function lxReport() { global $DB, $C, $L, $t; $v = new Validator(); $v->Register($_REQUEST['message'], V_EMPTY, "{$L['REQUIRED_FIELD']}: {$L['REPORT']}"); // Verify captcha code if ($C['report_captcha']) { VerifyCaptcha($v); } // Check for spam submissions if ($C['dsbl_report'] && CheckDsbl($_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'])) { $v->SetError($L['DSBL_MATCHED']); } if (!$v->Validate()) { $errors = join('<br />', $v->GetErrors()); lxShReport($errors); return; } $link = $DB->Row('SELECT * FROM lx_links JOIN lx_link_fields USING (link_id) WHERE lx_links.link_id=?', array($_REQUEST['id'])); if ($link) { $DB->Update('INSERT INTO lx_reports VALUES (?,?,?,?,?)', array(null, $_REQUEST['id'], $_REQUEST['message'], MYSQL_NOW, $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'])); $t->assign_by_ref('link', $link); } $t->display('report-submitted.tpl'); }
function txReportAdd() { global $DB, $C, $L, $t, $domain; $gallery = $DB->Row('SELECT * FROM `tx_galleries` WHERE `gallery_id`=?', array($_REQUEST['id'])); $v = new Validator(); $v->Register($_REQUEST['reason'], V_EMPTY, sprintf($L['REQUIRED_FIELD'], $L['REPORT'])); if (!$gallery) { $v->SetError($L['BAD_GALLERY_ID']); } if ($C['report_captcha']) { VerifyCaptcha($v); } if (!$v->Validate()) { return $v->ValidationError('txShReportAdd', TRUE); } $DB->Update('INSERT INTO `tx_reports` VALUES (?,?,?,?,?)', array(null, $gallery['gallery_id'], $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'], MYSQL_NOW, $_REQUEST['reason'])); $_REQUEST['report_id'] = $DB->InsertID(); $t->assign_by_ref('report', $_REQUEST); $t->display($domain['template_prefix'] . 'report-complete.tpl'); flush(); // See if we need to e-mail any administrators $reports_waiting = $DB->Count('SELECT COUNT(*) FROM `tx_reports`'); $t->assign('reports_waiting', $reports_waiting); $administrators =& $DB->FetchAll('SELECT * FROM `tx_administrators`'); foreach ($administrators as $administrator) { if ($administrator['reports_waiting'] > 0) { if ($administrator['notifications'] & E_CHEAT_REPORT && $reports_waiting % $administrator['reports_waiting'] == 0) { SendMail($administrator['email'], 'email-admin-reports.tpl', $t); } } } }
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software // distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, // WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. // See the License for the specific language governing permissions and // limitations under the License. require_once 'includes/common.php'; require_once "{$GLOBALS['BASE_DIR']}/includes/template.class.php"; require_once "{$GLOBALS['BASE_DIR']}/includes/mysql.class.php"; require_once "{$GLOBALS['BASE_DIR']}/includes/validator.class.php"; SetupRequest(); $DB = new DB($C['db_hostname'], $C['db_username'], $C['db_password'], $C['db_name']); $DB->Connect(); $t = new Template(); $t->assign_by_ref('config', $C); $v = new Validator(); $v->Register($_REQUEST['email'], V_EMAIL, $L['INVALID_EMAIL']); $v->Register($_REQUEST['name'], V_EMPTY, "{$L['REQUIRED_FIELD']}: {$L['NAME']}"); $v->Register($_REQUEST['comment'], V_EMPTY, "{$L['REQUIRED_FIELD']}: {$L['COMMENT']}"); $v->Register($_REQUEST['comment'], V_LENGTH, sprintf($L['COMMENT_LENGTH'], $C['min_comment_length'], $C['max_comment_length']), "{$C['min_comment_length']},{$C['max_comment_length']}"); // Verify captcha code if ($C['comments_captcha']) { VerifyCaptcha($v, 'linkxcaptcha_comment'); } $account = ValidUserLogin(); if ($C['user_for_comments']) { if ($account === FALSE || $account['status'] != 'active') { if ($account === FALSE) { $v->SetError($L['INVALID_LOGIN']); } else { if ($account['status'] == 'suspended') { $v->SetError($L['SUSPENDED_ACCOUNT']);
function tlxPasswordReset($errors = null) { global $C, $DB, $L, $t; $v = new Validator(); $v->Register($_REQUEST['email'], V_EMAIL, $L['INVALID_EMAIL']); if (!empty($_REQUEST['email'])) { $account = $DB->Row('SELECT * FROM `tlx_accounts` WHERE `email`=?', array($_REQUEST['email'])); if (!$account) { $v->SetError($L['NO_MATCHING_EMAIL']); } else { if ($account['status'] != STATUS_ACTIVE) { $v->SetError($L['ACCOUNT_PENDING']); } else { if ($account['suspended']) { $v->SetError($L['ACCOUNT_SUSPENDED']); } } } } if (!$v->Validate()) { return $v->ValidationError('tlxShPasswordReset', TRUE); } $confirm_id = md5(uniqid(rand(), TRUE)); $DB->Update('DELETE FROM `tlx_account_confirms` WHERE `username`=?', array($account['username'])); $DB->Update('INSERT INTO `tlx_account_confirms` VALUES (?,?,?)', array($account['username'], $confirm_id, MYSQL_NOW)); $t->assign_by_ref('account', $account); $t->assign('confirm_id', $confirm_id); SendMail($account['email'], 'email-account-password-confirm.tpl', $t); $t->display('accounts-password-reset-confirm.tpl'); }
