예제 #1
function Users_user_validate()
    if (isset($_REQUEST['userIds']) or isset($_REQUEST['batch'])) {
    $type = isset($_REQUEST['identifierType']) ? $_REQUEST['identifierType'] : Q_Config::get("Users", "login", "identifierType", "email,mobile");
    $parts = explode(',', $type);
    $accept_mobile = true;
    $expected = 'email address or mobile number';
    $fields = array('emailAddress', 'mobileNumber', 'identifier');
    if (count($parts) === 1) {
        if ($parts[0] === 'email') {
            $expected = 'email address';
            $fields = array('emailAddress', 'identifier');
            $accept_mobile = false;
        } else {
            if ($parts[0] === 'mobile') {
                $expected = 'mobile number';
                $fields = array('mobileNumber', 'identifier');
    if (!isset($_REQUEST['identifier'])) {
        throw new Q_Exception("a valid {$expected} is required", $fields);
    if (!Q_Valid::email($_REQUEST['identifier'])) {
        if (!$accept_mobile) {
            throw new Q_Exception("a valid {$expected} is required", $fields);
        if (!Q_Valid::phone($_REQUEST['identifier'])) {
            throw new Q_Exception("a valid {$expected} is required", $fields);
    $identifier = Users::requestedIdentifier($type);
    // check our db
    if ($user = Users::userFromContactInfo($type, $identifier)) {
        $verified = !!Users::identify($type, $identifier);
        return array('exists' => $user->id, 'verified' => $verified, 'username' => $user->username, 'icon' => $user->icon, 'passphrase_set' => !empty($user->passphraseHash), 'fb_uid' => $user->fb_uid ? $user->fb_uid : null);
    if ($type === 'email') {
        $email = new Users_Email();
        Q_Valid::email($identifier, $normalized);
        $email->address = $normalized;
        $exists = $email->retrieve();
    } else {
        if ($type === 'mobile') {
            $mobile = new Users_Mobile();
            Q_Valid::phone($identifier, $normalized);
            $mobile->number = $normalized;
            $exists = $mobile->retrieve();
    if (empty($exists) and Q_Config::get('Users', 'login', 'noRegister', false)) {
        $nicetype = $type === 'email' ? 'email address' : 'mobile number';
        throw new Q_Exception("This {$nicetype} was not registered", array('identifier'));
예제 #2
파일: data.php 프로젝트: dmitriz/Platform
function Users_user_response_data($params)
    $identifier = Users::requestedIdentifier($type);
    // check our db
    if ($user = Users::userFromContactInfo($type, $identifier)) {
        $verified = !!Users::identify($type, $identifier);
        return array('exists' => $user->id, 'verified' => $verified, 'username' => $user->username, 'icon' => $user->icon, 'passphrase_set' => !empty($user->passphraseHash), 'fb_uid' => $user->fb_uid ? $user->fb_uid : null);
    if ($type === 'email') {
        $email = new Users_Email();
        Q_Valid::email($identifier, $normalized);
        $email->address = $normalized;
        $exists = $email->retrieve();
    } else {
        if ($type === 'mobile') {
            $mobile = new Users_Mobile();
            Q_Valid::phone($identifier, $normalized);
            $mobile->number = $normalized;
            $exists = $mobile->retrieve();
    if (empty($exists) and Q_Config::get('Users', 'login', 'noRegister', false)) {
        $nicetype = $type === 'email' ? 'email address' : 'mobile number';
        throw new Q_Exception("This {$nicetype} was not registered", array('identifier'));
    // Get Gravatar info
    $hash = md5(strtolower(trim($identifier)));
    $thumbnailUrl = Q_Request::baseUrl() . "/action.php/Users/thumbnail?hash={$hash}&size=80&type=" . Q_Config::get('Users', 'login', 'iconType', 'wavatar');
    $json = @file_get_contents("http://www.gravatar.com/{$hash}.json");
    $result = json_decode($json, true);
    if ($result) {
        if ($type === 'email') {
            $result['emailExists'] = !empty($exists);
        } else {
            if ($type === 'mobile') {
                $result['mobileExists'] = !empty($exists);
        return $result;
    // otherwise, return default
    $email_parts = explode('@', $identifier, 2);
    $result = array("entry" => array(array("id" => "571", "hash" => "357a20e8c56e69d6f9734d23ef9517e8", "requestHash" => "357a20e8c56e69d6f9734d23ef9517e8", "profileUrl" => "http://gravatar.com/test", "preferredUsername" => ucfirst($email_parts[0]), "thumbnailUrl" => $thumbnailUrl, "photos" => array(), "displayName" => "", "urls" => array())));
