public function update() { include_once "models/Users.php"; $users = new Users(); $users->update(); //header("Location: ../profile?error=ok"); }
function loginAction() { if ($this->_request->isPost('log-form')) { Zend_Loader::loadClass('Zend_Filter_StripTags'); $filter = new Zend_Filter_StripTags(); $username = trim($filter->filter($this->_request->getPost('log-name'))); $password = trim($filter->filter($this->_request->getPost('log-pswd'))); $warnings = new Zend_Session_Namespace(); $warnings->username = $username; $warnings->error = ''; $error_msg = ''; if ($username == '') { $error_msg .= '<p>Enter your username.</p>'; } else { if ($password == '') { $error_msg .= '<p>Enter your password.</p>'; } else { $data = new Users(); $query = 'login = "******"'; $data_row = $data->fetchRow($query); if (!count($data_row)) { $error_msg .= '<p>There is no user with such username.</p>'; } else { if ($data_row == '0') { $error_msg .= '<p>Your account is not activated.</p>'; } $check_pass = sha1($password . $data_row['salt']); if ($check_pass != $data_row['password']) { $error_msg .= '<p>Wrong password.</p>'; } } } } if ($error_msg != '') { $warnings->error = $error_msg; $warnings->status = ''; $this->_redirect('/'); return; } else { Zend_Loader::loadClass('Zend_Date'); $date = new Zend_Date(); $current_date = $date->toString('YYYY-MM-dd HH:mm:ss'); $where = 'login = "******"'; $data = array('last_login' => $current_date); $user_update = new Users(); $user_update->update($data, $where); $warnings->error = ''; $warnings->username = ''; $warnings->email = ''; $warnings->real_name = ''; $warnings->status = ' hide'; $user_dates = new Zend_Session_Namespace(); $user_dates->username = $username; $user_dates->status = '1'; $this->_redirect('/profile/'); return; } } }
function updateProcess($id) { $send = Request::get('send'); $address = Request::get('address'); $address['firstname'] = $send['firstname']; $address['lastname'] = $send['lastname']; Users::update($id, $send); Address::update($id, $address); }
function UpdateUser($data, $fields) { try { $User = new Users(); $result = $User->update($fields); return $result; } catch (Exception $e) { return array('Exception!! ' => $e->getMessage()); } }
public function editAction(Users $user) { if ($this->request->isPost()) { $data = $this->request->getPost(); if ($user->update($data)) { $this->redirectByRoute(['for' => '', 'user' => $user->id]); } } $this->view->form = $this->buildFormFromModel($user); $this->view->user = $user; }
function loadApi($action) { switch ($action) { case 'login': if (isset($_COOKIE['userid'])) { throw new Exception("You have been loggedin."); } $username = Request::get('username', ''); $password = Request::get('password', ''); try { Users::makeLogin($username, $password); return json_encode(array('error' => 'no', 'loggedin' => 'yes')); } catch (Exception $e) { throw new Exception($e->getMessage()); } break; case 'register': try { $id = Users::makeRegister(); return json_encode(array('error' => 'no', 'userid' => $id)); } catch (Exception $e) { throw new Exception($e->getMessage()); } break; case 'verify_email': $code = Request::get('verify_code', ''); if ($code == '') { throw new Exception("Error Processing Request"); } $loadData = Users::get(array('where' => "where verify_code='{$code}'")); if (isset($loadData[0]['userid'])) { Users::update($loadData[0]['userid'], array('verify_code' => '')); Redirect::to(ROOT_URL); // Users::sendNewPassword($loadData[0]['email']); } else { throw new Exception("Verify link not valid."); } break; case 'verify_forgotpassword': $code = Request::get('verify_code', ''); if ($code == '') { throw new Exception("Error Processing Request"); } $loadData = Users::get(array('where' => "where forgot_code='{$code}'")); if (isset($loadData[0]['userid'])) { Users::update($loadData[0]['userid'], array('forgot_code' => '')); Users::sendNewPassword($loadData[0]['email']); Redirect::to(ROOT_URL); } else { throw new Exception("Verify code not valid."); } break; } }
/** * 设置密码 */ public function actionSetpwd() { $Users = new Users(); $data = $this->Common->getFilter($_POST); if (empty($data['pwd']) || empty($data['newpwd']) || empty($data['confirmpwd'])) { $this->jumpBox('参数错误!', Wave::app()->homeUrl . 'member', 1); } if ($data['newpwd'] != $data['confirmpwd']) { $this->jumpBox('两次密码不一样!', Wave::app()->homeUrl . 'member', 1); } $updateData = array('password' => md5($data['newpwd'])); $Users->update($updateData, array('userid' => $this->userinfo['userid'])); $this->jumpBox('修改成功!', Wave::app()->homeUrl . 'member', 1); }
public static function update() { static::purifier(); if ($_POST['id'] != "" && $_POST['name'] != "" && $_POST['email'] != "" && $_POST['course'] != "" && $_POST['phone'] != "" && $_POST['semester'] != "" && $_POST['registry'] != "") { $user = new Users($_POST); try { $user->update($_POST['id']); $_SESSION['msg'] = 'success">Atualizado!'; array_key_exists('status', $_POST) && $_POST['status'] == '1' ? header('Location: ../views/candidates') : header('Location: ../views/subscribers'); } catch (pdoexception $e) { $_SESSION['msg'] = 'fail">Erro.'; header('Location: ../views/edit-user'); } } }
public function edit($id) { // find user if (($user = Users::find(array('id' => $id))) === false) { return Response::redirect($this->admin_url . '/users'); } // process post request if (Input::method() == 'POST') { if (Users::update($id)) { // redirect path return Response::redirect($this->admin_url . '/users/edit/' . $id); } } Template::render('users/edit', array('user' => $user)); }
public function recover() { if (isset($_POST['email'])) { $recover = new Users(); if ($recover->select(array('email' => $_POST['email']))) { // Create a random password and update the table row $recover->password = String::random(); $recover->update(); $msg = 'Your new password is: ' . $recover->password . '<br /><br />'; $msg .= 'Try logging in at <a href="' . WEB_ROOT . 'login/">' . WEB_ROOT . 'login/</a>'; Core_Helpers::send_html_mail($recover->email, 'Password Recovery', $msg, $data['config']->email_address); Flash::set('<p class="flash success">Password has been reset and will be emailed to you shortly.</p>'); } else { Flash::set('<p class="flash validation">Sorry, you have entered an email address that is not associated with any account.</p>'); } } $this->load_template('recover'); }