function txAddGallery() { global $DB, $C, $L, $t, $domain; // Set some default values $defaults = array('weight' => $C['gallery_weight'], 'clicks' => 0, 'submit_ip' => $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'], 'sponsor_id' => null, 'type' => 'submitted', 'format' => $C['allow_format'] ? $_REQUEST['format'] : FMT_PICTURES, 'status' => 'pending', 'previous_status' => null, 'date_scanned' => MYSQL_NOW, 'date_added' => MYSQL_NOW, 'date_approved' => null, 'date_scheduled' => null, 'date_displayed' => null, 'date_deletion' => null, 'allow_scan' => 1, 'allow_preview' => 1, 'has_preview' => 0, 'times_selected' => 0, 'used_counter' => 0, 'build_counter' => 0, 'tags' => $domain['tags']); $_REQUEST = array_merge($_REQUEST, $defaults); $v = new Validator(); // Verify and grab partner account $partner = null; if (!IsEmptyString($_REQUEST['username']) || !IsEmptyString($_REQUEST['password'])) { $partner = $DB->Row('SELECT * FROM `tx_partners` WHERE `username`=? AND `password`=?', array($_REQUEST['username'], sha1($_REQUEST['password']))); if (!$partner) { $v->SetError($L['INVALID_LOGIN']); } else { // Setup the correct weight value for this account $_REQUEST['weight'] = $partner['weight']; $_REQUEST['partner'] = $partner['username']; $_REQUEST['email'] = $partner['email']; $_REQUEST['nickname'] = $partner['name']; if (!empty($partner['categories'])) { $partner['categories'] = unserialize($partner['categories']); } // Nickname not required for partner accounts if ($C['require_nickname']) { $v->Register($_REQUEST['nickname'], V_EMPTY, $L['NO_PARTNER_NICKNAME']); } // Check if the partner account is active and valid to submit if ($partner['status'] == 'suspended') { $v->SetError($L['ACCOUNT_SUSPENDED']); } else { if ($partner['status'] != 'active') { $v->SetError($L['ACCOUNT_PENDING']); } } // Check active dates if (!IsEmptyString($partner['date_end']) && !IsEmptyString($partner['date_start'])) { $now = strtotime(MYSQL_NOW); $end = strtotime($partner['date_end']); $start = strtotime($partner['date_start']); if ($now < $start || $now > $end) { $start_time = date("{$C['date_format']} {$C['time_format']}", $start); $end_time = date("{$C['date_format']} {$C['time_format']}", $end); $v->SetError(sprintf($L['ACCOUNT_EXPIRED'], $start_time, $end_time)); } } if ($partner['domains']) { $partner['domains'] = unserialize($partner['domains']); if ($domain) { if (!$partner['domains_as_exclude'] && !in_array($domain['domain_id'], $partner['domains']) || $partner['domains_as_exclude'] && in_array($domain['domain_id'], $partner['domains'])) { $v->SetError($L['BAD_PARTNER_DOMAIN']); } } } } } // See if only accepting submissions from partners if (!$partner && $C['submit_status'] == 'partner') { $v->SetError($L['PARTNERS_ONLY']); } // Do partner account validation if (!$v->Validate()) { return $v->ValidationError('txShGallerySubmit', TRUE); } $v->Register($_REQUEST['email'], V_EMAIL, $L['INVALID_EMAIL']); $v->Register($_REQUEST['gallery_url'], V_URL, sprintf($L['INVALID_URL'], $L['GALLERY_URL'])); if ($C['require_keywords']) { $v->Register($_REQUEST['keywords'], V_EMPTY, sprintf($L['REQUIRED_FIELD'], $L['KEYWORDS'])); } if ($C['require_nickname']) { $v->Register($_REQUEST['nickname'], V_EMPTY, sprintf($L['REQUIRED_FIELD'], $L['NAME'])); } if ($C['require_description']) { $v->Register($_REQUEST['description'], V_EMPTY, sprintf($L['REQUIRED_FIELD'], $L['DESCRIPTION'])); } // Check description length if required or provided if ($C['require_description'] || !IsEmptyString($_REQUEST['description'])) { $v->Register($_REQUEST['description'], V_LENGTH, sprintf($L['DESCRIPTION_LENGTH'], $C['min_desc_length'], $C['max_desc_length']), "{$C['min_desc_length']},{$C['max_desc_length']}"); } // Format keywords and check number $_REQUEST['keywords'] = FormatSpaceSeparated($_REQUEST['keywords']); $keywords = explode(' ', $_REQUEST['keywords']); $v->Register(count($keywords), V_LESS_EQ, sprintf($L['MAXIMUM_KEYWORDS'], $C['max_keywords']), $C['max_keywords']); // Validation of user defined fields $fields =& GetUserGalleryFields(); foreach ($fields as $field) { if ($field['on_submit']) { if ($field['required']) { $v->Register($_REQUEST[$field['name']], V_EMPTY, sprintf($L['REQUIRED_FIELD'], $field['label'])); } if (!IsEmptyString($_REQUEST[$field['name']]) && $field['validation']) { $v->Register($_REQUEST[$field['name']], $field['validation'], $field['validation_message'], $field['validation_extras']); } } } // Check the global number of submissions if (!$partner && $C['max_submissions'] != -1) { $todays_submissions = $DB->Count('SELECT COUNT(*) FROM `tx_galleries` WHERE type=? AND (partner=? OR partner IS NULL) AND `date_added` BETWEEN ? AND ?', array('submitted', '', MYSQL_CURDATE . ' 00:00:00', MYSQL_CURDATE . ' 23:59:59')); if ($todays_submissions >= $C['max_submissions']) { $t->display($domain['template_prefix'] . 