function exeUpdate() { if (isset($_POST['intro_submit'])) { $id = Request::post('id'); $content = Request::post('content'); $this->model->updateIntro($id, $content); } Until::redirectTo('intro'); }
function exeDelete() { if ((int) Request::get('id') > 0) { $this->model->remove((int) Request::get('id')); } if (Request::post('check') != null) { $delete = Request::post('check'); foreach ($delete as $value) { $this->model->remove((int) $value); } } Until::redirectTo('feedback'); }
function exeDetail() { $id = (int) Request::get('service'); $data = array(); $data['service'] = $this->model->selectOne($id); if (empty($data['service'])) { Until::redirectTo('services'); } if ($id > 0) { Document::setTitle($data['service']['feature']); $art = $this->loadArticle(); $data['article'] = $art->selectAll(0, 20, '`service_id`="' . $data['service']['id'] . '"'); $data['detail'] = BASE_URL . '/article/Article?article='; $this->view->render('detail', $data); } else { Until::redirectTo('services'); } }
public function checkLogin() { if (Session::get('user') == null) { if (Router::$controller != 'login') { Until::redirectTo('login'); } else { $this->index(); } } else { if (Router::$controller == 'login' && Router::$action == 'logout') { $this->index(); return true; } if (Session::get('user')['user_type'] == 7) { $this->index(); return true; } else { $this->checkRole(Session::get('user')['id']); } } }
function exeAdd() { $id = (int) Session::get('user')['id']; if ($id > 0) { $error = ''; if (!empty($_FILES)) { $upload = new Upload('file'); $upload->setFileExtension('jpg|jepg|png|gif'); $upload->setUploadDir('public/uploads/members/'); $upload->setFileSize(2048); $e = $upload->getError(); if (!empty($e)) { foreach ($e as $value) { $error .= $value . '<br />'; } } if ($error != '') { $message = '<div class="album" status="true"><p class="red">' . $error . '</p></div>'; } else { $imageName = Convert::makeLink($_FILES['file']['name']); $imageLink = $upload->uploads($imageName); $id = $this->model->add(Session::get('user')['username'], $imageName, $imageLink); $message = '<div class="album" imageId="' . $id . '"> <img src="' . BASE_URL . '/' . $imageLink . '" alt="' . $imageName . '" class="imgage" /> <span class="img-delete" imageId="' . $id . '" title="Xoá ảnh này">X</span> <p>Ngày đăng: ' . date('d-m-Y H:i', time()) . '</p> </div>'; } } else { $message = '<div class="album" status="true"><p class="red">Bạn chưa chọn file</p></div>'; } echo $message; } else { Until::redirectTo(); } }
function exeInsert() { if (Request::post('submit') != null) { $fullname = Request::post('fullname'); $email = Request::post('email'); $content = Request::post('content'); $captcha = Request::post('captcha'); $error = ''; if ($fullname == null) { $error .= 'Bạn chưa nhập họ tên. <br />'; } if ($email == null) { $error .= 'Bạn chưa nhập email.<br />'; } elseif (Validate::email($email) != true) { $error .= 'Email của bạn không đúng.<br />'; } if (strlen($content) < 50) { $error .= 'Nội dung phải lớn hơn 50 ký tự.<br />'; } if ($captcha != Session::get('captcha')) { $error .= 'Bạn nhập mã bảo vệ không đúng. <br />'; } if ($error == '') { $this->model->add($fullname, $email, $content); $data['error'] = $data['content'] = $data['email'] = $data['fullname'] = ''; $data['success'] = '<p class="success">Cảm ơn bạn đã gửi ý kiến.</p>'; Session::set('feedback', $data); } else { $data = $_POST; $data['error'] = '<p class="error">' . $error . '</p>'; $data['success'] = ''; Session::set('feedback', $data); } } Until::redirectTo('feedback'); }
function exeUpdate() { if (Request::post('submit') == null) { Until::redirectTo('acl'); } else { $id = Request::post('id'); $module = Request::post('module'); $action = Request::post('action'); $description = Request::post('description'); if ($module == null || $action == null || $description == null) { Session::set('acl', $_POST); Until::redirectTo('acl/edit?id=' . $id); } else { $this->model->edit($id, $module, $action, $description); Until::redirectTo('acl'); } } }
function exeDetail() { $id = (int) Request::get('message'); if ($id > 0) { Document::setJs(array('message')); Document::setTitle('Tin nhắn'); $this->read($id); $data = $this->model->selectOne($id); if (empty($data)) { Until::redirectTo('message'); } $data['reply'] = BASE_URL . '/message/reply?message='; $data['imageReply'] = BASE_URL . '/public/css/images/email-reply-icon.png'; $data['delete'] = BASE_URL . '/message/delete?message='; $data['imageDelete'] = BASE_URL . '/public/css/images/trash.png'; $this->view->render('detail', $data); } else { Until::redirectTo('message'); } }
function exeDelete() { $id = (int) Request::get('id'); if ($id > 0) { $this->model->remove($id); } Until::redirectTo('recharge'); }