/** * Creates a new model. * If creation is successful, the browser will be redirected to the 'view' page. */ public function actionCreate() { $model = new Users('createSubAdmin'); if (isset($_POST['Users'])) { $model->attributes = $_POST['Users']; $model->status = $_POST['Users']['status']; if ($model->validate()) { $model->temp_password = $model->password_hash; $model->created_date = date("Y-m-d H:i:s"); $model->application_id = BE; //save user for back end $model->save(); $model->password_hash = md5($model->password_hash); $model->update(); $this->redirect(array('view', 'id' => $model->id)); } } $this->render('create', array('model' => $model, 'actions' => $this->listActionsCanAccess)); }
/** * Validate if exist folder PMDrive * * @param $userUid id user */ private function validateFolderPMDrive($usrUid) { if ($this->folderIdPMDrive != '') { return; } $user = new Users(); $dataUser = $user->load($usrUid); if (!empty($dataUser['USR_EMAIL'])) { $this->setDriveUser($dataUser['USR_EMAIL']); } $this->folderIdPMDrive = empty($dataUser['USR_PMDRIVE_FOLDER_UID']) ? '' : $dataUser['USR_PMDRIVE_FOLDER_UID']; $conf = $this->getConfigGmail(); $this->folderNamePMDrive = empty($conf->aConfig['folderNamePMDrive']) ? 'PMDrive (' . SYS_SYS . ')' : $conf->aConfig['folderNamePMDrive']; if ($this->folderIdPMDrive == '') { $folderid = $this->createFolder($this->folderNamePMDrive); $this->folderIdPMDrive = $folderid->id; $dataUser['USR_PMDRIVE_FOLDER_UID'] = $folderid->id; $user->update($dataUser); } }
public function isValid($value, $context = null) { $value = (string) $value; $this->_setValue($value); if (is_array($context)) { if (!isset($context['password'])) { return false; } } $dbAdapter = Zend_Registry::get('db'); $this->_authAdapter = new Zend_Auth_Adapter_DbTable($dbAdapter); $this->_authAdapter->setTableName('users')->setIdentityColumn('username')->setCredentialColumn('password'); // get "salt" for better security $salt = $this->_config->auth->salt; $password = sha1($salt . $context['password']); $this->_authAdapter->setIdentity($value); $this->_authAdapter->setCredential($password); $auth = Zend_Auth::getInstance(); $result = $auth->authenticate($this->_authAdapter); if (!$result->isValid()) { $this->_error(self::NOT_AUTHORISED); return false; } //Updated the user table - this needs moving to the users model $users = new Users(); $updateArray = array('visits' => new Zend_Db_Expr('visits + 1'), 'lastLogin' => Zend_Date::now()->toString('yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm')); $where = array(); $where[] = $users->getAdapter()->quoteInto('username = ?', $value); $users->update($updateArray, $where); //Update login table needs moving to the login model $logins = new Logins(); $data['loginDate'] = Zend_Date::now()->toString('yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm'); $data['userAgent'] = $_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT']; $data['ipAddress'] = $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']; $data['username'] = $value; $insert = $logins->insert($data); return true; }
/** Upgrade an account * @access public * @return void */ public function upgradeAction() { $allowed = array('public', 'member'); if (in_array($this->getRole(), $allowed)) { $user = $this->getAccount(); $form = new AccountUpgradeForm(); $this->view->form = $form; if ($this->getRequest()->isPost() && $form->isValid($this->_request->getPost())) { if ($form->isValid($form->getValues())) { $where = array(); $where[] = $this->_users->getAdapter()->quoteInto('id = ?', (int) $this->getAccount()->id); $updateData = $form->getValues(); $updateData['higherLevel'] = 1; $this->_users->update($updateData, $where); $to = array(array('email' => $user->email, 'name' => $user->fullname)); $advisers = new Contacts(); $emails = $advisers->getAdvisersEmails(); $central = $advisers->getCentralEmails(); $emails = array_merge($to, $emails, $central); $attachments = array(ROOT_PATH . '/public_html/documents/tac.pdf'); $assignData = array_merge($to[0], $form->getValues()); $toReferee = array(array('email' => $form->getValue('referenceEmail'), 'name' => $form->getValue('reference'))); //data, template, to, cc, from, bcc, attachments, subject $this->sendAdvisers($assignData, $toReferee, $emails, $attachments); $this->getFlash()->addMessage('Thank you! We have received your request.'); $this->redirect('/users/account/'); } else { $form->populate($form->getValues()); $this->getFlash()->addMessage('There are a few problems with your registration<br> Please review and correct them.'); } } } else { $this->getFlash()->addMessage('You can\'t request an upgrade as you already have ' . $this->getRole() . ' status!'); $this->redirect('/users/account/'); } }
/** * 提交信息 */ public function actionModified() { $data = $this->Common->getFilter($_POST); $userid = (int) $data['userid']; unset($data['userid']); $Users = new Users(); if ($userid == 0) { unset($data['oldemail']); $count = $Users->getCount('*', array('email' => $data['email'])); if ($count > 0) { $this->jumpBox('邮箱不能重复!', Wave::app()->homeUrl . 'users', 1); } $data['password'] = md5($data['password']); $data['add_date'] = date('Y-m-d H:i:s'); $userid = $Users->insert($data); $data['userid'] = $userid; $this->Log->saveLogs('添加用户', 1, $data); } else { if ($data['oldemail'] != $data['email']) { $count = $Users->getCount('*', array('email' => $data['email'])); if ($count > 0) { $this->jumpBox('邮箱不能重复!', Wave::app()->homeUrl . 'users', 1); } } unset($data['oldemail']); if (!empty($data['password'])) { $data['password'] = md5($data['password']); } else { unset($data['password']); } $Users->update($data, array('userid' => $userid)); $data['userid'] = $userid; $this->Log->saveLogs('更新用户', 1, $data); } $this->jumpBox('成功!', Wave::app()->homeUrl . 'users', 1); }