'submit-full-global.tpl'); return; } } // Check the number of submitted galleries if ($partner) { if ($partner['per_day'] != -1) { $amount = $DB->Count('SELECT COUNT(*) FROM `tx_galleries` WHERE `partner`=? AND `type`=? AND `date_added` BETWEEN ? AND ?', array($partner['username'], 'submitted', MYSQL_CURDATE . ' 00:00:00', MYSQL_CURDATE . ' 23:59:59')); if ($amount >= $partner['per_day']) { $v->SetError($L['SUBMIT_LIMIT_REACHED']); } } } else { if ($C['submissions_per_person'] != -1) { $amount = $DB->Count('SELECT COUNT(*) FROM `tx_galleries` WHERE (`submit_ip`=? OR `email`=? OR `gallery_url`=?) AND `type`=? AND `date_added` BETWEEN ? AND ?', array($_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'], $_REQUEST['email'], LevelUpUrl($_REQUEST['gallery_url']), 'submitted', MYSQL_CURDATE . ' 00:00:00', MYSQL_CURDATE . ' 23:59:59')); if ($amount >= $C['submissions_per_person']) { $v->SetError($L['SUBMIT_LIMIT_REACHED']); } } } // Check for valid category if allowing multiple categories to be selected $category = null; if ($C['allow_multiple_cats']) { if (is_array($_REQUEST['category_id'])) { $_REQUEST['category_id'] = array_unique($_REQUEST['category_id']); if (count($_REQUEST['category_id']) > $C['max_categories']) { $v->SetError(sprintf($L['EXCESSIVE_CATEGORIES'], $C['max_categories'])); } else { $category_names = array(); $category_tags = array(); $_REQUEST['submitted_categories'] = join(',', $_REQUEST['category_id']); // Check that all categories are valid foreach ($_REQUEST['category_id'] as $category_id) { $temp_category = $DB->Row('SELECT * FROM `tx_categories` WHERE `category_id`=? AND `hidden`=0', array($category_id)); if (!$temp_category) { $v->SetError($L['INVALID_CATEGORY']); } else { // Set primary category if ($category == null) { $category = $temp_category; } // Check category submission limit if ($temp_category['per_day'] != -1) { $category_submissions = $DB->Count('SELECT COUNT(*) FROM `tx_galleries` WHERE type=? AND MATCH(`categories`) AGAINST(? IN BOOLEAN MODE) AND `date_added` BETWEEN ? AND ?', array('submitted', $temp_category['tag'], MYSQL_CURDATE . ' 00:00:00', MYSQL_CURDATE . ' 23:59:59')); if ($category_submissions >= $temp_category['per_day']) { $v->SetError(sprintf($L['CATEGORY_FULL'], htmlspecialchars($temp_category['name']))); } } // Check if partner is allowed to submit to this category if ($partner['categories']) { if (!$partner['categories_as_exclude'] && !in_array($temp_category['category_id'], $partner['categories']) || $partner['categories_as_exclude'] && in_array($temp_category['category_id'], $partner['categories'])) { $v->SetError(sprintf($L['BAD_PARTNER_CATEGORY'], $category['name'])); } } $category_names[] = $temp_category['name']; $category_tags[] = $temp_category['tag']; } } $_REQUEST['category'] = join(', ', $category_names); $category['tag'] = join(' ', $category_tags); } } else { $v->SetError($L['INVALID_CATEGORY']); } } else { if (is_array($_REQUEST['category_id'])) { $_REQUEST['category_id'] = $_REQUEST['category_id'][0]; } $category = $DB->Row('SELECT * FROM `tx_categories` WHERE `category_id`=? AND `hidden`=0', array($_REQUEST['category_id'])); if (!$category) { $v->SetError($L['INVALID_CATEGORY']); } else { // Check category submission limit if ($category['per_day'] != -1) { $category_submissions = $DB->Count('SELECT COUNT(*) FROM `tx_galleries` WHERE type=? AND MATCH(`categories`) AGAINST(? IN BOOLEAN MODE) AND `date_added` BETWEEN ? AND ?', array('submitted', $category['tag'], MYSQL_CURDATE . ' 00:00:00', MYSQL_CURDATE . ' 23:59:59')); if ($category_submissions >= $category['per_day']) { $v->SetError(sprintf($L['CATEGORY_FULL'], htmlspecialchars($category['name']))); } } // Check if partner is allowed to submit to this category if ($partner['categories']) { if (!$partner['categories_as_exclude'] && !in_array($_REQUEST['category_id'], $partner['categories']) || $partner['categories_as_exclude'] && in_array($_REQUEST['category_id'], $partner['categories'])) { $v->SetError(sprintf($L['BAD_PARTNER_CATEGORY'], $category['name'])); } } $_REQUEST['category'] = $category['name']; } } // Verify captcha code if (!$partner && $C['gallery_captcha'] || $partner && $C['gallery_captcha_partner']) { VerifyCaptcha($v); } // Check for duplicate gallery URL if (!$C['allow_duplicates'] && $DB->Count('SELECT COUNT(*) FROM `tx_galleries` WHERE `gallery_url`=?', array($_REQUEST['gallery_url']))) { $v->SetError($L['DUPLICATE_URL']); } // Do preliminary validation before gallery scan if (!$v->Validate()) { return $v->ValidationError('txShGallerySubmit', TRUE); } // Check if whitelisted $whitelisted = MergeWhitelistOptions(CheckWhitelist($_REQUEST), $partner); // Scan gallery $scan =& ScanGallery($_REQUEST, $category, $whitelisted); $_REQUEST['scan'] = $scan; // Make sure the gallery URL is working if (!$scan['success']) { $v->SetError(sprintf($L['BROKEN_URL'], $L['GALLERY_URL'], $scan['errstr'])); return $v->ValidationError('txShGallerySubmit', TRUE); } // Check if gallery content is hosted on same server if ($C['require_content_on_server'] && !$scan['server_match']) { $v->SetError($L['CONTENT_NOT_ON_SERVER']); } // Check for a reciprocal link if ($C['require_recip'] && !$whitelisted['allow_norecip'] && !$scan['has_recip']) { $v->SetError($L['NO_RECIP_FOUND']); } // Give weight boost to galleries with a reciprocal link if ($scan['has_recip'] && $C['give_recip_boost']) { $_REQUEST['weight']++; } // Check for 2257 code if ($C['require_2257'] && !$scan['has_2257']) { $v->SetError($L['NO_2257_FOUND']); } // Check for existing gallery with the same hash if (!$C['allow_same_hash']) { $amount = $DB->Count('SELECT COUNT(*) FROM `tx_galleries` WHERE `page_hash`=?', array($scan['page_hash'])); } // Override the number of thumbnails if (!$C['allow_num_thumbs']) { $_REQUEST['thumbnails'] = $scan['thumbnails']; } // Check blacklist $blacklisted = FALSE; if (!