  * Reformat
  * Attempts to reformat a URL string to replace missing data parts,
  * IE if the URL does not have HTTP : or // prefixes,
  * @param string $url Url to format
  * @throws InvalidArgumentException If the URL string is empty
  * @return Returns an array containing the original and reformatted URL
  * if the new URL validates. Returns FALSE otherwise.
 public static function reformat($url)
     $url = trim($url);
     if (strlen($url) <= 0) {
         throw new \InvalidArgumentException('URL string cannot be empty.', 0);
     preg_match('/(http)?(:)?(\\/\\/)?(www.|www2.)?([a-zA-Z0-9-]{0,})?([.a-z]{3,4})?/i', $url, $matches);
     $prefix = strlen($matches[1]) < 4 ? 'http' : $matches[1];
     $colon = strlen($matches[2]) < 1 ? ':' : $matches[2];
     $slashes = strlen($matches[3]) < 2 ? '//' : $matches[3];
     // WWW  or www2 is not required for a valid URL so accept empty results
     $www = $matches[4];
     $primaryUrl = !isset($matches[5]) ? '' : $matches[5];
     $postfix = !isset($matches[6]) ? '.com' : $matches[6];
     $newUrl = $prefix . $colon . $slashes . $www . $primaryUrl . $postfix;
     if (UrlValidator::validate($newUrl)) {
         return array('original' => $url, 'url' => $newUrl);
     return false;