예제 #1
 public function actionSurvey()
     $db = Yii::app()->m_db;
     if ($_POST) {
         $a = count($_POST['ids']);
         $result = VcosSurvey::model()->count();
         if ($a == $result) {
             die(Helper::show_message(yii::t('vcos', '不能把所有记录删除!')));
         $ids = implode('\',\'', $_POST['ids']);
         $transaction = $db->beginTransaction();
         try {
             $count = VcosSurvey::model()->deleteAll("survey_id in('{$ids}')");
             $count2 = VcosSurveyLanguage::model()->deleteAll("survey_id in('{$ids}')");
             $count_result = VcosSurveyResult::model()->deleteAll("survey_id in('{$ids}')");
             Helper::show_message(yii::t('vcos', '删除成功。'), Yii::app()->createUrl("Commentandhelp/survey"));
         } catch (Exception $e) {
             Helper::show_message(yii::t('vcos', '删除失败。'));
     if (isset($_GET['id'])) {
         $result = VcosSurvey::model()->count();
         if ($result <= 1) {
             die(Helper::show_message(yii::t('vcos', '不能把所有记录删除!')));
         $did = $_GET['id'];
         $transaction2 = $db->beginTransaction();
         try {
             $count = VcosSurvey::model()->deleteByPk($did);
             $count2 = VcosSurveyLanguage::model()->deleteAll("survey_id in('{$did}')");
             $count_result = VcosSurveyResult::model()->deleteAll("survey_id in('{$did}')");
             Helper::show_message(yii::t('vcos', '删除成功。'), Yii::app()->createUrl("Commentandhelp/survey"));
         } catch (Exception $e) {
             Helper::show_message(yii::t('vcos', '删除失败。'));
     $count_sql = "SELECT count(*) count FROM vcos_survey a LEFT JOIN vcos_survey_language b ON a.survey_id = b.survey_id WHERE b.iso = '" . Yii::app()->language . "' ORDER BY a.survey_id DESC";
     $count = Yii::app()->m_db->createCommand($count_sql)->queryRow();
     $criteria = new CDbCriteria();
     $count = $count['count'];
     $pager = new CPagination($count);
     $pager->pageSize = 10;
     $sql = "SELECT * FROM vcos_survey a LEFT JOIN vcos_survey_language b ON a.survey_id = b.survey_id WHERE b.iso = '" . Yii::app()->language . "' ORDER BY a.survey_id DESC LIMIT {$criteria->offset}, {$pager->pageSize}";
     $survey = Yii::app()->m_db->createCommand($sql)->queryAll();
     $this->render('survey', array('pages' => $pager, 'auth' => $this->auth, 'survey' => $survey));
 public function actionSurvey_statistics()
     $id = $_GET['id'];
     $db = Yii::app()->m_db;
     $sql = "SELECT b.survey_title FROM vcos_survey a LEFT JOIN vcos_survey_language b ON a.survey_id = b.survey_id WHERE a.survey_id = {$id} AND b.iso = '" . Yii::app()->language . "'";
     $title = $db->createCommand($sql)->queryRow();
     $sql2 = "SELECT a.survey_choose_id, b.survey_choose_name FROM vcos_survey_choose a LEFT JOIN vcos_survey_choose_language b ON a.survey_choose_id = b.survey_choose_id WHERE b.iso = '" . Yii::app()->language . "'";
     $grade = $db->createCommand($sql2)->queryAll();
     $grade_num = VcosSurveyChoose::model()->count();
     $condition = array();
     $result = array();
     for ($i = 1, $j = 0; $i <= $grade_num; $i++, $j++) {
         $condition[] = "survey_id={$id} and survey_choose_id={$grade[$j]['survey_choose_id']}";
     foreach ($condition as $row) {
         $result[] = VcosSurveyResult::model()->count($row);
     $this->render('survey_statistics', array('grade' => $grade, 'result' => $result, 'title' => $title));