$whitelisted['allow_blacklist']) { $_REQUEST['html'] = $scan['html']; $_REQUEST['headers'] = $scan['headers']; $blacklisted = CheckBlacklistGallery($_REQUEST); if ($blacklisted !== FALSE) { // Handle blacklist transparently if ($C['use_transparent_blacklist']) { $_REQUEST['gallery_id'] = $DB->Count('SELECT MAX(gallery_id) FROM `tx_galleries`') + 1; $t->assign_by_ref('gallery', $_REQUEST); $t->display($domain['template_prefix'] . 'submit-complete.tpl'); return; } else { $v->SetError(sprintf($blacklisted[0]['reason'] ? $L['BLACKLISTED_REASON'] : $L['BLACKLISTED'], $blacklisted[0]['match'], $blacklisted[0]['reason'])); } } } // Check number of links on the gallery if ($C['max_links'] != -1 && $scan['links'] > $C['max_links']) { $v->SetError(sprintf($L['EXCESSIVE_LINKS'], $C['max_links'])); } // Get information about what is allowed for this category and format if ($C['allow_format']) { $scan['format'] = $_REQUEST['format']; } $format = GetCategoryFormat($scan['format'], $category); $_REQUEST['category_format'] = $format; // See if category allows this format if (!$format['allowed']) { $v->SetError(sprintf($L['INVALID_FORMAT'], $format['format_lang'])); } // Check number of thumbnails if ($_REQUEST['thumbnails'] < $format['minimum'] || $_REQUEST['thumbnails'] > $format['maximum']) { $v->SetError(sprintf($L['BAD_THUMB_COUNT'], $format['minimum'], $format['maximum'])); } // Clear keywords if not allowed if (!$C['allow_keywords']) { $_REQUEST['keywords'] = null; } // Clear preview thumbnail if only allowing partners to submit // OR // if this category and format does not allow preview thumbs if ($C['allow_preview_partner'] && !$partner || !$format['preview_allowed']) { $_REQUEST['preview'] = null; } // Handle the preview thumbnail if it was uploaded or to be automatically selected $preview = HandlePreviewThumb($v, $format, LoadAnnotation($format['annotation'], $category['name'])); // Check size of gallery content if ($C['check_content_size']) { foreach ($scan['thumbs'] as $thumb) { $head = new Http(); if ($head->Head($thumb['content'], FALSE, $scan['end_url'])) { if (!empty($head->response_headers['content-length']) && $head->response_headers['content-length'] < $format['file_size']) { $v->SetError(sprintf($L['SMALL_CONTENT'], $format['file_size'] / 1024)); break; } } } } // Check download speed if ($C['check_download_speed'] && $scan['speed_download'] < $C['min_download_speed']) { $v->SetError(sprintf($L['SLOW_DOWNLOAD'], $scan['speed_download'], $C['min_download_speed'])); } // Do final validation after gallery scan if (!$v->Validate()) { return $v->ValidationError('txShGallerySubmit', TRUE); } // Determine gallery status $autoapprove_general = empty($partner) && !$C['require_confirm'] && ($C['allow_autoapprove'] || $whitelisted['allow_autoapprove']); $autoapprove_partner = !empty($partner) && ($partner['allow_noconfirm'] || !$C['require_confirm']) && $whitelisted['allow_autoapprove']; if ($_REQUEST['preview'] == 'crop') { $_REQUEST['status'] = 'submitting'; } else { if ($autoapprove_general || $autoapprove_partner) { $_REQUEST['status'] = 'approved'; $_REQUEST['date_approved'] = MYSQL_NOW; $_REQUEST['administrator'] = 'AUTO'; } else { if (empty($partner) && $C['require_confirm'] || !empty($partner) && !$partner['allow_noconfirm'] && $C['require_confirm']) { $_REQUEST['status'] = 'unconfirmed'; $_REQUEST['confirm_id'] = md5(uniqid(rand(), true)); } } } // Add gallery data to the database $DB->Update('INSERT INTO `tx_galleries` VALUES (?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?)', array(null, $_REQUEST['gallery_url'], $_REQUEST['description'], $_REQUEST['keywords'], $_REQUEST['thumbnails'], $_REQUEST['email'], $_REQUEST['nickname'], $_REQUEST['weight'], $_REQUEST['clicks'], $_REQUEST['submit_ip'], $_REQUEST['gallery_ip'], $_REQUEST['sponsor_id'], $_REQUEST['type'], $scan['format'], $_REQUEST['status'], $_REQUEST['previous_status'], $_REQUEST['date_scanned'], $_REQUEST['date_added'], $_REQUEST['date_approved'], $_REQUEST['date_scheduled'], $_REQUEST['date_displayed'], $_REQUEST['date_deletion'], $_REQUEST['partner'], $_REQUEST['administrator'], $_REQUEST['admin_comments'], $scan['page_hash'], $scan['has_recip'], $_REQUEST['has_preview'], $_REQUEST['allow_scan'], $_REQUEST['allow_preview'], $_REQUEST['times_selected'], $_REQUEST['used_counter'], $_REQUEST['build_counter'], $_REQUEST['tags'], MIXED_CATEGORY . " " . $category['tag'])); $_REQUEST['gallery_id'] = $DB->InsertID(); // Insert user defined database fields $query_data = CreateUserInsert('tx_gallery_fields', $_REQUEST); $DB->Update('INSERT INTO `tx_gallery_fields` VALUES (' . $query_data['bind_list'] . ')', $query_data['binds']); // If partner account has icons, assign those to this gallery if ($partner) { $icons =& $DB->FetchAll('SELECT * FROM `tx_partner_icons` WHERE `username`=?', array($partner['username'])); foreach ($icons as $icon) { $DB->Update('INSERT INTO `tx_gallery_icons` VALUES (?,?)', array($_REQUEST['gallery_id'], $icon['icon_id'])); } } // Log e-mail address if ($C['log_emails']) { $DB->Update('REPLACE INTO `tx_email_log` VALUES (?)', array($_REQUEST['email'])); } // Show thumbnail cropping interface if ($_REQUEST['preview'] == 'crop' && $_REQUEST['thumbnails'] > 0) { txShCrop(); } else { // Add preview thumbnail to database and rename $preview = AddPreview($_REQUEST['gallery_id'], $format['preview_size'], $preview); $_REQUEST['preview_url'] = $preview['url']; // Assign gallery data to the template $t->assign_by_ref('gallery', $_REQUEST); $t->assign_by_ref('user_fields', $fields); // Handle confirmation if ($_REQUEST['status'] == 'unconfirmed') { SendMail($_REQUEST['email'], $domain['template_prefix'] . 