGHT_JOIN data_objects do ON (dotc.data_object_id = do.id)\n            JOIN data_objects_hierarchy_entries dohe ON (do.id=dohe.data_object_id)\n            LEFT JOIN data_objects_info_items doii ON (do.id = doii.data_object_id)\n            LEFT JOIN data_objects_refs dor ON (do.id = dor.data_object_id)\n            WHERE do.published = 1 AND dohe.visibility_id = " . Visibility::visible()->id . " AND do.data_type_id != {$image_id}";
         if ($this->test_taxon_concept_ids) {
             $sql .= " AND dotc.taxon_concept_id IN (" . $this->test_taxon_concept_ids . ")";
         } else {
             $sql .= " AND dotc.taxon_concept_id BETWEEN {$i} AND " . ($i + $batch_size);
         $counted_data_objects = array();
         foreach ($this->mysqli_slave->iterate_file($sql) as $row_number => $row) {
             $taxon_concept_id = trim($row[0]);
             $data_type_id = trim($row[1]);
             $info_item_id = trim($row[2]);
             $ref_id = trim($row[3]);
             $description = trim($row[4]);
             $vetted_id = trim($row[5]);
             $data_object_id = trim($row[6]);
             if (isset($counted_data_objects[$taxon_concept_id][$data_object_id])) {
             $counted_data_objects[$taxon_concept_id][$data_object_id] = 1;
             $label = @$data_type_label[$data_type_id];
             $words_count = str_word_count(strip_tags($description), 0);
             @($raw_stats[$taxon_concept_id][$label]['total_w'] += $words_count);
             if ($vetted_id == $trusted_id) {
                 @($raw_stats[$taxon_concept_id][$label]['t_w'] += $words_count);
             } elseif ($vetted_id == $untrusted_id) {
                 @($raw_stats[$taxon_concept_id][$label]['ut_w'] += $words_count);
             } elseif ($vetted_id == $unreviewed_id) {
                 @($raw_stats[$taxon_concept_id][$label]['ur_w'] += $words_count);
             $concept_info_items[$taxon_concept_id][$info_item_id] = '';
             $concept_references[$taxon_concept_id][$ref_id] = '';
         foreach ($raw_stats as $taxon_concept_id => $stats) {
             $new_value = "";
             # the stats need to go into the file in a certain order to be imported into the MySQL table
             foreach ($data_type_order_in_file as $data_type) {
                 $new_value = @$stats[$data_type]['total'];
                 $new_value .= "\t" . @$stats[$data_type]['t'];
                 $new_value .= "\t" . @$stats[$data_type]['ut'];
                 $new_value .= "\t" . @$stats[$data_type]['ur'];
                 $new_value .= "\t" . @$stats[$data_type]['total_w'];
                 $new_value .= "\t" . @$stats[$data_type]['t_w'];
                 $new_value .= "\t" . @$stats[$data_type]['ut_w'];
                 $new_value .= "\t" . @$stats[$data_type]['ur_w'];
             $raw_stats[$taxon_concept_id] = $new_value;
         $this->save_category_stats($raw_stats, "get_data_objects_count");
         $raw_stats = array();
         if ($this->test_taxon_concept_ids) {
     // $this->save_to_json_file($concept_info_items, "concept_info_items");
     // unset($concept_info_items);
     // $this->save_to_json_file($concept_references, "concept_references");
     // unset($concept_references);
예제 #5
 function get_data_objects_count($batch_size = 100000)
     $time_start = time_elapsed();
     $concept_data_object_counts = array();
     $concept_data_object_maps = array();
     $concept_info_items = array();
     $concept_references = array();
     $image_id = DataType::image()->id;
     $map_id = DataType::map()->id;
     $text_id = DataType::text()->id;
     $video_id = DataType::video()->id;
     $sound_id = DataType::sound()->id;
     $flash_id = DataType::flash()->id;
     $youtube_id = DataType::youtube()->id;
     $iucn_id = DataType::iucn()->id;
     $data_type_label[$image_id] = 'image';
     $data_type_label[$sound_id] = 'sound';
     $data_type_label[$text_id] = 'text';
     $data_type_label[$video_id] = 'video';
     $data_type_label[$iucn_id] = 'iucn';
     $data_type_label[$flash_id] = 'flash';
     $data_type_label[$youtube_id] = 'youtube';
     $trusted_id = Vetted::trusted()->id;
     $untrusted_id = Vetted::untrusted()->id;
     $unreviewed_id = Vetted::unknown()->id;
     for ($i = $this->min_taxon_concept_id; $i <= $this->max_taxon_concept_id; $i += $batch_size) {
         print "\n dataObjects, its infoItems, its references [2 of 14] {$i} \n";
         $sql = "SELECT dotc.taxon_concept_id tc_id, do.data_type_id, doii.info_item_id, dor.ref_id, do.description, dohe.vetted_id, do.data_subtype_id\r\n                FROM data_objects_taxon_concepts dotc \r\n                JOIN data_objects do ON dotc.data_object_id = do.id \r\n                LEFT JOIN data_objects_info_items doii ON do.id = doii.data_object_id \r\n                LEFT JOIN data_objects_refs dor ON do.id = dor.data_object_id \r\n                JOIN data_objects_hierarchy_entries dohe on do.id = dohe.data_object_id\r\n                WHERE do.published=1 AND dohe.visibility_id=" . Visibility::visible()->id . " AND dohe.vetted_id != {$untrusted_id} ";
