예제 #1
/** */
function wfGetType($filename, $safe = true)
    global $wgTrivialMimeDetection;
    $ext = strrchr($filename, '.');
    $ext = $ext === false ? '' : strtolower(substr($ext, 1));
    # trivial detection by file extension,
    # used for thumbnails (thumb.php)
    if ($wgTrivialMimeDetection) {
        switch ($ext) {
            case 'gif':
                return 'image/gif';
            case 'png':
                return 'image/png';
            case 'jpg':
                return 'image/jpeg';
            case 'jpeg':
                return 'image/jpeg';
        return 'unknown/unknown';
    $magic = MimeMagic::singleton();
    // Use the extension only, rather than magic numbers, to avoid opening
    // up vulnerabilities due to uploads of files with allowed extensions
    // but disallowed types.
    $type = $magic->guessTypesForExtension($ext);
     * Double-check some security settings that were done on upload but might 
     * have changed since.
    if ($safe) {
        global $wgFileBlacklist, $wgCheckFileExtensions, $wgStrictFileExtensions, $wgFileExtensions, $wgVerifyMimeType, $wgMimeTypeBlacklist, $wgRequest;
        $form = new UploadForm($wgRequest);
        list($partName, $extList) = $form->splitExtensions($filename);
        if ($form->checkFileExtensionList($extList, $wgFileBlacklist)) {
            return 'unknown/unknown';
        if ($wgCheckFileExtensions && $wgStrictFileExtensions && !$form->checkFileExtensionList($extList, $wgFileExtensions)) {
            return 'unknown/unknown';
        if ($wgVerifyMimeType && in_array(strtolower($type), $wgMimeTypeBlacklist)) {
            return 'unknown/unknown';
    return $type;
예제 #2
파일: work.php 프로젝트: Tjorriemorrie/app
 function processUpload()
     global $wgUser, $wgOut, $wgLang, $wgContLang;
     global $wgUploadDirectory;
     global $wgUseCopyrightUpload, $wgCheckCopyrightUpload;
     global $up;
      * If there was no filename or a zero size given, give up quick.
     if (trim($this->mOname) == '' || empty($this->mUploadSize)) {
         return $this->mainUploadForm('<li>' . wfMsg('emptyfile') . '</li>');
     # Chop off any directories in the given filename
     if ($this->mDestFile) {
         $basename = basename($this->mDestFile);
     } else {
         $basename = basename($this->mOname);
      * We'll want to blacklist against *any* 'extension', and use
      * only the final one for the whitelist.
     list($partname, $ext) = UploadForm::splitExtensions($basename);
     if (count($ext)) {
         $finalExt = $ext[count($ext) - 1];
     } else {
         $finalExt = '';
     $fullExt = implode('.', $ext);
     if (strlen($partname) < 3) {
         #$this->mainUploadForm( wfMsg( 'minlength' ) );
         return wfMsg('minlength') . " <b>" . $basename . "</b><br><br>";
      * Filter out illegal characters, and try to make a legible name
      * out of it. We'll strip some silently that Title would die on.
     $filtered = preg_replace("/[^" . Title::legalChars() . "]|:/", '-', $basename);
     $nt = Title::newFromText($filtered);
     if (is_null($nt)) {
         #return $this->uploadError( wfMsg( 'illegalfilename', htmlspecialchars( $filtered ) ) );
         return wfMsg('illegalfilename', htmlspecialchars($filtered));
     $nt =& Title::makeTitle(NS_IMAGE, $nt->getDBkey());
     $this->mUploadSaveName = $nt->getDBkey();
      * If the image is protected, non-sysop users won't be able
      * to modify it by uploading a new revision.
     if (!$nt->userCanEdit()) {
         return wfMsg('protectedpage') . " <b>" . $basename . "</b><br><br>";
     /* Don't allow users to override the blacklist (check file extension) */
     global $wgStrictFileExtensions;
     global $wgFileExtensions, $wgFileBlacklist;
     if (UploadForm::checkFileExtensionList($ext, $wgFileBlacklist) || $wgStrictFileExtensions && !UploadForm::checkFileExtension($finalExt, $wgFileExtensions)) {
         #return $this->uploadError( wfMsg( 'badfiletype', htmlspecialchars( $fullExt ) ) );
         return wfMsg('badfiletype', htmlspecialchars($fullExt) . " - <b>" . $basename . "</b><br><br>");
      * Look at the contents of the file; if we can recognize the
      * type but it's corrupt or data of the wrong type, we should
      * probably not accept it.
     if (!$this->mStashed) {
         $veri = $up->verify($this->mUploadTempName, $finalExt);
         if ($veri !== true) {
             //it's a wiki error...
             return $this->uploadError($veri->toString());
      * Check for non-fatal conditions
     if (!$this->mIgnoreWarning) {
         $warning = '';
         global $wgCapitalLinks;
         if ($wgCapitalLinks) {
             $filtered = ucfirst($filtered);
         if ($this->mUploadSaveName != $filtered) {
             $warning .= '<li>' . wfMsg('badfilename', htmlspecialchars($this->mUploadSaveName)) . '</li>';
         global $wgCheckFileExtensions;
         if ($wgCheckFileExtensions) {
             if (!$up->checkFileExtension($finalExt, $wgFileExtensions)) {
                 $warning .= '<li>' . wfMsg('badfiletype', htmlspecialchars($fullExt)) . '</li>';
         global $wgUploadSizeWarning;
         if ($wgUploadSizeWarning && $this->mUploadSize > $wgUploadSizeWarning) {
             # TODO: Format $wgUploadSizeWarning to something that looks better than the raw byte
             # value, perhaps add GB,MB and KB suffixes?
             $warning .= '<li>' . wfMsg('largefile', $wgUploadSizeWarning, $this->mUploadSize) . '</li>';
         if ($this->mUploadSize == 0) {
             $warning .= '<li>' . wfMsg('emptyfile') . '</li>';
         if ($nt->getArticleID()) {
             global $wgUser;
             $sk = $wgUser->getSkin();
             $dlink = $sk->makeKnownLinkObj($nt);
             $warning .= '<li>' . wfMsg('fileexists', $dlink) . '</li>';
         if ($warning != '') {
              * Stash the file in a temporary location; the user can choose
              * to let it through and we'll complete the upload then.
             return $warning . "<br />";
      * Try actually saving the thing...
      * It will show an error form on failure.
     if ($up->saveUploadedFile($this->mUploadSaveName, $this->mUploadTempName, !empty($this->mSessionKey))) {
          * Update the upload log and create the description page
          * if it's a new file.
         #$img = Image::newFromName( $this->mUploadSaveName );
         $success = $this->recordUpload($this->mUploadOldVersion, $this->mUploadDescription, $this->mUploadCopyStatus, $this->mUploadSource, $this->mWatchthis);
         if ($success) {
             # $this->showSuccess();
             # AWC - Edit...
             global $wgUser;
             $sk = $wgUser->getSkin();
             $dlink = $sk->makeKnownLinkObj($nt);
             return wfMsg('fileuploaded', $this->mUploadSaveName, $dlink) . "<br><br>";
         } else {
             // Image::recordUpload() fails if the image went missing, which is
             // unlikely, hence the lack of a specialised message