if ($form['USR_RESUME'] != '') { $aData['USR_RESUME'] = $form['USR_RESUME']; } */ if (isset($form['USR_ROLE'])) { $aData['USR_ROLE'] = $form['USR_ROLE']; } if (isset($form['USR_REPLACED_BY'])) { $aData['USR_REPLACED_BY'] = $form['USR_REPLACED_BY']; } if (isset($form['USR_AUTH_USER_DN'])) { $aData['USR_AUTH_USER_DN'] = $form['USR_AUTH_USER_DN']; } require_once 'classes/model/Users.php'; $oUser = new Users(); $oUser->update($aData); if ($_FILES['USR_PHOTO']['error'] != 1) { if ($_FILES['USR_PHOTO']['tmp_name'] != '') { $aAux = explode('.', $_FILES['USR_PHOTO']['name']); G::uploadFile($_FILES['USR_PHOTO']['tmp_name'], PATH_IMAGES_ENVIRONMENT_USERS, $aData['USR_UID'] . '.' . $aAux[1]); G::resizeImage(PATH_IMAGES_ENVIRONMENT_USERS . $aData['USR_UID'] . '.' . $aAux[1], 96, 96, PATH_IMAGES_ENVIRONMENT_USERS . $aData['USR_UID'] . '.gif'); } } else { $result->success = false; $result->fileError = true; print G::json_encode($result); die; } /* if ($_FILES['USR_RESUME']['error'] != 1) { if ($_FILES['USR_RESUME']['tmp_name'] != '') {
public function forgotPassword($httpData) { $this->setResponseType('json'); global $RBAC; require_once PATH_RBAC . "model/RbacUsers.php"; require_once 'classes/model/Users.php'; G::LoadClass("system"); $rbacUser = new RbacUsers(); $user = new Users(); try { $userData = $rbacUser->getByUsername($httpData->username); if (!$userData) { $msg = G::LoadTranslation('ID_USER') . ' <b>' . $httpData->username . '</b> ' . G::LoadTranslation('ID_IS_NOT_REGISTERED'); throw new Exception($msg); } if (trim($userData['USR_EMAIL']) != trim($httpData->email)) { $msg = G::LoadTranslation('ID_EMAIL_DOES_NOT_MATCH_FOR_USER') . ' <b>' . $httpData->username . '</b>'; throw new Exception($msg); } $newPass = G::generate_password(); $aData['USR_UID'] = $userData['USR_UID']; $aData['USR_PASSWORD'] = md5($newPass); $rbacUser->update($aData); $user->update($aData); $subject = G::loadTranslation('ID_PROCESSMAKER_FORGOT_PASSWORD_SERVICE'); $template = new TemplatePower(PATH_TPL . 'main/forgotPassword.tpl'); $template->prepare(); $template->assign('server', $_SERVER['SERVER_NAME']); $template->assign('serviceMsg', G::loadTranslation('ID_PROCESSMAKER_FORGOT_PASSWORD_SERVICE')); $template->assign('content', G::loadTranslation('ID_PASSWORD_CHANGED_SUCCESSFULLY')); $template->assign('passwd', $newPass); $template->assign('poweredBy', G::loadTranslation('ID_PROCESSMAKER_SLOGAN1')); $template->assign('versionLabel', G::loadTranslation('ID_VERSION')); $template->assign('version', System::getVersion()); $template->assign('visit', G::loadTranslation('ID_VISIT')); $template->assign('footer', ''); $body = $template->getOutputContent(); G::sendMail('', 'ProcessMaker Service', $httpData->email, $subject, $body); $result->success = true; $result->message = G::LoadTranslation('ID_NEW_PASSWORD_SENT'); } catch (Exception $e) { $result->success = false; $result->message = $e->getMessage(); } return $result; }
} $_method = $_SERVER['REQUEST_METHOD']; if ($_method == 'POST') { if (isset($_POST['_method'])) { if ($_POST['_method'] == 'put') { $user = new Users($_GET['id']); $user->id = $_GET['id']; $user->name = $_POST['name']; $user->birthday = $_POST['birthday']; $user->address = $_POST['address']; $user->username = $_POST['username']; $user->email = $_POST['email']; $user->password = $_POST['password']; $user->credit = $_POST['credit']; $user->image = $_POST['image']; $user->update(); } else { if ($_POST['_method'] == 'delete') { $user = new Users($_GET['id']); $user->delete(); $rest = new User_server(); $rest->handle_response('Deleted', 400); // $response['data'] = 'Deleted'; // $response['status'] = 'Bad Request'; // $json_response = json_encode($response); // echo $json_response; } } } else { //insert action $user = new Users();
G::SendMessageText($_SESSION['__AUTH_ERROR__'], "warning"); unset($_SESSION['__AUTH_ERROR__']); } break; //The user is inactive //The user is inactive case -3: require_once 'classes/model/Users.php'; $user = new Users(); $aUser = $user->loadByUsernameInArray($usr); switch ($aUser['USR_STATUS']) { case 'VACATION': $uid = $aUser['USR_UID']; $RBAC->changeUserStatus($uid, 1); $aUser['USR_STATUS'] = 'ACTIVE'; $user->update($aUser); break; case 'INACTIVE': $errLabel = 'ID_USER_INACTIVE'; break; } break; //The Due date is finished //The Due date is finished case -4: $errLabel = 'ID_USER_INACTIVE_BY_DATE'; break; case -5: $errLabel = 'ID_AUTHENTICATION_SOURCE_INVALID'; break; case -6:
/** * Update user * * @param string userUid : The user UID. * @param string userName : The username for the user. * @param string firstName : Optional parameter. The user's first name. * @param string lastName : Optional parameter. The user's last name. * @param string email : Optional parameter. The user's email address. * @param string dueDate : Optional parameter. The expiration date must be a string in the format "yyyy-mm-dd". * @param string status : Optional parameter. The user's status, such as "ACTIVE", "INACTIVE" or "VACATION". * @param string role : Optional parameter. The user's role, such * as "PROCESSMAKER_ADMIN" or "PROCESSMAKER_OPERATOR". * @param string password : Optional parameter. The user's password such as "Be@gle2" (It will be automatically * encrypted with an MD5 hash). * @return $result will return an object */ public function updateUser ($userUid, $userName, $firstName = null, $lastName = null, $email = null, $dueDate = null, $status = null, $role = null, $password = null) { try { global $RBAC; $RBAC->initRBAC(); if (empty( $userUid )) { $result = new wsResponse( 25, G::LoadTranslation( "ID_REQUIRED_FIELD" ) . " userUid" ); return $result; } if (empty( $userName )) { $result = new wsResponse( 25, G::LoadTranslation( "ID_USERNAME_REQUIRED" ) ); return $result; } if ($RBAC->verifyUserId( $userUid ) == 0) { $result = new wsResponse( 3, G::loadTranslation( "ID_USER_NOT_REGISTERED_SYSTEM" ) ); return $result; } $mktimeDueDate = 0; if (! empty( $dueDate )) { if (! preg_match( "/^(\d{4})-(\d{2})-(\d{2})$/", $dueDate, $arrayMatch )) { $result = new wsResponse( - 1, G::LoadTranslation( "ID_INVALID_DATA" ) . " $dueDate" ); return $result; } else { $mktimeDueDate = mktime( 0, 0, 0, intval( $arrayMatch[2] ), intval( $arrayMatch[3] ), intval( $arrayMatch[1] ) ); } } if (! empty( $status )) { if ($status != "ACTIVE" && $status != "INACTIVE" && $status != "VACATION") { $result = new wsResponse( - 1, G::LoadTranslation( "ID_INVALID_DATA" ) . " $status" ); return $result; } } $strRole = null; if (! empty( $role )) { $arrayRole = $RBAC->loadById( $role ); if (is_array( $arrayRole )) { $strRole = $arrayRole["ROL_CODE"]; } else { $strRole = $role; if ($RBAC->verifyByCode( $role ) == 0) { $data = array (); $data["ROLE"] = $role; $result = new wsResponse( 6, G::LoadTranslation( "ID_INVALID_ROLE", SYS_LANG, $data ) ); return $result; } } } if (! empty( $password ) && strlen( $password ) > 20) { $result = new wsResponse( - 1, G::LoadTranslation( "ID_PASSWORD_SURPRASES" ) ); return $result; } $criteria = new Criteria(); $criteria->addSelectColumn( UsersPeer::USR_UID ); $criteria->add( UsersPeer::USR_USERNAME, $userName ); $criteria->add( UsersPeer::USR_UID, $userUid, Criteria::NOT_EQUAL ); $rs = UsersPeer::doSelectRS( $criteria ); if ($rs->next()) { $data = array (); $data["USER_ID"] = $userName; $result = new wsResponse( 7, G::LoadTranslation( "ID_USERNAME_ALREADY_EXISTS", SYS_LANG, $data ) ); return $result; } //Set fields $arrayData = array (); $arrayData["USR_UID"] = $userUid; $arrayData["USR_USERNAME"] = $userName; if (! empty( $firstName )) { $arrayData["USR_FIRSTNAME"] = $firstName; } if (! empty( $lastName )) { $arrayData["USR_LASTNAME"] = $lastName; } if (! empty( $email )) { $arrayData["USR_EMAIL"] = $email; } if ($mktimeDueDate != 0) { $arrayData["USR_DUE_DATE"] = $mktimeDueDate; } $arrayData["USR_UPDATE_DATE"] = date( "Y-m-d H:i:s" ); if (! empty( $status )) { $arrayData["USR_STATUS"] = $status; } if ($strRole != null) { $arrayData["USR_ROLE"] = $strRole; } if (! empty( $password )) { $arrayData["USR_PASSWORD"] = Bootstrap::hashPassword( $password ); } //Update user if ($strRole != null) { $RBAC->updateUser( $arrayData, $strRole ); } else { $RBAC->updateUser( $arrayData ); } $user = new Users(); $user->update( $arrayData ); //Response //$res = new wsResponse(0, G::LoadTranslation("ID_OBJECT_UPDATE")); $res = new wsResponse( 0, G::LoadTranslation( "ID_UPDATED_SUCCESSFULLY" ) ); $result = array ("status_code" => $res->status_code,"message" => $res->message,"timestamp" => $res->timestamp ); return $result; } catch (Exception $e) { $result = new wsResponse(100, $e->getMessage()); return $result; } }
function editAction() { $errors = array(); $users_table = new Users(); $users_roles_table = new UsersRoles(); $request = new Bolts_Request($this->getRequest()); $countries_table = new Countries(); $this->view->countries = $countries_table->getCountriesArray('Choose a country...'); $roles_table = new Roles(); $roles = $roles_table->fetchAll(NULL, "shortname ASC"); $arRoles = array(); foreach ($roles as $role) { if (!strpos($role->shortname, "-base")) { $arRoles[$role->id] = $role->description; } } $this->view->roles = $arRoles; $is_new = true; $user = array(); if ($request->has('username')) { $obUser = $users_table->fetchByUsername($request->username); if (!is_null($obUser)) { $is_new = false; $user_roles = $users_roles_table->fetchAll($users_roles_table->select()->where("username = ?", $obUser->username)); if (count($user_roles) > 0) { $tmp_selected = array(); foreach ($user_roles as $user_role) { $tmp_selected[] = $user_role->role_id; } $this->view->selected_roles = $tmp_selected; } $user = $obUser->toArray(); } } $this->view->is_new = $is_new; if ($is_new) { // defaults for form fields $user['username'] = ""; $user['full_name'] = ""; $user['aboutme'] = ""; } $pre_render = $this->_Bolts_plugin->doFilter($this->_mca . "_pre_render", array('user' => $user, 'request' => $this->_request)); // FILTER HOOK $user = $pre_render['user']; foreach ($pre_render as $key => $value) { if ($key != "user") { $this->view->{$key} = $value; } } // $tags = unserialize($user['tags']); if ($this->getRequest()->isPost()) { $errors = array(); $request->stripTags(array('full_name', 'email', 'newpassword', 'confirm')); // $request->stripTags(array('full_name', 'email', 'newpassword', 'confirm', 'aboutme')); $user['username'] = $request->username; $user['email'] = $request->email; $user['password'] = $request->newpassword; $user['confirm'] = $request->confirm; $user['full_name'] = $request->full_name; $user['birthday'] = $birthday = strtotime($request->Birthday_Day . $request->Birthday_Month . $request->Birthday_Year); $user['gender'] = $request->gender; $user['country_code'] = $request->country_code; $user['aboutme'] = $request->aboutme; // validate username $username_validator = new Zend_Validate(); $username_validator->addValidator(new Zend_Validate_StringLength(1, Bolts_Registry::get('username_length'))); $username_validator->addValidator(new Zend_Validate_Alnum()); if (!