'email-gallery-confirm.tpl', $t); $DB->Update('INSERT INTO `tx_gallery_confirms` VALUES (?,?,?)', array($_REQUEST['gallery_id'], $_REQUEST['confirm_id'], MYSQL_NOW)); } // Update number of submitted galleries if partner account if ($partner) { $DB->Update('UPDATE `tx_partners` SET `submitted`=`submitted`+1,`date_last_submit`=? WHERE `username`=?', array(MYSQL_NOW, $partner['username'])); } // Update the date of last submission for this category $DB->Update('UPDATE `tx_categories` SET `date_last_submit`=? WHERE `category_id`=?', array(MYSQL_NOW, $category['category_id'])); $t->display($domain['template_prefix'] . 'submit-complete.tpl'); } }
function &ValidateUserDefined($defs_table, $predefined_table, $editing = FALSE) { global $DB, $C; // See if field name already exists $field_count = $DB->Count('SELECT COUNT(*) FROM # WHERE `name`=?', array($defs_table, $_REQUEST['name'])); // Get pre-defined fields so there are no duplicates $predefined = $DB->GetColumns($predefined_table); $v = new Validator(); $v->Register($_REQUEST['name'], V_EMPTY, 'The Field Name must be filled in'); $v->Register($_REQUEST['name'], V_REGEX, 'The Field Name can contain only letters, numbers, and underscores', '/^[a-z0-9_]+$/i'); $v->Register($_REQUEST['name'], V_LENGTH, 'The Field Name can be at most 30 characters', '0,30'); $v->Register($_REQUEST['label'], V_EMPTY, 'The Label field must be filled in'); if ($_REQUEST['type'] == FT_SELECT) { $v->Register($_REQUEST['options'], V_EMPTY, 'The Options field must be filled in for this field type'); } if ($_REQUEST['validation'] != V_NONE) { $v->Register($_REQUEST['validation_message'], V_EMPTY, 'The Validation Error field must be filled in'); } if (!$editing || $_REQUEST['name'] != $_REQUEST['old_name']) { $v->Register(in_array($_REQUEST['name'], $predefined), V_FALSE, 'The field name you have selected conflicts with a pre-defined field name'); $v->Register($field_count, V_ZERO, 'A field with this name already exists'); } return $v; }
function lxEditAccount() { global $DB, $C, $t, $L; $account = ValidUserLogin(); if ($account === FALSE) { lxShLogin($L['INVALID_LOGIN']); return; } else { if ($account['status'] != 'active') { lxShLogin($account['status'] == 'suspended' ? $L['SUSPENDED_ACCOUNT'] : $L['PENDING_ACCOUNT']); return; } else { $password = $account['password']; $v = new Validator(); $v->Register($_REQUEST['email'], V_EMAIL, $L['INVALID_EMAIL']); $v->Register($_REQUEST['name'], V_EMPTY, "{$L['REQUIRED_FIELD']}: {$L['NAME']}"); if (!empty($_REQUEST['password'])) { $v->Register($_REQUEST['password'], V_EQUALS, $L['NO_PASSWORD_MATCH'], $_REQUEST['confirm_password']); $v->Register($_REQUEST['password'], V_LENGTH, $L['PASSWORD_LENGTH'], '4,9999'); $password = sha1($_REQUEST['password']); } // Validation of user defined fields $fields =& GetUserAccountFields(); foreach ($fields as $field) { if ($field['on_edit']) { if ($field['required']) { $v->Register($_REQUEST[$field['name']], V_EMPTY, "{$L['REQUIRED_FIELD']}: {$field['label']}"); } if ($field['validation']) { $v->Register($_REQUEST[$field['name']], $field['validation'], $field['validation_message'], $field['validation_extras']); } } } // E-mail exists? if ($DB->Count('SELECT COUNT(*) FROM lx_users WHERE username!=? AND email=?', array($account['username'], $_REQUEST['email']))) { $v->SetError($L['DUPLICATE_EMAIL']); } // Check blacklist $blacklisted = CheckBlacklistAccount($_REQUEST); if ($blacklisted !== FALSE) { $v->SetError(sprintf($L['BLACKLIST_MATCHED'], $blacklisted[0]['match'], $blacklisted[0]['reason'])); } if (!$v->Validate()) { $errors = join('<br />', $v->GetErrors()); lxShEdit($errors); return; } // Update pre-defined data $DB->Update('UPDATE lx_users SET ' . 'password=?, ' . 'name=?, ' . 'email=? ' . 'WHERE username=?', array($password, $_REQUEST['name'], $_REQUEST['email'], $account['username'])); // Update user defined fields UserDefinedUpdate('lx_user_fields', 'lx_user_field_defs', 'username', $account['username'], $_REQUEST, FALSE); // Back to the account overview lxLogin(null, 'accountupdate'); } } }