    if ($type === 'email') {
        $result['emailExists'] = !empty($exists);
    } else {
        $result['mobileExists'] = !empty($exists);
    if ($terms_label = Users::termsLabel('register')) {
        $result['termsLabel'] = $terms_label;
    return $result;
예제 #3
파일: post.php 프로젝트: EGreg/PHP-On-Pie
function users_activate_post()
    $email_address = Pie_Dispatcher::uri()->email_address;
    $mobile_number = Pie_Dispatcher::uri()->mobile_number;
    $email = null;
    $mobile = null;
    if ($email_address) {
        $email = new Users_Email();
        $email->address = $email_address;
        // NOTE: not sharded by user_id
        if (!$email->retrieve()) {
            throw new Pie_Exception_MissingRow(array('table' => 'email', 'criteria' => "address = {$email_address}"));
        $user = new Users_User();
        $user->id = $email->user_id;
        if (!$user->retrieve()) {
            throw new Pie_Exception_MissingRow(array('table' => 'user', 'criteria' => 'id = ' . $user->id));
        if ($email->activation_code != $_REQUEST['code']) {
            throw new Pie_Exception("The activation code does not match.", 'code');
        // may throw exception
        $type = "email address";
    if ($mobile_number) {
        $mobile = new Users_Mobile();
        $mobile->number = $mobile_number;
        // NOTE: not sharded by user_id
        if (!$mobile->retrieve()) {
            throw new Pie_Exception_MissingRow(array('table' => 'mobile phone', 'criteria' => "number = {$mobile_number}"));
        $user = new Users_User();
        $user->id = $mobile->user_id;
        if (!$user->retrieve()) {
            throw new Pie_Exception_MissingRow(array('table' => 'user', 'criteria' => 'id = ' . $user->id));
        if ($mobile->activation_code != $_REQUEST['code']) {
            throw new Pie_Exception("The activation code does not match.", 'code');
        // may throw exception
        $type = "mobile number";
    if ($type) {
        Pie_Response::addNotice("users/activate", "Your {$type} has been activated.");
    Users::$cache['user'] = $user;
예제 #4
파일: post.php 프로젝트: dmitriz/Platform
function Users_resend_post()
    $identifier = Users::requestedIdentifier($type);
    if ($type !== 'email' and $type !== 'mobile') {
        throw new Q_Exception("Expecting a valid email or mobile number", array('identifier', 'emailAddress', 'mobileNumber'));
    if ($type === 'email') {
        $thing = 'email address';
        $field = 'emailAddress';
        $row = new Users_Email();
        $row->address = $identifier;
    } else {
        if ($type === 'mobile') {
            $thing = 'mobile number';
            $field = 'mobileNumber';
            $row = new Users_Mobile();
            $row->number = $identifier;
        } else {
            throw new Q_Exception("Expecting a valid email or mobile number", array('identifier', 'emailAddress', 'mobileNumber'));
    if ($row->retrieve()) {
        $userId = $row->userId;
    } else {
        if ($ui = Users::identify($type, $identifier, 'future')) {
            $userId = $ui->userId;
        } else {
            throw new Q_Exception("That {$thing} was not found in the system", array('identifier', $field));
    $user = new Users_User();
    $user->id = $userId;
    if (!$user->retrieve()) {
        throw new Q_Exception("No user corresponds to that {$thing}", array('identifier', $field));
    if ($logged_in_user = Users::loggedInUser() and $logged_in_user->id != $user->id) {
        throw new Q_Exception("That {$thing} belongs to someone else", array('identifier', $field));
    if ($type === 'email') {
        $existing = $user->addEmail($identifier);
    } else {
        $existing = $user->addMobile($identifier);
    if ($existing) {
    Users::$cache['user'] = $user;
예제 #5
파일: data.php 프로젝트: dmitriz/Platform
function Streams_user_response_data($params)
    $identifier = Users::requestedIdentifier($type);
    $hash = md5(strtolower(trim($identifier)));
    $icon = Q_Config::get('Users', 'register', 'icon', 'leaveDefault', false) ? $url = "plugins/Users/img/icons/default/80.png" : Q_Request::baseUrl() . "/action.php/Users/thumbnail?hash={$hash}&size=80&type=" . Q_Config::get('Users', 'login', 'iconType', 'wavatar');
    // check our db
    if ($user = Users::userFromContactInfo($type, $identifier)) {
        $displayname = Streams::displayName($user);
        $verified = !!Users::identify($type, $identifier);