$username_validator->isValid($user['username'])) { $show_username = "******" . $user['username'] . "'"; if (trim($user['username']) == "") { $show_username = "******" . $this->_T("empty") . "]"; } $errors[] = $this->_T("%s isn't a valid username. (Between %d and %d characters, only letters and numbers)", array($show_username, 1, Bolts_Registry::get('username_length'))); } if ($is_new) { $user_where = $users_table->getAdapter()->quoteInto('username = ?', $user['username']); if ($users_table->getCountByWhereClause($user_where) > 0) { $errors[] = $this->_T("The username '%s' is already in use", $user['username']); } } // validate email if (!Bolts_Validate::checkEmail($user['email'])) { $errors[] = $this->_T("Email is not valid"); } // check to see if email is in use already by someone else if ($users_table->isEmailInUse($user['email'], $user['username'])) { $errors[] = $this->_T("Email already in use"); } // if password isn't blank, validate it if ($user['password'] != "") { if (!Bolts_Validate::checkLength($user['password'], 6, Bolts_Registry::get('password_length'))) { $errors[] = $this->_T("Password must be between 6 and 32 characters"); } // if password is set, make sure it matches confirm if ($user['password'] != $user['confirm']) { $errors[] = $this->_T("Passwords don't match"); } } // convert birthday_ts to mysql date $birthday = date("Y-m-d H:i:s", $user['birthday']); $params = array('request' => $request, 'user' => $user, 'errors' => $errors); // upload new avatar image if present if (array_key_exists('filedata', $_FILES)) { if ($_FILES['filedata']['tmp_name'] != '') { $destination_path = Bolts_Registry::get('upload_path') . "/" . $user['username'] . "/original"; if (!is_dir($destination_path)) { mkdir($destination_path, 0777, true); Bolts_Log::report("Creating user folder at " . $destination_path, null, Zend_Log::DEBUG); } if (file_exists($destination_path . "/avatar")) { unlink($destination_path . "/avatar"); Bolts_Log::report("Deleted existing user avatar from " . $destination_path, null, Zend_Log::DEBUG); } else { Bolts_Log::report("User avatar did not exist in " . $destination_path, null, Zend_Log::DEBUG); } move_uploaded_file($_FILES['filedata']['tmp_name'], $destination_path . "/avatar"); Users::clearUserCache($user['username']); Bolts_Log::report("User avatar uploaded to " . $destination_path, null, Zend_Log::DEBUG); $params['user']['hasnewfile'] = true; } else { $params['user']['hasnewfile'] = false; } } $additional = $this->_Bolts_plugin->doFilter($this->_mca . "_pre_save", $params); // FILTER HOOK $errors = $additional['errors']; $user = $additional['user']; $users_roles_table->delete($users_roles_table->getAdapter()->quoteInto("username = ?", $user['username'])); foreach ($request->role_ids as $role_id) { $role_data = array("username" => $user['username'], "role_id" => $role_id); $users_roles_table->insert($role_data); } if (count($errors) == 0) { /********** Commented out due to Plug-in compatibility issues. $data = array( 'email' => $user['email'], 'birthday' => $birthday, 'aboutme' => nl2br($user['aboutme']), 'gender' => $user['gender'], 'full_name' => $user['full_name'], 'country_code' => $user['country_code'], 'last_modified_on' => date(DB_DATETIME_FORMAT), ); **********/ $user['birthday'] = $birthday; $user['aboutme'] = nl2br($user['aboutme']); $user['last_modified_on'] = date(DB_DATETIME_FORMAT); // This is a hold-over value from the form. unset($user['confirm']); if ($user['password'] != "") { #$data['password'] = $user['password']; } else { unset($user['password']); } if ($is_new) { // TODO - stuff? really? $stuff = array('request' => $request, 'user' => $user, 'errors' => $errors); $additional1 = $this->_Bolts_plugin->doFilter($this->_mca, $stuff); // FILTER HOOK $errors = $additional1['errors']; $user = $additional1['user']; $data['username'] = $user['username']; #$data['created_on'] = date(DB_DATETIME_FORMAT); $user['created_on'] = date(DB_DATETIME_FORMAT); $users_table->insert($user); $this->view->success = "Profile created."; } else { $where = $users_table->getAdapter()->quoteInto('username = ?', $user['username']); #$users_table->update($data, $where); $users_table->update($user, $where); $this->view->success = "Profile updated."; } } else { $this->view->errors = $errors; } } $this->view->end_year = -Bolts_Registry::get('minimum_registration_age'); $this->view->genders = Bolts_Common::getGenderArray(); $user['aboutme'] = Bolts_Common::br2nl($user['aboutme']); $this->view->user = $user; }
public function pdoEditModelAction($id) { $this->_view->title = 'Model Edit Form'; $this->_view->link = base_url() . 'pdo-database/pdo-model/pdo-edit-model/' . $id; $users = new Users(); $row = $users->get($id); if (empty($row)) { redirect('pdo-database/pdo-model/pdo-model'); } $this->_view->data = $row; if (!empty($_POST)) { $val = new Validation(); $val->source = $_POST; $val->addValidator(array('name' => 'first_name', 'type' => 'string', 'required' => true)); $val->addValidator(array('name' => 'last_name', 'type' => 'string', 'required' => true)); $val->addValidator(array('name' => 'email', 'type' => 'email', 'required' => true)); $val->addValidator(array('name' => 'address', 'type' => 'string', 'required' => true)); $val->run(); if (sizeof($val->errors) == 0) { $data = array('first_name' => $_POST['first_name'], 'last_name' => $_POST['last_name'], 'email' => $_POST['email'], 'address' => $_POST['address']); $users->update($id, $data); redirect('pdo-database/pdo-model/pdo-model'); } $this->_view->errorMessage = $val->errorMessage(); $this->_view->data = $_POST; } $this->renderView('pdo-database/pdo-model/_form'); }
private function onEditUser() { /* Bail out if the user doesn't have SA permissions. */ if ($this->_realAccessLevel < ACCESS_LEVEL_SA) { CommonErrors::fatal(COMMONERROR_PERMISSION, $this); return; //$this->fatal(ERROR_NO_PERMISSION); } /* Bail out if we don't have a valid user ID. */ if (!$this->isRequiredIDValid('userID', $_POST)) { CommonErrors::fatal(COMMONERROR_BADINDEX, $this, 'Invalid user ID.'); } if ($this->isRequiredIDValid('accessLevel', $_POST, true)) { $accessLevel = $_POST['accessLevel']; } else { $accessLevel = -1; } $userID = $_POST['userID']; $firstName = $this->getTrimmedInput('firstName', $_POST); $lastName = $this->getTrimmedInput('lastName', $_POST); $email = $this->getTrimmedInput('email', $_POST); $username = $this->getTrimmedInput('username', $_POST); $password1 = $this->getTrimmedInput('password1', $_POST); $password2 = $this->getTrimmedInput('password2', $_POST); $passwordRst = $this->getTrimmedInput('passwordIsReset', $_POST); $role = $this->getTrimmedInput('role', $_POST); $eeoIsVisible = $this->isChecked('eeoIsVisible', $_POST); /* Bail out if any of the required fields are empty. */ if (empty($firstName) || empty($lastName) || empty($username)) { CommonErrors::fatal(COMMONERROR_MISSINGFIELDS, $this, 'First name, last name and username are required.'); } /* Bail out if reseting password to null. */ if (trim($password1) == '' && $passwordRst == 1) { CommonErrors::fatal(COMMONERROR_BADFIELDS, $this, 'Cannot set a blank password.'); } /* Bail out if the two passwords don't match. */ if ($password1 !