         //." AND do.data_type_id <> $image_id "; this has to be removed to count maps
         if (isset($GLOBALS['test_taxon_concept_ids'])) {
             $sql .= " and dotc.taxon_concept_id IN (" . implode(",", $GLOBALS['test_taxon_concept_ids']) . ")";
         } else {
             $sql .= " AND dotc.taxon_concept_id BETWEEN {$i} AND " . ($i + $batch_size);
         $sql .= "\r\n                UNION\r\n                SELECT dotc.taxon_concept_id tc_id, do.data_type_id, doii.info_item_id, dor.ref_id, do.description, udo.vetted_id, do.data_subtype_id\r\n                    FROM data_objects_taxon_concepts dotc \r\n                    JOIN data_objects do ON dotc.data_object_id = do.id \r\n                    LEFT JOIN data_objects_info_items doii ON do.id = doii.data_object_id \r\n                    LEFT JOIN data_objects_refs dor ON do.id = dor.data_object_id \r\n                    JOIN users_data_objects udo on do.id = udo.data_object_id\r\n                    WHERE do.published=1 AND udo.visibility_id=" . Visibility::visible()->id . "\r\n                ";
         if (isset($GLOBALS['test_taxon_concept_ids'])) {
             $sql .= " and dotc.taxon_concept_id IN (" . implode(",", $GLOBALS['test_taxon_concept_ids']) . ")";
         } else {
             $sql .= " AND dotc.taxon_concept_id BETWEEN {$i} AND " . ($i + $batch_size);
         $outfile = $this->mysqli_slave->select_into_outfile($sql);
         $FILE = fopen($outfile, "r");
         if (!$FILE) {
             print "!! ERROR: Could not read {$outfile}";
             debug("!! ERROR: Could not read {$outfile}");
         $num_rows = 0;
         while (!feof($FILE)) {
             if ($line = fgets($FILE)) {
                 $line = trim($line);
                 $fields = explode("\t", $line);
                 $tc_id = trim($fields[0]);
                 $data_type_id = trim($fields[1]);
                 $info_item_id = trim($fields[2]);
                 $ref_id = trim($fields[3]);
                 $description = trim($fields[4]);
                 $vetted_id = trim($fields[5]);
                 $data_subtype_id = trim($fields[6]);
                 $label = @$data_type_label[$data_type_id];
                 if ($data_subtype_id != $map_id) {
                     $words_count = str_word_count(strip_tags($description), 0);
                     @($concept_data_object_counts[$tc_id][$label]['total_w'] += $words_count);
                     if ($vetted_id == $trusted_id) {
                         @($concept_data_object_counts[$tc_id][$label]['t_w'] += $words_count);
                     } elseif ($vetted_id == $untrusted_id) {
                         @($concept_data_object_counts[$tc_id][$label]['ut_w'] += $words_count);
                     } elseif ($vetted_id == $unreviewed_id) {
                         @($concept_data_object_counts[$tc_id][$label]['ur_w'] += $words_count);
                     $concept_info_items[$tc_id][$info_item_id] = '';
                     $concept_references[$tc_id][$ref_id] = '';
                 } else {
                     if ($vetted_id == $trusted_id) {
                     } elseif ($vetted_id == $untrusted_id) {
                     } elseif ($vetted_id == $unreviewed_id) {
         print "\n num_rows: {$num_rows}";
     self::save_to_json_file($concept_info_items, "concept_info_items");
     self::save_to_json_file($concept_references, "concept_references");
     //save map data to be accessed later
     self::save_to_json_file($concept_data_object_maps, "map_counts");
     //convert associative array to a regular array
     $data_type_order_in_file = array("text", "video", "sound", "flash", "youtube", "iucn");
     foreach ($concept_data_object_counts as $taxon_concept_id => $taxon_object_counts) {
         $new_value = "";
         foreach ($data_type_order_in_file as $data_type) {
             $new_value .= "\t" . @$taxon_object_counts[$data_type]['total'];
             $new_value .= "\t" . @$taxon_object_counts[$data_type]['t'];
             $new_value .= "\t" . @$taxon_object_counts[$data_type]['ut'];
             $new_value .= "\t" . @$taxon_object_counts[$data_type]['ur'];
             $new_value .= "\t" . @$taxon_object_counts[$data_type]['total_w'];
             $new_value .= "\t" . @$taxon_object_counts[$data_type]['t_w'];
             $new_value .= "\t" . @$taxon_object_counts[$data_type]['ut_w'];
             $new_value .= "\t" . @$taxon_object_counts[$data_type]['ur_w'];
         $concept_data_object_counts[$taxon_concept_id] = $new_value;
     print "\n get_data_objects_count():" . (time_elapsed() - $time_start) / 60 . " minutes";
     self::save_totals_to_cumulative_txt($concept_data_object_counts, "tpm_data_objects");