        return array('exists' => $user->id, 'verified' => $verified, 'username' => $user->username, 'displayName' => $displayname, 'icon' => $verified ? $icon : $user->icon, 'passphrase_set' => !empty($user->passphraseHash), 'fb_uid' => $user->fb_uid ? $user->fb_uid : null);
    if ($type === 'email') {
        $email = new Users_Email();
        Q_Valid::email($identifier, $normalized);
        $email->address = $normalized;
        $exists = $email->retrieve();
    } else {
        if ($type === 'mobile') {
            $mobile = new Users_Mobile();
            Q_Valid::phone($identifier, $normalized);
            $mobile->number = $normalized;
            $exists = $mobile->retrieve();
    if (empty($exists) and Q_Config::get('Users', 'login', 'noRegister', false)) {
        $nicetype = $type === 'email' ? 'email address' : 'mobile number';
        throw new Q_Exception("This {$nicetype} was not registered", array('identifier'));
    $result = array("entry" => array(array("thumbnailUrl" => $icon)));
    if ($type === 'email') {
        $result['emailExists'] = !empty($exists);
    } else {
        $result['mobileExists'] = !empty($exists);
    if ($terms_label = Users::termsLabel('register')) {
        $result['termsLabel'] = $terms_label;
    return $result;
예제 #6
function Users_activate_objects_mobile($mobileNumber, &$mobile)
    $mobile = new Users_Mobile();
    if (!Q_Valid::phone($mobileNumber, $normalized)) {
    $mobile->number = $normalized;
    if (!$mobile->retrieve()) {
        throw new Q_Exception_MissingRow(array('table' => 'mobile phone', 'criteria' => "number {$normalized}"));
    $user = Users::loggedInUser();
    if ($user) {
        if ($user->id != $mobile->userId) {
            throw new Q_Exception("You are logged in as a different user. Please log out and click the link again.");
    } else {
        $user = new Users_User();
        $user->id = $mobile->userId;
        if (!$user->retrieve()) {
            throw new Q_Exception_MissingRow(array('table' => 'user', 'criteria' => 'id = ' . $user->id));
    if ($mobile->activationCode != $_REQUEST['code']) {
        throw new Q_Exception("The activation code does not match. Did you get a newer message?", 'code');
    $timestamp = Users_Mobile::db()->getCurrentTimestamp();
    if ($timestamp > Users_Mobile::db()->fromDateTime($mobile->activationCodeExpires)) {
        throw new Q_Exception("Activation code expired");
    if (Q_Request::method() !== 'POST' and empty($_REQUEST['p']) and isset($user->mobileNumber) and $user->mobileNumber == $mobile->number) {
        $displayName = Streams::displayName($user);
        Q_Response::setNotice('Users/activate/objects', "{$normalized} has already been activated for {$displayName}", true);
        return $user;
    return $user;
예제 #7
파일: User.php 프로젝트: dmitriz/Platform
  * @method setMobileNumber
  * @param {string} $mobileNumber
  * @param {boolean} [$verified=false]
  * @throws {Q_Exception_MissingRow}
  *	If mobile number is missing
  * @throws {Users_Exception_AlreadyVerified}
  *	If user was already verified
  * @throws {Users_Exception_WrongState}
  *	If verification state is wrong
 function setMobileNumber($mobileNumber, $verified = false)
     Q_Valid::phone($mobileNumber, $normalized);
     $mobile = new Users_Mobile();
     $mobile->number = $normalized;
     $retrieved = $mobile->retrieve('*', array('ignoreCache' => true));
     if (empty($mobile->activationCode)) {
         $mobile->activationCode = '';
         $mobile->activationCodeExpires = '0000-00-00 00:00:00';
     $mobile->authCode = md5(microtime() + mt_rand());
     if ($verified) {
         $mobile->userId = $this->id;
     } else {
         if (!$retrieved) {
             throw new Q_Exception_MissingRow(array('table' => "a mobile phone", 'criteria' => "number {$normalized}"), 'mobileNumber');
         if ($mobile->userId != $this->id) {
             // We're going to tell them it's verified for someone else,
             // even though it may not have been verified yet.
             // In the future, might throw a more accurate exception.
             throw new Users_Exception_AlreadyVerified(array('key' => 'mobile number', 'userId' => $mobile->userId));
         if (!in_array($mobile->state, array('unverified', 'active'))) {
             throw new Users_Exception_WrongState(array('key' => $mobile->number, 'state' => $mobile->state), 'mobileNumber');
     // Everything is okay. Assign it!