== $password2) { CommonErrors::fatal(COMMONERROR_NOPASSWORDMATCH, $this, 'Passwords do not match.'); } /* Don't allow access level changes to the currently logged-in user's * account. */ if ($userID == $this->_userID) { $accessLevel = $this->_realAccessLevel; } /* If adding an e-mail username, verify it is a valid e-mail. */ // FIXME: PREG! if (strpos($username, '@') !== false && !eregi("^[_a-z0-9-]+(.[_a-z0-9-]+)*@[a-z0-9-]+(.[a-z0-9-]+)*(.[a-z]{2,4})\$", $username)) { CommonErrors::fatal(COMMONERROR_BADFIELDS, $this, 'Username is in improper format for an E-Mail address.'); } /* Make it a multisite user name if the user is part of a hosted site. */ $unixName = $_SESSION['CATS']->getUnixName(); if (strpos($username, '@') === false && !empty($unixName)) { $username .= '@' . $_SESSION['CATS']->getSiteID(); } $users = new Users($this->_siteID); if (!$users->update($userID, $lastName, $firstName, $email, $username, $accessLevel, $eeoIsVisible)) { CommonErrors::fatal(COMMONERROR_RECORDERROR, $this, 'Failed to update user.'); } if (trim($password1) !== '') { /* Bail out if the password is 'cats'. */ if ($password1 == 'cats') { CommonErrors::fatal(COMMONERROR_BADFIELDS, $this, 'New password can not equal \'cats\'.'); } if (!$users->resetPassword($userID, $password1)) { CommonErrors::fatal(COMMONERROR_RECORDERROR, $this, 'Failed to reset password.'); } } /* Set categories. */ $modules = ModuleUtility::getModules(); $users->updateCategories($userID, ''); foreach ($modules as $moduleName => $parameters) { $moduleCategories = $parameters[MODULE_SETTINGS_USER_CATEGORIES]; if ($moduleCategories != false) { foreach ($moduleCategories as $category) { if ($category[1] == $role) { /* index 3 is the user level required to assign this type of category. */ if (!isset($category[3]) || $category[3] <= $this->_realAccessLevel) { /* Set this category. */ $users->updateCategories($userID, $role); } } } } } CATSUtility::transferRelativeURI('m=settings&a=showUser&userID=' . $userID); }
/** * Remove the row * * @param array $aData or string $ProUid * @return string * */ public function remove($ProUid) { if (is_array($ProUid)) { $ProUid = isset($ProUid['DEP_UID']) ? $ProUid['DEP_UID'] : ''; } try { $oCriteria = new Criteria('workflow'); $oCriteria->addSelectColumn(UsersPeer::USR_UID); $oCriteria->add(UsersPeer::DEP_UID, $ProUid, Criteria::EQUAL); $oDataset = UsersPeer::doSelectRS($oCriteria); $oDataset->setFetchmode(ResultSet::FETCHMODE_ASSOC); $oDataset->next(); $aFields = array(); while ($aRow = $oDataset->getRow()) { $aFields['USR_UID'] = $aRow['USR_UID']; $aFields['DEP_UID'] = ''; $oDepto = UsersPeer::retrieveByPk($aFields['USR_UID']); if (is_object($oDepto) && get_class($oDepto) == 'UsersPeer') { return true; } else { $oDepto = new Users(); $oDepto->update($aFields); } $oDataset->next(); } $oPro = DepartmentPeer::retrieveByPK($ProUid); if (!is_null($oPro)) { $dptoTitle = $this->Load($oPro->getDepUid()); Content::removeContent('DEPO_TITLE', '', $oPro->getDepUid()); Content::removeContent('DEPO_DESCRIPTION', '', $oPro->getDepUid()); G::auditLog("DeleteDepartament", "Departament Name: " . $dptoTitle['DEPO_TITLE'] . " Departament ID: (" . $oPro->getDepUid() . ") "); return $oPro->delete(); } else { throw new Exception("The row '{$ProUid}' in table Group doesn't exist!"); } } catch (Exception $oError) { throw $oError; } }
/** * Migrate all cases to New list * * return all LIST TABLES with data */ public function migrateList ($workSpace) { if ($this->listFirstExecution('check')) { return 1; } $this->initPropel(true); $appCache = new AppCacheView(); $users = new Users(); G::LoadClass("case"); $case = new Cases(); //Select data CANCELLED $canCriteria = $appCache->getSelAllColumns(); $canCriteria->add(AppCacheViewPeer::APP_STATUS, "CANCELLED", CRITERIA::EQUAL); $canCriteria->add(AppCacheViewPeer::DEL_LAST_INDEX, "1", CRITERIA::EQUAL); $rsCriteria = AppCacheViewPeer::doSelectRS($canCriteria); $rsCriteria->setFetchmode(ResultSet::FETCHMODE_ASSOC); //Insert data LIST_CANCELED while ($rsCriteria->next()) { $row = $rsCriteria->getRow(); $listCanceled = new ListCanceled(); $listCanceled->remove($row["APP_UID"]); $listCanceled->setDeleted(false); $listCanceled->create($row); } CLI::logging("> Completed table LIST_CANCELED\n"); //Select data COMPLETED $comCriteria = $appCache->getSelAllColumns(); $comCriteria->add(AppCacheViewPeer::APP_STATUS, "COMPLETED", CRITERIA::EQUAL); $comCriteria->add(AppCacheViewPeer::DEL_LAST_INDEX, "1", CRITERIA::EQUAL); $rsCriteria = AppCacheViewPeer::doSelectRS($comCriteria); $rsCriteria->setFetchmode(ResultSet::FETCHMODE_ASSOC); //Insert new data LIST_COMPLETED while ($rsCriteria->next()) { $row = $rsCriteria->getRow(); $listCompleted = new ListCompleted(); $listCompleted->remove($row["APP_UID"]); $listCompleted->setDeleted(false); $listCompleted->create($row); } CLI::logging("> Completed table LIST_COMPLETED\n"); //Select data TO_DO OR DRAFT $inbCriteria = $appCache->getSelAllColumns(); $rsCriteria = AppCacheViewPeer::doSelectRS($inbCriteria); $rsCriteria->setFetchmode(ResultSet::FETCHMODE_ASSOC); $criteriaUser = new Criteria(); $criteriaUser->addSelectColumn( UsersPeer::USR_UID ); $criteriaUser->addSelectColumn( UsersPeer::USR_FIRSTNAME ); $criteriaUser->addSelectColumn( UsersPeer::USR_LASTNAME ); $criteriaUser->addSelectColumn( UsersPeer::USR_USERNAME ); //Insert new data LIST_INBOX while ($rsCriteria->next()) { $row = $rsCriteria->getRow(); $isSelfService = ($row['USR_UID'] == '') ? true : false; if($row["DEL_THREAD_STATUS"] == 'OPEN'){ //Update information about the previous_user $row["DEL_PREVIOUS_USR_UID"] = $row["PREVIOUS_USR_UID"]; $criteriaUser->add( UsersPeer::USR_UID, $row["PREVIOUS_USR_UID"] ); $datasetU = UsersPeer::doSelectRS($criteriaUser); $datasetU->setFetchmode(ResultSet::FETCHMODE_ASSOC); $datasetU->next(); $arrayUsers = $datasetU->getRow(); $row["DEL_PREVIOUS_USR_USERNAME"] = $arrayUsers["USR_USERNAME"]; $row["DEL_PREVIOUS_USR_FIRSTNAME"]= $arrayUsers["USR_FIRSTNAME"]; $row["DEL_PREVIOUS_USR_LASTNAME"] = $arrayUsers["USR_LASTNAME"]; //Update the due date $row["DEL_DUE_DATE"] = $row["DEL_TASK_DUE_DATE"]; $listInbox = new ListInbox(); $listInbox->remove($row["APP_UID"],$row["DEL_INDEX"]); $listInbox->setDeleted(false); $listInbox->create($row, $isSelfService); } else { // create participated List when the thread is CLOSED $listParticipatedHistory = new ListParticipatedHistory(); $listParticipatedHistory->remove($row['APP_UID'], $row['DEL_INDEX']); $listParticipatedHistory = new ListParticipatedHistory(); $listParticipatedHistory->create($row); $oCriteria = new Criteria('workflow'); $oCriteria->add(ListParticipatedLastPeer::APP_UID, $row['APP_UID']); $oCriteria->add(ListParticipatedLastPeer::USR_UID, $row['USR_UID']); ListParticipatedLastPeer::doDelete($oCriteria); $listParticipatedLast = new ListParticipatedLast(); $listParticipatedLast->create($row); $listParticipatedLast = new ListParticipatedLast(); $listParticipatedLast->refresh($row); } } CLI::logging("> Completed table LIST_INBOX\n"); //With this List is populated the LIST_PARTICIPATED_HISTORY and LIST_PARTICIPATED_LAST CLI::logging("> Completed table LIST_PARTICIPATED_HISTORY\n"); CLI::logging("> Completed table LIST_PARTICIPATED_LAST\n"); //Select data TO_DO OR DRAFT CASES CREATED BY AN USER $myiCriteria = $appCache->getSelAllColumns(); $myiCriteria->add(AppCacheViewPeer::DEL_INDEX, "1", CRITERIA::EQUAL); $rsCriteria = AppCacheViewPeer::doSelectRS($myiCriteria); $rsCriteria->setFetchmode(ResultSet::FETCHMODE_ASSOC); //Insert new data LIST_MY_INBOX while ($rsCriteria->next()) { $row = $rsCriteria->getRow(); $listMyInbox = new ListMyInbox(); $listMyInbox ->remove($row["APP_UID"],$row["USR_UID"]); $listMyInbox->setDeleted(false); $listMyInbox->create($row); } CLI::logging("> Completed table LIST_MY_INBOX\n"); //Select data PAUSED $delaycriteria = new Criteria("workflow"); $delaycriteria->addSelectColumn(AppDelayPeer::APP_UID); $delaycriteria->addSelectColumn(AppDelayPeer::PRO_UID); $delaycriteria->addSelectColumn(AppDelayPeer::APP_DEL_INDEX); $delaycriteria->addSelectColumn(AppCacheViewPeer::APP_NUMBER); $delaycriteria->addSelectColumn(AppCacheViewPeer::USR_UID); $delaycriteria->addSelectColumn(AppCacheViewPeer::APP_STATUS); $delaycriteria->addSelectColumn(AppCacheViewPeer::TAS_UID); $delaycriteria->addJoin( AppCacheViewPeer::APP_UID, AppDelayPeer::APP_UID . ' AND ' . AppCacheViewPeer::DEL_INDEX . ' = ' . AppDelayPeer::APP_DEL_INDEX, Criteria::INNER_JOIN ); $delaycriteria->add(AppDelayPeer::APP_DISABLE_ACTION_USER, "0", CRITERIA::EQUAL); $delaycriteria->add(AppDelayPeer::APP_TYPE, "PAUSE", CRITERIA::EQUAL); $rsCriteria = AppDelayPeer::doSelectRS($delaycriteria); $rsCriteria->setFetchmode(ResultSet::FETCHMODE_ASSOC); //Insert new data LIST_PAUSED while ($rsCriteria->next()) { $row = $rsCriteria->getRow(); $data = $row; $data["DEL_INDEX"] = $row["APP_DEL_INDEX"]; $listPaused = new ListPaused(); $listPaused ->remove($row["APP_UID"],$row["APP_DEL_INDEX"],$data); $listPaused->setDeleted(false); $listPaused->create($data); } CLI::logging("> Completed table LIST_PAUSED\n"); //Select and Insert LIST_UNASSIGNED $unaCriteria = $appCache->getSelAllColumns(); $unaCriteria->add(AppCacheViewPeer::USR_UID, "", CRITERIA::EQUAL); $rsCriteria = AppCacheViewPeer::doSelectRS($unaCriteria); $rsCriteria->setFetchmode(ResultSet::FETCHMODE_ASSOC); $del = new ListUnassignedPeer(); $del->doDeleteAll(); $del = new ListUnassignedGroupPeer(); $del->doDeleteAll(); while ($rsCriteria->next()) { $row = $rsCriteria->getRow(); $listUnassigned = new ListUnassigned(); $unaUid = $listUnassigned->generateData($row["APP_UID"],$row["PREVIOUS_USR_UID"]); } CLI::logging("> Completed table LIST_UNASSIGNED\n"); CLI::logging("> Completed table LIST_UNASSIGNED_GROUP\n"); // ADD LISTS COUNTS $aTypes = array( 'to_do', 'draft', 'cancelled', 'sent', 'paused', 'completed', 'selfservice' ); $users = new Users(); $criteria = new Criteria(); $criteria->addSelectColumn(UsersPeer::USR_UID); $dataset = UsersPeer::doSelectRS($criteria); $dataset->setFetchmode(ResultSet::FETCHMODE_ASSOC); while($dataset->next()) { $aRow = $dataset->getRow(); $oAppCache = new AppCacheView(); $aCount = $oAppCache->getAllCounters( $aTypes, $aRow['USR_UID'] ); $newData = array( 'USR_UID' => $aRow['USR_UID'], 'USR_TOTAL_INBOX' => $aCount['to_do'], 'USR_TOTAL_DRAFT' => $aCount['draft'], 'USR_TOTAL_CANCELLED' => $aCount['cancelled'], 'USR_TOTAL_PARTICIPATED' => $aCount['sent'], 'USR_TOTAL_PAUSED' => $aCount['paused'], 'USR_TOTAL_COMPLETED' => $aCount['completed'], 'USR_TOTAL_UNASSIGNED' => $aCount['selfservice'] ); $users->update($newData); } $this->listFirstExecution('insert'); return true; }
$passwd = $oSpool->config['MESS_PASSWORD']; $passwdDec = G::decrypt($passwd, 'EMAILENCRYPT'); $auxPass = explode('hash:', $passwdDec); if (count($auxPass) > 1) { if (count($auxPass) == 2) { $passwd = $auxPass[1]; } else { array_shift($auxPass); $passwd = implode('', $auxPass); } } $oSpool->config['MESS_PASSWORD'] = $passwd; $oSpool->create(array('msg_uid' => '', 'app_uid' => '', 'del_index' => 0, 'app_msg_type' => 'TEST', 'app_msg_subject' => $sSubject, 'app_msg_from' => $sFrom, 'app_msg_to' => $data['USR_EMAIL'], 'app_msg_body' => $sBody, 'app_msg_cc' => '', 'app_msg_bcc' => '', 'app_msg_attach' => '', 'app_msg_template' => '', 'app_msg_status' => 'pending', 'app_msg_attach' => '')); try { $oSpool->sendMail(); $rbacUser->update($aData); $user->update($aData); G::header("location: login.html"); G::SendTemporalMessage('ID_NEW_PASSWORD_SENT', "info"); } catch (phpmailerException $e) { G::header("location: login.html"); G::SendTemporalMessage(G::LoadTranslation('MISSING_OR_NOT_CONFIGURED_SMTP'), "warning", 'string'); } catch (Exception $e) { G::header("location: login.html"); G::SendTemporalMessage($e->getMessage(), "warning", 'string'); } } else { $msg = G::LoadTranslation('ID_USER') . ' ' . htmlentities($data['USR_USERNAME'], ENT_QUOTES, 'UTF-8') . ' ' . G::LoadTranslation('ID_IS_NOT_REGISTERED'); G::SendTemporalMessage($msg, "warning", 'string'); G::header('location: forgotPassword'); }
