public static function get_json_from_lucene($url, $need_debug = true) { $logfile = APF::get_instance()->get_config("save_curltime_path"); $curl = curl_init($url); curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_HTTPHEADER, array("Content-type:text/xml; charset=utf-8")); curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, 1); curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_CONNECTTIMEOUT, 5); curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_TIMEOUT, 5); $start = microtime(true); $res = curl_exec($curl); $end = microtime(true); if (Uri_Curl::enable_save_curl() && $end - $start > 1) { $content = "time:" . ($end - $start) . " date:" . date('d H:i:s', time()) . " url:" . $url . "\n"; Uri_Curl::write_file($logfile, $content); } $info = curl_getinfo($curl); curl_close($curl); if ($need_debug) { APF::get_instance()->debug($url); } if ($info['http_code'] != 200) { return "[]"; } return $res; }
/** * Job执行逻辑 */ public function handle_request() { $mail = array('*****@*****.**', '*****@*****.**', '*****@*****.**', '*****@*****.**', '*****@*****.**'); $frozenList = Model_Payment_AcFreezen::data_access()->filter('freezeEffective', 1)->filter('appid', $this->appids)->filter_by_op('createTime', '<=', $this->errorTime)->get_all(); $re = $accountId = array(); if ($frozenList) { $this->setLog('今日共' . count($frozenList)); foreach ($frozenList as $frozen) { $word = $this->getWord($frozen['appid']); $re[$word['word']]['数量']++; $re[$word['word']]['金额'] += $frozen['amount']; $userInfo = Model_Payment_AjkUserAccount::data_access()->filter('accountId', $frozen['accountId'])->get_row(); if (!$userInfo['userId']) { continue; } $brokerInfo = Model_Broker_AjkBrokerExtend::data_access()->filter('userId', $userInfo['userId'])->get_row(); if (!$brokerInfo['brokerId']) { continue; } $brokerId = $brokerInfo['brokerId']; $accountId[$brokerId]['word'] = $word['word']; $accountId[$brokerId]['amount'] = $frozen['amount']; if ($this->dealFlag) { //解冻处理 $url = $this->acenterHost . 'acenter/interfaces/?action=use&account=' . $frozen['accountId'] . '&amount=0&frozen=' . $frozen['acBalanceId'] . '¬e=解冻金额&appid=' . $frozen['appid'] . '&appkey=' . $this->appInfo[$word['constWord']]['appKey'] . '&requestid=' . date('YmdHis') . mt_rand(0, 1000) . $frozen['accountId']; $result = Uri_Curl::get_curl($url); $this->setLog($url); $this->setLog($result); if ($result['result']) { //解冻成功,call @马荟的查询余额接口进行数据修复 $balanceUrl = $this->proxyHost . 'service-exes/rest/exes/inquiry?json&appId=23&appKey=' . $this->appInfo['ajk_bid']['appKey'] . '&account=' . $frozen['accountId']; $reBalance = Uri_Curl::get_curl($balanceUrl); $this->setLog($balanceUrl); $this->setLog($reBalance); $this->setLog('account: ' . $frozen['accountId'] . ' ,业务: ' . $word['word'] . ' ,amount: ' . $frozen['amount'] . ' ,serialNumber: ' . $frozen['acBalanceId']); } } } $str = '<table border="1"><tr><td>业务类型</td><td>数量</td><td>金额</td></tr>'; foreach ($re as $wr => $ac) { $str .= '<tr><td>' . $wr . '</td><td>' . $ac['数量'] . '</td><td>' . $ac['金额'] . '</td></tr>'; } $str .= '</table><br /><br /><table border="1"><tr><td>业务类型</td><td>经纪人ID</td><td>金额</td></tr>'; foreach ($accountId as $brokerId => $ac) { $str .= '<tr><td>' . $ac['word'] . '</td><td>' . $brokerId . '</td><td>' . $ac['amount'] . '</td></tr>'; } $str .= '</table>'; $this->send_mail($mail, '有问题的冻结共 ' . count($frozenList), $str); return true; } else { $this->send_mail($mail, '今天没有有问题的冻结', '今天没有有问题的冻结'); return true; } }
public function handle_request() { if (empty($this->cityid)) { return; } $brokers = array(); $dao = Model_Plan_AjkPropspread::data_access(); if ($this->brokerid) { $dao->filter('brokerId', $this->brokerid); } $dao->filter('cityId', $this->cityid); $dao->filter('status', array(1, 11)); $datas = $dao->find(); foreach ($datas as $data) { if (isset($brokers[$data['brokerId']])) { continue; } $result = Uri_Curl::get($this->url . 'user/broker/transformmoney', array('id' => $data['brokerId'], 'status' => 5)); printf('[%s]开始处理二手房: 城市ID为%s的历史数据,brokerId为 %s,处理结果:%s' . PHP_EOL, date('Y-m-d H:i:s'), $data['cityId'], $data['brokerId'], $result); $brokers[$data['brokerId']] = 1; } }