function exeChangeAvatar() { $id = (int) Session::get('user')['id']; if ($id > 0) { $error = ''; if (!empty($_FILES)) { $upload = new Upload('file'); $upload->setFileExtension('jpg|jepg|png|gif'); $upload->setUploadDir('public/uploads/avatar/'); $upload->setFileSize(1024); $e = $upload->getError(); if (!empty($e)) { foreach ($e as $value) { $error .= $value . '<br />'; } } if ($error != '') { $message = '<p class="red">' . $error . '</p>'; } else { $imageName = Convert::makeLink($_FILES['file']['name']); $imageLink = $upload->uploads($imageName); $this->model->changeAvatar(Session::get('user')['id'], $imageLink); if (Session::get('user')['avatar'] != 'public/uploads/members/member-1.png' || Session::get('user')['avatar'] != 'public/uploads/members/member-1.png') { if (file_exists(Session::get('user')['avatar'])) { unlink(Session::get('user')['avatar']); } } $data = Session::get('user'); $data['avatar'] = $imageLink; Session::set('user', $data); $message = '1'; } } else { $message = '<p class="red">Bạn chưa chọn file</p>'; } echo $message; } else { Until::redirectTo(); } }
function exeDelete() { if ((int) Request::get('id') > 0) { $data = $this->model->selectOne((int) Request::get('id')); if (!empty($data)) { $ordinal = $data['ordinal']; $condition = '`ordinal` > ' . $ordinal . ' AND `parent_id` = ' . Request::post('parent_id'); $this->model->ordinalUpdate($condition, true); $this->model->remove((int) Request::get('id')); } } Until::redirectTo('services'); }
function exeLoadType() { $userId = (int) Request::post('userId'); if ($userId > 0) { $data = $this->model->loadType($userId); $type = array('0' => 'Khoá', '2' => 'Thành viên'); if (Session::get('user')['user_type'] == 7) { $type['4'] = 'Mod'; } if (Session::get('user')['user_type'] > $data['user_type']) { echo '<form name="editType" method="post"><p>'; echo '<p>Nhóm thành viên</p>'; foreach ($type as $key => $value) { if ($key == $data['user_type']) { echo '<label class="label_radio"><input type="radio" name="editType" value="' . $key . '" checked="checked" />' . $value . '</label>'; } else { echo '<label class="label_radio"><input type="radio" name="editType" value="' . $key . '" />' . $value . '</label>'; } } echo '<input type="hidden" name="id" value="' . $userId . '" />'; echo '</p><p><label class="label_text"></label><input class="input_submit" type="button" name="submitType" value="Thay đổi"></p>'; echo '</form>'; } else { echo '<p class="error">Bạn không có quyền với user này</p>'; } } else { Until::redirectTo(); } }
public function exeService() { if ((int) Request::get('id') > 0) { $service = $this->LoadService(); $sv = $service->SelectOne((int) Request::get('id')); if (empty($sv)) { Until::redirectTo('error'); } else { $data = array(); $data['services'] = $sv['feature']; $id = $sv['id']; $data['id'] = $id; $data['title'] = BASE_URL_ADMIN . '/article/service?id=' . $id; Document::setTitle($sv['feature']); Document::setJs(array('jquery-1.8.3.min', 'ask-delete', 'jconfirmaction.jquery')); $condition = "`service_id`='" . $id . "'"; $keySearch = Request::get('keySearch'); $find = Request::get('find'); $searchTitle = ''; $searchAuthor = ''; if ($find == 'title') { $searchTitle = 'selected="selected"'; } elseif ($find == 'author') { $searchAuthor = 'selected="selected"'; } $link = '?id=' . $id . '&'; $data['searchTitle'] = $searchTitle; $data['searchAuthor'] = $searchAuthor; $data['keySearch'] = $keySearch; if ($keySearch != null) { $link = 'keySearch=' . $keySearch . '&'; if ($searchTitle != '') { $condition .= " AND LOWER(`title`) like '%" . strtolower($keySearch) . "%'"; } else { $condition .= "AND LOWER(`author`) like '%" . strtolower($keySearch) . "%'"; } if ($find == 'author') { $link .= 'find=' . $find . '&'; } } $display = 20; $totalPage = ceil($this->model->total($condition) / $display); if ((int) Request::get('page') > 0) { $page = Request::get('page'); if ($totalPage < $page) { $page = $totalPage; } } else { $page = 1; } $pageLink = new Paging($page, $totalPage); $data['pagination'] = $pageLink->pagination($link); $data['article'] = $this->model->selectAll(($page - 1) * $display, $display, $condition); $data['add'] = BASE_URL_ADMIN . '/article/add?service=' . $id; $data['actionDelete'] = BASE_URL_ADMIN . '/article/delete'; $data['detail'] = BASE_URL_ADMIN . '/article/detail?id='; $data['edit'] = BASE_URL_ADMIN . '/article/edit?id='; $data['imageEdit'] = BASE_URL . '/public/css/images/white_edit.png'; $data['delete'] = BASE_URL_ADMIN . '/article/delete?id='; $data['imageDelete'] = BASE_URL . '/public/css/images/trash.png'; $this->view->render('service', $data); } } else { Until::redirectTo('error'); } }
function exeCheck() { if (Session::get('user') != null) { Until::redirectTo(); } }
function exeDelete() { $id = Request::get('id'); if ($id > 0) { $this->model->remove($id); } Until::redirectTo('support'); }
function exeDelete() { $id = (int) Request::get('id'); if ($id > 0) { $data = $this->model->selectOne($id); if (!empty($data)) { $ordinal = $data['ordinal']; $condition = '`ordinal` > ' . $ordinal; $this->model->ordinalUpdate($condition, true); $this->model->remove($id); } } $check = Request::post('check'); if ($check != null) { foreach ($check as $id) { if ($id > 0) { $data = $this->model->selectOne($id); if (!empty($data)) { $ordinal = $data['ordinal']; $condition = '`ordinal` > ' . $ordinal; $this->model->ordinalUpdate($condition, true); $this->model->remove($id); } } } } Until::redirectTo('province'); }