public function getProfile($user_id) { $userProfile = UserProfile::where('id', '=', $user_id)->first(); $userid = $userProfile->id; $userfname = $userProfile->fname; $userlname = $userProfile->lname; $userstreetno = $userProfile->streetno; $userstreet = $userProfile->street; $usersuburb = $userProfile->suburb; $userstate = $userProfile->state; $userpostcode = $userProfile->postcode; $userdobday = $userProfile->day_dob; $userdobmonth = $userProfile->month_dob; $userdobyear = $userProfile->year_dob; $userphone = $userProfile->phone; $usertfn = $userProfile->tfn; $userpidtype = $userProfile->pidtype; $userpidnum = $userProfile->pidnum; $usersidtype = $userProfile->sidtype; $usersidnum = $userProfile->sidnum; $userdes = $userProfile->description; $usergender = $userProfile->gender; $useroccupation = $userProfile->occupation; $data = array('userid' => $userid, 'userfname' => $userfname, 'userlname' => $userlname, 'userstreetno' => $userstreetno, 'userstreet' => $userstreet, 'usersuburb' => $usersuburb, 'userstate' => $userstate, 'userpostcode' => $userpostcode, 'day_dob' => $userdobday, 'month_dob' => $userdobmonth, 'year_dob' => $userdobyear, 'userphone' => $userphone, 'usertfn' => $usertfn, 'userpidtype' => $userpidtype, 'userpidnum' => $userpidnum, 'usersidtype' => $usersidtype, 'usersidnum' => $usersidnum, 'userdes' => $userdes, 'usergender' => $usergender, 'useroccupation' => $useroccupation); return $data; }
public function editProfile() { $id = Auth::user()->id; $usermail = Auth::user()->email; $userProfile = UserProfile::where('id', '=', $id)->first(); if ($userProfile == null) { // if user has not add it profile. return View::make('editprofiles')->with('usermail', $usermail); } $userfname = $userProfile->fname; $userlname = $userProfile->lname; $userstreetno = $userProfile->streetno; $userstreet = $userProfile->street; $usersuburb = $userProfile->suburb; $userstate = $userProfile->state; $userpostcode = $userProfile->postcode; $userdob = $userProfile->dob; $userphone = $userProfile->phone; $usertfn = $userProfile->tfn; $userpidtype = $userProfile->pidtype; $userpidnum = $userProfile->pidnum; $usersidtype = $userProfile->sidtype; $usersidnum = $userProfile->sidnum; $userdes = $userProfile->description; $data = array('usermail' => $usermail, 'userfname' => $userfname, 'userlname' => $userlname, 'userstreetno' => $userstreetno, 'userstreet' => $userstreet, 'usersuburb' => $usersuburb, 'userstate' => $userstate, 'userpostcode' => $userpostcode, 'userdob' => $userdob, 'userphone' => $userphone, 'usertfn' => $usertfn, 'userpidtype' => $userpidtype, 'userpidnum' => $userpidnum, 'usersidtype' => $usersidtype, 'usersidnum' => $usersidnum, 'userdes' => $userdes, 'usergender' => $userProfile->gender, 'useroccuptaion' => $userProfile->occupation); return View::make('editprofiles', array('data' => $data)); }
public function saveLendPref() { $id = Auth::user()->id; $loanApp = LoanApp::where('user_id', '=', $id)->get(); $profile = UserProfile::where('id', '=', $id)->first(); $financial = FinancialProfile::where('user_id', $id)->first(); $lender_prefers = LenderPref::firstOrNew(array('user_id' => $id)); $lender_prefers->min_amount = Input::get('minLoan'); $lender_prefers->min_term = Input::get('minTerm'); $lender_prefers->min_rate = Input::get('minRate'); $lender_prefers->max_amount = Input::get('maxLoan'); $lender_prefers->max_term = Input::get('maxTerm'); $lender_prefers->max_rate = Input::get('maxRate'); $lender_prefers->save(); $results = $this->search(); $pdata = $profile->getProfile($id); // method defined in its model $fdata = $financial->getFinancialProfile($id); // methd defined in its model $bids = DB::table('bids')->join('loan_app', 'bids.loan_id', '=', 'loan_app.loan_id')->join('profile', '', '=', 'loan_app.user_id')->select('bid_amount', 'pref_rate', 'term', 'purpose', 'fname', 'lname')->orderBy('bid_date', 'DESC')->get(); return View::make('myprofiles', compact('bids', 'pdata', 'fdata', 'results', 'loanApp')); /* return Redirect::route('myprofile'); */ }
public function previewContract($loan_id) { // Is what I did last night? I hope so, else I'm lost. $id = Auth::user()->id; $usermail = Auth::user()->email; $profile = UserProfile::where('id', '=', $id)->first(); // Retreive from the DB details about loan, where loanid = input for function and user_id = id of person logged in. // This should return object. $loan = DB::table('loan_app')->select('amount', 'term', 'pref_rate', 'purpose', 'progress', 'loan_id', 'match_date')->where('user_id', '=', $id)->where('loan_id', '=', $loan_id)->orderBy('match_date', 'DESC')->first(); // Run the getLenders function and store the returned value as $lenders. $lenders = $this->getLenders($loan_id); // If there is no value for lenders... if (empty($lenders)) { // fail and redirect somewhere else return Redirect::route('mytransaction')->with('message', 'Could not find lenders for this loan request'); } $contract = Contract::firstOrNew(array('offer_id' => Input::get('offer_id', $loan_id))); if (!$contract->getAttribute('offer_id')) { return Redirect::to('mytransaction')->with('message', 'No dice!'); } $success = null; $errors = array(); if (Request::isMethod('post')) { // update contract record with new status if (Input::get('i_agree') !== null) { $contract->setAttribute('status', 'complete'); if ($contract->save()) { $success = 'Your contract was finalised'; } else { $errors[] = 'Your contract was not finalised'; } } } $backurl = route('createContract', array($loan_id)); return View::make('previewContract', compact('loan', 'profile', 'success', 'errors', 'contract', 'lenders', 'backurl')); }
public function logHwork() { $id = Auth::user()->id; $usermail = Auth::user()->email; // $photos = Auth::user()->photos()->get(); $profile = UserProfile::where('id', '=', $id)->first(); $financial = FinancialProfile::where('user_id', $id)->first(); // think about cacahe below two queries $pdata = $profile->getProfile($id); // method defiend in its model return View::make('logHworks', compact('id', 'bids', 'pdata', 'fdata', 'loanApp', 'allLoan', 'age', 'comments')); }