function lxEditLink() { global $DB, $C, $L, $t; $v = new Validator(); // Make sure user is allowed to edit this link $link = $DB->Row('SELECT * FROM lx_links JOIN lx_link_fields USING (link_id) WHERE lx_links.link_id=?', array($_REQUEST['link_id'])); if ($_REQUEST['noaccount']) { if (!empty($link['username']) || $link['site_url'] != $_REQUEST['login_site_url'] || $link['password'] != sha1($_REQUEST['login_password']) || $link['email'] != $_REQUEST['login_email']) { $t->assign('error', $L['LINK_EDIT_REFUSED']); $t->display('error-nice.tpl'); return; } } else { $account = ValidUserLogin(); if (!$account || $account['username'] != $link['username']) { $t->assign('error', $L['LINK_EDIT_REFUSED']); $t->display('error-nice.tpl'); return; } } $v->Register($_REQUEST['email'], V_EMAIL, $L['INVALID_EMAIL']); $v->Register($_REQUEST['site_url'], V_URL, "{$L['INVALID_URL']}: {$L['SITE_URL']}"); $v->Register($_REQUEST['title'], V_EMPTY, "{$L['REQUIRED_FIELD']}: {$L['TITLE']}"); $v->Register($_REQUEST['description'], V_EMPTY, "{$L['REQUIRED_FIELD']}: {$L['DESCRIPTION']}"); $v->Register($_REQUEST['keywords'], V_EMPTY, "{$L['REQUIRED_FIELD']}: {$L['KEYWORDS']}"); $v->Register($_REQUEST['name'], V_EMPTY, "{$L['REQUIRED_FIELD']}: {$L['NAME']}"); $v->Register($_REQUEST['description'], V_LENGTH, sprintf($L['DESCRIPTION_LENGTH'], $C['min_desc_length'], $C['max_desc_length']), "{$C['min_desc_length']},{$C['max_desc_length']}"); $v->Register($_REQUEST['title'], V_LENGTH, sprintf($L['TITLE_LENGTH'], $C['min_title_length'], $C['max_title_length']), "{$C['min_title_length']},{$C['max_title_length']}"); // Format keywords and check number $_REQUEST['keywords'] = FormatKeywords($_REQUEST['keywords']); $keywords = explode(' ', $_REQUEST['keywords']); $v->Register(count($keywords), V_LESS, sprintf($L['MAXIMUM_KEYWORDS'], $C['max_keywords']), $C['max_keywords']); if (!empty($_REQUEST['password'])) { $v->Register($_REQUEST['password'], V_EQUALS, $L['NO_PASSWORD_MATCH'], $_REQUEST['confirm_password']); } // See if URL already exists if ($DB->Count('SELECT COUNT(*) FROM lx_links WHERE site_url=? AND link_id!=?', array($_REQUEST['site_url'], $link['link_id']))) { $v->SetError($L['DUPLICATE_URL']); } // Validation of user defined fields $fields =& GetUserLinkFields(); foreach ($fields as $field) { if ($field['on_edit']) { if ($field['required']) { $v->Register($_REQUEST[$field['name']], V_EMPTY, "{$L['REQUIRED_FIELD']}: {$field['label']}"); } if ($field['validation']) { $v->Register($_REQUEST[$field['name']], $field['validation'], $field['validation_message'], $field['validation_extras']); } } } $_REQUEST['allow_redirect'] = $link['allow_redirect']; $_REQUEST['recip_required'] = $link['recip_required']; // Scan link $scan_result =& ScanLink($_REQUEST); // Make sure site URL is working if (!$scan_result['site_url']['working']) { $v->SetError(sprintf($L['BROKEN_URL'], $L['SITE_URL'], $scan_result['site_url']['error'])); } // Setup HTML code for blacklist check $_REQUEST['html'] = $scan_result['site_url']['html']; if (!empty($_REQUEST['recip_url'])) { $_REQUEST['html'] .= ' ' . $scan_result['recip_url']['html']; // Make sure recip URL is working if (!$scan_result['recip_url']['working']) { $v->SetError(sprintf($L['BROKEN_URL'], $L['RECIP_URL'], $scan_result['recip_url']['error'])); } } // Verify recip link was found if ($_REQUEST['recip_required'] && !$scan_result['has_recip']) { $v->SetError($L['NO_RECIP_FOUND']); } // Check blacklist $blacklisted = CheckBlacklistLink($_REQUEST); if ($blacklisted !== FALSE) { $v->SetError(sprintf($L['BLACKLIST_MATCHED'], $blacklisted[0]['match'], $blacklisted[0]['reason'])); } if (!$v->Validate()) { $errors = join('<br />', $v->GetErrors()); lxShEdit($errors); return; } if ($C['approve_link_edits']) { $_REQUEST['submit_ip'] = $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']; $DB->Update('UPDATE lx_links SET is_edited=1,edit_data=? WHERE link_id=?', array(base64_encode(serialize($_REQUEST)), $link['link_id'])); } else { // Update password, if necessary $password = $link['password']; if ($_REQUEST['noaccount'] && !empty($_REQUEST['password'])) { $password = sha1($_REQUEST['password']); } // Update link data $DB->Update('UPDATE lx_links SET ' . 'site_url=?, ' . 'recip_url=?, ' . 'title=?, ' . 'description=?, ' . 'name=?, ' . 'email=?, ' . 'submit_ip=?, ' . 'keywords=?, ' . 'date_modified=?, ' . 'password=?, ' . 'has_recip=? ' . 'WHERE link_id=?', array($_REQUEST['site_url'], $_REQUEST['recip_url'], $_REQUEST['title'], $_REQUEST['description'], $_REQUEST['name'], $_REQUEST['email'], $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'], $_REQUEST['keywords'], MYSQL_NOW, $password, $scan_result['has_recip'], $link['link_id'])); // Update user defined fields UserDefinedUpdate('lx_link_fields', 'lx_link_field_defs', 'link_id', $_REQUEST['link_id'], $_REQUEST, FALSE); } // Get category information $categories = array(); $result = $DB->Query('SELECT * FROM lx_categories JOIN lx_link_cats USING (category_id) WHERE link_id=?', array($link['link_id'])); while ($category = $DB->NextRow($result)) { $category['path_parts'] = unserialize($category['path_parts']); $categories[] = $category; } $DB->Free($result); // Show confirmation page $t->assign_by_ref('categories', $categories); $t->assign_by_ref('user_fields', $fields); $t->assign_by_ref('link', $_REQUEST); $t->display('submit-edited.tpl'); flush(); // Send e-mail to appropriate administrators $result = $DB->Query('SELECT * FROM lx_administrators'); while ($admin = $DB->NextRow($result)) { if ($admin['notifications'] & E_LINK_EDIT) { SendMail($admin['email'], 'email-admin-link-edit.tpl', $t); } } $DB->Free($result); }
