protected function setMediaTypeFromLine(VCardLine $line) { if ($line->hasParameter('mediatype')) { $mediaTypes = $line->getParameter('mediatype'); if (count($mediaTypes) > 1) { throw new Exceptions\MalformedParameterException('Multiple MEDIATYPE parameters supplied for ' . $this->getName()); } else { $this->setMediaType($mediaTypes[0]); } } }
protected function setFieldsFromLine(VCardLine $line) { /* @var $fields array */ $fields = $this->fields(); /* @var $fieldStrs array */ $fieldStrs = \preg_split(VCardLine::SEMICOLON_SPLIT, $line->getValue()); if (\count($fieldStrs) > \count($fields)) { throw new \DomainException('Field count, ' . \count($fieldStrs) . 'is greater than the number of fields defined (' . \count($fields) . ') for property ' . $this->getName() . " : " . $line->getValue()); } foreach ($fieldStrs as $index => $value) { if (0 !== \strlen($value)) { $this->setField($fields[$index], \stripcslashes(\trim($value))); } } }
/** * @group default * @param \EVought\vCardTools\PropertySpecification $specification * @depends testSetAndBuild */ public function testSetFromVCardLineNoTypes(PropertySpecification $specification) { $vcardLine = new VCardLine('4.0'); $vcardLine->setName('tel')->setValue('+1-888-GET-PAID'); /* @var PropertyBuilder $builder */ $builder = $specification->getBuilder(); $builder->setFromVCardLine($vcardLine); $this->assertEquals('+1-888-GET-PAID', $builder->getValue()); $this->assertEmpty($builder->getTypes()); }
protected function setBuilderFromLine(VCardLine $vcardLine) { \assert($this->getName() === $vcardLine->getName()); $this->group = empty($vcardLine->getGroup()) ? null : $vcardLine->getGroup(); if ($vcardLine->hasParameter('pref')) { if (!$this->getSpecification()->isCardinalityToN()) { throw new \DomainException('PREF not allowed for *1 or 1 cardinality: ' . $this->getName()); } $prefs = $vcardLine->getParameter('pref'); if (count($prefs) > 1) { throw new Exceptions\MalformedParameterException('Multiple PREF parameters provided for : ' . $this->getName()); } else { $this->pref = $prefs[0]; } } if ($vcardLine->hasParameter('value')) { $valueTypes = $vcardLine->getParameter('value'); if (count($valueTypes) != 1) { throw new Exceptions\MalformedParameterException('Muliple VALUE parameters provided for : ' . $this->getName()); } $this->setValueType($valueTypes[0]); } return $this; }
/** * @group default * @depends testSetAndBuild * @expectedException EVought\vCardTools\Exceptions\MalformedParameterException * @expectedExceptionMessage jpeg */ public function testSetFromVCardLineBadMediaType() { $url = ''; $vcardLine = new VCardLine('4.0'); $vcardLine->setName('logo')->setValue($url)->setParameter('mediatype', ['jpeg']); $builder = $this->specification->getBuilder(); $builder->setFromVCardLine($vcardLine); }
/** * @group default * @param \EVought\vCardTools\PropertySpecification $specification * @depends testSetFromVCardLine */ public function testSetFromVCardLineValueType(PropertySpecification $specification) { $vcardLine = new VCardLine('4.0'); $vcardLine->setName('url')->setValue('')->pushParameter('value', 'uri'); $builder = $specification->getBuilder(); $builder->setFromVCardLine($vcardLine); $this->assertEquals('uri', $builder->getValueType()); $this->assertEquals('', $builder->getValue()); }
/** * Parses a vcard from the output of getCardBpdy (or from an iteration * over getCardBodies) and returns the resulting VCard instance. * This method is exposed primarily for diagnostic and testing purpose to * help identify problems in failed vcards. *Do not depend on its API.* * Use importCards() and importFromFile() instead. * @param type $components * @return \EVought\vCardTools\VCard * @throws Exceptions\UndefinedPropertyException * @see importCards() * @see importFromFile() */ public function parseCardBody($components) { $vcard = new VCard(); if ('2.1' === $components['version']) { $unfoldedData = self::unfold21($components['body']); } else { $unfoldedData = self::unfold4($components['body']); } $lines = \explode("\n", $unfoldedData); foreach ($lines as $line) { // FIXME: Make sure that TYPE, ENCODING, CHARSET are dealt // with by PropertyBuilder $vcardLine = VCardLine::fromLineText($line, $components['version']); if (null === $vcardLine) { continue; } $specification = VCard::getSpecification($vcardLine->getName(), false); if ($specification->allowsCommaProperties()) { // Deal with the possibility of multiple values $origValue = $vcardLine->getValue(); $values = \str_getcsv($origValue); foreach ($values as $value) { $vcardLine->setValue($value); $specification->getBuilder()->setFromVCardLine($vcardLine)->pushTo($vcard); } } else { $specification->getBuilder()->setFromVCardLine($vcardLine)->pushTo($vcard); } } $vcard->checkSetUID(); return $vcard; }
protected function setTypesFromLine(VCardLine $line) { if (!empty($line->getParameter('type'))) { $this->setTypes($line->getParameter('type')); } }
/** * @group default * @param \EVought\vCardTools\PropertySpecification $specification * @depends testSetAndBuild * @expectedException \DomainException */ public function testSetFromVCardLineTooManyFields(PropertySpecification $specification) { $vcardLine = new VCardLine('4.0'); $vcardLine->setName('adr')->setValue(';;;;;'); /* @var StructuredPropertyBuilder $builder */ $builder = $specification->getBuilder(); $builder->setFromVCardLine($vcardLine); }
/** * This method will extract the value component from a pre-parsed line of * raw VCard text. * @param \EVought\vCardTools\VCardLine $line A line of raw VCard text * which has already been parsed into its component structures. * @return SimpleProperty $this */ protected function setValueFromLine(VCardLine $line) { $this->value = \stripcslashes($line->getValue()); return $this; }
/** * @group default * @param \EVought\vCardTools\PropertySpecification $specification * @depends testSetAndBuild */ public function testSetFromVCardLine(PropertySpecification $specification) { $vcardLine = new VCardLine('4.0'); $vcardLine->setGroup('glurg')->setName('adr')->setValue('value1;value2')->setParameter('type', ['work']); $builder = $specification->getBuilder(); $builder->setFromVCardLine($vcardLine); $this->assertEquals('glurg', $builder->getGroup()); $this->assertEquals(['work'], $builder->getTypes()); $this->assertEquals(['Locality' => 'value1', 'Region' => 'value2'], $builder->getValue()); }