     $mobile->state = 'active';
     $ui = new Users_Identify();
     $ui->identifier = "mobile_hashed:" . Q_Utils::hash($normalized);
     $ui->state = 'verified';
     $ui->userId = $this->id;
     $this->mobileNumberPending = '';
     $this->mobileNumber = $normalized;
     $user = $this;
      * @event Users/setMobileNumber {after}
      * @param {string} user
      * @param {string} mobile
     Q::event('Users/setMobileNumber', compact('user', 'mobile'), 'after');
     return true;
예제 #8
파일: User.php 프로젝트: EGreg/PHP-On-Pie
 function setMobileNumber($mobile_number)
     // TODO: implement Users_Mobile::sendMessage
     $m = new Users_Mobile();
     $m->number = $mobile_number;
     if (!$m->retrieve()) {
         throw new Pie_Exception_MissingRow(array('table' => "a mobile phone", 'criteria' => "number {$mobile_number}"), 'mobile_number');
     if ($m->user_id != $this->id) {
         // We're going to tell them it's verified for someone else,
         // even though it may not have been verified yet.
         // In the future, might throw a more accurate exception.
         throw new Users_Exception_AlreadyVerified(array('key' => $m->number, 'user_id' => $m->user_id));
     if ($m->state != 'unverified') {
         throw new Users_Exception_WrongState(array('key' => $m->number, 'state' => $m->state), 'mobile_number');
     // Everything is okay. Assign it!
     $this->mobile_number = $mobile_number;
     $m->state = 'active';
     Pie::event('users/setMobileNumber', compact('mobile_number'), 'after');
     return true;
예제 #9
function Assets_after_Assets_charge($params)
    $user = $payments = $amount = $currency = $charge = $adapter = $options = null;
    extract($params, EXTR_OVERWRITE);
    $description = 'a product or service';
    $stream = Q::ifset($options, 'stream', null);
    if ($stream) {
        $publisherId = $stream->publisherId;
        $publisher = Users_User::fetch($publisherId, true);
        if ($stream->type === 'Assets/subscription') {
            $plan = Streams::fetchOne($stream->getAttribute('planPublisherId'), $stream->getAttribute('planPublisherId'), $stream->getAttribute('planStreamName'), true);
            $months = $stream->getAttribute('months');
            $startDate = $stream->getAttribute('startDate');
            $endDate = $stream->getAttribute('endDate');
        $description = $stream->title;
    } else {
        $publisherId = Users::communityId();
        $publisher = Users_User::fetch($publisherId, true);
    if (isset($options['description'])) {
        $description = $options['description'];
    $currencies = Q::json_decode(file_get_contents(ASSETS_PLUGIN_CONFIG_DIR . DS . 'currencies.json'), true);
    if (!isset($currencies['symbols'][$currency])) {
        throw new Q_Exception_BadValue(array('internal' => 'currency', 'problem' => 'no symbol found'), 'currency');
    if (!isset($currencies['names'][$currency])) {
        throw new Q_Exception_BadValue(array('internal' => 'currency', 'problem' => 'no name found'), 'currency');
    $symbol = $currencies['symbols'][$currency];
    $currencyName = $currencies['names'][$currency];
    $communityId = Users::communityId();
    $communityName = Users::communityName();
    $communitySuffix = Users::communitySuffix();
    $link = Q_Request::baseUrl('action.php') . "/Assets/payment?publisherId={$publisherId}&userId=" . $user->id;
    $fields = compact('user', 'publisher', 'publisherId', 'communityId', 'communityName', 'communitySuffix', 'description', 'subscription', 'stream', 'plan', 'currency', 'name', 'symbol', 'currencyName', 'amount', 'months', 'startDate', 'endDate', 'link');
    if ($user->emailAddress) {
        $email = new Users_Email();
        $email->address = $user->emailAddress;
        $emailSubject = Q_Config::get('Assets', 'transactional', 'charged', 'subject', false);
        $emailView = Q_Config::get('Assets', 'transactional', 'charged', 'body', false);
        if ($emailSubject !== false and $emailView) {
            $email->sendMessage($emailSubject, $emailView, $fields);
    } else {
        if ($user->mobileNumber) {
            $mobile = new Users_Mobile();
            $mobile->number = $user->mobileNumber;
            if ($mobileView = Q_Config::get('Assets', 'transactional', 'charged', 'sms', false)) {
                $mobile->sendMessage($mobileView, $fields);
    if ($publisher->emailAddress) {
        $email = new Users_Email();
        $email->address = $publisher->emailAddress;
        $emailSubject = Q_Config::get('Assets', 'transactional', 'charge', 'subject', false);
        $emailView = Q_Config::get('Assets', 'transactional', 'charge', 'body', false);
        if ($emailSubject !== false and $emailView) {
            $email->sendMessage($emailSubject, $emailView, $fields);
    } else {
        if ($publisher->mobileNumber) {
            $mobile = new Users_Mobile();
            $mobile->number = $publisher->mobileNumber;
            if ($mobileView = Q_Config::get('Assets', 'transactional', 'charge', 'sms', false)) {
                $mobile->sendMessage($mobileView, $fields);