function lxSaveGeneralSettings() { global $C; VerifyAdministrator(); CheckAccessList(); $server = GetServerCapabilities(); $GLOBALS['_server_'] = $server; $v = new Validator(); $required = array('base_url' => 'Base URL', 'cookie_domain' => 'Cookie Domain', 'from_email' => 'E-mail Address', 'from_email_name' => 'E-mail Name', 'page_new' => 'New Links Page', 'page_popular' => 'Popular Links Page', 'page_top' => 'Top Links Page', 'page_details' => 'Link Details Page', 'extension' => 'File Extension', 'date_format' => 'Date Format', 'time_format' => 'Time Format', 'dec_point' => 'Decimal Point', 'thousands_sep' => 'Thousands Separator', 'min_desc_length' => 'Minimum Description Length', 'max_desc_length' => 'Maximum Description Length', 'min_title_length' => 'Maximum Title Length', 'max_title_length' => 'Maximum Title Length', 'max_keywords' => 'Maximum Keywords', 'link_weight' => 'Default Link Weight', 'min_comment_length' => 'Maximum Comment Length', 'max_comment_length' => 'Maximum Comment Length', 'max_rating' => 'Maximum Rating', 'font_dir' => 'Font Directory', 'min_code_length' => 'Minimum Code Length', 'max_code_length' => 'Maximum Code Length', 'cache_index' => 'Index Page Cache', 'cache_category' => 'Category Page Cache', 'cache_new' => 'New Link Page Cache', 'cache_popular' => 'Popular Links Page Cache', 'cache_top' => 'Top Links Page Cache', 'cache_search' => 'Search Page Cache', 'cache_details' => 'Details Page Cache'); foreach ($required as $field => $name) { $v->Register($_REQUEST[$field], V_EMPTY, "The {$name} field is required"); } if ($v->Validate()) { if (!preg_match('~%d~', $_REQUEST['page_details'])) { if (strpos($_REQUEST['page_details'], '.') === FALSE) { $_REQUEST['page_details'] .= "%d"; } else { $_REQUEST['page_details'] = preg_replace('~\\.([^.]*)$~', '%d.$1', $_REQUEST['page_details']); } } $_REQUEST['extension'] = preg_replace('~^\\.~', '', $_REQUEST['extension']); $_REQUEST['base_url'] = preg_replace('~/$~', '', $_REQUEST['base_url']); $_REQUEST['domain'] = preg_replace('~^www\\.~', '', $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST']); $_REQUEST = array_merge($server, $_REQUEST); WriteConfig($_REQUEST); $GLOBALS['message'] = 'Your settings have been successfully updated'; } else { $C = array_merge($C, $_REQUEST); $GLOBALS['errstr'] = join('<br />', $v->GetErrors()); } lxShGeneralSettings(); }
function txSendPasswordReset() { global $DB, $C, $t, $L, $domain; $v = new Validator(); $v->Register($_REQUEST['email'], V_EMPTY, sprintf($L['REQUIRED_FIELD'], $L['EMAIL'])); if (!IsEmptyString($_REQUEST['email'])) { $partner = $DB->Row('SELECT * FROM `tx_partners` WHERE `email`=?', array($_REQUEST['email'])); if (!$partner) { $v->SetError($L['NO_MATCHING_EMAIL']); } else { if ($partner['status'] == 'suspended') { $v->SetError($L['ACCOUNT_SUSPENDED']); } else { if ($partner['status'] != 'active') { $v->SetError($L['ACCOUNT_PENDING']); } } } } if (!$v->Validate()) { return $v->ValidationError('txShPasswordReset', TRUE); } $confirm_id = md5(uniqid(rand(), TRUE)); $DB->Update('DELETE FROM `tx_partner_confirms` WHERE `username`=?', array($partner['username'])); $DB->Update('INSERT INTO `tx_partner_confirms` VALUES (?,?,?)', array($partner['username'], $confirm_id, MYSQL_NOW)); $t->assign_by_ref('partner', $partner); $t->assign('confirm_id', $confirm_id); SendMail($partner['email'], $domain['template_prefix'] . 'email-partner-reset-confirm.tpl', $t); $t->display($domain['template_prefix'] . 'partner-reset-confirm.tpl'); }
function tlxAccountRateAndComment() { global $C, $DB, $L, $t; $v = new Validator(); $v->Register($_REQUEST['rating'], V_BETWEEN, sprintf($L['RATING_RANGE'], $C['max_rating']), array('min' => 1, 'max' => $C['max_rating'])); $comment = FALSE; if (!IsEmptyString($_REQUEST['name']) || !IsEmptyString($_REQUEST['email']) || !IsEmptyString($_REQUEST['comment'])) { $comment = TRUE; $v->Register($_REQUEST['name'], V_EMPTY, sprintf($L['REQUIRED_FIELD'], $L['NAME'])); $v->Register($_REQUEST['email'], V_EMAIL, $L['INVALID_EMAIL']); $v->Register($_REQUEST['comment'], V_EMPTY, sprintf($L['REQUIRED_FIELD'], $L['COMMENT'])); $v->Register($_REQUEST['comment'], V_LENGTH, sprintf($L['COMMENT_LENGTH'], $C['min_comment_length'], $C['max_comment_length']), "{$C['min_comment_length']},{$C['max_comment_length']}"); } // Verify captcha code if ($C['rate_captcha']) { VerifyCaptcha($v); } // Check blacklist if (($blacklisted = CheckBlacklistRating($_REQUEST)) !== FALSE) { $v->SetError(sprintf($blacklisted[0]['reason'] ? $L['BLACKLISTED_REASON'] : $L['BLACKLISTED'], $blacklisted[0]['match'], $blacklisted[0]['reason'])); } if (!$v->Validate()) { return $v->ValidationError('tlxShAccountRateAndComment', TRUE); } $account = $DB->Row('SELECT * FROM `tlx_accounts` WHERE `username`=?', array($_REQUEST['id'])); if ($account) { ProcessRating($account); if ($comment) { ProcessComment(); } } $t->assign_by_ref('account', $account); $t->assign_by_ref('rating', $_REQUEST); $t->display('rate-submitted.tpl'); }