<?php spl_autoload_register(function ($class) { include "library/" . $class . ".php"; }); $connection = array("dbserver" => "mysql", "host" => 'localhost', "dbname" => "loft", "port" => 3306, "user" => "dake", "password" => "boromir"); $user = new Users($connection); $user->setName("Иван"); $user->setLastname("Иванов"); $user->setBirthday("20.09.1985"); $user->setEmail("*****@*****.**"); $user->setPassword("asdasd"); $user->setIsActive(1); $user->setRegDate("10.09.2015"); $user->setLastUpdate("11.09.2015"); //TODO: проеобразовать запрашиваемые значения в utf-8 //$res = $user->findBy(array("is_active"=>"0", "name"=>("Бернар"))); //var_dump($res); $user->update(array("id" => "6", "is_active" => "4"), array("lastname" => "Кох", "name" => "David", "is_active" => 1));
//Delete Dashboard require_once 'classes/model/DashletInstance.php'; $criteria = new Criteria('workflow'); $criteria->add(DashletInstancePeer::DAS_INS_OWNER_UID, $UID); $criteria->add(DashletInstancePeer::DAS_INS_OWNER_TYPE, 'USER'); DashletInstancePeer::doDelete($criteria); break; case 'changeUserStatus': $response = new stdclass(); if (isset($_REQUEST['USR_UID']) && isset($_REQUEST['NEW_USR_STATUS'])) { $RBAC->changeUserStatus($_REQUEST['USR_UID'], $_REQUEST['NEW_USR_STATUS'] == 'ACTIVE' ? 1 : 0); require_once 'classes/model/Users.php'; $userInstance = new Users(); $userData = $userInstance->load($_REQUEST['USR_UID']); $userData['USR_STATUS'] = $_REQUEST['NEW_USR_STATUS']; $userInstance->update($userData); $response->status = 'OK'; } else { $response->status = 'ERROR'; $response->message = 'USR_UID and NEW_USR_STATUS parameters are required.'; } die(G::json_encode($response)); break; case 'availableGroups': G::LoadClass('groups'); $filter = isset($_POST['textFilter']) ? $_POST['textFilter'] : ''; $groups = new Groups(); $criteria = $groups->getAvailableGroupsCriteria($_REQUEST['uUID'], $filter); $objects = GroupwfPeer::doSelectRS($criteria); $objects->setFetchmode(ResultSet::FETCHMODE_ASSOC); $arr = array();
$user["xxxview"] = "1"; $user["consoleview"] = "1"; $user["bookview"] = "1"; $page->smarty->assign('user', $user); break; case 'submit': if ($_POST["id"] == "") { $invites = $defaultinvites; foreach ($userroles as $role) { if ($role['id'] == $_POST['role']) { $invites = $role['defaultinvites']; } } $ret = $users->signup($_POST["username"], $_POST["password"], $_POST["email"], '', $_POST["role"], $_POST["notes"], $invites, "", true); } else { $ret = $users->update($_POST["id"], $_POST["username"], $_POST["email"], $_POST["grabs"], $_POST["role"], $_POST["notes"], $_POST["invites"], isset($_POST['movieview']) ? "1" : "0", isset($_POST['musicview']) ? "1" : "0", isset($_POST['gameview']) ? "1" : "0", isset($_POST['xxxview']) ? "1" : "0", isset($_POST['consoleview']) ? "1" : "0", isset($_POST['bookview']) ? "1" : "0"); if ($_POST['password'] != "") { $users->updatePassword($_POST["id"], $_POST['password']); } } if ($ret >= 0) { header("Location:" . WWW_TOP . "/user-list.php"); } else { switch ($ret) { case Users::ERR_SIGNUP_BADUNAME: $page->smarty->assign('error', "Bad username. Try a better one."); break; case Users::ERR_SIGNUP_BADPASS: $page->smarty->assign('error', "Bad password. Try a longer one."); break; case Users::ERR_SIGNUP_BADEMAIL:
function BCCL() { $user = isset($_SESSION['user']) ? $_SESSION['user'] : null; if (!$user) { header('Location: /'); exit; } $userid = isset($_SESSION['userid']) ? (int) $_SESSION['userid'] : 0; $usertype = isset($_SESSION['usertype']) ? (int) $_SESSION['usertype'] : 0; $name = isset($_SESSION['name']) ? $_SESSION['name'] : ''; $userstatus = isset($_SESSION['userstatus']) ? (int) $_SESSION['userstatus'] : 0; if ($userstatus) { header('Location: /'); exit; } //状态为0时才显示本页 $savestatus = 0; $errormsg = ''; $data['sales_channel'] = $sales_channel = isset($_POST['sales_channel']) ? $_POST['sales_channel'] : ''; $data['how_to_kown_we'] = $how_to_kown_we = isset($_POST['how_to_kown_we']) ? $_POST['how_to_kown_we'] : ''; $data['certification_photo'] = $certification_photo = isset($_POST['certification_photo_val']) ? $_POST['certification_photo_val'] : ''; $data['person_hold_photo'] = $person_hold_photo = isset($_POST['person_hold_photo_val']) ? $_POST['person_hold_photo_val'] : ''; $data['others_photo'] = $others_photo = isset($_POST['others_photo_val']) ? $_POST['others_photo_val'] : ''; if ($sales_channel && $how_to_kown_we && $certification_photo && $person_hold_photo) { if (1 == $usertype) { $data['enterprise_legal_photo'] = $enterprise_legal_photo = isset($_POST['enterprise_legal_photo_val']) ? $_POST['enterprise_legal_photo_val'] : ''; $data['enterprise_grant_photo'] = $enterprise_grant_photo = isset($_POST['enterprise_grant_photo_val']) ? $_POST['enterprise_grant_photo_val'] : ''; $data['enterprise_tax_photo'] = $enterprise_tax_photo = isset($_POST['enterprise_tax_photo_val']) ? $_POST['enterprise_tax_photo_val'] : ''; if (!$enterprise_legal_photo) { $errormsg = '信息未填写完整。'; $savestatus = -1; } else { Users::update($userid, $data); $savestatus = 1; } } else { Users::update($userid, $data); $savestatus = 1; } } if (!$savestatus) { $userinfo = Users::getData($userid, 'certification_photo'); $savestatus = isset($userinfo['certification_photo']) ? $userinfo['certification_photo'] : ''; if ($savestatus) { $savestatus = 1; } } Templates::Assign('user', $user); Templates::Assign('usertype', $usertype); Templates::Assign('userid', $userid); Templates::Assign('name', $name); Templates::Assign('errormsg', $errormsg); Templates::Assign('savestatus', $savestatus); Templates::Display('signbccl.html'); }