예제 #1
if ($_GET) {
    if (isset($_GET['command'])) {
        switch ($_GET['command']) {
            case "insert":
                $id = $_GET['building'];
                $itemName = ResourceParser::Instance()->GetItemNameByID($id);
                $action = new UserAction($user);
                // Check if this is the first item to be inserted
                $count = BuildingBuildGroup::GetListCount($user->CurrentColony());
                $firstItem = false;
                if ($count == 0) {
                    $firstItem = true;
                // Only calculate commissioned time on first insertion
                $action->PurchaseBuildings(array($itemName), $firstItem);
            case "cancel":
                $id = $_GET['building'];
                $itemName = ResourceParser::Instance()->GetItemNameByID($id);
                $pos = $_GET['build_position'];
                $action = new UserAction($user);
                // Check if we want to delete the first item
                $firstItem = false;
                $visualPos = $_GET['viewposition'];
                if ($visualPos == 1) {
                    $firstItem = true;
                // Only recalculate commissioned time when first item is deleted
                $action->CancelBuildings(array($itemName), array($pos), $firstItem);