function txAdministratorEdit() { global $DB, $C; VerifyAdministrator(); $administrator = $DB->Row('SELECT * FROM `tx_administrators` WHERE `username`=?', array($_REQUEST['username'])); $v = new Validator(); $v->Register($_REQUEST['email'], V_EMAIL, 'The e-mail address is not properly formatted'); if ($_REQUEST['password']) { $v->Register($_REQUEST['password'], V_LENGTH, 'The password must contain at least 4 characters', array('min' => 4, 'max' => 999)); } if (isset($_REQUEST['e_cheat_report']) && !is_numeric($_REQUEST['reports_waiting'])) { $v->SetError('The number of reports waiting must be filled in and numeric'); } if (isset($_REQUEST['e_partner_request']) && !is_numeric($_REQUEST['requests_waiting'])) { $v->SetError('The number of requests waiting must be filled in and numeric'); } if (!$v->Validate()) { return $v->ValidationError('txShAdministratorEdit'); } if ($_REQUEST['password']) { // Password has changed, so invalidate any current session that may be active if ($_REQUEST['username'] != $_SERVER['REMOTE_USER']) { $DB->Update('UPDATE `tx_administrators` SET `session`=NULL,`session_start`=NULL WHERE `username`=?', array($_REQUEST['username'])); } $_REQUEST['password'] = sha1($_REQUEST['password']); } else { $_REQUEST['password'] = $administrator['password']; } // Determine the privileges and notifications for this account $privileges = GenerateFlags($_REQUEST, '^p_'); $notifications = GenerateFlags($_REQUEST, '^e_'); // Update account information $DB->Update('UPDATE `tx_administrators` SET ' . '`password`=?, ' . '`name`=?, ' . '`email`=?, ' . '`type`=?, ' . '`notifications`=?, ' . '`rights`=?, ' . '`reports_waiting`=?, ' . '`requests_waiting`=? ' . 'WHERE `username`=?', array($_REQUEST['password'], $_REQUEST['name'], $_REQUEST['email'], $_REQUEST['type'], $notifications, $privileges, $_REQUEST['reports_waiting'], $_REQUEST['requests_waiting'], $_REQUEST['username'])); $GLOBALS['message'] = 'Administrator account successfully updated'; $GLOBALS['added'] = true; txShAdministratorEdit(); }
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, // WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. // See the License for the specific language governing permissions and // limitations under the License. require_once 'includes/common.php'; require_once "{$GLOBALS['BASE_DIR']}/includes/template.class.php"; require_once "{$GLOBALS['BASE_DIR']}/includes/mysql.class.php"; require_once "{$GLOBALS['BASE_DIR']}/includes/validator.class.php"; SetupRequest(); $_REQUEST['rating'] = intval($_REQUEST['rating']); $DB = new DB($C['db_hostname'], $C['db_username'], $C['db_password'], $C['db_name']); $DB->Connect(); $t = new Template(); $t->assign_by_ref('config', $C); $v = new Validator(); $v->Register($_REQUEST['rating'], V_BETWEEN, sprintf($L['RATING_RANGE'], $C['max_rating']), "1,{$C['max_rating']}"); // Verify captcha code if ($C['rate_captcha']) { VerifyCaptcha($v, 'linkxcaptcha_rate'); } if ($C['user_for_rate']) { $account = ValidUserLogin(); if ($account === FALSE || $account['status'] != 'active') { if ($account === FALSE) { $v->SetError($L['INVALID_LOGIN']); } else { if ($account['status'] == 'suspended') { $v->SetError($L['SUSPENDED_ACCOUNT']); } else { $v->SetError($L['PENDING_ACCOUNT']); }
function tlxGeneralSettingsSave() { global $C; VerifyAdministrator(); CheckAccessList(); $server = GetServerCapabilities(); $GLOBALS['_server_'] = $server; $v = new Validator(); $required = array('document_root' => 'Document Root', 'install_url' => 'ToplistX URL', 'cookie_domain' => 'Cookie Domain', 'from_email' => 'E-mail Address', 'from_email_name' => 'E-mail Name', 'date_format' => 'Date Format', 'time_format' => 'Time Format', 'dec_point' => 'Decimal Point', 'thousands_sep' => 'Thousands Separator', 'secret_key' => 'Secret Key', 'forward_url' => 'Default Forward URL', 'alternate_out_url' => 'Alternate Out URL', 'redirect_code' => 'Redirect Status Code', 'max_rating' => 'Maximum Site Rating', 'min_comment_length' => 'Minimum Comment Length', 'max_comment_length' => 'Maximum Comment Length', 'comment_interval' => 'Comment Interval', 'min_desc_length' => 'Minimum Description Length', 'max_desc_length' => 'Maximum Description Length', 'max_keywords' => 'Maximum Keywords', 'return_percent' => 'Default Return Percent', 'banner_max_width' => 'Maximum Banner Width', 'banner_max_height' => 'Maximum Banner Height', 'banner_max_bytes' => 'Maximum Banner Filesize', 'font_dir' => 'Font Directory', 'min_code_length' => 'Minimum Code Length', 'max_code_length' => 'Maximum Code Length'); if (!$_REQUEST['using_cron']) { $required['rebuild_interval'] = 'Rebuild Interval'; $v->Register($_REQUEST['rebuild_interval'], V_GREATER_EQ, 'The Rebuild Interval must be 60 or larger', 60); } foreach ($required as $field => $name) { $v->Register($_REQUEST[$field], V_EMPTY, "The {$name} field is required"); } $_REQUEST['return_percent'] /= 100; $_REQUEST['document_root'] = preg_replace('~/$~', '', $_REQUEST['document_root']); $_REQUEST['install_url'] = preg_replace('~/$~', '', $_REQUEST['install_url']); $_REQUEST['domain'] = preg_replace('~^www\\.~', '', $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST']); $_REQUEST['banner_dir'] = DirectoryFromRoot($_REQUEST['document_root'], $_REQUEST['banner_url']); if (!$v->Validate()) { $C = array_merge($C, $_REQUEST); return $v->ValidationError('tlxShGeneralSettings'); } $_REQUEST = array_merge($server, $_REQUEST); WriteConfig($_REQUEST); $GLOBALS['message'] = 'Your settings have been successfully updated'; tlxShGeneralSettings(); }