include '../controller/' . $myClass . '.class.php'; } } spl_autoload_register("classLoad"); include "../view/config.php"; session_start(); //classes loading end $db = $pdo; $annoncesManager = new AnnonceManager($db); $utilisateurManager = new UtilisateurManager($db); //get the unique annonce by id begin $id = 0; if (isset($_GET['id'])) { if ($_GET['id'] > 0 and $_GET['id'] <= $annoncesManager->getLastId()) { $id = $_GET['id']; } else { $id = 1; } //$annoncesManager->addOneToPriority($id); $_SESSION['annonce'] = $annoncesManager->getAnnonceById($id); $idCat = $_SESSION['annonce']->idCategorie(); $idAnnonce = $_SESSION['annonce']->id(); $_SESSION['advertiser'] = $utilisateurManager->getUtilisateur2($_SESSION['annonce']->idUtilisateur()); $_SESSION['annoncesim'] = $annoncesManager->getSimilarAnnonce($idCat, $idAnnonce); header('Location:../view/cont_detailproduit.php'); } else { header('Location:index.php'); } //get the unique annonce by id end //get the list of similar product begin //get the list of similar product end
Creation Date : 18/11/2013 */ //classes loading begin function classLoad($myClass) { if (file_exists('../model/' . $myClass . '.class.php')) { include '../model/' . $myClass . '.class.php'; } elseif (file_exists('../controller/' . $myClass . '.class.php')) { include '../controller/' . $myClass . '.class.php'; } } spl_autoload_register("classLoad"); include '../view/config.php'; session_start(); if (isset($_POST['current_pass']) and isset($_POST['new_pass']) and isset($_POST['new_pass_confirm'])) { $password1 = htmlspecialchars($_POST['current_pass']); $password2 = htmlspecialchars($_POST['new_pass']); $password3 = htmlspecialchars($_POST['new_pass_confirm']); $idUtilisateur = $_SESSION['utilisateur']->id(); if (sha1($password1) == $_SESSION['utilisateur']->password() and $password2 == $password3) { try { $db = $pdo; $utilisateurManager = new UtilisateurManager($db); $utilisateurManager->updatePassword($idUtilisateur, $password2); $_SESSION['utilisateur'] = $utilisateurManager->getUtilisateur2($_SESSION['utilisateur']->id()); } catch (Exception $e) { die('Error : ' . $e->getMessage()); } } } header('Location:../view/myprofil.php');