public function handle_request() { $brokers = array(); $dao = Model_Plan_HzPlanBasic::data_access(); if ($this->brokerid) { $insql = 'a.user_id=? and '; $params = array($this->brokerid, $this->cityid); } else { $insql = ''; $params = array($this->cityid); } $datas = $dao->native_sql('SELECT DISTINCT(a.user_id) AS user_id FROM rent_db.promotion_planning_basic AS a LEFT JOIN rent_db.promotion_prop_planning AS b ON WHERE ' . $insql . ' b.`city_id`=? AND a.plan_type=2 AND a.`status`=1 AND b.is_valid=1;', $params); foreach ($datas as $data) { $brokerid = $data['user_id']; if (isset($brokers[$brokerid])) { continue; } $result = Uri_Curl::get($this->url . 'zufang/api/broker/transformmoney', array('userid' => $brokerid, 'status' => 5)); printf('[%s]开始处理租房: brokerId为 %s,处理结果:%s' . PHP_EOL, date('Y-m-d H:i:s'), $brokerid, $result); $brokers[$brokerid] = 1; } }
public function handle_request() { $brokers = array(); $dao = Model_Plan_Jp::data_access(); if ($this->brokerid) { $dao->filter('memberId', $this->brokerid); } $dao->filter('cityId', $this->cityid); $dao->filter('type', 2); $dao->filter('status', 2); $dao->filter('isDelete', '0'); $datas = $dao->find(); foreach ($datas as $data) { $brokerid = $data['memberId']; if (isset($brokers[$brokerid])) { continue; } $result = Uri_Curl::get($this->url . 'jinpu/api/choice/brokerprop', array('brokerid' => $brokerid, 'status' => 5)); printf('[%s]开始处理金铺: brokerId为 %s,处理结果:%s' . PHP_EOL, date('Y-m-d H:i:s'), $brokerid, $result); $brokers[$brokerid] = 1; } }
public function handle_request() { $brokerid = $this->getOption('brokerid'); $cityId = 11; printf('[%s] lastLogId: %s, start: %s, end: %s' . PHP_EOL, date('Y-m-d H:i:s'), $this->lastLogId, $this->start, $this->end); if (!isset($brokerid)) { $brokerid = 0; } $brokerInfos = Model_Broker_AjkBrokerExtend::getBrokerInfoByCityId($cityId, $this->lastLogId, $this->pageSize, $brokerid, 'K'); if (empty($brokerInfos)) { printf('[%s] remark: %s' . PHP_EOL, date('Y-m-d H:i:s'), '任务执行完成.'); $this->setStop(); $this->setShStopFlag(); exit; } foreach ($brokerInfos as $brokerInfo) { if ($cityId != $brokerInfo->cityId) { continue; } $this->lastLogId = $brokerInfo->brokerId; $brokers = Model_Broker_MainBusiness::getMainBusinessByAjkBrokerId($brokerInfo->brokerId); if (empty($brokers)) { echo "no data! \r\n"; } else { if ($brokers->ajkBrokerid) { printf('[%s]开始处理二手房: 城市ID为%s的历史数据,brokerId为%s' . PHP_EOL, date('Y-m-d H:i:s'), $cityId, $brokers->ajkBrokerid); //请求二手房API,处理竞价历史数据 $result = Uri_Curl::get($this->url . 'user/broker/transformmoney', array('id' => $brokers->ajkBrokerid, 'status' => 5)); printf('[%s]开始处理二手房: 城市ID为%s的历史数据,brokerId为%s,处理结果:%s' . PHP_EOL, date('Y-m-d H:i:s'), $cityId, $brokers->ajkBrokerid, $result); } if ($brokers->hzBrokerid) { printf('[%s]开始处理租房: 城市ID为%s的历史数据,brokerId为%s' . PHP_EOL, date('Y-m-d H:i:s'), $cityId, $brokers->ajkBrokerid); //请求租房API,处理竞价历史数据 $result = Uri_Curl::get($this->url . 'zufang/api/broker/transformmoney', array('id' => $brokers->ajkBrokerid, 'status' => 5)); printf('[%s]开始处理租房: 城市ID为%s的历史数据,brokerId为%s,处理结果:%s' . PHP_EOL, date('Y-m-d H:i:s'), $cityId, $brokers->ajkBrokerid, $result); } if ($brokers->jpBrokerid) { printf('[%s]开始处理商业地产: 城市ID为%s的历史数据,brokerId为%s' . PHP_EOL, date('Y-m-d H:i:s'), $cityId, $brokers->ajkBrokerid); //请求商业地产API,处理竞价历史数据 $result = Uri_Curl::get($this->url . 'jinpu/api/choice/brokerprop', array('brokerid' => $brokers->jpBrokerid, 'status' => 5)); printf('[%s]开始处理商业地产: 城市ID为%s的历史数据,brokerId为%s,处理结果:%s' . PHP_EOL, date('Y-m-d H:i:s'), $cityId, $brokers->ajkBrokerid, $result); } sleep(1); } } $params = array('cityId' => $cityId, 'lastLogId' => $this->lastLogId); $this->setFlag($params); }